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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 351

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lostaccount   Canada. Sep 11 2024 05:22. Posts 6120

Poll: Who do u want to win
(Vote): Trump
(Vote): Harris
(Vote): Hope they both lose

duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xie 

PuertoRican   United States. Sep 11 2024 05:55. Posts 13090

  On September 11 2024 04:22 lostaccount wrote:

Poll: Who do u want to win
(Vote): Trump
(Vote): Harris
(Vote): Hope they both lose

As a public school teacher, I didn't experience any negative side effects when Trump was president.

While I vote for Democrats, I only do so because they usually do more for the field of education. If Republicans were known for helping out education the most, then I'd have no problem voting for them.

Basically, I don't care who wins. They're all puppets in the end.

Rekrul is a newb 

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 11 2024 08:37. Posts 34260

and Mexico is done, socialists again turned a semi-functional country into a socialist dictatorship, they dismantled the judiciary branch and now they have total control of it, it was the last independent institution left, they militarized the country, dismantled the electorate institute, they have super majority in the house and senate, we are done.

If you think migration is a problem you have no clue whats coming, the exodus of Mexicans to the US will soon beging, I foresee very serious social tension in the US because of this.

Never vote left ppl, they will destroy your country like they did mine

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 12 2024 03:15. Posts 5326

  On September 11 2024 04:22 lostaccount wrote:

Poll: Who do u want to win
(Vote): Trump
(Vote): Harris
(Vote): Hope they both lose

Politics is mostly about shifting society in a certain direction rather than voting homie. The obsession around voting is one of the most toxic ideologies in modern politics. But I mean its a slam dunk for Harris if I lived there. She is essentially like Biden-a vote against potential fascism at this point. I wouldn't really agree with much of her tax policy and the main thing is people need to be bought to justice for their tax evasion, then can go from there. People need to free themselves from their ideology on how taxes are government theft for society to start realizing the common good. Until that happens, rich people will always dominate and exploit us.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 12/09/2024 03:22

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Sep 12 2024 08:55. Posts 8918

Checking on LP after almost a decade, Baal still fighting with Loco

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 12 2024 10:12. Posts 5326

  On September 12 2024 07:55 EvilSky wrote:
Checking on LP after almost a decade, Baal still fighting with Loco

Eh not really, people hardly post here anymore.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Sep 12 2024 10:55. Posts 8918

I dont doubt it, people hardly posted back in 2016 so its not like I was expecting the traffic to go up since. But its cool there is at least some folks left

lostaccount   Canada. Sep 13 2024 00:19. Posts 6120

lol dang a decade, what have u been up 2 these years. nice to have u back -_-
haha a blog post is in order with updates would be cool

duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xieLast edit: 13/09/2024 00:20

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 13 2024 05:39. Posts 34260

  On September 12 2024 07:55 EvilSky wrote:
Checking on LP after almost a decade, Baal still fighting with Loco

holding the fort

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Sep 13 2024 19:15. Posts 8918

  On September 12 2024 23:19 lostaccount wrote:
lol dang a decade, what have u been up 2 these years. nice to have u back -_-
haha a blog post is in order with updates would be cool

nah I dont think there is enough there for a blogpost. I think similiar to a lot of people who quit poker Ive been at a normie office job for the last 6 or so years. Somehow I remembered I still had some money on a poker site so Ive been playing some low stakes for fun and got nostalgic about this place, decided to come and bump the Looks or Game thread (forgot it got locked years ago ) then just came here to say hi

lostaccount   Canada. Sep 13 2024 21:16. Posts 6120

I c, well hope u have a great life mate

duo xie merci ty :) gracais obrigado danke xie xie 

YoMeR   United States. Sep 13 2024 21:21. Posts 12438

  On September 11 2024 07:37 Baalim wrote:
and Mexico is done, socialists again turned a semi-functional country into a socialist dictatorship, they dismantled the judiciary branch and now they have total control of it, it was the last independent institution left, they militarized the country, dismantled the electorate institute, they have super majority in the house and senate, we are done.

If you think migration is a problem you have no clue whats coming, the exodus of Mexicans to the US will soon beging, I foresee very serious social tension in the US because of this.

Never vote left ppl, they will destroy your country like they did mine

I think the root of the issue is extremism bleeding into every facet of society. Doesn't matter which way it leans. Extremism is bat shit insane either way and highly damaging to society as a whole.

Social media has made that extreme ideology more mainstream and continues to give those loud minorities a voice.

eZ Life. 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 14 2024 03:25. Posts 5326

If you know anything about history, the politics at the centre gives way to extreme ideas over time. So extremist views are not necessarily a bad thing. I don't agree with a lot of current extreme positions, but its not true that extremism is always a bad thing. For example 70 years ago, communism, homosexuality, hysteria were both mental disorders in western society. Also Harvard professors thought you were a bit of a moron if you promoted theory of evolution, and they thought biology was so malleable that they tried to teach monkeys to speak english (lol!). Its always been true that the centre is extreme a few decades or centuries down the line.

Currently the political centre and/or the mainstream is completely insane. Universities have promoted luke-warmist climate change denial in the social sciences along the lines of 'we should implement at most a very small carbon tax and go no further on climate change'. Which has the consequence of destroying a large part of civilization; the Sahel region in Africa, India and Pacific Islands will cease to be civilized places by the end of the century because of that one belief that's been promoted. This centrist ideology has been used to legitimize inaction on climate change. So, to me the centre is batshit insane, basically always been but its even worse now than historically, and as for extremism it depends which kind. Most extremism looks pretty bad to me.

Its not really possible to change peoples minds on twitter, tiktok, or facebook because of the medium (short text, short videos, short attention span). I think it is on reddit but one has to try really hard. Im kinda hoping the internet's all round shittyness as of late forces people to go outside and talk to each other. I don't really think the social media is even a place where people have coherent political positions. The people on there are just being used for their behavioral value, to be turned into profit. And getting them fired up over things is similar to how a farmer puts fertilizer in their crops. It increases the yield.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 14/09/2024 03:37

CurbStomp2   Finland. Sep 14 2024 19:19. Posts 262

RiKD    United States. Sep 16 2024 03:50. Posts 8850

I really enjoyed Succession and that theme my God.

Trump family not so much.


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