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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 38

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 15 2017 15:52. Posts 9634

Nah you re just a guy that sees the world in extremes, thats the problem

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 15 2017 23:45. Posts 34270

  On February 14 2017 21:20 lebowski wrote:
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I know we've talked about this before in another thread.
Are you certain that a feminist who supports Islam -by claiming it is something that it really isn't- has a more negative effect than people who say bridges must be burned and the situation should be polarized to the point that if Islam exists the rest of the world should have nothing to do with? I don't know man
Because Islam won't go anywhere and one could argue that sneakily trying to change the worst parts of its nature is preferable to creating the circumstances for a form of religious war, especially when the massive majority of the people to go against it are religious themselves (in religions that have been watered down somehow).

No 3rd wave feminist doesnt care about burning bridges, their rhetoric is extremely aggressive towards pretty much anything in the western culture and they even canibalize themselves, like telling white women to step aside on the womens march etc.

When they are confronted about the backwardness of supporting a deeply misognistic culture like Islam their responsa is that its not our place to judge other cultures and that is patronizing to do so, that is ridiculous, Its certainly not an attempt of diplomacy, its simply hypocricy.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

uiCk   Canada. Feb 16 2017 01:32. Posts 3521

Baal care to give me more in-depth answer on why your stance on Feminism is so overtly negative?
I have hard time conceptualizing how Feminism has/does damage to society in a meaningful way?
I get other concepts lead to war, poverty, deaths, etc. And I get the sense you seem to rank "new wave feminism" in same basket as other detrimental movements (extremism, racism, fachism etc)

Above post for example, you use "extremely aggressive" and "canibalize themselves" to describe them, and basically accuse them of hypocrisy, and your anger seems to be disportional.

From my POV, I see feminism as result of economic reforms and industrialization looking for a bigger labour market, where prior generation (men) changed the definition of women and their roles in society to add them to the "real" labour force.

I'm not looking for an argument, want to understand your perception and generally curious of root causes of anti feminism (outside of Morts POV on feminism and how they are stealing our testosterone)

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 16/02/2017 01:36

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 16 2017 07:10. Posts 34270

I dont think you are very familiar with actual 3rd wave feminist activism or you wouldnt be asking these questions.

Its very entwined with the social justice warrior movement, which basically denies any biological difference between women and men, they believe our choices of things like what major to study is all society based, and there is no difference between a male and female brain, it also denies biological gender.

It is a movement victim on victimhood, so its a contest to see who had it worse and you can lash out against more "privileged groups" while CIS males being the ultimate evil, but as I mentioned earlier, black women bitch about white women privilege thus demanded from them to take a back seat in the womens march because being imaginary discriminated against becomes power within this kind of thinking.

It claims to be about equallity and that is obvious bullshit, it has never asked for equal sexes representation in positions with brutal hard poorly paid labor, but you wont stop hearing about the CEO disparity, they will complain about trivial women issues like cat calling non-stop yet will never mention all the problems men suffer in great disparity, like suicida, homelessness, divorce results, being victims of violent crimes more often than women, bieng murdered more etc, its all a hypocritical misandry that claims to be one thing that its not, and alllies with others victims of white patriarchy like Islam despise the obvious ideological contradictions

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 16/02/2017 07:12

uiCk   Canada. Feb 16 2017 08:00. Posts 3521

So what is their impact exactly? Indirectly supporting terrorism related deaths and supporting oppressive regimes around the world?

I'm just trying to wrap around this idea, of these people I only read about, yet never actually met, that they are somehow responsible for human sufferring around the globe, as you seem to imply. And I live in SJW country, Canada.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 18 2017 05:12. Posts 5121

I was playing a live poker tournament/53 man sitngoe tonight (got 5th for 500$ K6 < JJ T_T) and interestingly enough: my table started to talk about Sweden and all the problems they have with immigration and Islam (No, I did not bring up the subject). Everyone agreed that the swedish government is crazy. All 9. Must be a big coincidence that 9 racists draw the same table...

I was smiling to myself, thinking about this thread and how people are viewed as "extremist" for holding these beliefes and opinons a lot of places. So many feel this way obviously. Especially the swedish gentleman at the table.

Have a good night everyone

:DLast edit: 18/02/2017 05:16

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 18 2017 06:31. Posts 34270

  On February 16 2017 07:00 uiCk wrote:
So what is their impact exactly? Indirectly supporting terrorism related deaths and supporting oppressive regimes around the world?

I'm just trying to wrap around this idea, of these people I only read about, yet never actually met, that they are somehow responsible for human sufferring around the globe, as you seem to imply. And I live in SJW country, Canada.

Feminists belong to a broader group, the regressive left, and why this people and ideology is dangerous is because it holds victimhood as the ultimate virtue, it values feelings over facts, it silences free speech in the pursue of protecting them and lately it incites actual violence to stop what they deem hateful speech.

What quantifiable and visible harm they have done to the world? Well uncontrolled migration is already pretty messy in many countries in Europe, and they have made just mentioning the topic a taboo, you cannot have a reasonable discussion about migration, the pros and cons because you are instantly labeled a racist and fascist, so people who disagree let those ideas fester inside and are easy prey for the nationalism movement as I've repeated many times.

So ironically SJW brought Brexit, put Trump in the white house and are on the way to securing an 8 year term, and will also hand over Europe to nationalist parties.

They are pursuing legislation (and obtaining it in your country and others) to broader hate-speech definitions, again ironically anti-fascists subverting free speech, they "made" Obama talk about the non-existent wage gap, they "made" Trudeau say that "Poverty is sexist towards women" when its the opposite.

They punched a Nazi in the face and they said it was a good thing to do, so then they called Milo, a conservative gay jew also a Nazi and went violent again, now they are calling fucking PewDiePie a Nazi too because he made a joke.

They had a woman who wants Sharia law in the US lead the women march or whatever the fuck that idiotic thing was, they say the hijab is empowering and that Islam is a religion of peace.


And you must live in a cave if you havent met anyone who is a SJW, exactly yesterday a gay acquaintance in facebook posted defending Sharia law, a law that would literally throw him off the roof top of a tall building

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

nolan   Ireland. Feb 18 2017 09:38. Posts 6205

  On February 18 2017 04:12 VanDerMeyde wrote:
I was playing a live poker tournament/53 man sitngoe tonight (got 5th for 500$ K6 < JJ T_T) and interestingly enough: my table started to talk about Sweden and all the problems they have with immigration and Islam (No, I did not bring up the subject). Everyone agreed that the swedish government is crazy. All 9. Must be a big coincidence that 9 racists draw the same table...

I was smiling to myself, thinking about this thread and how people are viewed as "extremist" for holding these beliefes and opinons a lot of places. So many feel this way obviously. Especially the swedish gentleman at the table.

Have a good night everyone

It's pretty bizarre how out of touch the 'media class' is from the average person. I consider myself fairly centrist but I have a lot of acquaintances who literally can not comprehend that the common feeling is not in line with the general media tone. There's obviously explicit biases at play but doing my best to be objective it seems like the red tribe (USA red) has a much better understanding of their 'opponent' than the opposite, likely a result of said 'media class' dominance of the public conversation.

That said, I actually cherish talking to my American friends/family because they at least seem moderately embedded in reality. When talking to the Irish there is this bizarre social dynamic where they all presume I must be vehemently anti-Trump, and yet I strongly suspect that many of them aren't even sincere in their own criticisms of him. They simply think the 'correct' direction of the topic should be to feel "bad" for me, and talk about him negatively.

Just an objectively interesting social dynamic.

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalidLast edit: 18/02/2017 09:39

whamm!   Albania. Feb 18 2017 13:52. Posts 11625

Rogan had a guest before, an old-time prominent feminist back in the 60's. She was complaining about how the new breed of feminist kind of had nothing more to complain about, that the advocacy needed more legs so they hijacked a couple that totally weren't theirs to fuck with e.g. racism, LGBT, civil rights - which is why it's gotten so far off the rails it's insane.

Liberals have discredited themselves so bad they create these echo chambers everywhere to drown out everything that even remotely disagrees with their views. They have become the new fascists, the right wing pushback is only a natural reaction

 Last edit: 18/02/2017 13:55

lebowski   Greece. Feb 18 2017 14:00. Posts 9205

  On February 18 2017 08:38 nolan wrote:
Show nested quote +

It's pretty bizarre how out of touch the 'media class' is from the average person. I consider myself fairly centrist but I have a lot of acquaintances who literally can not comprehend that the common feeling is not in line with the general media tone. There's obviously explicit biases at play but doing my best to be objective it seems like the red tribe (USA red) has a much better understanding of their 'opponent' than the opposite, likely a result of said 'media class' dominance of the public conversation.

That said, I actually cherish talking to my American friends/family because they at least seem moderately embedded in reality. When talking to the Irish there is this bizarre social dynamic where they all presume I must be vehemently anti-Trump, and yet I strongly suspect that many of them aren't even sincere in their own criticisms of him. They simply think the 'correct' direction of the topic should be to feel "bad" for me, and talk about him negatively.

Just an objectively interesting social dynamic.

It seems like you're suggesting that the "common feeling" you describe should dictate media news presentation/coverage. That could potentially be really dangerous. A popular idea isn't necessarily a correct one (where I live it's usually the opposite too fml)
Quoting VDM's post about 9 people in his poker table agreeing with him -as if that could validate whatever opinion he has- and then commenting on certain people with loose standards of intellectual honesty; that's a bit ironic. If you have been watching this thread, VDM def seemed to be the most eager person to link stuff with dubious integrity and reach conclusions fast.( I'm not assuming he has an agenda or something btw but that's what he's done)

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

uiCk   Canada. Feb 18 2017 18:05. Posts 3521

  On February 18 2017 05:31 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Feminists belong to a broader group, the regressive left, and why this people and ideology is dangerous is because it holds victimhood as the ultimate virtue, it values feelings over facts, it silences free speech in the pursue of protecting them and lately it incites actual violence to stop what they deem hateful speech.

What quantifiable and visible harm they have done to the world? Well uncontrolled migration is already pretty messy in many countries in Europe, and they have made just mentioning the topic a taboo, you cannot have a reasonable discussion about migration, the pros and cons because you are instantly labeled a racist and fascist, so people who disagree let those ideas fester inside and are easy prey for the nationalism movement as I've repeated many times.

So ironically SJW brought Brexit, put Trump in the white house and are on the way to securing an 8 year term, and will also hand over Europe to nationalist parties.

They are pursuing legislation (and obtaining it in your country and others) to broader hate-speech definitions, again ironically anti-fascists subverting free speech, they "made" Obama talk about the non-existent wage gap, they "made" Trudeau say that "Poverty is sexist towards women" when its the opposite.

They punched a Nazi in the face and they said it was a good thing to do, so then they called Milo, a conservative gay jew also a Nazi and went violent again, now they are calling fucking PewDiePie a Nazi too because he made a joke.

They had a woman who wants Sharia law in the US lead the women march or whatever the fuck that idiotic thing was, they say the hijab is empowering and that Islam is a religion of peace.


And you must live in a cave if you havent met anyone who is a SJW, exactly yesterday a gay acquaintance in facebook posted defending Sharia law, a law that would literally throw him off the roof top of a tall building

Your only real impact example is the migration 'problem' in Europe, which IMO is far from being a "feminist" problem; although you grouped it to the "regressive left" to make your point. I'll agree , that opened to migration and free flow of people, especially migrants in dire situations (war) seems to be part of the Lefts agenda in general. That situation is highly debatble in many ways, which I'm not going to do (Incase Nolan or Santa want jump hoping for imogration/refugee debate there)

I get it though, but you seem to be wanting to use the same tactics you are accusing this 'faction' of using: calling them detrimental, using an aggressive perception, and ultimately "shutting up the "regressive" left" to benefit what you seem ultimately more just to society.

It's odd you seem to be talking about free speech, and how important it is, while getting upset at people using their "free speech" to say stupid shit like "we want Sharia law".

People calling other people "Nazis" and "racists" is part of your cherished free speech.
PewDePie getting dumped by Disney because of Nazi jokes is called business and brand protection. If there is one company out there that has very sensitive brand image, it's Disney, and as private corporation, they can do whatever they fucking please, including not paying "free speech warriors" who exercise their right to make Nazi related jokes.

As for me living in a cave, you giving me an example of not living in a cave consists of some guy you don't actually know posting a Facebook comment is lol

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike TysonLast edit: 18/02/2017 18:14

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 18 2017 18:50. Posts 5121

  On February 18 2017 13:00 lebowski wrote:
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It seems like you're suggesting that the "common feeling" you describe should dictate media news presentation/coverage. That could potentially be really dangerous. A popular idea isn't necessarily a correct one (where I live it's usually the opposite too fml)
Quoting VDM's post about 9 people in his poker table agreeing with him -as if that could validate whatever opinion he has- and then commenting on certain people with loose standards of intellectual honesty; that's a bit ironic. If you have been watching this thread, VDM def seemed to be the most eager person to link stuff with dubious integrity and reach conclusions fast.( I'm not assuming he has an agenda or something btw but that's what he's done)

You are right thou, I do reach conclusions fast. (Which is something you have to do both in poker when you 12 table or you play Brood war 1v1)

I dont think Islam brings much good to western society's. One of the biggest (if not the biggest) muslim organisation in Norway:

(The source was originally posted in leftist mainstream norwegian media "Dagbladet", so you will like it)

You are also correct about me not always linking to mainstream media every time i post something. (called "Trump News" here in Norway these days) To understand why, we have to go to Sweden where they admit they will no longer say the truth anymore because "it will benefit Sverigedemokraterna". Im interested in the truth, not what "can benefit" this or that....

:DLast edit: 18/02/2017 19:24

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 19 2017 09:40. Posts 9634

So why is this dude being let promote such values? Thats basically spreading hatred and abuse of human rights which im sure is illegal

The truth is no one has proposed an adequate solution to islam crisis so far. Such propaganda, however, is being stomped on at the very beginning even here in Bulgaria, how a country like Sweden let it go as far as them having public conventions is beyond my mind.

 Last edit: 19/02/2017 09:45

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 19 2017 20:48. Posts 5121

  On February 19 2017 08:40 Spitfiree wrote:
So why is this dude being let promote such values? Thats basically spreading hatred and abuse of human rights which im sure is illegal

The truth is no one has proposed an adequate solution to islam crisis so far. Such propaganda, however, is being stomped on at the very beginning even here in Bulgaria, how a country like Sweden let it go as far as them having public conventions is beyond my mind.

Well im glad we can agree that he is spreading hate. This guy is acctually still getting invited to all kind of debates (which I think is a good idea) but usually unchallenged and treated with a lot of respect.

Why they are allowed to spread hate I dont know. "Freedom of speech".. or freedom to brainwash young people


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 19 2017 22:31. Posts 9634

Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.

It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 20 2017 09:02. Posts 5121

  On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.

It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too

Nah what he says is well within our laws here. If he was talking about specific persons that should be stoned it would illegal I think.


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 23 2017 22:53. Posts 9634

Thats just retarded then...

Meanwhile Marine Le Pen, who s a Russian puppet, is leading in France's polls. She supports Russia, is most likely funded by them and wants to do a Frexit. Great stuff.

I mean its one thing to vote for a populist like Trump. It's quite another to vote for a populist that supports Russia and supports the invasion of Crimea. Supports a country where freedom of speech does not exist, and being in the opposition means you are going to somehow die, doesn't matter if its a political opposition or a media one. How fucking dumb are frenchies exactly?

 Last edit: 23/02/2017 22:56

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 24 2017 03:34. Posts 34270

  On February 18 2017 17:05 uiCk wrote:

Your only real impact example is the migration 'problem' in Europe, which IMO is far from being a "feminist" problem; although you grouped it to the "regressive left" to make your point. I'll agree , that opened to migration and free flow of people, especially migrants in dire situations (war) seems to be part of the Lefts agenda in general. That situation is highly debatble in many ways, which I'm not going to do (Incase Nolan or Santa want jump hoping for imogration/refugee debate there)

I get it though, but you seem to be wanting to use the same tactics you are accusing this 'faction' of using: calling them detrimental, using an aggressive perception, and ultimately "shutting up the "regressive" left" to benefit what you seem ultimately more just to society.

It's odd you seem to be talking about free speech, and how important it is, while getting upset at people using their "free speech" to say stupid shit like "we want Sharia law".

People calling other people "Nazis" and "racists" is part of your cherished free speech.
PewDePie getting dumped by Disney because of Nazi jokes is called business and brand protection. If there is one company out there that has very sensitive brand image, it's Disney, and as private corporation, they can do whatever they fucking please, including not paying "free speech warriors" who exercise their right to make Nazi related jokes.

As for me living in a cave, you giving me an example of not living in a cave consists of some guy you don't actually know posting a Facebook comment is lol

I'm sorry but your post is disgustingly stupid and you clearly don't understand what free speech is.

At no point I have ever said that SJW or anyone should be silenced by force, by the state or individuals, free speech does mean all ideas are equal and all worthy of respect, if a woman wants Sharia law, she should be able to speak bout it, but also ideally her ideas should be considered stupid by rational people.

Do you think I want to make it illegal for people to call Pewdipiew a Nazi? are you mad? of course people should be free to call him a Nazi, and again, those doing so should be considered idiots.

Of course I think Disney should be free to decide who they associate with, its a private company, however the Wall Street Journal hit piece is embarrassing, editing jokes in videos out of context for character assassination in the pathetic struggle to discredit "influences" is simply slander and probably liable to a deserved lawsuit. (in before you misunderstand what free speech is).

That was my complain, that the WallStreetJournal is no bastion of journalism, is as fake news as fucking Info Wars, less squizo-paranoid but with the exact same journalistic integirty.

Also no migration isnt the only problem caused or worsened by SJW, I mentioned many but It appears I need to tell a few again:

- Affirmative action
- Hate speech laws
- Educational system leaving men behind (drop out rate increasing rapidly among men and there is a huge performance gap).
- Disproportionate care/funding for problems (like breast cancer funding/death ratio being ridiculous)

I could go on but I'm afraid you will say "you only mentioned migration as a problem" again.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 24 2017 03:40. Posts 34270

  On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.

It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too

You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

julep   Australia. Feb 24 2017 05:03. Posts 1274

I wonder how a mass migration of scientologists would be percieved by society...Most people would think introducing some scientology based laws was stupidity. People know its a scam. How do you not truely belive Islam isn't a scam. Things without some sort of logical background should have zero influence on anything.


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