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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 76

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VanDerMeyde   Norway. Dec 02 2017 16:22. Posts 5121

Every russian I drink alcohol with says similar stuff as the agent in that clip hehe


Santafairy   Korea (South). Dec 03 2017 18:26. Posts 2235

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 04 2017 01:56. Posts 9634

lmao at point A

PetterPLO   Norway. Dec 04 2017 15:11. Posts 17

  On October 28 2017 09:48 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

Julian Assange has been tweeting non-stop about it since the beggining, it looks like he has some agenda, but so far his record is clean.

Pretty amazing. Imagine how hard they worked to dig up some dirt on him

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 18 2017 23:36. Posts 9634

Pretty sure we're entering a phase of competition for world hegemony between China & USA now, guess we'll know for sure if proxy wars start occurring.

Russia is like the gatekeeper for world leader place so

I'm referring to this the theory, although it has valid criticism, seems to be about right looking back at history. Considering the USA has basically been the world leader since WW2 and definitely been running the show worldwide the past 30 years, it's about time other nations recover and start giving them run for their money.

Furthermore the USA seems to have many ticking bombs in their societies with ethnic and social problems that have been ignored for decades.

 Last edit: 18/12/2017 23:40

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 19 2017 09:24. Posts 34270

  On December 18 2017 22:36 Spitfiree wrote:

Pretty sure we're entering a phase of competition for world hegemony between China & USA now, guess we'll know for sure if proxy wars start occurring.

Russia is like the gatekeeper for world leader place so

I'm referring to this the theory, although it has valid criticism, seems to be about right looking back at history. Considering the USA has basically been the world leader since WW2 and definitely been running the show worldwide the past 30 years, it's about time other nations recover and start giving them run for their money.

Furthermore the USA seems to have many ticking bombs in their societies with ethnic and social problems that have been ignored for decades.

No, the Chinese economic "miracle" was only due to the us exporting its production at slave-wages in china, China GDP per capita is still awful and if it werent then another country would produce for the US slowing down China's economy, simply China lacks the free-market conditions that made the US explode after the 2nd world war, the massive state is dead weight for China and it wont let it float for many years to come.

Its also ridiculous to think the US has social problems when its a comparison to China which its social problems are far more serious and the only one they dont have is due to its racial homogeneity due to 0 migration which would change in an instant if they were to offer considerable better living standards than the rest of its neighboring countries

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 19 2017 22:22. Posts 9634

Becoming the leading country doesn't mean your GDP per capita is good or best on the planet. It doesn't even mean that you wont have social problems, however they are controlled in-house.

I'm not comparing the standard of life, free speech standards and every other basic human right which everyone should have. Im talking about global resource control and influence over other nations and China is definitely gaining momentum. If you think the USA doesn't feel threatened then you've been ignoring the "NK crisis" - the only reason Trump is trying to spark shit up there is because its the only non USA controlled region on the entire country,

China isn't the place where the USA dumps its production.. its where the whole world dumps its production. I'm guessing you can see what could that lead to eventually.

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 20 2017 04:10. Posts 34270

  On December 19 2017 21:22 Spitfiree wrote:
Becoming the leading country doesn't mean your GDP per capita is good or best on the planet. It doesn't even mean that you wont have social problems, however they are controlled in-house.

I'm not comparing the standard of life, free speech standards and every other basic human right which everyone should have. Im talking about global resource control and influence over other nations and China is definitely gaining momentum. If you think the USA doesn't feel threatened then you've been ignoring the "NK crisis" - the only reason Trump is trying to spark shit up there is because its the only non USA controlled region on the entire country,

China isn't the place where the USA dumps its production.. its where the whole world dumps its production. I'm guessing you can see what could that lead to eventually.

Again, people produce in china because of wages, the better the Chinese economy is the wages increase so the world start exporting to other cheaper country like India.

You are painting a China with a North Korean economic model but with the internet a thing like that cannot exist in China anymore it would socially collapse into a revolution, so if China's economy grows the wages have to increase, or as I just said, the people will destroy the state.

Also Chinas economic "miracle" stopped years ago, hopefully they will be dodge the dive Russia took not long ago in an alike fashion

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 20/12/2017 04:13

lucky331   . Dec 29 2017 12:10. Posts 1124

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 10 2018 14:09. Posts 9634

Seems like the libs are polling public opinion on Oprah running for office

First we get the WWF guy and now this:

at least she s proven to be a billionaire

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 10 2018 14:57. Posts 2235

she would be basically an Obama shell as she helped get him elected over Madam President, she'd have the same empty rhetoric but none of the law knowledge or senate experience

it wouldn't be a new direction probably

the Democrats' problem is they are too nice and they have no rising stars, which is why they had a 70 year old Clinton and 74 year old socialist (not that this is pejorative to me but for the US landscape it is) in the last presidential primary. if you look at polls of Democratic voters they all approve of basically anyone

whereas with the Republicans, of which there are many, it's a too many cooks spoil the kitchen thing, they HATE each other and I mean viscerally, and the voters hate them too, and that's why it's so interesting, the contentiousness means they have to constantly fight and there are make or break issues and it's a process of working things out and you really have to win people over and even if you do they resent you and are constantly open to the idea of throwing you out

with Democrats it's been just empty lately, I hate racism and want to help the poor more, no I do, I'm a woman elect me, no I'm black elect me, okay he won but I'm still a woman so it's my turn, and the guy with actual different ideas is sexist because he's trying to stop me from getting elected

also predictions 3 years before elections don't tend to tell you what's going to happen, that's really fast and just indicative of the left's Trump tantrum that they're so desperate to end it, for example in the earliest polls before the 2016 cycle Rand Paul was the most favorable opponent to beat Clinton with like +10

definitely don't underestimate her chances though

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 10 2018 15:14. Posts 2235

Trump's election has opened pandora's box so we'll see how many celebrities show up on the Democrat side since it's their turn with Trump being the incumbent

My hunch is multiple celebrities would have a stacking penalty and would push people to nominating a politician or pure businessperson (as opposed to celebrity billionaire I mean), having a celebrity president itself might also push the opposition's primaries to nominate a politician because now a politician would be the "change" strategy especially considering how much shit was thrown by the left over Trump being unqualified

it's a whole new world though

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 13 2018 23:00. Posts 9634

Things keep getting better

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 14 2018 23:12. Posts 9634

Old Russian deserter spy and his daughter got killed in England. The UK and the USA instantly said its Russia s fault, which obviously would make most sense on many levels with the upcoming elections, ability of Putin to leverage all information to his side and easily win with 140% again etc..

That being said nor the UK nor the USA provided any proof of any kind, while killing an old spy seems like a completely idiotic move by Putin. Another deserter that supposedly worked on the chemical weapon and deserted from Russia 20 years ago to the USA says they're the only ones that have it in the world and they keep the stash under insane security measures. I feel like we're the public of some James Bond type of situation with shitton of behind the curtain plays and crumbs are thrown at the public. There's definitely more to this story and we'll probably never know, however, I doubt that Putin is dumb enough to randomly kill an ex-spy without a serious reason.

NMcNasty    United States. Mar 24 2018 20:37. Posts 2041

Garry Kasparov has been asked his take on Putin's political maneuvering before and his response wasn't that Putin was playing his opponents like a grandmaster, he likened the situation to poker. Putin is a lag at a table full of nits. He does not hold the cards, he just bets big every time and gets folds. Even if his gains here and there are small (killing a spy just makes him seem more manly), more relevant is that his losses are virtually nothing.

What to do about him, without starting World War III, is the tricky part. But I don't know, maybe start by.... not congratulating the mother fucker?

Santafairy   Korea (South). Mar 25 2018 06:26. Posts 2235

>almost every country in the world denounces the US's decision to move their embassy to Jerusalem which the last 3 presidents promised to do
oh my god the international community is laughing at you blumpf you're an embarrassment

>almost every head of state congratulates putin on his reelection
oh my god don't do that blumpf

oh i forgot

>blumpf insulted rocket man there's gonna be a war oh my god what an irresponsible cunt
>blumpf congratulated putin oh my god what an irresponsible cunt

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus HansenLast edit: 25/03/2018 14:52

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 25 2018 09:11. Posts 34270

  On March 24 2018 19:37 NMcNasty wrote:
Garry Kasparov has been asked his take on Putin's political maneuvering before and his response wasn't that Putin was playing his opponents like a grandmaster, he likened the situation to poker. Putin is a lag at a table full of nits. He does not hold the cards, he just bets big every time and gets folds. Even if his gains here and there are small (killing a spy just makes him seem more manly), more relevant is that his losses are virtually nothing.

What to do about him, without starting World War III, is the tricky part. But I don't know, maybe start by.... not congratulating the mother fucker?

wat you make it sound as if Kasparov said that which I doubt

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 25 2018 09:14. Posts 34270

  On March 25 2018 05:26 Santafairy wrote:
>almost every head of state congratulates putin on his reelection
oh my god don't do that blumpf

I didnt know this but I googled it and pretty much all of Europe also congratulted him too

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 25 2018 11:03. Posts 9634

Lol @ not congratulating him. This is not how things are done in the adult world sir. Also Russia is nowhere near close to being a threat to starting a WW3 compared to the USA .... at least in terms of direct actions provoking it ... Putin is a motherfucker that takes the most +EV decisions given the situation he s in, politically speaking that is.

Anyway you can't simply send Russian diplomats home, apply sanctions and kill the conversation with the country. He's the elected president, he will be leading the country for another 4-6 years(not sure how long the Russian mandate is but its between thsoe 3 options) so you have to keep the conversation going. Otherwise you have a ridiculously out of hand situation like the Cold War. Not that the Cold War is really over, considering the constant proxy wars, but at least there is no threat of direct attacks

For some reason, Eastern European nations + Russia etc, those soviet block-close to Soviet block countries all suffer under the same condition - sticking their heads in the sand when the most obvious abuses happen. The thing is, Putin would most likely get a major win even without the elections being rigged. That has to tell you a lot.

I mean most nations are like that, but not to that extent and at least they have a higher standard of living.

 Last edit: 25/03/2018 11:20

NMcNasty    United States. Mar 25 2018 17:58. Posts 2041

Lol straight to whataboutism which is I guess is expected since you guys actually believe its a legitimate means of debate. If you want to actually read my post you can see that I didn't single out Trump, and when I say &quot;nits&quot; (which is obviously paraphrasing, lol Baal) the plural suggests I mean multiple world leaders. But yes, Trump's congratulations is especially awful, considering the recent attack (things that happen matter, 2018 is a different year than 2012) and since the US is expected to have the back of the UK since that's our closest ally. Also, for people who are not aware, its not like Trump just lazily went along with standard protocol, he congratulated Putin after explicitly being warned not to by his top advisors.

Also some bad googling itt. Dutch, Ukrainians, Swedes, Danes not congratulating, and a number of others.


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