Baalim   Mexico. Nov 09 2016 06:06. Posts 34270
How is there not a thread about this yet?
Well Trump was a 5 to 1 dog yesterday and won today wow.
Personally I think Trump winning has many upsides, will discuss later.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Last edit: 06/06/2017 20:32
TimDawg   United States. Nov 09 2016 06:32. Posts 10197
is it 100% official he's won?
online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball
Big_Rob_isback   United States. Nov 09 2016 06:39. Posts 211
Not official, but crazy shit going down. It is like watching the superbowl lol. I got a few big pizzas and am flipping between networks. Close as hell, all he has to do is win Michigan I think
just playing live poker for fun
traxamillion   United States. Nov 09 2016 06:43. Posts 10468
Crazyyyy. Thought hilary was 100
Didnt vote just loving the drama. (I live in california tho. If i was in a swing state i prob vote. Never voting is kinda my own dumb protest of the whole system tho)
I think personally a rich casino hustler should not be president but hillary obv sucked too. Maybe bernie coulda won actually. Prolly would have.
Must be nice to be white and rich in america right now
Last edit: 09/11/2016 07:04
TianYuan   Korea (South). Nov 09 2016 06:58. Posts 6817
It's incredibly depressing the most powerful country in the world is populated by enough morally bankrupt retards to elect a racist reality television star, orange ignoramus into the position of leader of the free world.
Hm.. Off-suite socks..
Last edit: 09/11/2016 06:59
traxamillion   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:06. Posts 10468
It is nuts tian
Dems fault tho for running hillary. Find a charismatic white guy = ez win.
NMcNasty   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:08. Posts 2041
Baal, what are some nice places to move to in Mexico?
PuertoRican   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:25. Posts 13159
Hillary was -900 earlier today in live betting. An hour or so later, she was -170 to -190. A couple hours later, Trump was over -200.
Bunch of people have made a killing on pre-bets and live bets on this election.
Rekrul is a newb
spets1   Australia. Nov 09 2016 07:25. Posts 2179
Hillary for prison 2016
Voting for trump is voting against the establishment, against the 1%, the status quo, the war mongers, the fuckwits that would only increase military budget, increase domestic and international spying, prosecute whistleblowers
Voting for trump is voting for someone who is rich enough to hopefully not be owned by the banks
Last edit: 09/11/2016 07:29
RiKD   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:27. Posts 9151
I don't like that the president, congress, and senate will all be republican. Those religious fuckers. At least Donald Trump is not religious... until it benefits him. That is actually a worse trait in someone than being religious... or is it? I do not know. Part of me thinks that this election has all been a show and Donald will dial in his bullshit moving forward on our behalf. Which could be a very great thing for the USA. I still wish moving to Sweden or Norway or Denmark or Germany or France were easy. Maybe I will just sneak up to Toronto or Montreal. New Zealand. The USA is bullshit. I want more Wikileaks. Stronger bullshit police. Justice. Truth. Fuck the 1%.
Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 09 2016 07:31. Posts 1845
Mortensen8   Chad. Nov 09 2016 07:39. Posts 1845
On November 09 2016 06:25 spets1 wrote:
Hillary for prison 2016
Voting for trump is voting against the establishment, against the 1%, the status quo, the war mongers, the fuckwits that would only increase military budget, increase domestic and international spying, prosecute whistleblowers
Voting for trump is voting for someone who is rich enough to hopefully not be owned by the banks
They didn't break the conditioning
Rear naked woke
Baalim   Mexico. Nov 09 2016 07:43. Posts 34270
On November 09 2016 06:27 RiKD wrote:
I want more Wikileaks. Stronger bullshit police. Justice. Truth. Fuck the 1%.
Wikileaks supported Trump or to be more precise hated Hillary way more, in fact their hack with the emails might have been enough to sway the election, so maybe a hacker changed the course of history... interesting.
Also when you say fuck the 1% remember that the biggest campaign funders for Hillary were Goldman Sachs and CitiGroup while at the same time she claimed more regulation to wallstreet which was an obvious lie, WallStreet had Hillary in the pocket, and not Trump... they might also buy him but at least its not for sure unlike Hillary.
Also another good thing about Trumps presidency would be more stability in the middle east, the Obama administration so far is against Assad... but also against the rebels, so they bomb rebels, but when it doesnt help Assad troops, and also bombs Assads troops by mistake some times lol, and all this while Saudi Arabia is funding the rebels (ISIS muslim brotherhood etc). Trump will side with Russia and actually destroy the rebels along with ISIS, and Assad will probably reconsolidate power, and he is an absolute maniac, but far better than the religious zealots who want to overthrow him.
The republicans now have also control of the senate and the house... this is interesting, the party does not suppor Trump but even then he will have a lot more room than most presidents.
Trump is an obvious idiot but I believe many of the shit he said was just standard demagoguery, so its a mistery to me what he is really going to do, I hope he does fall into this messiah complex and doesnt sell off to special interests.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Nov 09 2016 07:44. Posts 9634
Good pick USA. It was nice knowing you guys :D
Baalim   Mexico. Nov 09 2016 07:50. Posts 34270
The DNC was so arrogant to believe that they could shaft Sandes who was demolishing Trump on all polls and pick Hillary who was polling a marginal favorite.
they got greedy. you reap what you sow
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Last edit: 09/11/2016 07:50
traxamillion   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:57. Posts 10468
On November 09 2016 06:50 Baalim wrote:
The DNC was so arrogant to believe that they could shaft Sandes who was demolishing Trump on all polls and pick Hillary who was polling a marginal favorite.
they got greedy. you reap what you sow
Yep sanders woulda shipped this whole thing rather easily imo. Sanders voters turned trump may have actually won him the election.
traxamillion   United States. Nov 09 2016 07:58. Posts 10468
Brb gonna check out the tears on FB
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Nov 09 2016 08:05. Posts 9634
I highly doubt that Trump has that many supporters. He s not winning the elections cause of people believing in him, he s a small delusional man and I refuse to believe people are not aware of that. Guess they just got tired of the system running this way. I have no clue how do they expect things to change now though, but thats another thing
Both options were equally bad I guess so it doesn't really matter. Worst that could happen with Trump is actually dropping measures against Russia and allying w them and ignoring the rise of Turkey.
Baalim   Mexico. Nov 09 2016 08:06. Posts 34270
On November 09 2016 06:50 Baalim wrote:
The DNC was so arrogant to believe that they could shaft Sandes who was demolishing Trump on all polls and pick Hillary who was polling a marginal favorite.
they got greedy. you reap what you sow
Yep sanders woulda shipped this whole thing rather easily imo. Sanders voters turned trump may have actually won him the election.
Young people was the age demographic where Trump over-performed which was Sanders core vote base, he wouldnt have just won, it would have been a landslide since many of these Trump voters were simply anti-establishment votes, and Sanders was even a bigger threat to the Status-Quo than Trump is.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Santafairy   Korea (South). Nov 09 2016 09:06. Posts 2235
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen