How are rollouts and reverse crunches? Those don't really put the back in bad positions. I should just be doing front squats.
The only ab exercises that mcgill recommends are weird ones I just do those normal planks and side planks. Never go full Mike Tyson 'I broke my back' he used to do shit ton of sit ups and some weird rolling on his head.
I think the overly bulky muscular physique is unclassy. As far as what I'm doing is keeping it simple. I stopped training for a while and I'm just going to do this until I can do it very easily again it is also free and you don't fuck yourself up or create imbalanced overly bulky clumsy looking physique.
24 dips, 24 pullups, 24 reverse pullups, 24 pushups, planks, grip work hanging on the bar 3x in a row as long as possible. As far as legs be aware that they take a lot more out of you as far as fatigue goes. I walk a lot over probably over 15km these days tried to train legs while doing it just with bodyweight squats lunges and step ups and have been fucked for a few days, but yea sprinting is also good box jumps etc. Basically with legs I like to see it as something you shouldnt unnecessarily bulk up just use them for activity which will work your agility too.
Rear naked woke
Last edit: 28/10/2018 04:30
k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 28 2018 06:03. Posts 3478
On October 27 2018 22:07 bigredhoss wrote:
Where are you getting 0.3g protein/lb figure from? That sounds way low, it's true that 1-2g/lb isn't necessary but honestly that seems closer to correct than 0.3g. I'm not a nutrition expert but most people seem to recommend 0.8g/lb. these days. ex: (ironically the premise of that article is also saying that 1g/lb is unnecessary).
In general try and get your protein from regular food. If you find that's too inconvenient or whatever it's fine to supplement with protein shakes.
Deadlift is the nuts for lower back. What has your workout routine been over the past year?
Forgot where I got my information from. I remember reading some studies on it. Might have been closer to 0.6g. Still, shouldn't be difficult for me to eat even 1g/lb, considering I need to eat 3k+ cals. Just the 6 eggs I've been eating in the morning consist of 78g. Then there's the meat and almonds.. I don't see the use in protein powder considering my diet.
Yea I don't deadlift. I got injured twice doing it and gave it up. Hence why my lower back is neglected. It's been the only exercise that consistently injures me. May have to get a trainer to correct my form.
I don't even squat lol. I know, it's a sin to not squat and deadlift. I have a small fracture in my spine that bothers me when I squat. So I try to compensate with leg presses and weighted step ups.
Day 1: Chest / Tricep - barbell chest press, dips, tricep extension, and incline or pull up.
Day 2: Bicep / Back - dumbbell curls, chin ups, pull downs, bent over dumbbell rows.
Day 3: Shoulder / Legs - dumbbell overhead press, lat dumbbell raises, pull ups, leg press, weighted step ups
I'm probably lacking in leg exercises. Definitely lacking in lower back. And seldom do core exercises. Need to correct my routine
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 28/10/2018 06:15
bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 28 2018 11:01. Posts 8649
On October 27 2018 22:07 bigredhoss wrote:
Where are you getting 0.3g protein/lb figure from? That sounds way low, it's true that 1-2g/lb isn't necessary but honestly that seems closer to correct than 0.3g. I'm not a nutrition expert but most people seem to recommend 0.8g/lb. these days. ex: (ironically the premise of that article is also saying that 1g/lb is unnecessary).
In general try and get your protein from regular food. If you find that's too inconvenient or whatever it's fine to supplement with protein shakes.
Deadlift is the nuts for lower back. What has your workout routine been over the past year?
Forgot where I got my information from. I remember reading some studies on it. Might have been closer to 0.6g. Still, shouldn't be difficult for me to eat even 1g/lb, considering I need to eat 3k+ cals. Just the 6 eggs I've been eating in the morning consist of 78g. Then there's the meat and almonds.. I don't see the use in protein powder considering my diet.
Yea I don't deadlift. I got injured twice doing it and gave it up. Hence why my lower back is neglected. It's been the only exercise that consistently injures me. May have to get a trainer to correct my form.
I don't even squat lol. I know, it's a sin to not squat and deadlift. I have a small fracture in my spine that bothers me when I squat. So I try to compensate with leg presses and weighted step ups.
Day 1: Chest / Tricep - barbell chest press, dips, tricep extension, and incline or pull up.
Day 2: Bicep / Back - dumbbell curls, chin ups, pull downs, bent over dumbbell rows.
Day 3: Shoulder / Legs - dumbbell overhead press, lat dumbbell raises, pull ups, leg press, weighted step ups
I'm probably lacking in leg exercises. Definitely lacking in lower back. And seldom do core exercises. Need to correct my routine
i assume the spine fracture is unrelated to your previous DL injuries? i can sympathize with the squats, i stopped doing them for a long time because i lacked hip flexor mobility and got to a point where i wasn't really activating my glutes and using too much quads, i never got injured but it just felt bad/wrong. when i re-started them i was super-diligent about form and things went better.
do you know which vertebrae you fractured? if it's in the lumbar spine and bad enough to not do squats you shouldn't be doing leg presses either most likely.
this may sound counterintuitive but the best way to recover from most DL injuries is by doing more deadlifting. i got injured once doing a DL, my back just gave out and it felt pretty bad in the moment, at least bad enough that i obviously wasn't going to finish my workout. never had an MRI but pretty sure it was a nerve impingement. i expected to be done deadlifting for at least a few weeks, but was surprised when i started receiving advice from smart people telling me i not only could, but should try to continue deadlifting after only a few days, but with very light weights. essentially they were prescribing the Starr Protocol: - which worked for me and seems to be the standard advice for DL injuries. definitely make sure your vertebrae is healed, but if/when you decide to try deadlifting again in the future (and you should) i would keep this in mind. and learn to be a real mensch with your form.
why are you doing dumbbell OHP instead of barbell OHP? looking at your program i kind of hate it, but then i realized 90% of that is just because there's no squats/DLs lol. heal up and give them another go imo. if you can find a good trainer (i.e. someone who can help your form on the 4 main compound lifts, not someone who gives you 16 new retarded exercises to do so you can feel like a busybody and make no progress) that's probably ideal.
Truck-Crash Life
drone666   Brasil. Oct 28 2018 12:52. Posts 1825
0.3g/lb you must've read in a keto diet that focus eating mostly fat, moderate protein and very little carbs, this way you keep your lean muscle mass and burn maximum fat
thats the new gay trend these days
Dont listen to anything I say
RiKD   United States. Oct 28 2018 16:38. Posts 9127
On October 27 2018 22:07 bigredhoss wrote:
Where are you getting 0.3g protein/lb figure from? That sounds way low, it's true that 1-2g/lb isn't necessary but honestly that seems closer to correct than 0.3g. I'm not a nutrition expert but most people seem to recommend 0.8g/lb. these days. ex: (ironically the premise of that article is also saying that 1g/lb is unnecessary).
In general try and get your protein from regular food. If you find that's too inconvenient or whatever it's fine to supplement with protein shakes.
Deadlift is the nuts for lower back. What has your workout routine been over the past year?
Forgot where I got my information from. I remember reading some studies on it. Might have been closer to 0.6g. Still, shouldn't be difficult for me to eat even 1g/lb, considering I need to eat 3k+ cals. Just the 6 eggs I've been eating in the morning consist of 78g. Then there's the meat and almonds.. I don't see the use in protein powder considering my diet.
Yea I don't deadlift. I got injured twice doing it and gave it up. Hence why my lower back is neglected. It's been the only exercise that consistently injures me. May have to get a trainer to correct my form.
I don't even squat lol. I know, it's a sin to not squat and deadlift. I have a small fracture in my spine that bothers me when I squat. So I try to compensate with leg presses and weighted step ups.
Day 1: Chest / Tricep - barbell chest press, dips, tricep extension, and incline or pull up.
Day 2: Bicep / Back - dumbbell curls, chin ups, pull downs, bent over dumbbell rows.
Day 3: Shoulder / Legs - dumbbell overhead press, lat dumbbell raises, pull ups, leg press, weighted step ups
I'm probably lacking in leg exercises. Definitely lacking in lower back. And seldom do core exercises. Need to correct my routine
.3g/lb of bodyweight seems like enough. I would actually like to see studies. I have seen studies that we need far less protein than we think we need. From experience I have gotten best results eating at a caloric surplus with plenty of protein (and creatine) though. I think it's a psychological thing. To be honest, the people spouting 1.2g/lb of bodyweight were mostly supplement companies and people who were paid by supplement companies. What eggs are you eating that have 12+g of protein in them? Most eggs I ever ate had 6g.
I have to ask what is the point of getting to 185? I understand people losing weight if they are obese or overweight. I no longer understand the point of gaining weight. 170 at 6'3'' might be "skinny" considered by some but that is a really healthy weight that would be wise to be managed. Better than gorging yourself with animal protein for little benefit and over the long term negative benefit.
But.... my love for the deadlift has me continuing writing if you wish to go down this path.
Trap bar deadlift!
See if you can get your gym to buy one if it doesn't have one already.
Don't do leg presses they are probably worse for your back. Do a lot of the lunge, step up variations.
For the back (I will assume you said lower back): REVERSE HYPER-EXTENSIONS !!! Glute ham raises. Rack pulls. Back extensions. Romanian dead lifts. I don't know. I am a bit rusty but those are the ones that stand out as best accessory exercises.
Day 1: Chest / Tricep - barbell chest press, dips, tricep extension, and incline or pull up.
Not horrible. You are going to have to figure out the progression on this though. It may get you gains for 4 weeks or more if you are a noob but you should be cycling exercises. Why are you doing pull ups on chest/tricep day. You would be better suited to go heavier on chest/tris on this day and heavier on back on back day.
Day 2: Bicep / Back - dumbbell curls, chin ups, pull downs, bent over dumbbell rows.
In general you want to start with the largest muscle groups first. Don't start with curls. Some good exercises in this day though.
Day 3: Shoulder / Legs - dumbbell overhead press, lat dumbbell raises, pull ups, leg press, weighted step ups
I would start with legs. Start with steps ups. Maybe a walking lunge. I always liked db oh press. I found the medial deltoid machines can be good too. Rear deltoid is probably the most important of the bunch. Make sure to train on back day or shoulder day.
Don't compare yourself to meatheads and gym rats. I am conflicted in writing this post because the body is unnatural and quite gross regardless of what you do in the gym. Meh, I don't really want to go on about that. I just saw an opportunity to possibly help and then I started writing.
bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 28 2018 20:31. Posts 8649
On October 28 2018 15:38 RiKD wrote:
Good call on the RDLs and GHRs, was going to mention them in my post then forgot. Never done reverse hypers but they seem good as well. I wasn't trying to say dumbbell OHP is bad or anything (much rather see him ditch leg presses/tricep extensions), I think it's fine. I just think the barbell version is better for building strength which is what I think his goal should be at this point.
I guess my real issue is that I've never been a fan of bodybuilding splits for novice trainers. He said he's been working out for a year so maybe I'm wrong, but based on his description of injuries, not seeing results, etc. I'm guessing it hasn't been a year of efficient or consistent training and he might still be considered a novice (in the sense that he could still benefit from linear progression). This could be bias from my own experience, but I've always preferred starting with a full-body program like Greyskull LP or Starting Strength, stabilize at whatever weight you want to be, and then if you want, do the bodybuilding stuff with 100 accessory exercises. I think it serves beginner-intermediate level trainees better to focus on fewer movements and perfect them. That said if he's not going to DL or Squat I guess he has to fill his workouts with something.
I get your point about not wanting some bulky physique that's unsustainable long-term, but 6'3" 185 is not that. Look at some photos of Michael Phelps, he's 6'4" 195. This isn't some meathead who's already fat trying to do a 40lb dirty bulk. 6'3" 185 seems perfectly reasonable to me and with the extra lean body mass he will almost certainly feel better and be healthier.
Truck-Crash Life
Last edit: 28/10/2018 20:34
RiKD   United States. Oct 28 2018 23:49. Posts 9127
I always got good results from Westside for Skinny Bastards by Joe Defranco and a lot of Christian Thibedeau's plans. I also got good results for a while off of just standard bodybuilding splits although I am not sure if that's the best for beginners. I have heard a lot of good things about Greyskull LP and Starting Strength. There are really a lot of ways to go. As long as there is progressive overload and motivation a program will more or less work.
6'3'' 185 is not that difficult to attain for most. However, there is a danger in comparing with Michael Phelps. That guy was training all day long and eating like 10,000 calories with olympic level genetics. I used to compare myself to models, athletes, and movie stars playing superheroes. It was an incredibly stupid endeavor.
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 29 2018 01:15. Posts 3478
Front shoulder: "Standing barbell vs. standing dumbbell - muscle activation was 15% greater for the standing dumbbell press."
Middle shoulder: "Standing barbell vs. standing dumbbell - muscle activation was 7% greater for the standing dumbbell press."
Back shoulder: "Seated dumbbell vs. standing dumbbell - muscle activation was 24% greater for the standing dumbbell press."
Bicep: "Standing barbell vs. standing dumbbell - muscle activation was 16% greater for the standing barbell press."
Tricep: "Standing barbell vs. standing dumbbell - muscle activation was 39% greater for the standing barbell press."
So barbell is superior for arms, and dumbbell for shoulders.
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 29/10/2018 01:16
bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 29 2018 03:54. Posts 8649
On October 28 2018 22:49 RiKD wrote:
I always got good results from Westside for Skinny Bastards by Joe Defranco and a lot of Christian Thibedeau's plans. I also got good results for a while off of just standard bodybuilding splits although I am not sure if that's the best for beginners. I have heard a lot of good things about Greyskull LP and Starting Strength. There are really a lot of ways to go. As long as there is progressive overload and motivation a program will more or less work.
6'3'' 185 is not that difficult to attain for most. However, there is a danger in comparing with Michael Phelps. That guy was training all day long and eating like 10,000 calories with olympic level genetics. I used to compare myself to models, athletes, and movie stars playing superheroes. It was an incredibly stupid endeavor.
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
Pretty much agree with you on programming, as long as you're doing something halfway reasonable with progressive overload, eating the right macros and getting sleep, the program doesn't matter that much in the long run, everything works. The thing is this is assuming equally correct form across programs. I think stuff like GSLP/SS does more to reinforce correct range of movement by focusing on the main compound lifts and a small handful of assistance exercises.
Like for example with the barbell vs dumbbell OHP thing. I think they're essentially equally effective when performed properly, but the barbell is easier to perform consistently because you can ensure your grip width is always the same, and developing consistency is super important. Depending on the gym you're at it's usually also easier to microload the barbell and continue linear progression for longer than you would with the DBs.
I brought up Phelps as an example only to show that the weight he wants to be at his height isn't close to being unnatural or unhealthy. I don't recommend that he develops body dysmorphia or other mental issues while pursuing his fitness goals.
Truck-Crash Life
whammbot   Belarus. Oct 29 2018 09:05. Posts 523
anyone here try Intermittent fasting to lose weight?
RiKD   United States. Oct 29 2018 15:09. Posts 9127
On October 28 2018 22:49 RiKD wrote:
I always got good results from Westside for Skinny Bastards by Joe Defranco and a lot of Christian Thibedeau's plans. I also got good results for a while off of just standard bodybuilding splits although I am not sure if that's the best for beginners. I have heard a lot of good things about Greyskull LP and Starting Strength. There are really a lot of ways to go. As long as there is progressive overload and motivation a program will more or less work.
6'3'' 185 is not that difficult to attain for most. However, there is a danger in comparing with Michael Phelps. That guy was training all day long and eating like 10,000 calories with olympic level genetics. I used to compare myself to models, athletes, and movie stars playing superheroes. It was an incredibly stupid endeavor.
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
Pretty much agree with you on programming, as long as you're doing something halfway reasonable with progressive overload, eating the right macros and getting sleep, the program doesn't matter that much in the long run, everything works. The thing is this is assuming equally correct form across programs. I think stuff like GSLP/SS does more to reinforce correct range of movement by focusing on the main compound lifts and a small handful of assistance exercises.
Like for example with the barbell vs dumbbell OHP thing. I think they're essentially equally effective when performed properly, but the barbell is easier to perform consistently because you can ensure your grip width is always the same, and developing consistency is super important. Depending on the gym you're at it's usually also easier to microload the barbell and continue linear progression for longer than you would with the DBs.
I brought up Phelps as an example only to show that the weight he wants to be at his height isn't close to being unnatural or unhealthy. I don't recommend that he develops body dysmorphia or other mental issues while pursuing his fitness goals.
Well, we linked basically 4 programs:
- Greyskull LP
- Starting Strength
- Westside for Skinny Bastards
- Something from Christian Thibedeau
If I were k4iros I would just read through those and pick whichever one I am most excited about and get to it.
Actually, if I were k4iros I would start doing Vipassana meditation and reading Buddhist scriptures and discourse but that is kind of a big ask at this stage.
RiKD   United States. Oct 29 2018 15:09. Posts 9127
On October 29 2018 08:05 whammbot wrote:
anyone here try Intermittent fasting to lose weight?
Yeah, it works.
k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 30 2018 05:35. Posts 3478
On October 28 2018 10:01 bigredhoss wrote:
i assume the spine fracture is unrelated to your previous DL injuries? i can sympathize with the squats, i stopped doing them for a long time because i lacked hip flexor mobility and got to a point where i wasn't really activating my glutes and using too much quads, i never got injured but it just felt bad/wrong. when i re-started them i was super-diligent about form and things went better.
do you know which vertebrae you fractured? if it's in the lumbar spine and bad enough to not do squats you shouldn't be doing leg presses either most likely.
this may sound counterintuitive but the best way to recover from most DL injuries is by doing more deadlifting. i got injured once doing a DL, my back just gave out and it felt pretty bad in the moment, at least bad enough that i obviously wasn't going to finish my workout. never had an MRI but pretty sure it was a nerve impingement. i expected to be done deadlifting for at least a few weeks, but was surprised when i started receiving advice from smart people telling me i not only could, but should try to continue deadlifting after only a few days, but with very light weights. essentially they were prescribing the Starr Protocol: - which worked for me and seems to be the standard advice for DL injuries. definitely make sure your vertebrae is healed, but if/when you decide to try deadlifting again in the future (and you should) i would keep this in mind. and learn to be a real mensch with your form.
why are you doing dumbbell OHP instead of barbell OHP? looking at your program i kind of hate it, but then i realized 90% of that is just because there's no squats/DLs lol. heal up and give them another go imo. if you can find a good trainer (i.e. someone who can help your form on the 4 main compound lifts, not someone who gives you 16 new retarded exercises to do so you can feel like a busybody and make no progress) that's probably ideal.
Yea the spine fracture is minor and unrelated to lifting. I don't even know if it's the fracture that bothers me while squatting. When I was new to lifting and tried squats I'd get wrist pain and it felt so uncomfortable for my neck and back. I'm tall so my balance is weaker. Though that's probably how all noobs feel when they start. Seems like I'll get injured easily by doing squats or DL. I'll give it another go and find a trainer for one hour.
On October 28 2018 15:38 RiKD wrote:
I have to ask what is the point of getting to 185? I understand people losing weight if they are obese or overweight. I no longer understand the point of gaining weight. 170 at 6'3'' might be "skinny" considered by some but that is a really healthy weight that would be wise to be managed. Better than gorging yourself with animal protein for little benefit and over the long term negative benefit.
True. But I'm curious how much I can change my body. 6'3 170 is pretty skinny. I feel that my diet is holding me back when lifting. I haven't been making much progress lately in my lifts because I'm not building more muscle due to eating at calorie maintenance.
On October 28 2018 15:38 RiKD wrote:
Trap bar deadlift!
See if you can get your gym to buy one if it doesn't have one already.
Don't do leg presses they are probably worse for your back. Do a lot of the lunge, step up variations.
Interesting. That's my first time hearing about the trap bar deadlift. Will see if my gym has one. Also my first time hearing that leg presses are bad for the back. Damn. Will try dumbbell lunges.
On October 28 2018 15:38 RiKD wrote:
In general you want to start with the largest muscle groups first.
Ok so compound exercises first. Makes sense.
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 30/10/2018 05:37
k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 30 2018 05:46. Posts 3478
Good call on the RDLs and GHRs, was going to mention them in my post then forgot. Never done reverse hypers but they seem good as well. I wasn't trying to say dumbbell OHP is bad or anything (much rather see him ditch leg presses/tricep extensions), I think it's fine. I just think the barbell version is better for building strength which is what I think his goal should be at this point.
I guess my real issue is that I've never been a fan of bodybuilding splits for novice trainers. He said he's been working out for a year so maybe I'm wrong, but based on his description of injuries, not seeing results, etc. I'm guessing it hasn't been a year of efficient or consistent training and he might still be considered a novice (in the sense that he could still benefit from linear progression). This could be bias from my own experience, but I've always preferred starting with a full-body program like Greyskull LP or Starting Strength, stabilize at whatever weight you want to be, and then if you want, do the bodybuilding stuff with 100 accessory exercises. I think it serves beginner-intermediate level trainees better to focus on fewer movements and perfect them. That said if he's not going to DL or Squat I guess he has to fill his workouts with something.
I get your point about not wanting some bulky physique that's unsustainable long-term, but 6'3" 185 is not that. Look at some photos of Michael Phelps, he's 6'4" 195. This isn't some meathead who's already fat trying to do a 40lb dirty bulk. 6'3" 185 seems perfectly reasonable to me and with the extra lean body mass he will almost certainly feel better and be healthier.
Okay I'll ditch leg press. Will weighted step ups and lunges be enough for my legs? Why dont you like tricep extension?
I've been getting results. My body has changed a lot. But lately I haven't been making much progress and I blame that on not eating enough. I've been very consistent the past 6 months working out 3-5 times a week.
Yea I used to research programs like Greyskull LP, but all of them include squats and deadlifts. So I made my own program routine after a good amount of time researching. I just never enjoyed squats and DL and want my gym experience to continue to be enjoyable so that I stick with it. Will try DL again though.
185 seems good. I use mma fighters for perspective. There are few who are 6'3 and 170, if any. The lean and muscular ones my height are about 185.
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 30/10/2018 05:46
k4ir0s   Canada. Oct 30 2018 06:01. Posts 3478
On October 28 2018 22:49 RiKD wrote:
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
I'm not doing it for women. I want to see how far I can push myself and I enjoy lifting. It calms me down and de-stresses me. Ok, maybe some of it is for women and being feeling more desirable. The body doesn't matter so much? I dont think life matters much at all. Short lived pleasures? Everything is short lived. I'm already 30 years old. Multiply that by 2 and I'll be an old man. Multiply it by 3 and I wont be anything. Why bother abstaining? I'm here for a limited amount of time. I've never desired more in my life than I do now; not so much money and status, but a comfortable life full of pleasures.
To answer your questions: Yes. No. No. Not much. No. No.
By the way, I'm still doing yoga ever since you recommended it to me a while back. Loving it.
I dont know what a dt drop is. Is it a wrestling move? -Oly
Last edit: 30/10/2018 06:07
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 30 2018 07:27. Posts 5345
On October 28 2018 22:49 RiKD wrote:
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
I'm not doing it for women. I want to see how far I can push myself and I enjoy lifting. It calms me down and de-stresses me. Ok, maybe some of it is for women and being feeling more desirable. The body doesn't matter so much? I dont think life matters much at all. Short lived pleasures? Everything is short lived. I'm already 30 years old. Multiply that by 2 and I'll be an old man. Multiply it by 3 and I wont be anything. Why bother abstaining? I'm here for a limited amount of time. I've never desired more in my life than I do now; not so much money and status, but a comfortable life full of pleasures.
To answer your questions: Yes. No. No. Not much. No. No.
By the way, I'm still doing yoga ever since you recommended it to me a while back. Loving it.
I think it's a case of choosing more suffering or less suffering. You can choose the path of more suffering just hopefully you are knowingly doing it. It's not like I can change your mind at this point. You have to experience the dukkha for yourself. If there is still greed, anger, and delusion involved which there surely is one cannot even accurately inquire about dukkha in their life. A comfortable life full of pleasures is a mirage. It's not possible. At least not possible in some controllable, stable way that lacks stress and dissatisfaction.
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Oct 30 2018 12:32. Posts 5345
On October 28 2018 22:49 RiKD wrote:
I will say this. Back when I was more into worldly life I would go to bars when I was a strapping young lad lifting some iron. The drunk women would grab my biceps and swoon. They love abs too and chest and glutes and delts and a strong back and most of all they love dick. 6'3'' at 185 might get you there but it isn't everything. From my experience something like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gets you farther in that regard. Vipassana meditation is best but then you start to lose the desires and lusts. If you aren't ready to start letting go of lust it's not really going to work. You likely will feel better though and it will have a positive effect on anxiety and how you see yourself. I get so conflicted on these worldly affairs. I can see the path of lifting weights and chasing pussy so clearly. There's no stability. It is all short-lived pleasure, dissatisfaction and unsubstantiality. The body doesn't matter so much. It's what's in you. It's a lot of different things based on a lot of different women. Are you honest? Are you funny? Do you want materialistic women? Do you have material things? Do you want status hungry women? Do you have status?
I'm not doing it for women. I want to see how far I can push myself and I enjoy lifting. It calms me down and de-stresses me. Ok, maybe some of it is for women and being feeling more desirable. The body doesn't matter so much? I dont think life matters much at all. Short lived pleasures? Everything is short lived. I'm already 30 years old. Multiply that by 2 and I'll be an old man. Multiply it by 3 and I wont be anything. Why bother abstaining? I'm here for a limited amount of time. I've never desired more in my life than I do now; not so much money and status, but a comfortable life full of pleasures.
To answer your questions: Yes. No. No. Not much. No. No.
By the way, I'm still doing yoga ever since you recommended it to me a while back. Loving it.
I think it's a case of choosing more suffering or less suffering. You can choose the path of more suffering just hopefully you are knowingly doing it. It's not like I can change your mind at this point. You have to experience the dukkha for yourself. If there is still greed, anger, and delusion involved which there surely is one cannot even accurately inquire about dukkha in their life. A comfortable life full of pleasures is a mirage. It's not possible. At least not possible in some controllable, stable way that lacks stress and dissatisfaction.
Not everyone is the same as you. There is a vast amount of people on the planet who can live balanced lives.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 30 2018 23:09. Posts 8649
On October 30 2018 07:53 Stroggoz wrote:
whatsup weaklings. Seems like only mortensen and I are into calisthenics here?
Would never do that as a workout but pretty damn impressive nonetheless, esp all the muscle-ups followed by weighted pull-ups. I don't really get why they do weighted pull-ups but unweighted push-ups though, since push-ups are obviously easier.
Weighted pull-ups and push-ups are awesome. I won't go as far as to say pistol squats are completely pointless, but they're more dangerous to your knees than doing regular barbell squats and much less effective at building strength.