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Loco   Canada. Jun 18 2022 04:01. Posts 20975

The guy had a very low post count. Someone made a blog about him being a TL/LP member and how he got arrested and there was a news article about it.

They both have bipolar but RiKD is medicated and he has never shown the kind of immaturity that lostaccount has shown, plus lostaccount is a proven lying scumbag, so it's a lot more likely that he'd go sociopathic because it's a trait of sociopaths to lie and exploit others. RiKD is actually employable which makes him more fit to live in society, unlike lostaccount. Sorry that the facts are against your asian internet bro.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

hiems   United States. Jun 18 2022 05:52. Posts 2979

  On June 18 2022 03:01 Loco wrote:
The guy had a very low post count. Someone made a blog about him being a TL/LP member and how he got arrested and there was a news article about it.

They both have bipolar but RiKD is medicated and he has never shown the kind of immaturity that lostaccount has shown, plus lostaccount is a proven lying scumbag, so it's a lot more likely that he'd go sociopathic because it's a trait of sociopaths to lie and exploit others. RiKD is actually employable which makes him more fit to live in society, unlike lostaccount. Sorry that the facts are against your asian internet bro.

so is this what this feud is all about? That lostaccount is my bro so this is ur way of getting back at me or something? Lol.

Honestly I'm worried about u. I know I've made jokes before like "I'm worried about the loco..." and stuff but really u seem unhinged lately and I'm not joking about that...the things ur saying about jlost might stab someone, the reasons u think he is more likely to do something like that than rikd, etc are all very ridiculous..

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Loco   Canada. Jun 18 2022 07:00. Posts 20975

the guy who stalks and makes obsessive posts about a guy on an internet forum almost every day for years even when he's not active talks about other people being unhinged

you're just as deranged as lostaccount man, the quality of your posts is exactly the same, you're just less of a spammer. same delusions of grandeur, same obsession with money and status, same lack of success with women, friendlessness, etc. only difference is he's obsessed with pseudo-spiritual bullshit and religion and you're obsessed with people on the internet you'll never meet... which is not all that different.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 18/06/2022 07:29

hiems   United States. Jun 18 2022 09:41. Posts 2979

Loco i love you man lol

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 18 2022 11:41. Posts 2235

Fuck it's true hiems posts are terrible

Can you lend us some refreshing philosophical diatribes about how enlightened you are to justify using violence against political enemies and brag that you get paid for doing nothing again? Would be a nice break from hiems delusions of grandeur

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

hiems   United States. Jun 18 2022 15:23. Posts 2979

RIP Jlost. Godspeed.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

ggplz   Sweden. Jun 18 2022 16:23. Posts 16784

Sometimes a person must join the nuclear wasteland for you to truly value the few good things they ever had to say

  On June 13 2022 00:45 lostaccount wrote:
Bro don’t listen hiems man, he shitpost 2 much

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

blackjacki2   United States. Jun 18 2022 22:19. Posts 2582

  On June 18 2022 06:00 Loco wrote:
the guy who stalks and makes obsessive posts about a guy on an internet forum almost every day for years even when he's not active talks about other people being unhinged

you're just as deranged as lostaccount man, the quality of your posts is exactly the same, you're just less of a spammer. same delusions of grandeur, same obsession with money and status, same lack of success with women, friendlessness, etc. only difference is he's obsessed with pseudo-spiritual bullshit and religion and you're obsessed with people on the internet you'll never meet... which is not all that different.

I think you're not wrong but the question is why do you continue to engage with them? Do you get some validation by trying to display that you're superior to the mentally ill? Are you hoping you will convert them into admiring you in the weird way that RikD does? What are you getting out of this?

Loco   Canada. Jun 18 2022 22:42. Posts 20975

Their posts consists of 95% of the activity on this website. If you visit this site it's inevitable. In other words, same reason why you come here and read ask me this question. It's a habit that is easy to fall back into.

That's why moderation is crucial to any website's success. Without it it degenerates and toxic people do what they do best: bait people into engaging with them.

I don't like the way you try to paint all mentally ill people as problematic. There are tons of people who are ill but lucid and don't have delusions of grandeur. Putting delusional people in their place is not an attempt to make a statement that generalizes "my superiority".

Do you know how many productive exchanges occur on Twitter? Are you not curious why so many people engage in drama there? Do you think there's a meaningful difference between that and what I'm doing here?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 18/06/2022 22:55

blackjacki2   United States. Jun 19 2022 02:57. Posts 2582

No, I don’t really go on twitter

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 19 2022 05:48. Posts 2235

  On June 17 2022 03:46 Loco wrote:
Help I got myself into a bit of a pickle. Does anyone have both a Paypal account and BTC wallet and is willing to help another forum user and I complete the transaction to satisfy a small $10 prop bet?

Poll: Do you have both BTC and Paypal wallets?
(Vote): Yes, I'd love to help
(Vote): Yes, but you're on your own
(Vote): No

Thanks again for voting I just want to make sure I try every possible avenue of resolution before I go off having a tantrum because $10 didn't instantaneously appear in my bank account.

really sucks to see Loco get blatantly robbed like this after being so forthcoming. he made a poll and everything.

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 19 2022 06:30. Posts 5345

  On June 18 2022 21:19 blackjacki2 wrote:
Show nested quote +

I think you're not wrong but the question is why do you continue to engage with them? Do you get some validation by trying to display that you're superior to the mentally ill? Are you hoping you will convert them into admiring you in the weird way that RikD does? What are you getting out of this?

Lol, can't speak for anyone else but generally posting on the internet is a pass time for me. I don't expect anyone to listen to me, i just can't fill all of my day with work and so use some of my spare time to post on lp. I'd prefer to do something else but i don't have the energy for much else after working all day.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Jun 19 2022 06:34. Posts 5345

  On June 19 2022 01:57 blackjacki2 wrote:
No, I don’t really go on twitter

Neither, but lp seems to have become more and more like twitter. The increasingly shorter posts people make, the culture war topics consuming all else, and the self-righteous moral outrage at something someone said more than a decade ago. We should change the name of this site to

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 19/06/2022 06:36

Loco   Canada. Jun 19 2022 18:59. Posts 20975

It's a lot worse than Twitter, it's a Wild West version of it, but the stakes are not high. You could literally defend a mass murderer, and there would be no consequences for it. I'm not talking about a political figure, I mean someone who went on a crusade to kill people with guns. And everyone else has to see it. At least on Twitter you can block users. If they aren't banned for violating basic societal rules you can get them out of your sight. Here pollution is welcomed, just like it would be in Baal's dreamy libertarian Republic.

You can't even avoid harassment from users and stop them posting shit in your personal blog by banning them. Like a virus they adapt to learn to circumvent it.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 19/06/2022 19:11

Loco   Canada. Jun 19 2022 19:06. Posts 20975

  On June 19 2022 04:48 Santafairy wrote:
Show nested quote +

really sucks to see Loco get blatantly robbed like this after being so forthcoming. he made a poll and everything.

Last thing I will say on this subject.

I posted a screenshot of lostaccount's blogpost where he predictably has a PayPal account. He's done trades with it. Even recently posted in your blog saying he could do one. And we all know it's possible to deposit money on PayPal whenever. Only a broke person couldn't.

Secondly, the person who loses a bet is always responsible for paying the other person. If he actually wanted to pay and not deposit, he's the one who would ask people for a transfer, not me. It's basic étiquette. Instead of doing that he lied about not having an account and claimed he'd have to make one and I am not worth that trouble.

You have defended Nazis and mass murderers before, so it's no big surprise that you would defend a scammer here and hope that people will not see through your bullshit. You deserve a ban just like he did.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 19/06/2022 19:06

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 19 2022 20:03. Posts 2235

  On June 19 2022 18:06 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

Last thing I will say on this subject.

thanks for giving me the last word bro i appreciate it

  On June 19 2022 18:06 Loco wrote:
I posted a screenshot of lostaccount's blogpost where he predictably has a PayPal account. He's done trades with it. Even recently posted in your blog saying he could do one. And we all know it's possible to deposit money on PayPal whenever. Only a broke person couldn't.

yeah, he has a paypal account, that wasn't the whole story or your whole conversation.

in point of fact, despite having an account i think there's things you have to verify before you can do anything if you have a 0 balance, like adding cards, it takes a little doing. it doesn't apply here because he doesn't seem to be broke and appears to have a working paypal, it's just a background thing you're also wrong about.

he posted in "my blog" from... years ago? did you think he was seriously offering to trade? and, if that's true, if it's the case that you believed he was seriously trying to engage in a paypal trade with a post from years ago, why did you continue trying to prop bet with someone in this mental state and that didn't set off any red flags? will get back to this later.

  On June 19 2022 18:06 Loco wrote:
Secondly, the person who loses a bet is always responsible for paying the other person. If he actually wanted to pay and not deposit, he's the one who would ask people for a transfer, not me. It's basic étiquette. Instead of doing that he lied about not having an account and claimed he'd have to make one and I am not worth that trouble.

1) the parties who make a bet are responsible for the terms of the contract including the method of remittance/escrow.
you're equally at fault as him for being too stupid to make this crystal clear beforehand when betting against someone when you obviously hate each other.

he's obviously responsible for paying you, yes, which is why he offered to pay you, twice.

obviously, as the winner of a bet, where you were too stupid to clarify the method beforehand, you don't have carte blanche to force him to use whatever platform exists in the world, you might THINK you do because the one you chose, paypal, seems ubiquitous or like the default to you, but there's a reason you're not here saying "i only accept $10 in skype credit and you lost it's your responsibility to pay me" or "i only accept $10 RMT on" because you don't want to use those, well that's just like why he doesn't want to paypal to you, he didn't want to use that, you should have kept talking like an adult

2) he didn't lie about not having an account, he said he didn't want to use his main account and real email or maybe name or something, and that he would have to make a new account for this transaction in order to protect his privacy, and your behavior thus far has pretty well justified him wanting privacy from your equally psychotic ass

privacy is obviously the consistent motivator here for why he would want to use a crypto wallet, read his post connecting with the fact that you, also, yourself, Loco, want to keep your email private by redacting it in the PMs you shared:

  On June 17 2022 02:05 lostaccount wrote:
See u block ur email, why would I want to give u my email. The f I know u would do with iy

3) he posted the following offer to find and pay through someone else (if you really couldn't do crypto) and you went silent because as you revealed in your blog, your primary motivation here all along wasn't to get paid by your prop bet, it was to paint him as a scammer and get him banned despite the fact that he offered two ways to pay, you rejected one, and then essentially Karened. despite it coming out in the thread that he had paid back much greater sums before with no incident, somehow you can't handle a $10 transaction

  On June 17 2022 01:48 lostaccount wrote:
Yea I don’t want PayPal to make money off of me, I’m anti establishment and ur anti btc. We at an impasse I can send rikd 11$ in btc n he can send u 10$ in PayPal if that makes u happier

-he offered btc, you said you didn't want to make an account.
-you offered paypal, he said he didn't want to make another account.
-he explicitly offered a third party like rikd, why don't you tell us in your words what happened after here? because it looks like you had already turned into an obnoxious asshole, called him a scammer, shut your brain down, and then abandoned what i see was clearly an open avenue for you both to pursue resolving this in good faith

i asked in your blog what you did to work with him and that's when your request for "thoughts?" suddenly turned into the silence of cognitive dissonance. you just sat on your hands like a kindergartener with your fingers in your ears going "PAYPAAAAAAAAAAL" and act surprised he didn't fall over himself to do exactly as you wanted. you insulted him and you have no class or grace. normally that'd be okay but if you enter into a BET with someone and then act like a child you shouldn't expect to get what you want.

his final blog that you took as a confession of scamming, if you had any emotional control at all, you would see he was making fun of the fact that you would call him a scammer because it's in 0 proportion to the situation except that you wanted to be the victim here (as you stated earlier to get him banned) which is why you stopped working

you think it's too much work for $10? again that's not his or the site's problem. if you want to give up getting paid at some point that's on YOU. next time you foray into the jungle of wagering, bet more so it's worth your time. and agree to things before hand, so they go smoothly and simply, so it takes less time, so it's correspondingly more worth your time.

you idiot cunt.

  On June 19 2022 18:06 Loco wrote:
You have defended Nazis and mass murderers before, so it's no big surprise that you would defend a scammer here and hope that people will not see through your bullshit. You deserve a ban just like he did.

1) i'm not defending lostaccount, i'm attacking you

i believe lostaccount has serious mental issues and should have been temporarily or permanently banned from the site for destroying it with spam

i have far, far less pity for you for thinking you can exploit his mental condition to either a) win some money with prop bets or b) get your rocks off by abusing a guy and pretending to be king of the internet when this "scam" situation was wholly or in large part your fault, creation, and doing

2) + Show Spoiler +

false "Nazi" red herring has no place in this thread except to tell us all that you believe what you're doing right now is part of the battle for anti-fascism. keep it up soldier. you can try to assassinate my character with this tired shit, but you've been involved in infinitely times more scams on this site than i have.
+ Show Spoiler +

3) have you renounced corrective violence yet...?

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Loco   Canada. Jun 19 2022 20:17. Posts 20975

  On June 17 2022 01:48 lostaccount wrote:
Yea I don’t want PayPal to make money off of me, I’m anti establishment and ur anti btc. We at an impasse I can send rikd 11$ in btc n he can send u 10$ in PayPal if that makes u happier

+ Show Spoiler +

How many more of this clinically insane clown's excuses and lies need to be debunked? It's easy to avoid paying fees to transfer money to someone using PayPal. Almost all of us have experience with Paypal from many years of online gambling. Gifts using your bank account have 0 fees, so you don't support "the establishment" in any way any more than when you go grocery shopping or anything else.

And if this idiot thought I was anti btc to begin with (probably because I never participated in the bitcoin thread), why would he expect me to want to be paid in bitcoin? just another contradiction.

The "privacy" excuse is garbage because 1) Paypal doesn't disclose the sender's email, you choose what it says. Here's an example from a payment I received:

and 2) I have already given him my email to get paid, which means if I somehow knew his and used it with malicious intent, he could do it to me in return, which I obviously don't want, so he has no legitimate reason to believe I would considering how strongly I am incentivized not to do it. Anyone with half a brain understands the difference between giving one person your email in private and giving it out in a public space where potential hundreds of people lurk the forum, especially where it is known that there is one person who is literally obsessed with me because he has spammed my username on this forum for years. In the latter case, people could use my email against me, and I would have no recourse whatsoever, because I don't have theirs. Privacy in public matters, privacy in PMs is less important, especially when you are the one who owes the other person. If you did not want to reveal any info about yourself, you should not bet with someone.

With that being said, if I really wanted JOHN YANG's email, knowing who he is already and with the connections that I have from this website, I would get his email. I don't need him to give it to me, which adds to the stupidity of the whole thing.

3) He has basically openly stated that it's my karma not to get paid by him.

  On June 17 2022 11:42 lostaccount wrote:
Scam who? Loco the big ego liar deserves karmas.

Subject closed.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 19/06/2022 23:14

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 19 2022 20:25. Posts 2235

  On June 19 2022 19:17 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

How many more of this clinically insane person's excuses and lies need to be debunked? It's easy to avoid paying fees to transfer money to someone.

And if this idiot thought I was anti btc to begin with, why would he expect me to want to be paid in bitcoin? just another contradiction.

fuck i did this banned clinically insane person the favor of debunking their excuses and lies and they still won't pay me?

today on how to make a living by betting with clinically insane people, winning, and calling them scammers before they can pay you and acting like they stole from you, by Loco

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 19 2022 20:33. Posts 2235

i like this we have it on the record now you responding to and admitting to ignoring his offer to use a 3rd party to protect his privacy (from you) / fight the establishment / whatever the fuck he wants to do because until he sends it to you it's still his money and he can do what he wants with it, there is such a thing as a sore winner, for some reason it matters enough to you to play a 24 year old game for $10 with this guy then if getting paid mattered so much you would let him figure out how to do so without being a jackass

Someone offers a way to pay you.

You ignore them.

They therefore don't pay you.

  On June 19 2022 19:17 Loco wrote:
Subject closed.

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Loco   Canada. Jun 19 2022 21:54. Posts 20975

  On June 17 2022 11:59 lostaccount wrote:
Santa one day when u are in the spiritual world u will understand

You should also take the above statement at face value since you think it's ok to take all of his statements regarding the money at face value, you fucking idiot.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 19/06/2022 22:22


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