Baalim   Mexico. May 29 2017 07:34. Posts 34270
Ok drone so lets summarize the gender problems you talk about:
Women problems:
- Less female CEOs (despise the fact that men statistically sacrifice their lives more to work, which is a requirement for such a position)
- Stereotypes still imposed in girls in early childhood
Men problems:
- Higher % of school drop outs
- They graduate 30% less than women from college
- Most victims of murder and violence
- Higher suicide rates
- Higher homelessness rate
- 90% of women who seek custody get it
So what were the solutions for these problems? oh.. affirmative action in CEO position... brilliant -_-
I'm not saying men are poor victims here, but women do claim they are victimized by patriarchy when in reality we simply have different roles, strenghts, needs and interests, and the point of equality is that if you want to do something, go for it... but what we shouldn't do is exactly affirmative action, lowering the bar for example, literally the US army have lower standard for the physical tests for women, obviously this is idiotic.
You mentioned that in Sweden gender roles were much less obvious than in other countries, however scandinavia shows greater disparity in traditionally gendered careers, most countries have higher % of women in STEM for example.
Ironically when there isnt any gender "indoctrination" and people have absolute free will they trend to gravitate more to what they naturally like, thus that ironic result.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. May 29 2017 07:49. Posts 34270
On May 28 2017 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm not trying to shut down free speech anywhere.. Individuals from the left trying to shame people into not expressing their thoughts is an issue, I think relatively minor, but I recognize it is a problem. I do however not believe it's something you can really blame 'the left' for
It is not minor, it is a far greater and more dangerous threat than any gender inequality bullshit, Europe is full of hate-speech laws, Canada is in discussions on Bill C16 that would make using the wrong pronouns of trans people hate speech punishable by jail time.
Countless speeches from right-wing speakers have been cancelled in Universities, these speakers when they manage to give their speech are attacked with mace, punches etc, to the point these students have sent elderly speakers to the hospital.
Yale just gave an award to those students who screamed like idiots at a professor saying "it was their home" when all he did was being the husband of a teacher who wrote a letter supporting Halloween Costumes with cultural appropriation.
So you might think its reasonable sending people to jail for hate speech, you probably think making the Sieg Heil salute is hate speech, you probably arent so sure about using the wrong pronouns being hate speech, but you have to realize this people think using dreadlocks as a white person is hate speech, that white girls selling burritos should be shut down because its cultural appropriation.
And that is why we should put up with the Nazi scum making the sieg heil salute, because if you dont, you create an exception to free speech and when you do, other people will decide what is allowed and what isnt, and if you think this power wont land in the wrong hands then you are a fool.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 29 2017 08:32. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:39
VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 29 2017 08:32. Posts 5121
Last edit: 29/05/2017 08:33
Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 29 2017 10:38. Posts 3096
On May 28 2017 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm not trying to shut down free speech anywhere.. Individuals from the left trying to shame people into not expressing their thoughts is an issue, I think relatively minor, but I recognize it is a problem. I do however not believe it's something you can really blame 'the left' for
It is not minor, it is a far greater and more dangerous threat than any gender inequality bullshit, Europe is full of hate-speech laws, Canada is in discussions on Bill C16 that would make using the wrong pronouns of trans people hate speech punishable by jail time.
Countless speeches from right-wing speakers have been cancelled in Universities, these speakers when they manage to give their speech are attacked with mace, punches etc, to the point these students have sent elderly speakers to the hospital.
Yale just gave an award to those students who screamed like idiots at a professor saying "it was their home" when all he did was being the husband of a teacher who wrote a letter supporting Halloween Costumes with cultural appropriation.
So you might think its reasonable sending people to jail for hate speech, you probably think making the Sieg Heil salute is hate speech, you probably arent so sure about using the wrong pronouns being hate speech, but you have to realize this people think using dreadlocks as a white person is hate speech, that white girls selling burritos should be shut down because its cultural appropriation.
And that is why we should put up with the Nazi scum making the sieg heil salute, because if you dont, you create an exception to free speech and when you do, other people will decide what is allowed and what isnt, and if you think this power wont land in the wrong hands then you are a fool.
why the fuck are you claiming that I am thinking it's reasonable to do stuff I've explicitly said that I am opposed to? If you're not gonna argue in good faith then I really see no point in engaging, this is just stupid. I've actually spent some time arguing how incredibly stupid I think the idea that white people selling ethnic food is 'cultural appropriation', because it's actually cultural appreciation. And what hate speech laws are 'europe, the monolithic entity' full of? 16 out of 44 european countries have laws against holocaust denial, I really haven't seen much else.
Last edit: 29/05/2017 10:48
Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 29 2017 10:46. Posts 3096
On May 29 2017 06:34 Baalim wrote:
Ok drone so lets summarize the gender problems you talk about:
Women problems:
- Less female CEOs (despise the fact that men statistically sacrifice their lives more to work, which is a requirement for such a position)
- Stereotypes still imposed in girls in early childhood
Men problems:
- Higher % of school drop outs
- They graduate 30% less than women from college
- Most victims of murder and violence
- Higher suicide rates
- Higher homelessness rate
- 90% of women who seek custody get it
So what were the solutions for these problems? oh.. affirmative action in CEO position... brilliant -_-
I'm not saying men are poor victims here, but women do claim they are victimized by patriarchy when in reality we simply have different roles, strenghts, needs and interests, and the point of equality is that if you want to do something, go for it... but what we shouldn't do is exactly affirmative action, lowering the bar for example, literally the US army have lower standard for the physical tests for women, obviously this is idiotic.
Once again, you don't argue in good faith and misconstrue my stated opinions. I state that I don't necessarily think that women's problems are more important to tackle than men's problems, you try to ridicule me for thinking that women's problems are more important than men's problems. I also think the stereotyping of young girls (and young boys) is a much bigger problem than the lack of CEO's. There's also stuff like rape, sexual and domestic abuse that all affect women way more than men, but whatever. All I am saying is that gender equality has not been achieved and that it's still a worthy goal to fight for. It's probably like, #20, on my list over societal issues, but it's not like we can only care about 'the one goal that is the most important'.
VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 29 2017 10:49. Posts 5121
Last edit: 14/07/2017 22:39
Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 29 2017 10:57. Posts 3096
On May 28 2017 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm not trying to shut down free speech anywhere.. Individuals from the left trying to shame people into not expressing their thoughts is an issue, I think relatively minor, but I recognize it is a problem. I do however not believe it's something you can really blame 'the left' for, it's not like there exists some centralized leftist thought-organ that which all leftists have to adhere to, or whatever. This is just people being people, imo. I'm not grouping all right wingers with dogmeat.
As for the 'alliance with muslims', I think Norwegian law has to be adhered by anyone in Norway and other than that I think it's an important principle that people are free to believe whatever they want to believe and act however they want to act. The muslims I know myself are really friendly and nice guys who act like everyone else except they don't eat pork and only half of them drink alcohol. That said I totally think it's important that when people come to Norway they are subject to some degree of civic education because I realize that a lot of people from countries where muslims live have a negative view on homosexuality and women's rights which is not compatible with life here, but I think this is actually stuff that we as society are equipped to handle, at least as long as immigration is not completely unhinged. I also think it's fair to criticize Sweden for having been naive and irresponsible - although personally I prefer erring on the side of naivete rather than erring on the side of cynicism.
The muslims I know are really nice too. Some of my customers are muslim and they serve me coffee when I get there f e. Anyway, i fear terror might me part of the "package" you get when 100.000`s of people from that part of the world enters. At least until the religion is reformed. And I feel the left is a bit naive about it. But not an issue in Norway. PST are too good, the government are too good at dismissing the wrong people getting citizenship. And the few radicalized we have all live in or move to Oslo anyway. And even there most of the radicalized ones went to Syria or got arrested.
Norway in 2016 had 3500 asylum seekers. I certainly think there exists a middle ground between that figure and sweden, 2015. And if you think the left is a bit naive about it, that's fair enough, I don't have any problems with that, it's a completely fair position to take. (The earlier phrase 'alliance with islam' however, I don't agree with. )
Baalim   Mexico. May 29 2017 23:29. Posts 34270
On May 28 2017 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm not trying to shut down free speech anywhere.. Individuals from the left trying to shame people into not expressing their thoughts is an issue, I think relatively minor, but I recognize it is a problem. I do however not believe it's something you can really blame 'the left' for
It is not minor, it is a far greater and more dangerous threat than any gender inequality bullshit, Europe is full of hate-speech laws, Canada is in discussions on Bill C16 that would make using the wrong pronouns of trans people hate speech punishable by jail time.
Countless speeches from right-wing speakers have been cancelled in Universities, these speakers when they manage to give their speech are attacked with mace, punches etc, to the point these students have sent elderly speakers to the hospital.
Yale just gave an award to those students who screamed like idiots at a professor saying "it was their home" when all he did was being the husband of a teacher who wrote a letter supporting Halloween Costumes with cultural appropriation.
So you might think its reasonable sending people to jail for hate speech, you probably think making the Sieg Heil salute is hate speech, you probably arent so sure about using the wrong pronouns being hate speech, but you have to realize this people think using dreadlocks as a white person is hate speech, that white girls selling burritos should be shut down because its cultural appropriation.
And that is why we should put up with the Nazi scum making the sieg heil salute, because if you dont, you create an exception to free speech and when you do, other people will decide what is allowed and what isnt, and if you think this power wont land in the wrong hands then you are a fool.
why the fuck are you claiming that I am thinking it's reasonable to do stuff I've explicitly said that I am opposed to? If you're not gonna argue in good faith then I really see no point in engaging, this is just stupid. I've actually spent some time arguing how incredibly stupid I think the idea that white people selling ethnic food is 'cultural appropriation', because it's actually cultural appreciation. And what hate speech laws are 'europe, the monolithic entity' full of? 16 out of 44 european countries have laws against holocaust denial, I really haven't seen much else.
I obviously dont think you think dreadlocks in whites should be banned, what im saying is that its a by-product of what you support, mmeaning hate-speech laws, If I remember correctly you in the past said you were ok with banning holocaust denial and Nazi salutes, but the sad news is once you open the pandora box you dont know what you will get.
So I dont see how I'm mischaraterizing your views here, unless I'm remembering wrong and you dont support any resemblance of hate-speech laws, which if its the case then I apologize.
You said free speech losing terrain is a minor problem compared to gender disparity and the more you write the more I realize how uninformed you are about the and actions and the ammounts of the followers of postmodernism and intersectional feminism.
A few days ago a famous youtuber in Scotland was arrested and is facing serious jail time because he jokingly taught his GF's Pug to make the nazi salute and made a funny video about it.
Right now some theaters have shows only for women for the Wonder Woman movie, now many universities in the US have areas restricted to whites, ironically going back to segregation times.
I believe it is far more dangerous than girls having their rooms painted in pink
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. May 29 2017 23:46. Posts 34270
On May 29 2017 09:46 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Once again, you don't argue in good faith and misconstrue my stated opinions. I state that I don't necessarily think that women's problems are more important to tackle than men's problems, you try to ridicule me for thinking that women's problems are more important than men's problems. I also think the stereotyping of young girls (and young boys) is a much bigger problem than the lack of CEO's. There's also stuff like rape, sexual and domestic abuse that all affect women way more than men, but whatever. All I am saying is that gender equality has not been achieved and that it's still a worthy goal to fight for. It's probably like, #20, on my list over societal issues, but it's not like we can only care about 'the one goal that is the most important'.
More men are raped than women (prisons), about half the victims of domestic abuse are men and more women use weapons in these disputes than men.
But this isnt about victimhood Olympics, what I'm trying to say here is that when people talk about gender inequality its not about men issues, its about women issues, just read your first post about the issue and its obvious you are not the exception.
Women have paid shelters, programs and a lot of support for domestic abuse, men dont.
Women also have programs and support for victims of rape, men are laughed at if they report it.
Breast Cancer research have the biggest funding of all cancers, we see the NFL in pink supporting it etc despise the fact that prostate cancer is far deadlier and it doesnt get a fraction of the money and publicity.
When are all these feminists fighting for programs to help male suicide, male vagrancy, to give men same parental rights etc?
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 30 2017 01:06. Posts 3096
On May 28 2017 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:
I'm not trying to shut down free speech anywhere.. Individuals from the left trying to shame people into not expressing their thoughts is an issue, I think relatively minor, but I recognize it is a problem. I do however not believe it's something you can really blame 'the left' for
It is not minor, it is a far greater and more dangerous threat than any gender inequality bullshit, Europe is full of hate-speech laws, Canada is in discussions on Bill C16 that would make using the wrong pronouns of trans people hate speech punishable by jail time.
Countless speeches from right-wing speakers have been cancelled in Universities, these speakers when they manage to give their speech are attacked with mace, punches etc, to the point these students have sent elderly speakers to the hospital.
Yale just gave an award to those students who screamed like idiots at a professor saying "it was their home" when all he did was being the husband of a teacher who wrote a letter supporting Halloween Costumes with cultural appropriation.
So you might think its reasonable sending people to jail for hate speech, you probably think making the Sieg Heil salute is hate speech, you probably arent so sure about using the wrong pronouns being hate speech, but you have to realize this people think using dreadlocks as a white person is hate speech, that white girls selling burritos should be shut down because its cultural appropriation.
And that is why we should put up with the Nazi scum making the sieg heil salute, because if you dont, you create an exception to free speech and when you do, other people will decide what is allowed and what isnt, and if you think this power wont land in the wrong hands then you are a fool.
why the fuck are you claiming that I am thinking it's reasonable to do stuff I've explicitly said that I am opposed to? If you're not gonna argue in good faith then I really see no point in engaging, this is just stupid. I've actually spent some time arguing how incredibly stupid I think the idea that white people selling ethnic food is 'cultural appropriation', because it's actually cultural appreciation. And what hate speech laws are 'europe, the monolithic entity' full of? 16 out of 44 european countries have laws against holocaust denial, I really haven't seen much else.
I obviously dont think you think dreadlocks in whites should be banned, what im saying is that its a by-product of what you support, mmeaning hate-speech laws, If I remember correctly you in the past said you were ok with banning holocaust denial and Nazi salutes, but the sad news is once you open the pandora box you dont know what you will get.
So I dont see how I'm mischaraterizing your views here, unless I'm remembering wrong and you dont support any resemblance of hate-speech laws, which if its the case then I apologize.
You said free speech losing terrain is a minor problem compared to gender disparity and the more you write the more I realize how uninformed you are about the and actions and the ammounts of the followers of postmodernism and intersectional feminism.
A few days ago a famous youtuber in Scotland was arrested and is facing serious jail time because he jokingly taught his GF's Pug to make the nazi salute and made a funny video about it.
Right now some theaters have shows only for women for the Wonder Woman movie, now many universities in the US have areas restricted to whites, ironically going back to segregation times.
I believe it is far more dangerous than girls having their rooms painted in pink
you misremember. I don't want to dig up the post, but you asked me pretty specifically about exactly this and I think I was pretty explicit in stating that I support the right of nazis to parade in the street (so obviously I don't favor banning sieg heil salutes). I don't support banning holocaust denial, but I think that exact law is basically completely unimportant, holocaust denial is super fringe and I dunno anyone other than david irving who has ever really been affected. It's also only a law in 16 of 44 european countries.
What I did say was that I think punishing stuff like edward norton's incitement to commit acts of violence in american history x followed up by an act of violence very much in line with what was incited makes sense. I think it should be completely legal to say 'all niggers and faggots should die', (I also think it's completely fair that employers look up people on facebook and avoid hiring people who write that on their facebook wall, though).
I guess where I want hatespeech laws to be implemented is, I think if someone stands in front of a group of neo nazis and states there's a niggerfaggot living in streetname 45, we should all go there and torturemurder him, and then the group goes and does that.. Then even if the guy who came up with the idea wasn't involved in the actual act of torturemurder, I still think he's liable for punishment. I actually think you agree with this. And then I'm sure maybe there are some gray area cases where we might end up differing, but I'm far away from supporting banning sieg heil salutes.
I also think I said that I don't think free speech losing terrain is that huge of an issue. I don't think I said gender disparities is a bigger one. I consider both fairly minor, to be honest. On a worldwide scale, I think climate change is THE issue, by far. On a western, local scale, it's automation/AI and all that entails in terms of work and possible cementing of wealth/power structures. Surveillance is big, for sure. I have hundreds of thoughts on education..
I've seen some stupid stuff from american universities in terms of 'oppressive political correctness', but absolutely 0 similar cases from Norway, and very few from Europe in general. I hadn't heard of that scottish case, but I think that's completely ridiculous and I have no defense for that. But even then, in the grand scheme of things I still feel that it's really not the biggest of deals when compared to the possibility of 250 million people losing drinking water access etc, possibility of 8-9 digit numbers of people having to relocate (europe showing itself completely unwilling/unable to handle 2-6 million..) Those are issues I think are like, really big and important.
Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 30 2017 01:39. Posts 3096
Once again, you don't argue in good faith and misconstrue my stated opinions. I state that I don't necessarily think that women's problems are more important to tackle than men's problems, you try to ridicule me for thinking that women's problems are more important than men's problems. I also think the stereotyping of young girls (and young boys) is a much bigger problem than the lack of CEO's. There's also stuff like rape, sexual and domestic abuse that all affect women way more than men, but whatever. All I am saying is that gender equality has not been achieved and that it's still a worthy goal to fight for. It's probably like, #20, on my list over societal issues, but it's not like we can only care about 'the one goal that is the most important'.
More men are raped than women (prisons), about half the victims of domestic abuse are men and more women use weapons in these disputes than men.
But this isnt about victimhood Olympics, what I'm trying to say here is that when people talk about gender inequality its not about men issues, its about women issues, just read your first post about the issue and its obvious you are not the exception.
Women have paid shelters, programs and a lot of support for domestic abuse, men dont.
Women also have programs and support for victims of rape, men are laughed at if they report it.
Breast Cancer research have the biggest funding of all cancers, we see the NFL in pink supporting it etc despise the fact that prostate cancer is far deadlier and it doesnt get a fraction of the money and publicity.
When are all these feminists fighting for programs to help male suicide, male vagrancy, to give men same parental rights etc?
Hey, I totally support more awareness on male issues of vulnerability and cancer. Absolutely. But I mean, for those examples there's also stuff like viagra being covered by american health insurances and birth control not being, etc. I dunno too many specifics here tbh, I'm sure there are plenty examples of both genders being discriminated against in some way or form. I agree completely that it's not a victimhood olympics, but I think it makes more sense to address both the ways men and females are discriminated against, than to say 'gender equality has been achieved because both genders are equally discriminated against'. If your argument is that men are more discriminated against, then that's fair enough, but I don't really care, because it's irrelevant to my position that both male and female discrimination should be combated. That also requires the realization that men and women are discriminated against in entirely different ways.
I don't really identify as part of some greater group of unified feminists. But I've mentioned this before, I have quite a lot of friends and family who have been involved in politics, and a majority of these are part of the socialist leftist party of Norway. Norway is a very gender-egalitarian society, and these people mostly consider themselves feminists, in Norway. I think some of them are kinda silly (always benign and virtually never harmful, though), but most of them are largely in line with my views - gender equality should also deal with male issues. Feminism is one of those words with a contested definition though, but I think virtually every self-defined feminist I know is also supportive of increased focus on male rights where appropriate. (Still might be differences in opinion of where it is appropriate! )
Anyway, to be more specific, I'm about to write an article about this norwegian volunteer group called 'teach the kids to code', which is basically a group engaged in implementing programming classes in elementary schools across the country, like, from kids are 8 years old. I think that's an awesome endeavor. They stated as part of their reasoning behind going for this, (a small part) that they want to introduce girls to programming before they learn that programming is a male activity. I'm willing to accept that there's a possibility of programming being an activity that guys are on average more biologically disposed towards, but I think it's even more likely that the huge gender disparity in terms of programmers is mostly explained by cultural factors. If it is the case that boys are far more likely to be incentivized by their parents to learn programming than what the case is for girls (and the data I have seen strongly suggests this is the case), then I think it makes sense to use the educational system to revert this cultural trait. So as part of a deliberate effort to examine whether this is actually the case, and also to give girls a similar chance guys have to learn what is bound to become an essential skill, I think the slight gender equality focus described as part of the mission for Teach The Kids How To Code is well, good.
I do support initiatives like these, and I'd support policies rewarding / supporting initiatives like these. But while I think teaching kids how to program is really important, I don't actually care that much about the gender aspect of it - but I still think their argument makes sense. It's just not that big of a deal in a big picture kind of setting.
I kinda think part of it is just that individuals tend to be vocal about what affects themselves a lot, not about what affects a whole lot of people a little, and discrimination based on race or gender can be stuff that individuals themselves really feel, even if it's not that huge of a societal problem. (Although I do have to say that I think racial discrimination is still a huge issue, much bigger than gender discrimination is, in the west. ) But either way, this is why so many people are so vocal and outraged about it, because it's a form of easily seen and understood social injustice, which has been really empowered by social media.
Lastly, I enjoy discussing with you, but I got a bit annoyed because I felt you were arguing against your impression of a stereotypical liberal. I disagree a bit with you on how stereotypical liberals act, and a lot in the sense that I don't feel like I belong to that category. ;p
Baalim   Mexico. May 30 2017 05:52. Posts 34270
Well apparently I did remembered wrong and I retract everything I said.
Perhaps is this polarization of identity politics, where if you say "I am a feminist" I assume you are a crazy postmodernist an in fact I think we both believe the same things, I also support teaching more interesting stuff to girls than giving them plastic babies or mindless shit.
I think our approach to solutions is where we differ, you talked about affirmative action and I've always thought that approach is terrible, its artificial equality through direct injustice, what this creates is even more tension and it has proven to be ineffective, I think the state job should be make sure we are equal under the law and let society mend itself, this is a long and painful process but slavery is gone now, women era emancipated now so we are walking forward, societal evolution isn't catalyzed by state intervention, all affirmative action in the US for blacks did is allowing racists to attack blacks who succeeded while in reality as a race economically it didn't have any impact at all.
About race discrimination I am with Morgan Freeman, the solution is to stop seeing each other as a black man and a white man etc, but playing the game of reparations is madness and that is exactly where we are going, we are not on road to "color blindness" in fact this is a term despised by progressives, we are on the regressive road that leads to segregation, reparations, white guilt, resentfulness going back to racism.
I think you are concerned of where we are right now and I'm concerned where we are going
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. May 30 2017 05:57. Posts 34270
I also strongly agree that the real monsters are for some reason rarely spoken about.
Overpopulation being the biggest problem the earth faces followed by Climate change (which is a result of the former), surveillance and the impending mass unemployment due to automation.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
nolan   Ireland. May 30 2017 11:27. Posts 6205
On May 30 2017 04:57 Baalim wrote:
I also strongly agree that the real monsters are for some reason rarely spoken about.
Overpopulation being the biggest problem the earth faces followed by Climate change (which is a result of the former), surveillance and the impending mass unemployment due to automation.
I'd add AI-risk to that set of problems but that one is a bit more controversial I guess.
On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 30 2017 16:47. Posts 9634
There is no overpopulation problem, its just a concern at this point, so is the AI
Baalim   Mexico. May 30 2017 22:13. Posts 34270
On May 30 2017 15:47 Spitfiree wrote:
There is no overpopulation problem, its just a concern at this point, so is the AI
If overpopulation is not a problem then neither is climate change, any environmental problem, pollution, deforestation, overfishing, food and energy crisis because all of these its primary factor correlating factor is the amount of people in the world.
Why do you think we have climate change? because there are 7 billion of us and we cannot sustain this with our current technology and we are hurting our environment, also the only reason why we survive is because our technology have improved, if we had early 20 century technology today our society would have collapsed and billions would starve to death.
In its exponential nature, when you realize overpopulation is a problem its way too late to do anything about it
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. May 30 2017 22:47. Posts 9634
I actually wrote a bigass post but then I realized that I still don't fully understand your view so I have a question.Your post is based on a solid theory that guesses a certain way the world could develop but surely cannot be certain as a number of factors that surround the development of such path are so great that nobody would be able to solve at this point.
How do you imagine we deal with the issue as you view it or only taking the exponential function as a factor? Raise awareness? Develop undeveloped countries even though there are still hundreds of not thousands of people dying each day cause of starvation even though we are fully able to feed them? I'm guessing you understand where I'm going with this and why I believe that overpopulation isn't really a problem as we have us, the humans as a factor.
Its not really relatable to global warming as global warming is something that we will leave out as an irreversible consequence in the future if we go on like that and wont have to deal with it ourselves. Obviously, hopefully we will reverse the global warming as a proccess or die as species...
Overpopulation is a problem that can be dealt with however. It just wont be pretty, but neither is egoism so thats to be expected
Got the first random english source I could find, the guy actually lost the trial. This is quite concerning as Switzerland is a country known for its rationality...
Last edit: 30/05/2017 22:53
Baalim   Mexico. May 31 2017 00:30. Posts 34270
Its difficult to say what will take to stop population growth, totalitarian actions like the would work but are impossible to impose in most free societies since its political suicide for anybody who tries it but lets begin by at least raising awareness, climate change is everywhere but I havent seen any major news outlet or the scientific community openly saying stop reproducing.
For some reason people get very defensive about it, but its a subject that must be spoken about now, or it will be too late.
Also Climate change wont make us go extinct, it will create a lot of problems, suffering and deaths and the best tool we have to prevent it is to stop pop growth.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Baalim   Mexico. May 31 2017 00:35. Posts 34270
Evergreen college students demand to forbid entrance for one day to all whites, and if his demands were not met they threatened that there would be violence, instead of expelling all the idiots, the rector agreed despise being yelled at in his face.
Now Drone this is what I mean when I say im concerned where we are gong, this is not an isolated case in fact its what is happening in most american universities, these people will be in positions of powers and writing policy soon.
So when you speak about gender inequality and talk about toxic masculinity, perhaps you have very specific reasonable ideas but that is not what these words truly mean anymore, they are political words used by a dogmatic group and by using them you empower them