Kind of crazy how open and 'normal' buying legislation and forming policy by the wealthy has become in the US.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
On March 22 2017 13:51 uiCk wrote:
Infowars is for retards; watching / reading will make you lose 5 iq points per read/watch
Source: VDM behavior and post history
Indeed it has 0 credibility, but I dont think he is arguing the credibility of the source but rather a particular subject.
A particular subject brought forward by the same sources. Tabloids. I give them a new name, Ebloids.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 23 2017 03:30. Posts 34270
the private lobbying system is crazy, In Mexico its illegal for corporations to fund politicians, they get an assigned budget from the state to avoid obvious conflict of interests.
Im curious how does this work in different European countries?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 23 2017 04:32. Posts 5121
And when I see or hear something that is obviously bullshit I want to speak my mind. It started when I was 13 years old, and I didnt believe in Christianity, so I refused to go to church even when I was very little. Now the established bullshit narrative is "Islam is a religion of peace". And im not gonna join that PK campaign just because "everyone else" is (at least some places it seems, thou less and less of it these days). And the sources/MSM that are supposed to ask some critical questions are not anymore... in fear of spreading "islamophobia". So in a way the new MSM are the people that are brave enough to ask some critical questions that should have been asked or pointed out.
People that are normally very critical about religion refusing to say anything about Islam or ask any critical questions whatsoever about the PK narratives beeing pushed in our faces every day. Just in fear of beeing labelled "racist".
Last edit: 23/03/2017 04:43
Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 23 2017 13:45. Posts 2235
On March 23 2017 00:38 Baalim wrote:
So apparently the FBI was indeed spying on Trump.
Oh, but they say the spying wasn't aimed directly at Trump, it was incidental and since they weren't officially and directly asked by Obama to do it then Trumps tweets about wiretapping were absolutely ludicrous.
were they really?
rated Pants On Fire by politifact i assume
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 23 2017 15:13. Posts 9634
On March 23 2017 00:38 Baalim wrote:
So apparently the FBI was indeed spying on Trump.
Oh, but they say the spying wasn't aimed directly at Trump, it was incidental and since they weren't officially and directly asked by Obama to do it then Trumps tweets about wiretapping were absolutely ludicrous.
From what I've read they were spying on a russian mob guy located at Trump Tower which ended in 2013 and Obama had no clue about it... as he is the president and shouldnt involve himself in any minor topic like Trump does.
@ Babies topic, you guys treat it like financial part is the only part of raising a child, yeah its quite justified that the man is paying a small portion of the kid's expenses considering the woman will be the one taking care for him. Giving out a bunch of money is a much easier thing to do.
“I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not. You know.” - President of the United States of America
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
And when I see or hear something that is obviously bullshit I want to speak my mind. It started when I was 13 years old, and I didnt believe in Christianity, so I refused to go to church even when I was very little. Now the established bullshit narrative is "Islam is a religion of peace". And im not gonna join that PK campaign just because "everyone else" is (at least some places it seems, thou less and less of it these days). And the sources/MSM that are supposed to ask some critical questions are not anymore... in fear of spreading "islamophobia". So in a way the new MSM are the people that are brave enough to ask some critical questions that should have been asked or pointed out.
People that are normally very critical about religion refusing to say anything about Islam or ask any critical questions whatsoever about the PK narratives beeing pushed in our faces every day. Just in fear of beeing labelled "racist".
It's pretty clear you are islamophobic, given that the definition of that is fear of Islam, which you obviously do fear, given all you post is opinions of how Islam is dangerous.
It's pretty obvious phobias are fucking retarted and add nothing to anything and are mostly on emotional level.
There are plenty of sources and readings you can do outside of the medias. You can form your own opinion on subjects without having to related to some click bait YouTubers opinion. Just takes work and reading, and given your constant use of YouTube opinions, I doubt you have the capability for that kind of research.
I criticize Ebloids, given they're sole purpose is to farm the fears of people, thus the use of sensationalism.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 24 2017 03:06. Posts 34270
On March 23 2017 00:38 Baalim wrote:
So apparently the FBI was indeed spying on Trump.
Oh, but they say the spying wasn't aimed directly at Trump, it was incidental and since they weren't officially and directly asked by Obama to do it then Trumps tweets about wiretapping were absolutely ludicrous.
From what I've read they were spying on a russian mob guy located at Trump Tower which ended in 2013 and Obama had no clue about it... as he is the president and shouldnt involve himself in any minor topic like Trump does.
@ Babies topic, you guys treat it like financial part is the only part of raising a child, yeah its quite justified that the man is paying a small portion of the kid's expenses considering the woman will be the one taking care for him. Giving out a bunch of money is a much easier thing to do.
We have 0 evidence of anything, so we are all dealing in assumptions, but lets go on.
what do you think its more likely:
1 - Spying agencies (CIA, NSA) were spying on specific Russians and incidentally happened to bump into information about the about to be elected president of the United States and his aides.
2 - Spying agencies who collect metadata of all US citizens were just asked to get some dirt of the data from Trump towers and people close to him.
The defense that "there is no official order from Obama" is ridiculous, of course he is not going to fucking sign a document, and yeah he probably didnt do it personally and his staff simply suggested it, seriously... people act like 5 year olds, this is politics how do you think this game is played?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 24 2017 03:15. Posts 34270
And when I see or hear something that is obviously bullshit I want to speak my mind. It started when I was 13 years old, and I didnt believe in Christianity, so I refused to go to church even when I was very little. Now the established bullshit narrative is "Islam is a religion of peace". And im not gonna join that PK campaign just because "everyone else" is (at least some places it seems, thou less and less of it these days). And the sources/MSM that are supposed to ask some critical questions are not anymore... in fear of spreading "islamophobia". So in a way the new MSM are the people that are brave enough to ask some critical questions that should have been asked or pointed out.
People that are normally very critical about religion refusing to say anything about Islam or ask any critical questions whatsoever about the PK narratives beeing pushed in our faces every day. Just in fear of beeing labelled "racist".
It's pretty clear you are islamophobic, given that the definition of that is fear of Islam, which you obviously do fear, given all you post is opinions of how Islam is dangerous.
It's pretty obvious phobias are fucking retarted and add nothing to anything and are mostly on emotional level.
There are plenty of sources and readings you can do outside of the medias. You can form your own opinion on subjects without having to related to some click bait YouTubers opinion. Just takes work and reading, and given your constant use of YouTube opinions, I doubt you have the capability for that kind of research.
I criticize Ebloids, given they're sole purpose is to farm the fears of people, thus the use of sensationalism.
phobia means irrational fear, that's why nobody has phobias to lions... because they are dangerous, but its idiotic to discuss semantics in this way, I mean, under that stupid kind of argument I could say you are Islamophobic if you would fear being alone in a room full of ISIS Jihadis right?
Criticizing Islam does not make you Islamophobic, the same way criticizing Scientology doesnt make you scientologyphobic, speaking against bad ideas and flawed thinking is important, and all religions are laughably myopic and it boggles the mind how people can fall for such a ridiculous thing, but Islam excels in its brutality and pretending its a "religion of peace" helps nobody, it only perpetuates the barbarity in it, Islam needs reformers, as christianity had its enlightment years through critizism and satire, Islam needs the same medicine, and forbidding cartoonist and pander to them in a pathetic attempt of moral superioty is only preventing them of having it.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 24 2017 03:17. Posts 34270
I found a very interesting video on a theory of why middle eastern societies have gone backwards, clear examples in Iran and Afghanistan, apparently inbreeding is HUGE in the area.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 24 2017 03:56. Posts 5121
Yeah interesting video. I did know that muslims rarely will marry non-muslims in the west (unlike others immigrants comming), but I did not know that such a large % would marry their 1st cousin...
to uiCk: Maher: "Islamophobic Is A Word Created By Fascists, And Used By Cowards, To Manipulate Morons"
Infowars, Rogan and Maher. Quite the trifecta of intellectual stimulation.
User was warned for this post.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 24 2017 08:35. Posts 5121
On March 24 2017 03:15 uiCk wrote:
Infowars, Rogan and Maher. Quite the trifecta of intellectual stimulation.
So basicly you dont like anyone that disagrees with you or point out facts you dont like
Debates for you are all about who says something, not about what is acctually beeing said. The link I gave you to Paul Joseph Watson he pointed out a mainstream media source for basicly every factual claim he made the entire video. I think its all about that you cant argue with his points, so you use the standard leftist strategy to attack the messenger himself or come up with bullshit excuses.
I see the same trend in my country. Now all the leftists hate on the national TV station "NRK" because they made a huge critical news video about immigration. So now "NRK" is the new "Infowars" / "Fakenews" here, someone told me the other day "yeah like NRK is a good source"... you guys are such a joke really But its good entertainment...So thanks a lot
Well anyway, of course there are resources far better than infowars, Rogan, Maher. But everytime i post them here I get 0 response from people like you. Strangely enough
Here is one example:
Last edit: 24/03/2017 09:07
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 24 2017 09:16. Posts 9634
On March 23 2017 00:38 Baalim wrote:
So apparently the FBI was indeed spying on Trump.
Oh, but they say the spying wasn't aimed directly at Trump, it was incidental and since they weren't officially and directly asked by Obama to do it then Trumps tweets about wiretapping were absolutely ludicrous.
From what I've read they were spying on a russian mob guy located at Trump Tower which ended in 2013 and Obama had no clue about it... as he is the president and shouldnt involve himself in any minor topic like Trump does.
@ Babies topic, you guys treat it like financial part is the only part of raising a child, yeah its quite justified that the man is paying a small portion of the kid's expenses considering the woman will be the one taking care for him. Giving out a bunch of money is a much easier thing to do.
We have 0 evidence of anything, so we are all dealing in assumptions, but lets go on.
what do you think its more likely:
1 - Spying agencies (CIA, NSA) were spying on specific Russians and incidentally happened to bump into information about the about to be elected president of the United States and his aides.
2 - Spying agencies who collect metadata of all US citizens were just asked to get some dirt of the data from Trump towers and people close to him.
The defense that "there is no official order from Obama" is ridiculous, of course he is not going to fucking sign a document, and yeah he probably didnt do it personally and his staff simply suggested it, seriously... people act like 5 year olds, this is politics how do you think this game is played?
The wiretapping ended in 2013, I really doubt even Trump himself knew he was running for president... If they were collecting info on Trump it wasn't because he was going for the presidency thats for sure, in which case the topic goes into another dimension
Last edit: 24/03/2017 09:17
NMcNasty   United States. Mar 25 2017 03:25. Posts 2041
More specifics from 2013 wiretapping from highstakesdb today:
The recent accusations of President Donald Trump that the Obama administration had bugged him in the weeks running up to the Presedential election have (so far at least) ultimately proven to be false. However, the FBI have admitted to wiretapping Trump Tower during an investigation into an illegal betting ring - but the condo bugged didn't belong to President Trump, but rather poker champion Vadim Trincher.
Trincher, who owned a $6m condo just three floors beneath Trump's own residence, was sentenced to five years in jail back in 2014 for operating an illegal betting syndicate catering to high rollers in both the US and Europe. It is estimated some $100m was laundered in Russia and the Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus. Information gathered by the FBI's surveillance of his Trump Tower residence implicated Trincher as one of the masterminds of the operation.
Trincher, who won the WPT Foxwoods Poker Classic 2009, Mashantucket for some $731,079 received the harshest penalty of all the defendants - who also included high stakes poker players Justin "Boosted J" Smith, and Abe "EazyPeazy" Mosseri. Smith received two years probation and 200 hours community service.
It is believe that Trincher, along with fellow defendant Anatoly Golubchik ran the US wing of an American-Russian organised crime syndicate. So if you were ever wondering why Trincher's Hendon Mob page hasn't shown any live tourney scores recently, now you know!
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 25 2017 06:18. Posts 34270
On March 24 2017 03:15 uiCk wrote:
Infowars, Rogan and Maher. Quite the trifecta of intellectual stimulation.
either debate the points agued or GTFO, learn how to argue
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 25 2017 07:26. Posts 34270
On March 25 2017 02:25 NMcNasty wrote:
More specifics from 2013 wiretapping from highstakesdb today:
The recent accusations of President Donald Trump that the Obama administration had bugged him in the weeks running up to the Presedential election have (so far at least) ultimately proven to be false. However, the FBI have admitted to wiretapping Trump Tower during an investigation into an illegal betting ring - but the condo bugged didn't belong to President Trump, but rather poker champion Vadim Trincher.
Trincher, who owned a $6m condo just three floors beneath Trump's own residence, was sentenced to five years in jail back in 2014 for operating an illegal betting syndicate catering to high rollers in both the US and Europe. It is estimated some $100m was laundered in Russia and the Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus. Information gathered by the FBI's surveillance of his Trump Tower residence implicated Trincher as one of the masterminds of the operation.
Trincher, who won the WPT Foxwoods Poker Classic 2009, Mashantucket for some $731,079 received the harshest penalty of all the defendants - who also included high stakes poker players Justin "Boosted J" Smith, and Abe "EazyPeazy" Mosseri. Smith received two years probation and 200 hours community service.
It is believe that Trincher, along with fellow defendant Anatoly Golubchik ran the US wing of an American-Russian organised crime syndicate. So if you were ever wondering why Trincher's Hendon Mob page hasn't shown any live tourney scores recently, now you know!
and from this wiretap they were supposed to get incriminating information from Trump & aides in collusion with Russian spies?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
truthbomb   Belgium. Mar 25 2017 08:15. Posts 8
On March 24 2017 02:15 Baalim wrote:
and all religions are laughably myopic and it boggles the mind how people can fall for such a ridiculous thing
Except Christianity of course.
NMcNasty   United States. Mar 25 2017 08:37. Posts 2041
On March 25 2017 02:25 NMcNasty wrote:
More specifics from 2013 wiretapping from highstakesdb today:
The recent accusations of President Donald Trump that the Obama administration had bugged him in the weeks running up to the Presedential election have (so far at least) ultimately proven to be false. However, the FBI have admitted to wiretapping Trump Tower during an investigation into an illegal betting ring - but the condo bugged didn't belong to President Trump, but rather poker champion Vadim Trincher.
Trincher, who owned a $6m condo just three floors beneath Trump's own residence, was sentenced to five years in jail back in 2014 for operating an illegal betting syndicate catering to high rollers in both the US and Europe. It is estimated some $100m was laundered in Russia and the Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus. Information gathered by the FBI's surveillance of his Trump Tower residence implicated Trincher as one of the masterminds of the operation.
Trincher, who won the WPT Foxwoods Poker Classic 2009, Mashantucket for some $731,079 received the harshest penalty of all the defendants - who also included high stakes poker players Justin "Boosted J" Smith, and Abe "EazyPeazy" Mosseri. Smith received two years probation and 200 hours community service.
It is believe that Trincher, along with fellow defendant Anatoly Golubchik ran the US wing of an American-Russian organised crime syndicate. So if you were ever wondering why Trincher's Hendon Mob page hasn't shown any live tourney scores recently, now you know!
and from this wiretap they were supposed to get incriminating information from Trump & aides in collusion with Russian spies?
Was just pointing out the poker connection. That Obama (or anyone) tapped Trump's phones has already been debunked in a bipartisan report and at the hearing. You're free to just not believe it because it's government or whatever.