>Despite the above promise [of Tribulus] as an adaptogen and a libido enhancer, studies investigating tribulus in sports performance have all failed to find benefits. The herb seems to be a possibly healthy herb that enhances sexuality but with limited use for power output and testosterone enhancement (which it has repeatedly failed to do).
>There is a lot of sketchy research on Eurycoma and testosterone, a lot of studies claiming an increase in testosterone but citing conference presentations. Currently, there are only two studies conducted on noncastrated rats measuring testosterone and they both use bad doses (one too low, the other too high).
>Currently, no good evidence suggests that normal men increase testosterone from Eurycoma. Those with hypogonadism might, but the 46% value in inflated given they had very low testosterone at baseline anyways.
>Forskolin: Increase of testosterone observed in men not overly potent and is highly variable.
Edit: Note that the forskolin they use is a proprietary extract, and they make a ton of claims about it being fabulous, but they don't back their claims with any evidence. They simply refer to a study that is pending publication and isn't even their own proprietary extract but the standard Forskolin one, claiming that their extract would perform even better.
P.S. I don't enjoy doing this type of research but I did it anyway to hopefully prevent you getting scammed, but you shouldn't have to rely on me for this. Bookmark examine.com and use it to search for supplements in the future.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 26/02/2018 05:34
RiKD   United States. Feb 26 2018 23:00. Posts 9127
So, what are the ways to increase testosterone. Is it even worth worrying about?
Here are some I have heard about:
- Lift heavy weights
- Eat a lot of cholesterol
- Sleep has to be one of them (and IS definitely one of the most important for mental health)
- Take zinc and magnesium
- Take sun or vitamin D
- I've heard don't eat soy or any "estrogenic" products whatever that means
That just sort of seems like yeah duh, everyone should be doing that anyway (except for seeking out cholesterol or obsessing about "estrogenic" products)
I don't recover fast enough, I overtrain too easily, I am not enough of a savage when I train... It may be time to inject. Injecting seems like it carries a host of unwanted side effects though. I don't know how much of a deal it would be to just start off on the smallest reasonable dose. It might also technically count against my sobriety in which case I wouldn't do it. Probably the wrong forum to talk about steroids but I don't really want to discuss it on T-Nation either.
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2018 01:27. Posts 1845
I want to improve my testosterone but I don't want to inject (yet).
There's no magic pill I was taking forskolin but whatever it probably has some side effects but the other two I don't know about but usually in these test booster formulas they include fenugreek which is a bad idea it may increase T temporarily but decreases dht and over time will rek you. What you actually need is real food from animals that are not in death factories the US actually is one of the worst places for food
Any dairy beside raw cheese from grass fed is just not worth it.
Rear naked woke
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2018 01:37. Posts 1845
As far as what you can do, yeah you can take zinc but you can also just eat it in red meat etc. Magnesium its much better to just get a magnesium spray or go into the ocean or some bath salts I think magnesium taken orally can act as a laxative if its magnesium citrate I think I remember magnesium glycinate to be the best but I don't worry about taking these pills anymore and just eat food high in magnesium like fish, oysters there is no big pharma in nature. One thing you can do which is kinda nice is to have some nice alchohol after a workout 1-3 drinks of something like Tequila but never beer, beer is hormone disrupting. It's more about what to avoid imo things like licorice, mint, flax seeds are very bad for T. Very high fiber intake we are not cows that should be chewing and shitting all day despite what loco will tell you. Avoid the chemicals like the plague theyre turning the fricking frogs gay I keep linking the docu about canadian town were 4 in 10 children are born male because it is close to pharmaceutical factories.
Honestly if i was in such a shitty part of the world I wouldnt drink any water but just juice all my liquid intake from vegetables and fruits. Be careful of overexcessive intake of greens they are goitrogenic and fuck up your thyroid no joke, especially kale that shit is not fit for human consumption. Don't use deodorant yea you might 'stink' but that is actually just a normal human smell that is deemed unsavoury by a sick civilization it also acts as a way for humans to find suitable mates since the women most suited to your smell will like the smell and it should only be really bad if unhealthy I don't know. For more information search christopher walker on youtube. He peddles his wares but just ignore that. Another thing I might have mentioned before is overtraining it's really bad just take it easy and use walking as main exercise.
Rear naked woke
Last edit: 27/02/2018 02:05
RiKD   United States. Feb 27 2018 02:05. Posts 9127
You are an absolute madman Mortensen8. I don't even know where to start.
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2018 02:23. Posts 1845
On January 13 2018 04:38 Daut wrote:
I also just had my free testosterone levels tested. 82 pg/mL, which falls in the "normal" range of 49-185 for my age, but I'm going to start taking monthly tests and try and increase it via the following methods:
-lower calorie diet, aiming for 40% fat, 30% protein, 30% carbs
-cold thermogenesis: mainly 2x a week of cryotherapy, but perhaps some cold showers
-lifting harder and heavier, particularly for back and leg days
-more time spent outside in natural sunlight
-vitamins: multivitamin and fish oil
-intermittent fasting: aim for 12-16 hours each 24 hour cycle.
We'll see what my February 1st results are.
I can tell you right away how to increase it stop overtraining wtf you do so much do some walking, walking is for wise. Also the brown rice part white rice is infinitely better don't argue with me. and the flax of course always the flax. THEY DO NOT CONTAIN OMEGA 3 THAT WE NEED THIS LIE IS GAY DHA EPA CONTAINS 0%. Don't just take fish oil take cod liver oil for the added vitamin A and E from a non rancid high quality source and also you need K2 for D to work best so raw hard cheese
Rear naked woke
Last edit: 27/02/2018 02:43
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2018 02:24. Posts 1845
On February 27 2018 01:05 RiKD wrote:
You are an absolute madman Mortensen8. I don't even know where to start.
I'm telling you that US people are being poisoned I see and hear a huge difference in the overall population or maybe it's because I'm in nerd circles but something seems off. Seek out grass fed or hippy people shit may be expensive but worth it.
Rear naked woke
Last edit: 27/02/2018 02:40
Mortensen8   Chad. Feb 27 2018 02:37. Posts 1845
Don't take fucking steroids rikd its stupid as fuck you will regret it it has a lot of side effects. Always go the natural way is my motto even if you become really low T and shit well thats the time when you turn into a wizard and start studying and shit.
Nerd circles of people who believe in the illuminati and social darwinism lol
RikD you started working out 6 weeks ago, you're being a dumb shit thinking of injecting T. You don't even compete in anything where that would matter, which is the only reason to inject anything for non-medical reasons in the first place. This is also why you shouldn't browse websites like T-Nation, to avoid polluting your mind with pictures of photoshopped druggies and create unconscious, unrealistic expectations for yourself. What's more is that you can't even get a medical prescription for T unless it's medically relevant, so you'd have to find someone who sells it illegally, and I'm quite sure if you find that guy he'll have more stuff and you won't stop at a "small dose of T"... start thinking.
You guys are depressing as fuck :/
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 27/02/2018 07:09
RiKD   United States. Feb 28 2018 02:23. Posts 9127
Coach pushes me really hard. I have these training sessions where I am like damn it I need more edges. Right now I read this and laugh but tomorrow I bet I will legitimately be thinking again about injecting or maybe not. I am not even lifting anymore as it was causing overtraining. Tendinitis in my arm gets worse. I just go HAM at things I can't help myself. I need to find just a decent lifting beginner's progression for BJJ players. I likely wouldn't stop at just a small dose of T. Maybe I could. I think it falls under drug use though. I start injecting steroids what's there to stop me from injecting heroin? That may seem absurd but not so for me.
How about, in one of your moments of lucidity, you make a complete list of the pros and cons of doing it and what you hope to accomplish by using steroids as a BJJ white belt. Then you have people evaluate whether or not it's accurate and whether the cost benefit analysis checks out. Then you just put that in plain sight every day for as long as that dumb idea floats in your mind.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
RiKD   United States. Mar 02 2018 02:43. Posts 9127
I am pretty bored.
Bigger, faster, stronger, better. Train more. Train more savagely. Lower body fat %.
Cons (from WebMD):
Reduce sperm count (what's the difference?)
Shrink the testicles (who cares?)
Cause you not to be able to father children (this is a pro)
Enlarge the breasts (so shrunken nuts and enlarged breasts. Yeah, that doesn't sound so great)
High blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke (doh)
Higher levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL) (yeah, that's not good)
Liver disease and possibly liver cancer. The chance of these problems is higher when steroids are taken as a pill (my liver is already fucked. Thank goodness it regenerates but I can't put any more poison into my system like I used to)
Oily skin, acne, and male-pattern hair loss (wouldn't really care)
Skin infections that can become severe if the drug was tainted with bacteria (no good)
Irritability, rage, aggression, violence, uncontrolled high energy (mania), false beliefs (delusions), and addiction (Yeah, this would go GREAT with my bipolar and addiction issues. I have heard the irritability, rage, aggression, and violence are bullshit but if it causes mania and addiction I am going no where near this stuff)
RiKD   United States. Mar 02 2018 02:50. Posts 9127
So, looks like I have to go at it the natty way.
What do people use for pre-workout supps?
I currently use Monster Rehab Energy drinks or Shroom Tech Sport or sometimes both. The Monster makes me a little jittery if I am doing jiu-jitsu but it gets me threw more of the warmups and drills aspect. Shroom Tech Sport seems more of a longer, smoother burn. It doesn't quite feel like you can exert more or feel less pain like with caffeine but it is like a smoother energy is seems like. I don't know. I am trying to get the pre-workout for BJJ down. I bring 8oz of gatorade/powerade/whatever diluted with 24oz water and that is on point I think I just need to find the right pre-training cocktail. Lifting I just drink a Monster and it does the trick.
"Bigger, faster, stronger, better. Train more. Train more savagely. Lower body fat %."
That sounds like you would be drinking some miracle Kool-Aid, not just injecting some T. IMO, you would be even more frustrated than you are now if you started using, even given the best case scenario. It would do literally nothing for your technique, cardio and the various injuries you'd get from training a lot. So you'd go in with the mentality that you have an edge since you're spending a lot of money injecting, but you'd be even more frustrated when you get owned all the time.
As for the cons list, you're missing some pretty important ones: it screws with natural testosterone production, it has to be cycled and when you're off you're really not happy about it, it's expensive, not well looked upon and typically easy to spot, etc.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 02/03/2018 04:38
RiKD   United States. Mar 02 2018 23:49. Posts 9127
Yeah, I just quickly copy and pasted from WebMD.
I would also have to inject sterile needles into myself.
Kmiller   United States. Mar 23 2018 04:36. Posts 5
Depends on your fitness goals on what you should do. I think it's best you should consult a personal trainer first if you have no idea. But if you take some time, you can find tons of information online.
Build your stamina and make sure to learn the correct form or posture on exercises (deadlifts, bench presses, etc)
Make sure you get good nutrition - gains are made from 80% good food, 20% smart exercise.
Try to get adequate rest in between workouts, and get plenty of sleep so your body can grow properly.
I don't think I will ever use steroids or something that would make a bad impact on my body in the future. Remember, if you're getting testosterone the artificial way, your body will get confused and will no longer produce it naturally because you're supplying it from the outside. What do you think happens then if you stop taking those supplements/steroids?
When I was beginning my fitness journey, my biggest mistake was to do everything I can and max myself out. I lost my motivation as the days go by, until I injured my knee. But I'm wiser now. Just like poker, you gotta make time to learn more by reading and researching about fitness.
k4ir0s   Canada. Mar 23 2018 05:17. Posts 3478
Hurt my back while deadlifting. I've been avoiding the deadlift since I started lifting because it seems too easy to do incorrectly and injure yourself.
Am I supposed to be dropping the bar at my knees? I usually bring it down slowly and I'm guessing that's how I hurt myself. Any good deadlift alternatives?
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
It sounds like you have been doing romanian deadlifts, not actual deadlifts. There's no resistance in the downward motion with a normal deadlift, you're just dropping the bar to the floor (in a controlled manner). Don't do romanian deadlifts. Look at form videos from certified Starting Strength coaches like Alan Thrall's and focus on doing it right before focusing on adding weight. If you're injured, take a break and maybe just do leg presses and rack pulls above the knee for a bit instead of deadlifts.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
RiKD   United States. Mar 23 2018 19:33. Posts 9127
Trap bar deadlift
Also, keep your gaze about 9 ft ahead on the floor. Keep your body really tight like some is going to break a board over your back (when pulling).
RiKD   United States. Mar 23 2018 22:00. Posts 9127
Heels in the floor. Lift it fast even if the bar doesn't seem to be moving fast.