Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 68 |
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 04 2017 11:14. Posts 5345 | | |
I can give a lot of examples of good politicians:
Dr. Hussain Shahristani, is deputy prime minister of Iraq.
Before he became a politician he said he wasn't going to help develop weapons for the saddam regime. He was put in abu graib and tortured for 22 days non stop. They had 3 doctors in charge of keeping him alive through the ordeal, or they themselves would be executed. Then they brought him back to a palace, and asked him to make nuclear weapons for the regime, he refused and was put on trial, his own defense attorney argued he should be executed, but the regime saw too much value in him, hoping they might get him to develop nukes one day, so he was sentence to life imprisonment, and lived in solitary confinement for 8 years. He refused to be prime minister in 2004, saying he would rather focus on important issues.
Jose Horte, president of East Timor.
Patrice Lamumba
Rosa Luxemburg
Nelson Mandella
Evo Morales
All of the above politicians did some morally dubious things, but many of them did heroic things or morally good things as well. You need power to be a politician, typically. Where did their power come from? All of them got their power from popular support instead of the standard elite interest groups.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | Last edit: 04/07/2017 11:17 |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 05 2017 23:07. Posts 9634 | | |
Otto Von Bismarck
The guy literally accepted to hold back on military progress when he had the full potential to beat everyone around him because he was aware that such advancement might cause a huge war in Western Europe and the nation would develop much faster if they invested into other sectors. I honestly can't think of another politician who had to choose between competing for the Number 1 Power spot in the world with all the atrocities that come with it and just working for your own country, who made the right choice. Right as in didnt sacrifice shitton of people for no real practical reason
P.S. He did do some fucked up shit, but he could've forced WW1 about 50 years before it actually happened and then Europe would have most likely been called Russia up to this day. |
| Last edit: 05/07/2017 23:13 |
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Baalim   Mexico. Jul 06 2017 00:49. Posts 34270 | | |
| On July 04 2017 10:14 Stroggoz wrote:
Evo Morales
lol really? a latin american socialist on its way to become dictator is in your list?
he nationalized Telecom, energy and most major businesses, the state owns 33% of all the air-time in radio and TV, he idolizes Castro and was very supportive of Chavez and Krichner and also called the Iranian prime minister a "revolutionary brother"
Also as I said he is going to ignore a referendum and illegal run again becoming a dictator copying his buddies in Cuba and Venezuela |
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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 06 2017 04:55. Posts 5345 | | |
nationalization to redistribute wealth, does have a democratizing effect. He also cares about the environment, which is rare and matters a lot considering what's happening atm. Calling him a dictator is ridiculous.
You should probably hate all of those politicians on the list if you are opposed to nationalized resources, because they are all nationalists of that type, except rosa and possibly nelson-but they were both socialists as well lol. |
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | |
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Baalim   Mexico. Jul 06 2017 05:47. Posts 34270 | | |
| On July 06 2017 03:55 Stroggoz wrote:
nationalization to redistribute wealth, does have a democratizing effect. He also cares about the environment, which is rare and matters a lot considering what's happening atm. Calling him a dictator is ridiculous.
You should probably hate all of those politicians on the list if you are opposed to nationalized resources, because they are all nationalists of that type, except rosa and possibly nelson-but they were both socialists as well lol. |
He has been president since 2005, a referendum forbids him from running again but its looking like he is going to attempt to perhaps even change the constitution to run again, so yes, he is on its way to be a dictator and become another bolivarian cliché.
Nationalizing is not the same as having maintaining state-run businesses, the first one is plain theft, its taking property, infrastructure and all resources from people who worked hard for it and built it, so no I dont see presidents stealing businesses and run them to the ground as a form of taxation any admirable.
Oh he cares about the enviroment? then nevermind all that he deserves a nobel like Obama -_-.
I'm economically against nationalized industries, it often means poor leadership but someone might hold those views and still be an admirable leader, like Ghandi for example, but its difficult to get over the fact that he was very racist but it was the norm on his time and that is why I said its difficult to have leader heroes given the shifts in morality through time. |
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Baalim   Mexico. Jul 13 2017 23:23. Posts 34270 | | |
Well Betsy Devos is tackling those kangaroo courts on capus rape that assumed guilt without any proof and restoring due process for these accusations, so good job there.
Trump Jr got caught emailng with russians, but the media have been spinning the Russia story for so long without any evidence now that this has slightly more substance nobody will listen. "the boy who cired wolf" |
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online | Last edit: 13/07/2017 23:25 |
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Just FYI, atomic bombs aren't pleasant things but the first one was dropped and the US demanded Japan's surrender. Three days passed with no surrender so they dropped a bigger bomb and Japan finally surrendered. |
Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal | |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 14 2017 10:21. Posts 9634 | | |
Yeah, that's such a good reason to drop an atomic bomb. At that point the Japanese had no fleet and Russia was on to them as well. There was absolutely nothing they could do.
Don't tell me how it was dropped to save further lives as that reason is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. |
| Last edit: 14/07/2017 10:21 |
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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 14 2017 10:39. Posts 5345 | | |
If your allowed to drop a nuke on a city to end a war/japans imperial activities, by similar argument another nation, lets say iran, could drop an atomic bomb on an american city to force america to end its wars/ imperial activities. obviously this analogy only works if America was defenseless and can't nuke back though, which it isn't. But suppose Iran did develop a super weapon technology that gave it the ability to kill 100k americans and destroy a city, and it ended America's imperial activities as a result. Is it justified?
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 14 2017 13:58. Posts 9634 | | |
As absurd as that sounds, Stroggoz's comparison isn't even comparable as Japan was literally surrounded, they were on the defense, and they had no way out of the war other than waving the white flag.
Would more people have died? Most likely
Was the destruction of entire cities with both the civilians and military being obliterated in a moment, as well as having further impact on future generations throughout the entire country justified? I m guessing you can reach that answer by yourself. |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 20 2017 22:38. Posts 9634 | | |
Time to bump the thread boys
Six months have passed since Trump stepped into Office, Trump supporters please elaborate on what has he done for the good of the public cause the things that come to my mind at first are :
- banned muslims out of the country
- signed a bill that enables companies to destroy whistleblowers like Snowden
- fired an FBI director for no real reason, who later completely demolished him in the deposition
- failed to come even close to starting the so promised wall
- pulled out of the Paris Agreement for no real reason other than promoting anti eco-friendly policies as the agreement had no legal binding of any sort
- is replacing Obamacare with an act that, from what I have read and seen would be actually much, much, much worse
- did manage to fight off ISIS out of Iraq but I don't think he deserves the credit on that in all honesty, considering ISIS was already falling apart
Good work? :D
I don't think we should even bother dwelling into the retarded comments and tweets he sends occasionally, nor the fact that he s tweeting non-stop.. you are the freaking president dude don't you have better things to do
| By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, President Trump protected America from a bad deal that would have harmed our economy.
According to a study by NERA Consulting, meeting the Obama Administration’s obligations under the Paris Climate Accord could have cost the United States economy nearly $3 trillion.
According to the same study, 6.5 million industrial sector jobs could have been lost, including 3.1 million manufacturing sector jobs. |
Source : https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-...ald-j-trumps-six-months-america-first
His PR guy is really trying hard though
| A FREE AND FAIR TRADE AGENDA: President Trump is putting America First in trade negotiations, pursuing reciprocal agreements with our trading partners so everyone benefits. |
Laughing so hard :D |
| Last edit: 20/07/2017 22:44 |
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Baalim   Mexico. Jul 20 2017 23:50. Posts 34270 | | |
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
Time to bump the thread boys
Six months have passed since Trump stepped into Office, Trump supporters please elaborate on what has he done for the good of the public cause the things that come to my mind at first are :
- banned muslims out of the country
- signed a bill that enables companies to destroy whistleblowers like Snowden
- fired an FBI director for no real reason, who later completely demolished him in the deposition
- failed to come even close to starting the so promised wall
- pulled out of the Paris Agreement for no real reason other than promoting anti eco-friendly policies as the agreement had no legal binding of any sort
- is replacing Obamacare with an act that, from what I have read and seen would be actually much, much, much worse
- did manage to fight off ISIS out of Iraq but I don't think he deserves the credit on that in all honesty, considering ISIS was already falling apart
Good work? :D
I don't think we should even bother dwelling into the retarded comments and tweets he sends occasionally, nor the fact that he s tweeting non-stop.. you are the freaking president dude don't you have better things to do
Show nested quote +
By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, President Trump protected America from a bad deal that would have harmed our economy.
According to a study by NERA Consulting, meeting the Obama Administration’s obligations under the Paris Climate Accord could have cost the United States economy nearly $3 trillion.
According to the same study, 6.5 million industrial sector jobs could have been lost, including 3.1 million manufacturing sector jobs. |
Source : https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-...ald-j-trumps-six-months-america-first
His PR guy is really trying hard though
| A FREE AND FAIR TRADE AGENDA: President Trump is putting America First in trade negotiations, pursuing reciprocal agreements with our trading partners so everyone benefits. |
Laughing so hard :D
I am no supporter but I'll give my viewpoint anyway
- "ban muslims out of the country" is a ridiculous way to put it, it was a senseless travel ban list drafted by Obama which didnt ban actual "dangerous" countries and in a silly way that harmed many legal migrants, however I see logical to restrict travel to countries you are waging war with, it seems like common sense.
- Awful shit, sadly building on top of Obamas disastrous anti-whistle blower policy, you know you have a corrupt government when they pursue whistleblowing this hard.
- It appears to me that Trump fired Comney because he wasn't willingly to publicly say he was not under investigation and in general he saw him as an enemy since the democrats used Comney as a bettering ram with the Russian narrative.
- Sadly I think he just secured like a 2 billion fund to start building the wall, and I say sadly because obviously the wall is a ridiculous waste of resources.
- I havent read the Paris agreement, but I think it stipulated things like foreign aid which is ridiculous so I have no particular quarrels with pulling out of such a bullshit thing, however his stance on climate change and pushing for coal is incredibly stupid, that being said, his approach to energy is less harmful than Merkel's
- I've read many times of the millions who would lose coverage but I havent seen how much money is saved if any, which is the most important factor, naturally I'm against state-run healthcare so I want ACA/Medicaid gone, not replaced.
- on foreign policy his counter-attack from the faux chemical attack was awful, however Trump yesterday stopped arming rebels which is the biggest step to peace in Syria in many years, this was one of the reasons I liked Trump over Hillary hopefully the conflict deescalation continues.
About his tweets he baffles me... He tweeted a few weeks ago something like "North Korea launched another missile, Kim... get a life", the fact that somebody with that intellect and speaks like a 15yo JustinBiever fan about such matters, is absolutely insane. |
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online | Last edit: 20/07/2017 23:54 |
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Loco   Canada. Jul 23 2017 01:35. Posts 20975 | | |
It's just the early evidence of what an Idiocracy really looks like. This is just the beginning. |
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount | |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 23 2017 01:55. Posts 9634 | | |
Aaaaand Sean Spicer s gone |
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Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 23 2017 04:56. Posts 2235 | | |
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
Time to bump the thread boys
Six months have passed since Trump stepped into Office, Trump supporters please elaborate on what has he done for the good of the public cause the things that come to my mind at first are :
- banned muslims out of the country |
not even close CNN
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- signed a bill that enables companies to destroy whistleblowers like Snowden |
muh national security
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- fired an FBI director for no real reason, who later completely demolished him in the deposition |
you mean in the congressional hearing? no amount of demolishing will get him his job back, what are you even saying here, trump replaced a government official but I don't like
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- failed to come even close to starting the so promised wall |
ICE is tearing ass though
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- pulled out of the Paris Agreement for no real reason other than promoting anti eco-friendly policies as the agreement had no legal binding of any sort |
so he symbolically ended a symbolic agreement, what a drumpster fire right
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- is replacing Obamacare with an act that, from what I have read and seen would be actually much, much, much worse |
we'll see what the legislature - you know, some of the people in the rest of the government, come up with first
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
- did manage to fight off ISIS out of Iraq but I don't think he deserves the credit on that in all honesty, considering ISIS was already falling apart |
everything good is obama
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
Good work? :D
I don't think we should even bother dwelling into the retarded comments and tweets he sends occasionally, nor the fact that he s tweeting non-stop.. you are the freaking president dude don't you have better things to do |
he's not tweeting non-stop, he's simply tweeting more than the only other president in history who's had twitter
and however much you dislike him, no matter how bad the tweets are, they're tweets, get your head on straight and keep the hysteria in proportion
| On July 20 2017 21:38 Spitfiree wrote:
Show nested quote +
A FREE AND FAIR TRADE AGENDA: President Trump is putting America First in trade negotiations, pursuing reciprocal agreements with our trading partners so everyone benefits. |
Laughing so hard :D
| pursuing reciprocal agreements with our trading partners so everyone benefits. |
either you can't read, or you must think we're a certain kind of gullible dipshit that you could slip this by
it's very simple, when you negotiate each party favors themselves and you come to a compromise
this is in contrast to globalism where each party favors the interests of those who aren't the evil rich white capitalist imperialists who made civilization
whether you think it reflects a substantive policy difference or is just talk and PR you still should be able to get what the point is supposed to be |
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen | |
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Baalim   Mexico. Jul 23 2017 07:51. Posts 34270 | | |
| On July 23 2017 00:35 Loco wrote:
It's just the early evidence of what an Idiocracy really looks like. This is just the beginning. |
Well given the inbreeding mentioned in this thread before from many muslims countries I think we witnessed that before in the middle east and it hasn't go well at all. |
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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jul 23 2017 23:04. Posts 9634 | | |
I don't think you are a certain type of gullible Santafairy.
Yeah he didn't ban muslims, my bad, he was taking measures against possible threats, whoops forgot to include Saudi Arabia and then signed the biggest deal with them, even though they are the country financing global terrorism.
You also said that Edward Snowden is threat to the national security of The United States, well played.
Also yeah, FBI chief wont get his job back, that makes Trump right, good job to him, he s the man with power, whichever direction he waves his dick to is the right one.
How sad and delusional
Also I was laughing at him naming his campaign "America first" and then stating that any deal would be "mutually beneficial" - an oxymoron, you re too stuck up to get it I guess. |
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NMcNasty   United States. Jul 25 2017 18:11. Posts 2041 | | |
Especially embarrassing day of tweeting today, and its looking grim for Santafairy's boy, Jeff Sessions. The shred of decency that led Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia investigation (though not resign) was apparently too much for Trump. That and apparently he's not going after Hillary Clinton hard enough. So he's getting taunted out of office for not concocting a fake unnecessary investigation against Clinton in order to divert attention away from the very real Russia scandal. I almost feel bad for him. |
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NMcNasty   United States. Jul 26 2017 21:49. Posts 2041 | | |
Amazing, an even worse day of tweeting.
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Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jul 27 2017 06:16. Posts 5345 | | |
That doesn't seem like such a bad tweet. seems empirically true to me, america is a very religious nation and anti-government to the point of people wanting guns to protect against it lol. The word 'we' only works if it applies to say half of the public tho, and not everyone. it is quite ambiguous |
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings | Last edit: 27/07/2017 10:03 |
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