Your only real impact example is the migration 'problem' in Europe, which IMO is far from being a "feminist" problem; although you grouped it to the "regressive left" to make your point. I'll agree , that opened to migration and free flow of people, especially migrants in dire situations (war) seems to be part of the Lefts agenda in general. That situation is highly debatble in many ways, which I'm not going to do (Incase Nolan or Santa want jump hoping for imogration/refugee debate there)
I get it though, but you seem to be wanting to use the same tactics you are accusing this 'faction' of using: calling them detrimental, using an aggressive perception, and ultimately "shutting up the "regressive" left" to benefit what you seem ultimately more just to society.
It's odd you seem to be talking about free speech, and how important it is, while getting upset at people using their "free speech" to say stupid shit like "we want Sharia law".
People calling other people "Nazis" and "racists" is part of your cherished free speech.
PewDePie getting dumped by Disney because of Nazi jokes is called business and brand protection. If there is one company out there that has very sensitive brand image, it's Disney, and as private corporation, they can do whatever they fucking please, including not paying "free speech warriors" who exercise their right to make Nazi related jokes.
As for me living in a cave, you giving me an example of not living in a cave consists of some guy you don't actually know posting a Facebook comment is lol
I'm sorry but your post is disgustingly stupid and you clearly don't understand what free speech is.
Cool. Enjoy being an asshole.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 24 2017 08:41. Posts 9634
On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.
It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too
You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.
There s plenty of theories and ideas that are very well defined and could turn the world into a better place, however none of them are applied literally. Freedom of speech in its true form has never existed and most likely never will. Hate speech does no good to anyone. While yes I do think, that there shouldn't be a person that should decide that on his own, I still believe actions that benefit noone and only spread hatred should be banned
NMcNasty   United States. Feb 24 2017 23:24. Posts 2041
On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.
It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too
You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.
Baal, again your timing in making your points is so incredibly bad. Liberals are supposedly the ones shutting down free speech because of random protester X somewhere, meanwhile the actual president of the United States has just banned NYTimes, LATimes, Politico, CNN, etc.. from his press briefings.
nolan   Ireland. Feb 25 2017 01:33. Posts 6205
Not inviting certain media outlets to a single press briefing is not a free speech issue. CNN and Politico are Infowars tier anyways, ABC CBS and NBC deserve the spot more.
Hopefully they keep them off the approved list and maybe add more independent jouranlist/blogger types, it would be a massive improvement.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Last edit: 25/02/2017 01:33
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 25 2017 03:52. Posts 5121
Last edit: 25/02/2017 04:02
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 25 2017 05:09. Posts 34270
Your only real impact example is the migration 'problem' in Europe, which IMO is far from being a "feminist" problem; although you grouped it to the "regressive left" to make your point. I'll agree , that opened to migration and free flow of people, especially migrants in dire situations (war) seems to be part of the Lefts agenda in general. That situation is highly debatble in many ways, which I'm not going to do (Incase Nolan or Santa want jump hoping for imogration/refugee debate there)
I get it though, but you seem to be wanting to use the same tactics you are accusing this 'faction' of using: calling them detrimental, using an aggressive perception, and ultimately "shutting up the "regressive" left" to benefit what you seem ultimately more just to society.
It's odd you seem to be talking about free speech, and how important it is, while getting upset at people using their "free speech" to say stupid shit like "we want Sharia law".
People calling other people "Nazis" and "racists" is part of your cherished free speech.
PewDePie getting dumped by Disney because of Nazi jokes is called business and brand protection. If there is one company out there that has very sensitive brand image, it's Disney, and as private corporation, they can do whatever they fucking please, including not paying "free speech warriors" who exercise their right to make Nazi related jokes.
As for me living in a cave, you giving me an example of not living in a cave consists of some guy you don't actually know posting a Facebook comment is lol
I'm sorry but your post is disgustingly stupid and you clearly don't understand what free speech is.
Cool. Enjoy being an asshole.
I dont know what you expect me to say when I've said over dozens of posts in this and others threads about freedom of speech and you come saying that I want to silence SJW and muslims, I think my response was very appropriate and I double down on the statement that you don't really know what free speech is.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 25 2017 05:19. Posts 34270
On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.
It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too
You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.
Baal, again your timing in making your points is so incredibly bad. Liberals are supposedly the ones shutting down free speech because of random protester X somewhere, meanwhile the actual president of the United States has just banned NYTimes, LATimes, Politico, CNN, etc.. from his press briefings.
Again you confuse me with republicans, I dont support Trump, I think he is an idiot, and as Nolan posted that wasn't technically a freedom of speech of issue, but I take your point, it is clear that preserving freedom of speech isnt in Trumps agenda, however as also Nolan said, media outlets like Buzzfeed and CNN fall into Infowars quality standards, for example CNN and Buzzfeed published the fake dossier that started in 4Chan without verifying it, spreading false accusation fabricating Trump ties with Russia and also printed that he hired prostitutes to pee on him the editor in chief said "We published it and let the public decide", that is ridiculous and they deserve to be banned from the White House Press conf., the same way I don't blame Obama for not inviting Infowarz when Alex Jones says Hillary kills babies.
Also just take into account that the only conservative media outlets invited to Obama's press conference was Fox News while he was surrounded with "democrat friendly" media.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Last edit: 25/02/2017 05:21
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 25 2017 05:38. Posts 34270
On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.
It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too
You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.
There s plenty of theories and ideas that are very well defined and could turn the world into a better place, however none of them are applied literally. Freedom of speech in its true form has never existed and most likely never will. Hate speech does no good to anyone. While yes I do think, that there shouldn't be a person that should decide that on his own, I still believe actions that benefit noone and only spread hatred should be banned
Of course I dont want dangerous and violent ideas to spread, but the only alternative to this is allowing the state to control what ideas can and cant be discussed and that is much worse than idiots speaking out.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
NMcNasty   United States. Feb 25 2017 18:36. Posts 2041
On February 25 2017 00:33 nolan wrote:
Not inviting certain media outlets to a single press briefing is not a free speech issue. CNN and Politico are Infowars tier anyways, ABC CBS and NBC deserve the spot more.
Freedom of press is explicitly a first amendment right, and this is absolutely a speech issue as the reasoning for the barring was that the president was seeing news and opinions (speech) that he didn't like. The notion that the NYTimes and CNN are just fringe news organizations cut off due to space concerns is just completely ludicrous.
NMcNasty   United States. Feb 25 2017 19:03. Posts 2041
On February 25 2017 04:19 Baalim wrote: however as also Nolan said, media outlets like Buzzfeed and CNN fall into Infowars quality standards
Buzzfeed maybe, but equating CNN with Inforwars is pretty close to a "you are too far gone" moment.
for example CNN and Buzzfeed published the fake dossier that started in 4Chan without verifying it, spreading false accusation fabricating Trump ties with Russia and also printed that he hired prostitutes to pee on him the editor in chief said "We published it and let the public decide", that is ridiculous and they deserve to be banned from the White House Press conf., the same way I don't blame Obama for not inviting Infowarz when Alex Jones says Hillary kills babies.
CNN didn't publish the dossier they were merely reporting that it was being investigated and handed by around by high ranking people like John McCain. Both CNN and Buzzfeed went out of their way to say that nothing in the dossier could be confirmed by their organizations. However, the reason it was considered news worthy was that it was compiled by a British ex-spy and some of the connections laid out in it were considered legitimate by intelligence agencies. There's been no evidence that 4Chan had any part in it aside from 4Chan posts. But yes, its probable that a large part of it is bullshit, although now, after the Flynn firing/resignation, there's more potential truth than before.
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 25 2017 19:29. Posts 2235
On February 19 2017 21:31 Spitfiree wrote:
Freedom of speech is just an expression, it still has its restrictions such as spreading views that can potentially violate fundamentals of society. This falls under that case. There was a similar imam in Cologne, he s now in jail. The West does not fuck around, especially Germany, if you want to undermine basic human rights. Even thought Merkel did try to force that video made by a german citizen that mocks Erdogan.
It is all fine to say whatever the fuck you want, however, once someone acts on your propaganda then you are gonna get smashed as well. If you are gonna preach something, you better be able to take responsibility for your student's actions too
You can tell the regressive left have a vice grip control of society when free speech is refered as just an expression, it is not, its a very well defined and amazing idea, sadly it is dormant under hate-speech laws which you seem to think are a good idea, they are not, and in that video you should understand why.
Baal, again your timing in making your points is so incredibly bad. Liberals are supposedly the ones shutting down free speech because of random protester X somewhere, meanwhile the actual president of the United States has just banned NYTimes, LATimes, Politico, CNN, etc.. from his press briefings.
did he really? what a hero
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 26 2017 00:37. Posts 9634
Nah thats retarded, all serious medias should be allowed on press briefings of the White House, doesn't matter if left or right. If anything Trump should be thanking CNN, as their plans backfired and probably gave him a good portion of voters and allowing Breitbart is something that cannot even be described with words(I mean at least CNN's lies sound believable if anything), but those are things that should be ignored at this point. Limiting the medias is a very dangerous measure regarding freedom as a whole. While this is not a limitation in sense of a law, its still a big one, considering we're talking about the institution with highest power worldwide atm.
@Baal I'd absolutely share the same belief, however, I do believe the threat of spreading hatred is larger than western governments taking dystopian measures. Yeah the drawn line would be quite thin, but it is much more realistic imo.
Last edit: 26/02/2017 00:38
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 26 2017 02:34. Posts 3096
saying CNN or Politico is Infowars level is real nonsense. Lots of outlets have a leftist fox-ish slant, both in terms of obvious bias and in terms of pushing a particular narrative, and this is bad enough, certainly grounds for critique. But infowars is absurd drivel.. Alex Jones has said way more completely bonkers bullshit than any other news outlet, there is no equivalency to be found here.
nolan   Ireland. Feb 26 2017 06:24. Posts 6205
On February 26 2017 01:34 Liquid`Drone wrote:
saying CNN or Politico is Infowars level is real nonsense. Lots of outlets have a leftist fox-ish slant, both in terms of obvious bias and in terms of pushing a particular narrative, and this is bad enough, certainly grounds for critique. But infowars is absurd drivel.. Alex Jones has said way more completely bonkers bullshit than any other news outlet, there is no equivalency to be found here.
Within the last 5 or so years just off the top of my head
- Playing edited versions of the Zimmerman 911 call to make it appear he mentioned race emphatically when reality was that he didn't mention race a single time until the 911 operator explicitly prompted him to state the race
- Cutting a recording just before a young woman implores a crowd to "go to where white people live, burn they shit down", labeling the recording a 'call for peace'
- Constant shilling for Al-Nusra and related groups in Syria. Calling massive Nusra gains "moderate rebel controlled areas", implying that the Syrian Army and ISIS were colluding in Deir-ez-Zor to the detriment of civilians numerous times.
- Remember, reading Wikileaks is illegal
- The hacker known as 4chan
- Constant hyperbole and stretching with regard to the Crimean referendum and of course Trump's alleged ties to Russia (most recent example involves some literal random Joe real estate Russian in Miami telling Trump's lawyer a rumor that the current president of UKR is being investigated for fraud and a new Ukr. admin may be more open to make concessions re: Crimea). What this story actually is compared to how CNN frames it is indeed infowars tier.
I could add about 20 more egregious examples from the Syrian Civil War alone but most ppl aren't too familiar with it and I don't want to bore anyone.
I understand it sounds wrong because CNN is on TV and Infowars is a fringe conspiracy channel that somehow did a bizarre turnabout to become a Trump cheerleading station, but their methodology and grasp of subject matter seems about the same.
Compared to similar left outlets such as Haaretz, F24, El Pais, CBC, ABC and CBS it's hard not to consider CNN and Politico to be Alex Jones tier.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Last edit: 26/02/2017 06:25
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 26 2017 13:43. Posts 5121
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 26 2017 14:32. Posts 3096
On February 26 2017 01:34 Liquid`Drone wrote:
saying CNN or Politico is Infowars level is real nonsense. Lots of outlets have a leftist fox-ish slant, both in terms of obvious bias and in terms of pushing a particular narrative, and this is bad enough, certainly grounds for critique. But infowars is absurd drivel.. Alex Jones has said way more completely bonkers bullshit than any other news outlet, there is no equivalency to be found here.
Within the last 5 or so years just off the top of my head
- Playing edited versions of the Zimmerman 911 call to make it appear he mentioned race emphatically when reality was that he didn't mention race a single time until the 911 operator explicitly prompted him to state the race
- Cutting a recording just before a young woman implores a crowd to "go to where white people live, burn they shit down", labeling the recording a 'call for peace'
- Constant shilling for Al-Nusra and related groups in Syria. Calling massive Nusra gains "moderate rebel controlled areas", implying that the Syrian Army and ISIS were colluding in Deir-ez-Zor to the detriment of civilians numerous times.
- Remember, reading Wikileaks is illegal
- The hacker known as 4chan
- Constant hyperbole and stretching with regard to the Crimean referendum and of course Trump's alleged ties to Russia (most recent example involves some literal random Joe real estate Russian in Miami telling Trump's lawyer a rumor that the current president of UKR is being investigated for fraud and a new Ukr. admin may be more open to make concessions re: Crimea). What this story actually is compared to how CNN frames it is indeed infowars tier.
I could add about 20 more egregious examples from the Syrian Civil War alone but most ppl aren't too familiar with it and I don't want to bore anyone.
I understand it sounds wrong because CNN is on TV and Infowars is a fringe conspiracy channel that somehow did a bizarre turnabout to become a Trump cheerleading station, but their methodology and grasp of subject matter seems about the same.
Compared to similar left outlets such as Haaretz, F24, El Pais, CBC, ABC and CBS it's hard not to consider CNN and Politico to be Alex Jones tier.
I'm not gonna defend any of this, and I agree that all those other outlets you mention are significantly better than CNN. But it doesn't compare to 'fish people', to 'sandy hook massacre was a fabrication where they used child actors', to 'Obama and Hillary are literal, actual demons from hell who smell like sulfur' (the latter one might have been a joke I guess, but when people insist that they are being literal I'm gonna take them on it).. I can also find 20 other examples, but I have better things to do. Alex Jones is closer to flat earth society than he is to fox news, and CNN is more like a centrist fox news, if you want, a center-left glenn beck even.. But that is still miles away from Alex Jones in terms of reality distortion.
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 26 2017 20:21. Posts 5121
Hey guys
Donald Trump expressed several times that he is worried about radikal islamic terrorism.
- 70% of inmates in France are muslims, thou just a 5-10% muslim population in France
- Similar numbers in Belgium and UK. In UK the terrorist group "One Ummah" is said to be the leading gang in the prisons there. A lot of prisoners has to convert to Islam or die. "Nobody knows how bad it really is until they get put into prison".
- Muslim grooming gangs, thousands of children beeing sex slaves in UK. The police did not do enough because they were scared of beeing labelled "racist".
To mention some of my concerns..
Is it so wrong of me to be worried about these issues ?
Someone that can explain it a lot better than me, the short version. And someone I really miss:
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2017 23:28. Posts 1845
No stop seeking validation from these egalitarian earthlings of the kali yuga who think the whole world somehow has a right to our formerly peaceful and prosperous nations.
Rear naked woke
Baalim   Mexico. Feb 28 2017 01:33. Posts 34270
All right McNasty & Drone, you think Infowars is worse than CNN, whatever CNN is bigger and not run by a schizophrenic , but both have 0 regard for journalist and have not code of ethics so I think its perfectly fine to kick CNN out of the White House given their report on the Russian dossier basically accusing the president of treason with no evidence whatsoever.
If they want to publish that its fine, freedom of press/speech, but dont expect to be respected as a news organization and be invited into the white house.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Liquid`Drone   Norway. Feb 28 2017 12:35. Posts 3096
I don't mind being extremely critical of the CNN, but comparing them to Infowars is hyperbolic. Alex Jones is either faking it or clinically insane.