On March 27 2017 18:04 uiCk wrote:
Yea that's pretty obvious, using me as a source for anything would be pretty idiotic.
Which you have proven over and over again at this point in time
25-30 is hard times as first world child. You'll get through all the anger and arrogance soon, all the best.
I understand vdm, baal and santa being an ass with me, we have exchanged few insults within our conversations. But you? Came out of nowhere. Pure anger, like a YouTube comment.
I wish one of your guys had children if I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles so you can feel my pain because thats the pain I have waking up everyday -- Mike Tyson
Last edit: 27/03/2017 20:34
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2017 02:34. Posts 34270
On March 24 2017 03:15 uiCk wrote:
Infowars, Rogan and Maher. Quite the trifecta of intellectual stimulation.
either debate the points agued or GTFO, learn how to argue
Lol warned me for that. Go fuck yourself, I'm can post whatever the fuck I want you fucking asshole call me stupid every other post then warn me for not "debating" a religious topic.
I dont mind insulting, I am not here to protect sensibilities but to keep discussion moving forward and just replying "lol this... lol that" without offering counter arguments will not be tolerated here, so either engage in debate or dont post.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2017 02:39. Posts 34270
On March 25 2017 17:04 uiCk wrote:
Will be my last point on this off topic:
Is Islam used as a tool for oppression and advancing extremist policies/behaviour? Yes.
Is extremism a phenomenon derived from Islam (or any organized religion)? No.
Two different entities that obviously can be mutually beneficial. Root causes are socio economic.
funny thing is that higher income muslims in the middle eastern region tend to be more radical than lower income, for example Bin Laden was extremely wealthy.
So of course socio-economic factors have al ot of weight in this, saying that Islam has no blame clearly goes against what most statistical evidence suggest.
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Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2017 02:44. Posts 34270
On March 24 2017 02:15 Baalim wrote:
Islam needs reformers, as christianity had its enlightment years through critizism and satire, Islam needs the same medicine, and forbidding cartoonist and pander to them in a pathetic attempt of moral superioty is only preventing them of having it.
Assuming Christianity changed its ways through criticism and satire is far fetched to say the least. It has always been sects fighting over doctrine and eventually trying to keep up with modernity because they were losing customers.
That's exactly why essentially giving Muslims the finger about their religion has the opposite effect than what you're saying it's supposed to. It makes the "we're at war with the infidels" camp bigger and the western way of life a threat. There's a huge difference between criticizing someone and trying to cut them out, not even accepting them as someone who can live next to you. There are aspects of Islam that should be feared, but joining the people who point and shout and vote for demagogues is certainly doing the opposite of helping. Polarizing the situation is a solution that only a teenager or a zealot would come up with, when at the end of the day time works against any religion's influence
Aka the "Backfire Effect". The only effective way to get anywhere with someone who holds strong views which have integrated their personality to the point of being a core part of their identity is to present yourself as an epistemic peer, rather than talking at them. Depersonalizing the debate is less likely to trigger the Backfire Effect.
Absolutely agree, this is why its terrible what the regressive left is doing to Islam reformers.
For example, Linda Sarsour (leader of the womens march) called AAyan Hirsi (Islam apostate and anti-FGM activists) an Uncle Tom, and even saying that she deserves death
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Baalim   Mexico. Mar 28 2017 03:05. Posts 34270
Turkey was an example of a prosperous modern murslim nation, but I dont think the world sees Turkey that way anymore, i feels more like a post 70s Iran, a thriving modernizing nation that spiraled out of controll because theocracy got a vice grip of politics, and with Erdogan it Turkey is following them down that path.
I can only think of two times where society devolved (not caused by war or other resource-based problem) and it was the fall of Constantinopla and the start of the Dark Ages, nearly a thousand years of social devolution caused by an Abrahamic religion and now we see an alike phenomena in the middle east caused by an alike religion.
Perhaps the crimes of communism could be counted as social devolution, but its usually brought in a sweeping totalitarian regime, state enforced rather than slow cultural erosion
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Last edit: 28/03/2017 03:06
VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 28 2017 18:12. Posts 5121
New Sheriff in town !
Last edit: 28/03/2017 19:01
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 29 2017 23:06. Posts 9634
Yes this is the same lady that claims nuclear weapons ban worldwide would put North Korea at a great advantage.
Had a good laugh.
She s pretty good at speaking publicly, too bad she s working for the elitist pieces of shit that run the world for the last decades, no other explanation why would you be pro politics that will clearly lead to hard military interventions
aaaaaaaaaand Trump threw out of the window the main thing he would have been better than Hillary... fucking great -_- the neo-cons & democrats rejoice as Assad will be thrown out and the Middle East will be controlled by the Islamic State
ISIS lost more than 50% of their territory last year, they were getting demolished. USA had to fix it to keep the conflict going. Nothing too surprising.
Trump is a fucking idiot. Throw 50 bombs at some useless airfield, nice. Very telling that the USGov is 0% skeptic of Assad using chemical weapons too.
Timeline 2013:
- Assad losing Brutal conflict
- Russia comes and helps
- Gaining back massive territory
- Obama says 'if you use chem weaps, we intervene'
- Assad uses chemical weapons in a region of no strategic utility in a war he's winning?
Timeline 2017 is basically the same thing again. Rebels almost completely demoralized, your country is generally winning the global PR war, and you decide to gas a bunch of people in a shit village near the border with Turkey? Really hard not to be skeptic unless you think Assad is purely an irrational actor.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Santafairy   Korea (South). Apr 07 2017 14:09. Posts 2235
it's not that simple in terms of just because someone in syria may have done something that doesn't mean it was assad's idea or he okayed it or it was his fault
i mean it can be both, surely some army loon can drop chemical weapons, even by accident, on the other hand iirc other parties there have been proven to have used chemical weapons already and so it could have been someone else or a fake
interesting how he always finds curveballs though
"our intelligence is shit and i know better"
"intelligence said assad did it we are going to war"
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
We will never know for sure who used the chemical weapon or why. Might as well been Russia's response to ISIS's attack in Saint Petersburg except providing evidence of Russia to have used a chemical weapon could potentially cause a problem from which there s no turning back.
Today is a shitty day, ISIS hit Stockholm 30 minutes ago. Another truck into the city s main street. That being said if USA was so anti ISIS, they would've helped Russia/Assad bomb the shit out of the "rebels" and not protect them. Obviously chemical weapons should be dealt with, but I don't see how destroying a military base will sort anything out. Greedy cuntfucks looking justify their military expenses through any means necessary.
On April 07 2017 13:46 Spitfiree wrote:
We will never know for sure who used the chemical weapon or why. Might as well been Russia's response to ISIS's attack in Saint Petersburg except providing evidence of Russia to have used a chemical weapon could potentially cause a problem from which there s no turning back.
Today is a shitty day, ISIS hit Stockholm 30 minutes ago. Another truck into the city s main street. That being said if USA was so anti ISIS, they would've helped Russia/Assad bomb the shit out of the "rebels" and not protect them. Greedy cuntfucks looking justify their military expenses through any means necessary.
I wonder... If Israel did EVERYTHING the international community wanted it to do and act... There would be the exact same volume of terror attacks against Israel still right ? (maybe even more, since the wall probably prevented some attacks)
VanDerMeyde again you are mixing up religion and actual geopolitical plays, you just prefer to stay ignorant dont you.
USA's strike was on a airbase used as a "dump", while the airstrike's cost is evaluated at around 90million $, the airbase damage is evaluated between 5-10million $. So they basically killed 6 people for no reason just to make a geopolitical play. As I said, greedy cuntfucks
They did not catch the terrorist yet but already you know it had nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with politics... interesting. Please tell me more...