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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 41

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NMcNasty    United States. Mar 02 2017 05:13. Posts 2041

  On March 02 2017 02:08 nolan wrote:
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I think that img is terrible. If you find NPR, NYT, WaPo to be 'centrist' you simply live in a bubble. I guess some people get confused because they shill for war in Iraq in the past and Syria today.

Putting Slate and Vox anything other than at least in the 2nd furthers left subsection is borderline absurd.

If you want to put NYT, WaPo, etc. one step over I'm fine with that, notice that they are already slightly adjusted. I really don't read slate at all so can't comment there. Vox skews liberal opinion-wise but lays out facts and backgrounds to issues well.

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Mar 02 2017 12:17. Posts 3096

I think the idea of discrediting newspapers with literally hundreds of thousands of published news articles based on single incidents is silly to say the least. And look, the grey block includes skews liberal - I have no problem admitting that NPR skews liberal, but they're still highly reputable. As for slate and vox, I think those are wrongly placed, seeing them right next to The Atlantic (which is fucking fantastic) is a joke. Admittingly, I remember reading a couple great articles on both sites, but much like I don't want to completely discredit outlets based on occasional fuckups, I also don't want to elevate them based on occasional glimpses of greatness.

That said, I don't think being consistent opposition to Trump should actually count as being hyper-partisan. As far as I'm concerned, it's perfectly possible to be really opposed to Trump and still be a centrist; from a European pov, democrats are right wing on policy. (Not on rhetoric, but rhetoric is more relative to your opposition. When the Norwegian labor party argues against the Norwegian conservative party, it can sound like a reasonable democrat arguing with a reasonable republican, but the norwegian conservative's political position is if anything leftward of the democratic party. ) I'm pretty certain that if you present this list to european leftists, the point of outrage is gonna be that 'fox meets high standards'. (But having actually watched quite some fox, and not only youtube highlight reels of them fucking up, I don't have too much of a problem with it. Chris Wallace for example is definitely highly reputable. But then there's also Judge Jenine, and she's completely fucking bonkers. )

Also, never seen anyone defend buzzfeed. It's not journalism.

lol POKER 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 02 2017 12:36. Posts 5121

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
Confidence drops among younger and older Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.

I wonder what the numbers would be in Norway/Europe. I would guess a high increase in mistrust after the migrant crisis in 2015/2016

:DLast edit: 02/03/2017 12:53

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 02 2017 16:06. Posts 5121

19 years in prison.... (13 + 6) for this american couple.

I mean, im in favor of some kind of punishment here, maybe even like 1-2 years in prison. But 19 years ? thats a complete joke... Nobody got killed and nobody got physically hurt...

When can we hope for some kind of change here ? I mean, 60%+ reincarceration rate also... vs 20% in Norway. Will Donald be the man to step up ?

:DLast edit: 02/03/2017 16:06

uiCk   Canada. Mar 02 2017 16:31. Posts 3521

Yes , we need to be more lenient with racist fucks driving around in pick up trucks threatening 8 year olds with shotguns.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 02 2017 17:04. Posts 2235

  On March 01 2017 16:35 NMcNasty wrote:

This has been floating around

not unlike a turd

this image is
-shit (go no further than it contains the phrase "Basic AF"
-itself the product of some huffpost blogger or something, i can't remember who made it and their watermark isn't on this version of the image but i looked it up once
-mainly an assertion, not an observation

here are some of the problems with it:
-"mainstream" isn't synonym for unbiased and shouldn't be, also belief that those outlets are unbiased/minimal bias is pure naivete
-similarly, just because an outlet is highly or publicly partisan doesn't mean their journalistic standards are lower, or that their content is conspiracy theories, but this is the correlation this twitter bitch invented with her pic
-outlets themselves can have an enormous variance depending on the subject and the individual contributors (or "journalists"
-ideology is also not one-dimensional
-"local news" and "local newspaper," don't make me laugh with this time-wasting garbage, how can you bother circulating let alone making a picture to say something so meaningless? "local news on the whole tends to be average." who would have thought... now does that help me know whether the bumfuckville star legend is likely to stay quiet about the city budget issues for political reasons?
-breitbart isn't bad, but even if you think it's bad which i can grant for the sake of argument, it's not that bad unless you're in a bubble; also, it's huge, i mean it's really huge, like top 10 media publishers, but it's easy for the left to memeify it and then dismiss it ("Just no." - what kind of jackass writes like this except to get imagined sanctimonious circlejerking applause?)
-also thedailycaller might not be bad, i don't really remember
-but the main point is if you do think breitbart is bad it shouldn't be considered worse than huffpost, vox, slate, as shown above, which would be much more comparable than jill stein's homeopathy blog or whatever, the point is this chart goes straight into the trash

basically anyone who even thinks they would need a chart like this needs to simply be taught how to read and think critically

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus HansenLast edit: 02/03/2017 17:06

uiCk   Canada. Mar 02 2017 17:22. Posts 3521

How can a publishing firm founded by Tucker fucking Carlson not be bad exactly?

No shit it's an observation and not an assertion. I think you are the one in need of critical thinking if you took that chart anything but an observation, especially since that chart was presented with 0 sources and everyone in here seems to ha be criticized some aspects of it.

Breitbart is shit and on same level as buzzcrap

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

NMcNasty    United States. Mar 02 2017 17:31. Posts 2041

Santafairy obviously mad at lamestream media for attacking his boy Jeff Sessions who is one step away from resignation after effectively perjuring himself. Just a little while after Milo's public disgrace too, this must be a tough time for you.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 02 2017 19:12. Posts 9634

I mean how do you trust any polls about any topic at this point, even ones made by Gallup? It seems quite contradictory

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 02 2017 21:39. Posts 5121

  On March 02 2017 15:31 uiCk wrote:
Yes , we need to be more lenient with racist fucks driving around in pick up trucks threatening 8 year olds with shotguns.

Yes. Combined 19 years in prison is obviously retarded. If you cant even see flaws in the american criminal/justice system I dont know where to start... And yes, also in this case (if nothing else)

:DLast edit: 02/03/2017 21:47

uiCk   Canada. Mar 02 2017 22:10. Posts 3521

  On March 02 2017 20:39 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Show nested quote +

Yes. Combined 19 years in prison is obviously retarded. If you cant even see flaws in the american criminal/justice system I dont know where to start... And yes, also in this case (if nothing else)

I don't know, I'm no expert in law. Please enlighten me on racial shotgun waving death threats to 8 year olds.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 02 2017 23:59. Posts 5121

  On March 02 2017 21:10 uiCk wrote:
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I don't know, I'm no expert in law. Please enlighten me on racial shotgun waving death threats to 8 year olds.

Here are some numbers:

Norway: 0.6 intentional homicides per 100.000 people
US: 5 intentional homicides per 100.000 people

Norways Incarceration rate: 71 out of every 100.000 people
US incarceration rate: 743 out of every 100.000 people (lol)

Norways recidivism rate: 20 percent
US recidivism rate: 50-60%

Please tell me about how successfull this system is (the bigger picture), and how this case we are talking about is or is not reflecting this.

:DLast edit: 03/03/2017 00:00

uiCk   Canada. Mar 03 2017 00:27. Posts 3521

This hate crime has nothing to do with America's incarceration problem, this hate crime has everything to do with fact it was committed in same state , not long after another racist fuck killed bunch of blacks in a church. The sentence was to deter more fuckers from believing they can do whatever they want and go crash 8 year olds birthdays with loaded shotguns screaming "kill the niggers".

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

uiCk   Canada. Mar 03 2017 00:38. Posts 3521

To put in your POV, I doubt you would be here talking about this if it was a Muhammed with fully loaded Kalashnikov saying "murder all you infediles and your children!" And gotten a 19year sentence.

Doubt you would be debating how he should deserve only a 1 year sentence.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 03 2017 00:39. Posts 5121

  On March 02 2017 23:27 uiCk wrote:
This hate crime has nothing to do with America's incarceration problem, this hate crime has everything to do with fact it was committed in same state , not long after another racist fuck killed bunch of blacks in a church. The sentence was to deter more fuckers from believing they can do whatever they want and go crash 8 year olds birthdays with loaded shotguns screaming "kill the niggers".

I agree of course that they should be punished. I can recognize that a crime has been made. But how will you justify 19 years in jail when nobody died and noone got hurt (except of course mentally).


VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 03 2017 00:45. Posts 5121

  On March 02 2017 23:38 uiCk wrote:
To put in your POV, I doubt you would be here talking about this if it was a Muhammed with fully loaded Kalashnikov saying "murder all you infediles and your children!" And gotten a 19year sentence.

Doubt you would be debating how he should deserve only a 1 year sentence.

As long as he didnt acctually shoot someone I dont think this crime fits the punishment of 19 years in jail, no.

:DLast edit: 03/03/2017 00:46

uiCk   Canada. Mar 03 2017 00:46. Posts 3521

  On March 02 2017 23:39 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Show nested quote +

I agree of course that they should be punished. I can recognize that a crime has been made. But how will you justify 19 years in jail when nobody died and noone got hurt (except of course mentally).

It's to deter others from doing + it happened not long after the church shooting, targeting blacks.
Sometimes long sentences are justified, for a good reason.

I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Mar 03 2017 01:02. Posts 3096

Obviously 19 years for this is retarded. But this is a country where around 1 million people are in jail for drug offenses (many of them long sentences, a whole lot of them for pot), where William James Rummel got a life sentence for what basically amounted to theft of $230 (and this was upheld by the supreme court).. So yeah, this is absolutely excessive, but the amount of american sentences I disagree with more is probably a 7 digit number.

lol POKER 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 03 2017 04:16. Posts 34270

  On March 02 2017 03:27 uiCk wrote:
Despite Baals love for PewDiePie

And this is why I call you an idiot and later you cry about it.

The WSJ slandered him taking obvious jokes out of context, and contacted Disney/Youtube before even getting him the chance to say anything, all while the same editors made even more crass jokes about jews on twitter, and to this date they still refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing despise having to change the title of the article to make it less aggressive.

And sure maybe it can slip the chief editor, but a reputable news publication should correct these mistakes, and they refuse to and until they do so, they are worthless and have no credibility.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 03 2017 04:18. Posts 34270

  On March 02 2017 15:31 uiCk wrote:
Yes , we need to be more lenient with racist fucks driving around in pick up trucks threatening 8 year olds with shotguns.

Actually yes, giving 20 years to somebody for threats even as heinous as these were is retarded.

Today I saw a video of a woman driving by, slow down and give the finger to some random redneck with confederate flags on his garde, should we send this woman to jail a couple of years too?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 


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