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Starcraft BroodWar AI thread - Page 17

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Loco   Canada. Jul 03 2022 23:55. Posts 20975

  On July 03 2022 09:35 hiems wrote:
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Loco this is your exact post that im referring to which is total bs obviously.

Dude u are so off the deep end into looney land

Dude, you're a retard. He went stargate after his third goon. No one does that. That's a cheese build. It doesn't contradict anything that I've said in that post: he can win if he catches me off-guard with a cheese. He also had a better chance in that game because I didn't know what kind of player he was, but I didn't take a chance and I pressured him early. I would play safer knowing this in future games which lowers his odds even more.

I did however exaggerate (unwillingly) how much his first goon damage did. He didn't almost beat me with it, but he could have, because he also fucked up his timing. He forgot his second pylon, which is a terrible newb play that delayed his first goon a lot. So yes, knowing this now, it makes me confident that even if I fuck up with Terran he has no chance in future games (let alone with my main race, Protoss) because he'd surely fuck up even more.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 04/07/2022 00:01

hiems   United States. Jul 04 2022 04:41. Posts 2979

  On July 03 2022 22:55 Loco wrote:
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Dude, you're a retard. He went stargate after his third goon. No one does that. That's a cheese build. It doesn't contradict anything that I've said in that post: he can win if he catches me off-guard with a cheese. He also had a better chance in that game because I didn't know what kind of player he was, but I didn't take a chance and I pressured him early. I would play safer knowing this in future games which lowers his odds even more.

I did however exaggerate (unwillingly) how much his first goon damage did. He didn't almost beat me with it, but he could have, because he also fucked up his timing. He forgot his second pylon, which is a terrible newb play that delayed his first goon a lot. So yes, knowing this now, it makes me confident that even if I fuck up with Terran he has no chance in future games (let alone with my main race, Protoss) because he'd surely fuck up even more.

No u r the retard.

Idk why you are going through all these mental gymnastics. You don't have an edge in poker so u declined claiming its because of your ethics of not wanting to take advantage of a mental person....and 5 min later u agree to sc which clearly you are the favorite. Any 5 year old child could see how ridiculous u are.


I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Loco   Canada. Jul 04 2022 10:11. Posts 20975

Lostaccount essentially told me it would be a privilege to play and test his skills against me. And that 10$ a game is cheap for that. And that the money would make him take it more seriously. So that right there is proof that it wasn't a one-sided exploitation story, and makes you look like even more of a retard who gets involves in other people's business without knowledge.

In the past he's talked about offering what, hundreds of dollars to play against pros? I think you should stop acting like his dad and let him spend his money however he wants it to. Unless you'd like to follow your logic and explicitly tell him that he's a retard for wanting to lose money to me? That's what you keep implying, so why not just tell him directly?

You out of all of the people on this website should understand him. You've been addicted to paying people (sex workers) to pay attention to you and spend some time with you. And I wouldn't be surprised if you'd offer to pay me to pay attention to you too, considering how many times you've cried out my name on these forums and in my private inbox when I was inactive or ignoring you.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 04/07/2022 10:16

Loco   Canada. Jul 04 2022 10:17. Posts 20975

  On July 03 2022 19:21 lostaccount wrote:
maybe its because we are asians so loco hates us hiems

I don't hate you and if I hated Asians I would not have joined Sea clan which was exclusively Asians except me. What do you think?

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 04 2022 10:49. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 27/07/2022 04:23

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 04 2022 10:58. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 27/07/2022 04:24

hiems   United States. Jul 04 2022 13:52. Posts 2979

  On July 04 2022 09:11 Loco wrote:
Lostaccount essentially told me it would be a privilege to play and test his skills against me. And that 10$ a game is cheap for that. And that the money would make him take it more seriously. So that right there is proof that it wasn't a one-sided exploitation story, and makes you look like even more of a retard who gets involves in other people's business without knowledge.

In the past he's talked about offering what, hundreds of dollars to play against pros? I think you should stop acting like his dad and let him spend his money however he wants it to. Unless you'd like to follow your logic and explicitly tell him that he's a retard for wanting to lose money to me? That's what you keep implying, so why not just tell him directly?

You out of all of the people on this website should understand him. You've been addicted to paying people (sex workers) to pay attention to you and spend some time with you. And I wouldn't be surprised if you'd offer to pay me to pay attention to you too, considering how many times you've cried out my name on these forums and in my private inbox when I was inactive or ignoring you.

lol loco-logik on full display.

im not sure how that is what im implying. again, LOCOLOGIC. lol....

pls go read ur first post where u made that tirade against jlost when u dodged him for hu cause u were gona lose lol and FIVE MINUTES later u accept his starcraft challenge lol FIVE MINUTES!!

btw im much better at sc than u BUT im not gona play cause u r mentally unstable and its against my ethics.

also i would gladly pay u to do a podcast episode where I interview u lol

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

hiems   United States. Jul 04 2022 13:53. Posts 2979

  On July 04 2022 09:58 lostaccount wrote:
peace is the way

It’s been raining so not much 2 do

ur rite peace is the way brother.

u need 2 teaach the dum loco of this

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Baalim   Mexico. Jul 04 2022 22:22. Posts 34267

  On June 28 2022 03:50 Loco wrote:
Baal has a habit of being really off the mark, and I have a habit of calling out bullshit when I see it. In this case again: no it wasn't game, it was privilege. Floofy married a poor black girl from a third world country who wanted a green card, from what I remember, she didn't even speak English nor French. I'm not trying to be judgmental but most people don't think of this as their ideal growing up, they want to love and be loved in a reciprocal manner. You have to have been kind of defeated by life in order to settle for this, and it goes in both directions, but obviously Floofy held most of the power and used it to his benefit.

ggplz you give Baal way too much credit, there is no real competition between us, and I'm not trying to be mean. Baal is an incompetent debater who has to make things up to try to appeal to people who don't pay attention. The above post is a perfect example: he completely invented this idea that I supported sending people to gulags. It has reached such a level of stupidity that you can't call this a "battle". He keeps doubling down on the stupidest shit, like that I've supported Hugo Chavez in a nuanced way, and didn't support him in other ways. He says things like "you are the first person who should have been banned for this". When it's pointed out to him (repeatedly) that other people have done the same on this forum, and even expressed more support for this political figure than me, he avoids dealing with it. Baal's too nihilistic and lazy (not to say incompetent) to be either Batman or the Joker, but I am masochistic like both of them for engaging with him and the idiots on here. It's a never-ending stream of bullshit that I've built way too much tolerance for than is healthy. But if you have paid attention throughout the years I have left the forum several times only to have people, especially Baal and hiems, childishly call me out by name and make bait attempts because they wanted my attention. It was not me wanting theirs.

Mr empath here taking a shit in Floofys mouth for absolutely no reason making really hurtful accusations about his GF and his loveless relationship, damn.

An incompetent debater that wipes the floor with you on a regular basis.

I didn't invented that idea that you support gulags, you said that in your utopia you would send capitalist to re-education camps, you think me calling those camps "gulags" is somehow a strech LOL.

Ah yes the nuance in Chavez support is that you didnt like when you found out he also persecuted anarchists, so much nuance.

Indeed in this relationship you are the masochist and I'm the sadist and you come back so that I can retighten your nipple clamps.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jul 05 2022 00:02. Posts 20975

I did in fact have a reason, I have made it very explicit, so you have to be deliberately ignoring it if you are not considering that there wasn't one. He didn't seem particularly hurt, esp when he says "no worries". It's you and your addiction to drama that's trying to blow things out of proportion. Too much Twitter.

I have never said that stuff about gulags. You deal in fabrications and exaggerations. In your Utopia everyone is an Elizabeth Holmes or is being crushed by an Elizabeth Holmes, hardly better than the tankies you supposedly hate.

Ah yes you have totally wiped the floor with me, just like your only fanboy did with his body transformation. I tremble in fear when I face both of your greatness.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 05/07/2022 00:11

Baalim   Mexico. Jul 05 2022 02:02. Posts 34267

  On July 04 2022 23:02 Loco wrote:
I did in fact have a reason, I have made it very explicit, so you have to be deliberately ignoring it if you are not considering that there wasn't one. He didn't seem particularly hurt, esp when he says "no worries". It's you and your addiction to drama that's trying to blow things out of proportion. Too much Twitter.

I have never said that stuff about gulags. You deal in fabrications and exaggerations. In your Utopia everyone is an Elizabeth Holmes or is being crushed by an Elizabeth Holmes, hardly better than the tankies you supposedly hate.

Ah yes you have totally wiped the floor with me, just like your only fanboy did with his body transformation. I tremble in fear when I face both of your greatness.

Yeah autistic agreeable guy with a history of oversharing says its "ok" for you to question the legitimacy of his relationship calling the woman he loves a gold (greencard) digger without even been asking or being on discussion, sure as I said you are the avatar of empathy.

Yes you said it, re-education camps for capitalits, at least in my Elizabeth Holmes utopia we wouldn't imprison political dissidents, you can be a dirty hippie wherever your are pleased.

Bragging about being buff, these fash aesthetics are a big dog wistle, stop and go back to scrawny before you start the jew gassing you crypto-fascist!.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Jul 05 2022 05:20. Posts 20975

I think you had even less info than I did to call his relationship a success story based on game. I have no idea why you bring up this empathy shit tbh. But I didn't intend to be mean, I was just given false or misleading information about his relationship from someone in the past and it seemed to fit the narrative that we knew about Floofy or what tends to happen when nerds with money find a woman in need of a savior. I'm happy for him if he's in a loving relationship where she legitimately has a life of her own.

Yeah in your utopia you don't imprison the people who stand in your way, you just sue them and starve them to death or drive them to suicide if they don't believe in your greatness and work for your libertarian wet dream, it's so much better. Even in our current society sociopaths like Elizabeth Holmes who literally killed people with her greed don't end up behind bars for long if ever. She's living in a 135 million dollar mansion instead and thinks she's never done anything wrong by being a greedy shithead libertarian like you despite all the evidence to the contrary. Your ideal society aims to make it more likely for ambitious people to be like her and to easily get away with unethical and criminal behavior when you have money and connections.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 05/07/2022 05:38

hiems   United States. Jul 05 2022 20:00. Posts 2979

Lol loco...

U might think all of those things but u don't say it it is socially retarded to do so why do I have to tell u that of all ppl.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Baalim   Mexico. Jul 06 2022 07:19. Posts 34267

  On July 05 2022 04:20 Loco wrote:
I think you had even less info than I did to call his relationship a success story based on game. I have no idea why you bring up this empathy shit tbh. But I didn't intend to be mean, I was just given false or misleading information about his relationship from someone in the past and it seemed to fit the narrative that we knew about Floofy or what tends to happen when nerds with money find a woman in need of a savior. I'm happy for him if he's in a loving relationship where she legitimately has a life of her own.

Yeah in your utopia you don't imprison the people who stand in your way, you just sue them and starve them to death or drive them to suicide if they don't believe in your greatness and work for your libertarian wet dream, it's so much better. Even in our current society sociopaths like Elizabeth Holmes who literally killed people with her greed don't end up behind bars for long if ever. She's living in a 135 million dollar mansion instead and thinks she's never done anything wrong by being a greedy shithead libertarian like you despite all the evidence to the contrary. Your ideal society aims to make it more likely for ambitious people to be like her and to easily get away with unethical and criminal behavior when you have money and connections.

I made a random wholesome comment when somebody was nostalgic about LP.nets "golden age" and you jumped in with accusations of loveless relationships and greencard-diggers in a pathetic attempt to dunk on me.

Sue them?, in a minimal un-bureocratic state? riiiight... please elaborate how are people driven to suicide if they don't want to work in the "libertarian wet dream"? if you are a hippie go grow food in the valley with your commune, if you are a commie go start a factory and distribute it among its workers, do whatever the fuck you want, thats the whole point.

Holmes et al happen under the whole machine, the DOJ, the SEC, the FBI, the FDA that gobble half the productivity of a society and it isn't just this useless waste and friction but they become weapons for the powerful to weild

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 06/07/2022 07:19

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 07 2022 00:11. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 07/07/2022 05:31

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 07 2022 00:19. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 07/07/2022 05:32

Loco   Canada. Jul 07 2022 03:20. Posts 20975

dude no

you said you wanted to enjoy your summer and now you want to practice for 3 weeks to beat me in some specific match ups?

just enjoy your summer man, it's not worth it

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 07 2022 05:31. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 27/07/2022 04:23

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jul 14 2022 18:06. Posts 2235

in this episode of based PUA Loco tries to hunt Liv Boeree

  On July 02 2022 03:23 Loco wrote:
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It's not all of John's fault. I initially misunderstood him as lying about not having a paypal account. The way he worded things when he first declined using paypal and the messages that he sent before that led me to believe that he just didn't want to pay. I should also have realized that a symptom of bipolar psychosis is paranoia, but I assumed he was just making excuses for not paying through PayPal despite having an account. Could have been a genuine illogical paranoid episode motivating him to try to hide contact info from me.

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

lostaccount   Canada. Jul 25 2022 18:51. Posts 6291

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 27/07/2022 04:24


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