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Politics thread (USA Elections 2016) - Page 92

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Baalim   Mexico. Jan 10 2019 06:57. Posts 34270

  On January 09 2019 11:40 Loco wrote:
Btw, that song, and the few others like it, are to me the only good arguments against Utopia. There is no way something of this magnificence could be produced in a world that is not deeply oppressive. Tragic music would still exist, since there would be natural death, and some level of unsatisfied want and crime, but nothing of this type, this world-weariness that comes from a tortured soul that has definitely decided to leave the world behind.

We can imprison artists in dark dungeouns in this Utopia so they produce good stuff.... wait, this was already done in the communist utopia

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lebowski   Greece. Jan 10 2019 14:30. Posts 9205

  On January 10 2019 05:54 Baalim wrote:
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wait you actually know this super obscure song?

no but it's awesome
those female voices are haunting

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

Loco   Canada. Jan 10 2019 15:22. Posts 20975

  On January 10 2019 05:57 Baalim wrote:
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We can imprison artists in dark dungeouns in this Utopia so they produce good stuff

I bet some people would undergo voluntary deprivations for long periods of time in order to produce tragic works. But it still wouldn't reach that level where you simply don't have the choice to opt out other than through suicide.

  It's also quite important how the stats are made, cause if they take into account the wages per individual or the total of wages per total of people, then sure there is growth, except that growth goes into the top % of the population, rather than the majority of the work force, thus it only means the rich get richer, while the rest either get poorer or tank on the same spot

95% of income gains during the recovery has gone to the top 1%.

  Also Loco Its all a matter of perspective when it comes to Utopia no? Utopia s mostly black and white type of world, with everything being white, thus free speech being absolute with people having the option of hate speech but not using it due to higher consciousness no?

Yeah, basically. You could say hateful shit, but since you wouldn't be systemically taught to do so, and there would be very negative consequences to doing so in a purely democratic society, where you'd be socially excluded quickly, it wouldn't occur very much. We really dislike social exclusion, we've evolved to fear it more than anything else since it usually meant death in hunter gatherer societies (which accounts for 99% of human history). I'm not sure it has much to do with a 'high consciousness' per se, it's more about what is normal and functional in different environments. A dystopia incentivizes aggression and competition and an Utopia incentivizes cooperation and tolerance.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 10/01/2019 15:55

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 11 2019 02:14. Posts 34270

  On January 10 2019 14:22 Loco wrote:

I bet some people would undergo voluntary deprivations for long periods of time in order to produce tragic works.

And you would turn artists into ascetics that produce shit work cuz they aren't really suffering

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jan 11 2019 08:50. Posts 20975

"A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years."

Now, that is just fucking insane.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jan 11 2019 10:05. Posts 2235

>40% faster
>open article
>"energy units"

this is obfuscatory

you have a 0.1% chance of a heart attack
but if you take this medicine to cure cancer
a side effect you will increase your chance of a heart attack BY 40%
...from 0.1% to 0.14%

scared yet?

you don't need do dress up global warming just use hard facts and consequences

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 11 2019 11:19. Posts 9634

eh... no its not I really doubt anyone here doesn't know how percentages work and considering that would cause a butterfly effect, yes we should be worried.

 Last edit: 11/01/2019 11:19

Loco   Canada. Jan 11 2019 15:13. Posts 20975

RCP 2.6 is if we meet the Paris Accord goal of limiting global warming to well under 2°C, which will already have catatrophic consequences according to last year's IPCC report (and by the way, we won't). RCP 8.5 is the business-as-usual prediction (= 30 cm sea level rise).

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 11/01/2019 15:37

Loco   Canada. Jan 11 2019 15:57. Posts 20975

I almost never watch the local news here in Quebec but today they devoted a 2h30 live news show to climate change and they basically went through the IPCC's report from last year and how it is currently affecting sea life and people in the coastal regions of Quebec. Of course in their solutions they didn't say anything about capitalism, but they were perfectly transparent about the threats, even saying that some of the damage would be irreversible, and what would be needed to avert the worst crises and how little is being done and what is being done isn't working. It was the first time I saw mainstream news talk about this seriously. They closed the show with optimistic children saying that adults aren't mature enough to solve the problem but that they will. It finally hit me that this is actually becoming common knowledge now, and that it's just a matter of time before it is reflected in the economy. Welp.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 11/01/2019 16:09

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 12 2019 02:03. Posts 34270

  On January 11 2019 14:57 Loco wrote:
and that it's just a matter of time before it is reflected in the economy. Welp.

nobody is shorting the supposed areas at risk though

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 12 2019 03:36. Posts 9634

I wonder about the whole:

China company executives getting jailed all around the globe while being accused of espionage and selling military weapons to Iran. The thing is this could be very well true, but USA has lost so much credibility in the past 2 decades that it just feels like a long way around Bolton's Iran invasion justification

Loco   Canada. Jan 12 2019 06:10. Posts 20975

  On January 12 2019 01:03 Baalim wrote:
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nobody is shorting the supposed areas at risk though

of course, it's not exactly predictable when the widespread panic will set in

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 12/01/2019 06:28

Loco   Canada. Jan 12 2019 06:50. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 12 2019 07:23. Posts 34270

While not remotely as non-interventionist as I hoped him to be he has been better than Obama was and way better than Hillary would have been in terms of foreign policy (disregarding the idiotic tweets lol).

He withdrew all troops from Syria and that led to Mattis to resign and Hillary went after him publicly saying that this is isolationism.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jan 12 2019 12:20. Posts 20975

That's simply not true. He put almost two times more sanctions on Syria than did Obama, and he put almost 10 times the amount of troops in Syria than there were at the end of Obama's term and we're supposed to give him credit now if he's withdrawing them? Trump increased civilian casualities there by 215% (6000 deaths in 2017). The so-called withdrawal doesn't take into account all of the mercenaries there and it's more of a repositioning. It's almost like you're just taking this lying maniac at his word... this is someone who is explicitly pro-torture and killing innocents (and you say humanity's progressing!). Why do you think he agreed with Mattis' request for a 750 billion military "defense" budget? Just the increase of 94 billions alone is more than Russia's entire budget of 61 billions.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 12/01/2019 13:12

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 12 2019 23:40. Posts 9634

let's not forget about the false flag attack in Douma last year

There is not a single evidence proving there was a chemical attack, the OPCW put a statement 1-2 months after the attack that so far they cannot find any evidence of a chemical attack, but this is not their final report, and since then there has been no word of them. There was only one country that could do that and push all of the media in a snowballing effect.

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 13 2019 01:00. Posts 34270

  On January 12 2019 11:20 Loco wrote:
That's simply not true. He put almost two times more sanctions on Syria than did Obama, and he put almost 10 times the amount of troops in Syria than there were at the end of Obama's term and we're supposed to give him credit now if he's withdrawing them? Trump increased civilian casualities there by 215% (6000 deaths in 2017). The so-called withdrawal doesn't take into account all of the mercenaries there and it's more of a repositioning. It's almost like you're just taking this lying maniac at his word... this is someone who is explicitly pro-torture and killing innocents (and you say humanity's progressing!). Why do you think he agreed with Mattis' request for a 750 billion military "defense" budget? Just the increase of 94 billions alone is more than Russia's entire budget of 61 billions.

Specifically in Syria yes, but Obama oepened that can of worms and fought wars on many fronts like Yemen, Lybia and used way more drones than Trump has.

On regards to Hillary she is strongly critizizing pulling out of Syria so I think its safe to assume she would have an even more aggressive foreign policy, I mean she has been historically one of the most pro-war political figures in the past decades.

Don't get me wrong, the very first thing I said is in how dissapointing Trump has been in regards of foreign policy, the budget increase is simply unforgivable, all I'm saying is that finally troops are withdrawing from syria (what do you mean with repositioning?) and that is good that Mattis is gone, you dont wan't anybody nicknamed Maddog in times of peace as secretary of defense.


Public positions on turture are meaningless if your actions are contradictory, its not more virtuous but its even worse because its hypocritical, making fake promises to close Guantanamo while dishing out torture for 8 straight years like Obama did is much worse.

About sanctions I disagree with your previous video that equates sanctions with war, one is not buying from you, the other is bombing the shit out of you, and while both are destructive they are not both the same

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 13/01/2019 01:08

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jan 13 2019 03:42. Posts 9634

Mattis might be gone but Bolton is still there

Also the presidents can't do shit about Guantanamo, its beyond their power. Can't really blame Obama for that, he was very enthusiastic about it, but if you see his speeches on the topic with the progress of his mandates, you see how he slowly loses hope and eventually never talks about it.

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 15 2019 08:15. Posts 34270

  On January 13 2019 02:42 Spitfiree wrote:
Mattis might be gone but Bolton is still there

Also the presidents can't do shit about Guantanamo, its beyond their power. Can't really blame Obama for that, he was very enthusiastic about it, but if you see his speeches on the topic with the progress of his mandates, you see how he slowly loses hope and eventually never talks about it.

You are wrong, a president can close Guantanamo bay, in fact in Clevelant Obama said": “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open”.

Simply put, Obama wanted to close it so he promised it on his campaign, but after getting elected he realized it would require an ammount of political ammunition he was not willing to spend especially since it was mostly grandstandig as the end of the Bush/Cheney era and Obama is not a man of ideologies, he is a flexible bureaucrat.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Baalim   Mexico. Jan 15 2019 08:20. Posts 34270

given loco's response I think I'll clarify again, I think Trumps foreign policy has been disastrous and extremely dissapointing, but the fact that Hillary critizied one of his few "peaceful" moves confirms to me that she would have been even worse in that regard

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