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Starcraft BroodWar AI thread - Page 16

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hiems   United States. Jul 02 2022 07:58. Posts 2979

Jlost vindicated.

Loco refuses to admit he was wrong.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 02/07/2022 08:17

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 02 2022 10:31. Posts 6291

  On July 02 2022 06:48 lostaccount wrote:
4 tables 5k hands 500$ side bet, we can escrow

i take this back, not wasting my time on poker anymore. i find it kinda boring now. nothing to prove lol. went n play 1/3 the other day got bad beated for 800$ pot at 1/3 lol sorry guys gonna have to post 1 last bad beat story. he makes it 40, guy goes AI for 70ish i make 200 he jams for 350ish or a bit more w Q9o vs my AK AT899. but only stuck 120ish cuz i played good n made 1 small mistakes only lol. i can easily make 30$ an hour playing those games but f that i absorb way too much negative vibes from them degens. so i went n play baccarat a few days later n won back 280$. won 2 beers out of the 3 times i play so all in all a learning experience that im gonna pretty much stay away from casino unless its a special day like my bday or buddies bday or a holiday lol. loco always makes my ego go up. after a nice stanley park take out meal pizza king in vancouver is really good if u guys ever come here.for some affordable pasta. 22$ for a delicious pasta with 6 wings n a salad n 2 cokes. best deal in vancouver for sure. always so busy. anyways loco i dont have any hate for u buddy hopefully one day u can see the lights of heaven . good luck in life buddy

vancouver la belle vie mid life 

hiems   United States. Jul 02 2022 13:33. Posts 2979

  On July 02 2022 03:45 PoorUser wrote:
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Your ban expired after 7 days, and your main account is unbanned. If you still can't log into it, then it's probably one of LP's many bugs. I'm glad you enjoyed the time away.

Lol 7 days jlost rises from the dead like Jesus as he prophesied.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Floofy   Canada. Jul 02 2022 13:53. Posts 8708

  On July 02 2022 05:14 Loco wrote:
Where did you meet her? What were her choices at the time? Was she able to make her own living?

The worst horror stories are of people who have kids and are still together while there is no true love in the relationship, it's not when they are no longer together.

We meet on a dating website calling pof, but we got no kids yet.
At the time we started chatting she had a job, but in a far away city, so when she first moved with me, i did help her just before she got a new job here in Montreal.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

hiems   United States. Jul 02 2022 19:21. Posts 2979

Fluffy u don't need to explain ur shit to loco lol especially since he has stated he hates black women.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Loco   Canada. Jul 02 2022 21:36. Posts 20975

  On July 02 2022 12:53 Floofy wrote:
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We meet on a dating website calling pof, but we got no kids yet.
At the time we started chatting she had a job, but in a far away city, so when she first moved with me, i did help her just before she got a new job here in Montreal.

Ok fair enough. I don't remember who relayed that info to me but I was under the impression that she became a housewife/had no opportunities to have an independent life from you. I apologize.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Jul 02 2022 21:56. Posts 20975

  On July 02 2022 09:31 lostaccount wrote:
4 tables 5k hands 500$ side bet, we can escrow

  On July 02 2022 06:48 lostaccount wrote:
i take this back, not wasting my time on poker anymore.

This is a perfect example of what I had to deal with -- your instability. You've already issued a new challenge randomly 1 week later and cancelled it on the same day before I ever even saw it.

You change your mind constantly, depending on how your feeling, which is due to your bipolar disorder not being under control. And you expect everyone else to just adapt. You start a challenge, then end it, then start it again with new terms, and you don't resolve the payment problem. Whatever suits you, at one very specific moment, is what we're all supposed to be ok with. So I was supposed to tell you "yeah it's ok you keep changing your mind but it's fine we can play more" when we both realized that payment was already an issue which we hadn't resolved?

Let's face it, you were probably not going to win that second game if I accepted to play. I'm just being realistic here, I am way better than you. So if you were down 20$, what happens next? We still had no solution. That's what my message to you was saying, it was a legitimate question, but apparently too much for your ego to process.

I'm not the one who is full of shit because I wanted to lay this shit to rest buddy, it's exhausting to have to deal with you in your current state. I'm sure people tell you the same thing in real life even if you are never going to admit this here.

I'm not going to accept any challenges involving money with you because it has become very apparent that money is a trigger with your condition and you become unpredictable and impossible to reason with. But if you wanted to play that SC game just to see what would have happened I'd gladly play it out.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 02/07/2022 22:03

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 02 2022 22:12. Posts 6291

  On July 02 2022 20:56 Loco wrote:
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  On July 02 2022 06:48 lostaccount wrote:
i take this back, not wasting my time on poker anymore.

This is a perfect example of what I had to deal with -- your instability. You've already issued a new challenge randomly 1 week later and cancelled it on the same day before I ever even saw it.

You change your mind constantly, depending on how your feeling, which is due to your bipolar disorder not being under control. And you expect everyone else to just adapt. You start a challenge, then end it, then start it again with new terms, and you don't resolve the payment problem. Whatever suits you, at one very specific moment, is what we're all supposed to be ok with. So I was supposed to tell you "yeah it's ok you keep changing your mind but it's fine we can play more" when we both realized that payment was already an issue which we hadn't resolved?

Let's face it, you were probably not going to win that second game if I accepted to play. I'm just being realistic here, I am way better than you. So if you were down 20$, what happens next? We still had no solution. That's what my message to you was saying, it was a legitimate question, but apparently too much for your ego to process.

I'm not the one who is full of shit because I wanted to lay this shit to rest buddy, it's exhausting to have to deal with you in your current state. I'm sure people tell you the same thing in real life even if you are never going to admit this here.

I'm not going to accept any challenges involving money with you because it has become very apparent that money is a trigger with your condition and you become unpredictable and impossible to reason with. But if you wanted to play that SC game just to see what would have happened I'd gladly play it out.

u accuse of me of scamming u which never happened. what do u mean we had no solution, its was up to 5 games. we continue to 5 games or we both agree to end it.10$ a game. i never agree to end after one game since u didnt accept btc while u said u left me "off the hook" while accusing me of scamming u. yea thats "off the hooks" alright. the solution was wait for rikd n see if he was willing to be the middle man and take btc so u get paypal. did we agree i have to pay u in paypal?

and i never said i was better than u, u dont think i can afford to lose 50$?

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 02/07/2022 22:19

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 02 2022 22:24. Posts 6291

From: Loco
Posts: 20794
Subject: Re: Hey loco
Date: 6/15 01:39
I think you can definitely win some games

No worries, if you change your mind that's ok too, I wouldn't hold it against you

vancouver la belle vie mid life 

hiems   United States. Jul 02 2022 22:47. Posts 2979

Lol loco just admit u were wrong.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Loco   Canada. Jul 02 2022 23:28. Posts 20975

  On July 02 2022 21:12 lostaccount wrote:
u accuse of me of scamming u which never happened. what do u mean we had no solution, its was up to 5 games. we continue to 5 games or we both agree to end it.10$ a game. i never agree to end after one game

Hey man, I have experience with people with psychiatric conditions. Mood disorders, neurodevelopment disorders, personality disorders, you name it. I know these conditions well. I understand that you're not deliberately trying to lie about what happened and you simply can't remember what objectively happened. It was you who decided to cancel the BO5. It was you who decided it was best for you to end it after one game sending me money, I was not even asking for it at that point. You were done with StarCraft after losing to me. Now your ego is playing tricks on you, making you think that there always was this solution of continuing the games. That isn't true. You only wanted to play one more game the next day that one moment because you had this illusion that you could erase your debt since I wasn't accepting bitcoin. Like a gambler trying to chase his losses. It was probably not gonna happen dude, and we still had no payment method agreement at that point. This is the post that you made after playing against me:

  On June 16 2022 01:22 lostaccount wrote:
this is giving me a headache, no more sc with loco no more poker challenges

Just as it has been documented many times in this thread, you have changed your mind multiple times. You've claimed you were done with SC, done with poker, only to come back and talk about SC and poker, and issue these challenges that you are not able to complete, because you are not mentally stable enough to see them through. I wrote you that PM initialy because I had already seen how inconsistent you were, and I predicted you wouldn't play 5 games with me, and I wanted to let you off the hook easily, because I honestly feel bad for your mental state and being clearly outmatched in SC against me. Yes you might have won some games, but your chances are low, probably a cheese or me fucking up with Zerg (my worst race) since it was RvR. But you have no chances against my Terran and Protoss. You know I used to be in Sea. clan? I knew and played with NaDa and we played TvPs together for fun (reverse match up for us, since he'd destroy me otherwise) and my T was able to win against his P. I was even able to beat Fayth a couple times and he was impressed with my T. I'm just being realistic here, you didn't have much of a chance in that TvP even if my timing is off from not playing for so long and not knowing the meta well.

Even if you didn't set out to scam, what you did was scummy, and extremely annoying. I don't think many other users on this site would have behaved the way that you have. I entirely attribute it to your disorder and the fact that losing money triggers your ego and messes with your memory of things. It also doesn't help to have the toxic hiems trying to rile you up against others because he has nothing better to do with his pathetic life.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 02/07/2022 23:51

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 02 2022 23:50. Posts 6291

man loco i give up, im gonna stop reading ur essays. u win i "scam" u gg. im using too much energy for 10$ lol

u got paid, wp. lesson learn no more betting on this site so no more headaches lol

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 02/07/2022 23:52

Loco   Canada. Jul 02 2022 23:53. Posts 20975

For someone who claims to be on a high spiritual level, you sure seem to like shielding yourself from the truth.

But yeah, we are done. You didn't scam, because I did receive the money in the end, and you are unbanned. End of story.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 03 2022 00:00. Posts 6291

being highly spiritual is peace is more important than winning the argument

vancouver la belle vie mid life 

hiems   United States. Jul 03 2022 03:27. Posts 2979

First loco claims the reason he doesn't wanna play jlost in poker is his ethics of not wanting to take advantage of a mental person.

5 min later he agrees to play starcraft for money instead cause he knows he'll win.

I make fun of him for it and then he claims jlost had a chance cause he hadn't played SC in awhile.

Now loco backtracks and says jlost has no chance cause he is a high level SC player.

....Loco this is the sort of thing ppl are talking about when they refer to LOCOLOGIC

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

hiems   United States. Jul 03 2022 03:33. Posts 2979

Loco clearly just hates jlost lol idk why that isn't obvious to everyone

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Floofy   Canada. Jul 03 2022 04:16. Posts 8708

  On July 02 2022 20:36 Loco wrote:
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Ok fair enough. I don't remember who relayed that info to me but I was under the impression that she became a housewife/had no opportunities to have an independent life from you. I apologize.

lol no worries, anyways obviously at the very beginning when she moved, she indeed had no job, but today she definetly makes a good income for herself :D
So whoever said that probably wasn't lying, but she eventually did get a job.

james9994: make note dont play against floofy, ;( 

Loco   Canada. Jul 03 2022 04:28. Posts 20975

  On July 03 2022 02:27 hiems wrote:
First loco claims the reason he doesn't wanna play jlost in poker is his ethics of not wanting to take advantage of a mental person.

5 min later he agrees to play starcraft for money instead cause he knows he'll win.

I make fun of him for it and then he claims jlost had a chance cause he hadn't played SC in awhile.

Now loco backtracks and says jlost has no chance cause he is a high level SC player.

....Loco this is the sort of thing ppl are talking about when they refer to LOCOLOGIC

I said he has no chance in a normal game against my Terran or Protoss. That he can win with a cheese or against my zerg, possibly. Our bet was random vs random, so yes, he had a chance.

Reading your impossibly retarded posts is like staring at the sun. Stfu. You don't have an audience to pander to, stop trying so hard.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 03/07/2022 04:29

hiems   United States. Jul 03 2022 10:35. Posts 2979

  On June 15 2022 18:27 Loco wrote:
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Not really. First of all he challenged me. If I was hustling I would have challenged him

He didn't play for a couple months and he probably played on and off in the past few years. I did not. Last time I played was when remastered came out for a few weeks when I was recovering from an accident.

The meta changes and its not that hard to take games off of an old school gosu player. He almost beat me at the beginning because I don't know the timing for bunker fast expand vs goon. He also surprised me with carriers and if it wasn't for his carelessness with goons I would not have pushed that quickly and I wouldn't have seen his carriers so early and he would have won since I didn't have scan.

There's very little money involved and he can't tilt it away like he could at a mid stakes HU challenge so I'm fine with it.

Loco this is your exact post that im referring to which is total bs obviously.

Dude u are so off the deep end into looney land

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 03 2022 20:21. Posts 6291

maybe its because we are asians so loco hates us hiems

vancouver la belle vie mid life 


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