LikeASet   United States. Sep 20 2017 16:07. Posts 2113
Loco you sure do a whole lot of projection on these forums, no one ever claims to be an expert on these forums on any subject at all. You think the main purpose was to have some grand academic discussion about said topics on this blog? No it was merely just an opportunity for people to socialize over a common frustration over ideologies that most people find ridiculous in private but can't speak out against in public because they'll get character assassinated. Just because someone makes a post about some thinker making X point, you go on to derp "how dare you post said thinker instead of this thinker" then you go on to list all the vices of the original thinker as if it had any relevance to points that were made.
No one in this post was trying to win any argument before you came into this post wanting to feed your huge ego. When I posted the videos earlier they couldn't just have been for entertainment purposes or just suggestions of interesting thinkers to listen to and maybe encourage others to post videos? You immediately want to strawman people and assume that because they mention any thinker and post a video of them, that they are some kind of hardcore fan boy or believe 100% what they believe and don't question anything.
I defended Newbsaibot because he obviously made a comment in the spirit of jest and now you're making a huge assumption about him. You have no idea how he would actually treat someone who is transitioning or has transitioned in real life. Any normal person that hangs out with people in real life could have just thought maybe Newbsaibot meant that he prefers to not have sex with women that have a penis. You love to just twist reality and over extrapolate to give yourself an opportunity to mental masturbate and just mental jizz over arguments that aren't even there in the first place.
Last edit: 20/09/2017 16:18
LikeASet   United States. Sep 20 2017 16:12. Posts 2113
Trigger warning, more youtube videos, don't get tilted please
Last edit: 20/09/2017 16:18
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 20 2017 16:45. Posts 5345
I think you really should listen more to what academics say even if you disagree with their views on identity politics, or don't like loco, there is some value to be had in listening to all the perspective's and especially well researched ones.You should really go to MiT open courseware and start doing some of the undergraduate courses to learn the basics of what real research is like rather than just 'educating' yourself with these charlatans on youtube. So maybe go through the philosophy of race course and read all the readings. you clearly have enough spare time to if your posting on liquidpoker.