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RiKD    United States. Jun 29 2018 20:24. Posts 9151
I was doing some thinking. Perhaps many of you are on the right track. It does seem a little ridiculous to share every last feeling on this small, niche website. I think about sharing value but I am unsure if there is any value to share. The obvious would be poker wisdom but I am sure the game has mostly passed me up. Someone could just read Barry Greenstein's "Ace on the River" or more wisely do a ton of work with the solvers. I don't know how I feel really about giving poker suggestions anyways. It is a pretty cool strategy game and a means to be more autonomous. Not a bad way to make a living but I believe it is romanticized in many regards. I don't know. I am just a part-time grocery store worker barely covering the most humble of expenses.... I shouldn't use that phrase as there are others on even lower expenses than me. The point is I don't consume a whole lot. I am perhaps more peaceful and content than I've ever been. It's a bit different. When I am on a speed boat flying across the ocean to go to a beach party in Malta and everyone is drunk and high and coked up that is a different feeling. Maybe I miss that wild and free feeling but it doesn't matter. I have to live a different life these days.

It is a bit mad to think I was posting vomit on here every day or every few days. Maybe this is vomit too. I need to find coping mechanisms that don't include THAT. I do get bored though. I do like to engage in different discussions on here. I am not sure if there is enough inspiring content on here anymore.

I was thinking about doing an AMA but I don't know if we have enough people or if anyone would be interested in that.

I sometimes get bored without content on LP is all. "Handmaid's Tale" and "Infinite Jest" only get me so far some days.

Oh well, I think it's about time I eat chips and salsa for lunch. The salsa is so good that's all I want to eat.

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RiKD    United States. Jun 29 2018 23:29. Posts 9151

But the cat came back the very next day,
The cat came back, we thought he was a goner,
The cat came back, he just wouldn't stay away.

qwe5408   . Jun 30 2018 06:52. Posts 16

keep posting it if it provides relief. we can decide whether we want to read/comment on these.

i may be projecting, but it wasn't too long ago that i felt the same disheartened dissatisfaction with life. and kept flipping back between bouts of self improvement drive/motivation and absolutely disheartened futility

RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 03:39. Posts 9151

I would say you are projecting. I wouldn't say I feel a disheartened dissatisfaction with life. I've said before that I hope to be through with the continual improvement machine. I mean obviously I would like to continue to grow as a human being but it's not an obsession. Sometimes life just is. Life gets prosaic or life gets whatever. There are times when I have to be a bit hurried. Tabs should be kept very closely but not too closely that the soul is not lost. It is ok to be a bit aloof. Not everything is a video game to achieve the high score.

Today, my uncle and aunt came to visit for the day. It was good to see them. They have good hearts. I was mostly quiet. I don't think I found one conversation all that interesting the entire day. After lunch and a walk on the beach I could finally retire to my room to converse with David Foster Wallace and "Infinite Jest." These days I would rather converse with DFW than most people.

As long as I have my soul man. As long as I have my soul.

Actually, I could probably get to absolute disheartened futility but I would really have to let myself go. Not saying it can't happen but my soul is in a halfway decent place and I have some friends and some people I can talk to. When I talk about my soul I really mean a sort of spirit. Like, a shadow. A ghost. Some anime type avatar. RiKD Fighting ^^;;

"It's hard making it in a society that only cares about profit and pleasure" - Unknown

What if I just want to flip the script and only care about profit in so much that I can eat, have a place to sleep, own a car, afford health insurance, et cetera et cetera et cetera.......

What if I don't even want Pleasure (capital P)? The bondage of Pleasure. Pleasure is such a difficult one for an addict like me. What if I renounce Pleasure? Give me peace and satisfaction over Pleasure. Being bored is ok. Not having the high score in whatever game of games and metagames of metagames is ok. We don't need speedballin' blowjobs on secluded beaches getting fed grapes to be ok in this world.

RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 18:23. Posts 9151

"The achievement-subject competes with itself; it succumbs to the destructive compulsion to outdo itself over and over, to jump over its own shadow. This self-constraint, which poses as freedom, has deadly result." - Byung-Chul Han "The Burnout Society"

RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 18:28. Posts 9151

Achievement-subject ---> Achievement-project / Immortality-project

It's all a mirage

RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 18:42. Posts 9151

The "strong soul" keeps "calm," "moves slowly," and "has an aversion to what's too lively."

All of you who are in love with hectic work and whatever is fast, new, strange – you find it hard to bear yourselves, your diligence is escape and the will to forget yourself.

If you believe more in life, you would hurl yourself less into the moment. But you do not have enough content in yourselves for waiting – not even for laziness!

- Nietzsche

RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 18:48. Posts 9151

The homines sacre of achievement society also differ from those of the society of sovereignty on another score. They cannot be killed at all. Their life equals that of the undead. They are too alive to die, and too dead to live.


RiKD    United States. Jul 01 2018 18:53. Posts 9151

I only see my friends to get attention. They are likely the same way. We are all narcissists.

wobbly_au   Australia. Jul 02 2018 09:22. Posts 6540

Seek Help

The Last Laugh. 

RiKD    United States. Jul 02 2018 16:39. Posts 9151

For what?

Some of these topics are very important.

If wobbly had it his way we'd all be in the Republic of Gilead.

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jul 03 2018 08:12. Posts 15163

Wobbly's a dick don't worry about him

93% Sure! Last edit: 03/07/2018 08:12

RiKD    United States. Jul 03 2018 22:19. Posts 9151

If I have a compulsion to write a blog post and it feels like I am free it doesn't matter because I am not actually free.

RiKD    United States. Jul 03 2018 22:20. Posts 9151

Freedom is the opposite of compulsion.

RiKD    United States. Jul 03 2018 22:49. Posts 9151

The way time is used needs to be revolutionized, says Han. "Time worked is time lost, it is not time for ourselves."

RiKD    United States. Jul 03 2018 22:50. Posts 9151

Authenticity. According to Han, people sell themselves as authentic “because everyone wants to be different from the rest.” This forces a person to “produce themselves” and this is impossible to do authentically because from “the desire to be different creates sameness.” As a result, the system only allows “marketable differences,” he says.

wobbly_au   Australia. Jul 04 2018 02:50. Posts 6540

Not a dick.. Just saying like it is. I'm worried about your mental wellbeing, only expressing it in a blunt way.

The Last Laugh. 

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 03:26. Posts 9151

Get out of my face zombie. You can live your life and I can live mine. I actually truly hope you have found things to be mostly not displeasing with some joy here and there. Perhaps one of the lucky ones. To be oblivious in such an absurd world is such a gift. Whatever you do wobbly do not read Byung-Chul Han. The illusions that are holding your life together may dissipate. Actually PLEASE read Byung-Chul Han. Everybody.

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 03:28. Posts 9151

The question is: why do we even communicate? The communication theorist Vilém Flusser says that we communicate to escape death.

Accordingly, we communicate to give meaning to life.

Yes, but digital communication is not fit to make sense. Only a dialogue with one can make sense. A prayer would be a dialogue. No dialogue is possible on Facebook or Twitter, which includes more than "likes". But empty the churches and Facebook fills up. A new church has sprung up, but it does not make any sense. On Facebook, we can not escape death. And because we feel that, we communicate more and more and faster.

On, I can not escape death. And because I feel that, I communicate more and more and faster

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 04:00. Posts 9151

It comes back to this:

I am a speck of dust living on a speck of dust living in an impossible to understand existence except for the fact that everything is impermanent and that I am going to get sick and die. I can forget this fact, sometimes in great conversation, sometimes getting lost in an exciting football game, whatever but I am afraid of the fact that I will get sick and die. There's not a whole lot I can do for this fear except for repress it as deeply as possible and get lost in illusions.

I have a book called "The Start-Up of You" which is a devilish plot by Reid Hoffman to get people LinkedIn but that's part of the problem. "We're all entrepreneurs!" It's just fucking manipulative seduction by these guys. It's light seduction. They only need to seduce us to the point of self-exploitation. We are already seduced by the achievement society. When I was in a circle of people at a wedding and they were all talking about how they hated their jobs and I just talked about how it's been great, I am mostly just going to the beach and reading a lot they all wanted to kill me (just like everyone on here wants to kill me. Don't worry guys I am employed now. Just as much of a slave as anyone. Let's figure out a way to resist and revolt. No, I won't shut up about it) People can rationalize through status or how they are a better engineer than me but it's clear that being sovereign is better than not being sovereign. Sovereignty is not possible through employment. That is all I'm saying. You can feel as empowered as you want to feel but it's not freedom. I thought I was free to work 80 hours a week and I thought I was free not to work 80 hours a week but I wasn't free at all and I was actually a very sick self-exploiting achievement-subject. I have to be diligent in renting myself out to wage slavery as little as possible and become more of a reasonable obedient-subject than some self-harming achievement-subject. Fucking crazy world we live in.

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 16:23. Posts 9151

Euphoria is the first stage in tiredness. Too much Same is another culprit.

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 20:38. Posts 9151

It is a little sad for me going back to work. Losing my sovereignty. I hope to do my duty and nothing more (and nothing less). It is very difficult to get through this life with out some laboring. I will have to give up some legitimate freedoms. The ability to linger and the state of non-hurriedness will diminish. Maybe being on the clock can actually make those sort of things more valuable but I have found many times I take the laboring hours with me. It can be difficult to shut that off.

I am over trying to fill up life. Obsessing over a fulfilled life. Accelerating faster and faster trying to achieve or experience life's endless possibilities. It's impossible.

RiKD    United States. Jul 04 2018 21:03. Posts 9151

It would be erroneous to assume that todays' acceleration of life can be explained in terms of the fear of death. This argument roughly goes as follows:

It was shown that acceleration represents an intuitive solution to the problem of a limited lifetime or the divergence of the time of the world and the time of life in a secular culture. In this context, the maximal enjoyment of worldly opportunities and the optimal actualization of one's own abilities, and hence the ideal of the fulfilled life, has become the paradigm of a successful life. Whoever lives twice as fast can realize twice as many worldly possibilities and thus, as it were, live two lives in the span of one. Whoever becomes infinitely fast approaches the potentially unlimited horizon of the time of the world (and of worldly possibilities) within one lifetime to the extent that she can realize a plurality of life possibilities in a single earthly lifespan. She therefore no longer needs to fear death, the annihilator of options.

The idea is that whoever lives twice as fast can enjoy twice as many life possibilities; the acceleration of life multiplies life and thus brings a person closer to the goal of having a fulfilled life. But this is a naive calculation which rests on a confusion of fulfillment with mere plentitude. A fulfilled life cannot be explained on a quantitative basis. It does not result from a plentitude of life possibilities, just as a recounting or listing of events does not necessarily amount to a narration or account. Rather, the latter require a special synthesis to which they owe their meaning. A long list of events does not produce the tension which characterizes a story, while a very short story may nevertheless possess a powerful narrative tension. And, thus, a very short life can also achieve the ideal of a fulfilled life. The acceleration thesis does not recognize that the real problem today is the fact that life has lost the possibility of reaching a meaningful conclusion. It is this fact that leads to the hectic rush and nervousness which characterize contemporary life. One begins ever anew; one zaps through "life possibilities," precisely because of an inability to bring any single possibility to a conclusion. The individual's life is not informed by a story or meaningful totality. It is misleading to talk of an acceleration of life pursued with the aim of maximizing its possibilities. Upon closer scrutiny, this acceleration turns out to be a nervous restlessness which makes life whizz, so to speak; it hurtles from one possibility to the next. It never achieves rest – that is, completion.

Byung-Chul Han, The Scent of Time

wobbly_au   Australia. Jul 05 2018 05:19. Posts 6540

Now whos the one being a dick.

The Last Laugh. 

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 15:19. Posts 9151

I love you wobbly

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 17:52. Posts 9151

A scent is slow. Thus, as a medium, it is not adapted to the age of haste. Scents cannot be presented in as fast a sequence as optical images. In contrast to the latter, they can also not be accelerated. A society dominated by scents would probably also not develop any inclinations towards change or acceleration. It would live off its recollections and its memory, off those things that are slow and long-lasting. The age of haste, by contrast, is a "cinematographic" age, one that is to a large extent shaped by the visual. Such an age accelerates the world into a "cinematograph film of ... things." Time disintegrates into a mere sequence of present moments. The age of haste is an age without scents. The scent of time is a manifestation of duration. Thus, it escapes "activity" and "immediate enjoyment." Scent is indirect, takes detours, and is mediated.

Byung-Chul Han, The Scent of Time

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 20:00. Posts 9151

Why do we find no meaning for ourselves any more, i.e. no essential possibility of being? Is it because an indifference yawns at us out of all things, an indifference whose grounds we do not know? Yet who can speak in such a way when world trade, technology, and the economy seize hold of man and keep him moving?

Martin Heidegger

nlloser60   . Jul 05 2018 21:37. Posts 304

  On July 04 2018 03:00 RiKD wrote:
It comes back to this:

I am a speck of dust living on a speck of dust living in an impossible to understand existence except for the fact that everything is impermanent and that I am going to get sick and die. I can forget this fact, sometimes in great conversation, sometimes getting lost in an exciting football game, whatever but I am afraid of the fact that I will get sick and die. There's not a whole lot I can do for this fear except for repress it as deeply as possible and get lost in illusions.

I had the same feeling back in the day, but the alternative is to embrace it, go out there and make your life meaningful, whatever it means for you. We all have the same problem. Most people are oblivious to the tragedy of life. That is fine, perhaps it keeps them sane. People who become aware walk on thin ice. Yes, they see more but it is too overwhelming and they cannot find a solution to the problem. Nihilism has a point and is extremely powerful once it gets you, maybe impossible to escape from for most people. Then there are people who know all of this and despite all of this DECIDE to make their life meaningful for them and maybe for others. It could be that it does not matter in the grand scheme of things, sure, but there is a huge difference between having a meaningful life + it does not matter and meaningless life + it does not matter thinking. Also, there is a micro chance it might actually matter how you lived your life in the end + you live anyway, there is nothing to lose, we will all die.
I agree though, it is easier to not do anything than to do something about it, million times easier.

Most people are not authentic and desire to be authentic is far from being really authentic. We all have desires, most people don't reach the hard ones. There are very few authentic people. There is a reason why real authentic people gather millions of people around them.

On the opposite end, you have authentic people who bring no value to others at all, because to them life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It very well could be, but it takes a hero to know this and make your life and life of million other people meaningful on earth.

nlloser60   . Jul 05 2018 21:54. Posts 304

  On July 04 2018 19:38 RiKD wrote:
It is a little sad for me going back to work. Losing my sovereignty. I hope to do my duty and nothing more (and nothing less). It is very difficult to get through this life with out some laboring. I will have to give up some legitimate freedoms. The ability to linger and the state of non-hurriedness will diminish. Maybe being on the clock can actually make those sort of things more valuable but I have found many times I take the laboring hours with me. It can be difficult to shut that off.

I am over trying to fill up life. Obsessing over a fulfilled life. Accelerating faster and faster trying to achieve or experience life's endless possibilities. It's impossible.

Look for another job, I have got a job and feel the opposite to what you feel. Of course, it takes time to find/get a job which makes you feel the opposite, and I agree it is much easier to complain about the current state you are in.

Yes, please stop obsessing over a fulfilled life and accelerating faster and faster crap. It is how you live your life makes it fulfilled. It is not a goal.

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 22:27. Posts 9151

The acceleration of life in general robs the human being of the capacity for contemplation. Thus, those things which only reveal themselves in contemplative lingering remain hidden.

Byung-Chul Han, The Scent of Time

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jul 05 2018 22:30. Posts 8649

  On July 04 2018 20:03 RiKD wrote:
It was shown that acceleration represents an intuitive solution to the problem of a limited lifetime or the divergence of the time of the world and the time of life in a secular culture. In this context, the maximal enjoyment of worldly opportunities and the optimal actualization of one's own abilities, and hence the ideal of the fulfilled life, has become the paradigm of a successful life. Whoever lives twice as fast can realize twice as many worldly possibilities and thus, as it were, live two lives in the span of one. Whoever becomes infinitely fast approaches the potentially unlimited horizon of the time of the world (and of worldly possibilities) within one lifetime to the extent that she can realize a plurality of life possibilities in a single earthly lifespan. She therefore no longer needs to fear death, the annihilator of options.

The idea is that whoever lives twice as fast can enjoy twice as many life possibilities; the acceleration of life multiplies life and thus brings a person closer to the goal of having a fulfilled life. But this is a naive calculation which rests on a confusion of fulfillment with mere plentitude. A fulfilled life cannot be explained on a quantitative basis. It does not result from a plentitude of life possibilities, just as a recounting or listing of events does not necessarily amount to a narration or account. Rather, the latter require a special synthesis to which they owe their meaning. A long list of events does not produce the tension which characterizes a story, while a very short story may nevertheless possess a powerful narrative tension. And, thus, a very short life can also achieve the ideal of a fulfilled life. The acceleration thesis does not recognize that the real problem today is the fact that life has lost the possibility of reaching a meaningful conclusion. It is this fact that leads to the hectic rush and nervousness which characterize contemporary life. One begins ever anew; one zaps through "life possibilities," precisely because of an inability to bring any single possibility to a conclusion. The individual's life is not informed by a story or meaningful totality. It is misleading to talk of an acceleration of life pursued with the aim of maximizing its possibilities. Upon closer scrutiny, this acceleration turns out to be a nervous restlessness which makes life whizz, so to speak; it hurtles from one possibility to the next. It never achieves rest – that is, completion.

Byung-Chul Han, The Scent of Time

My turn to be a dick I guess. I cringe at how dimwitted anyone would have to be to find that passage insightful or interesting. Everything he says is completely obvious without needing to be mentioned. Assuming he has some sort of audience, they likely exist solely because his verbose writing style gives the illusion of communicating something meaningful or deep to people who have dull minds. I imagine the distillation of this author's thoughts to his audience goes something like this:

I kind of want to give props on the job (even if you feel like it's not the sort of thing that warrants props) and on (presumably) continuing the fitness regimen. But goddamn that passage is some tilt.

Truck-Crash Life 

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 23:11. Posts 9151

  On July 05 2018 20:37 nlloser60 wrote:
Show nested quote +

I had the same feeling back in the day, but the alternative is to embrace it, go out there and make your life meaningful, whatever it means for you. We all have the same problem. Most people are oblivious to the tragedy of life. That is fine, perhaps it keeps them sane. People who become aware walk on thin ice. Yes, they see more but it is too overwhelming and they cannot find a solution to the problem. Nihilism has a point and is extremely powerful once it gets you, maybe impossible to escape from for most people. Then there are people who know all of this and despite all of this DECIDE to make their life meaningful for them and maybe for others. It could be that it does not matter in the grand scheme of things, sure, but there is a huge difference between having a meaningful life + it does not matter and meaningless life + it does not matter thinking. Also, there is a micro chance it might actually matter how you lived your life in the end + you live anyway, there is nothing to lose, we will all die.
I agree though, it is easier to not do anything than to do something about it, million times easier.

Most people are not authentic and desire to be authentic is far from being really authentic. We all have desires, most people don't reach the hard ones. There are very few authentic people. There is a reason why real authentic people gather millions of people around them.

On the opposite end, you have authentic people who bring no value to others at all, because to them life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It very well could be, but it takes a hero to know this and make your life and life of million other people meaningful on earth.

I don't really want to get into the semantics of meaning right now. I will say I think I have been on the defensive. How do I reduce the chances of depression, anxiety, going psychotic, suicide, taking a substance rather than going more on the offensive of doing the things that most people know work now a days: spending time with friends and family, helping others, flow states. The latter also is defense for the former. There are different types of flow states as well. Some of the more frantic, overly lively avenues may just contribute to the world of haste and accelerated living which only leads to a state of undeadness. Imagine going on a cruise where every hour of every day is scheduled out. Zapping from one thing to the next as if you were trying to compile the longest list achieved in the fastest time. It is a state of not being quite dead and not being quite alive. I realize a contemplative philosopher is going to prefer vita contempliva and contemplative lingering but for me he has strong points regarding everything I've read thus far.

I don't think I qualify as a nihilist. I believe in the Golden Rule, Immanuel Kant, and Frederich Nietzsche.

The first "authentic" person that came to mind is Conor McGregor but he was still putting on a show even though I think that is part of his persona. What about someone like Bill Clinton? He was fake authentic. He fooled the public.

Don't get started on that hero narrative bullshit. I am no hero and my life is not a narrative. Maybe start with making one other person's life meaningful? 1 million is a bit grandiose.

Oh boy, here we go with the semantics.... I more so believe in escaping death for periods of time than getting seduced by some meaning. There is no meaning of life. There can be things that people do to bring some meaning, terrestrial meaning. The universe does not give a shit about us. I was really into this about a year ago or so. I don't really care too much today. The only reason I am working and laboring is because the bills keep coming in and they don't stop. I am coerced by society to get a job. Sometimes I think about being a bum but I am too attached to food at my leisure and my bed. I am too attached to home and of course I am attached to my Health. So important it gets capitalized!

RiKD    United States. Jul 05 2018 23:19. Posts 9151

+ Show Spoiler +

à chacun son goût

 Last edit: 05/07/2018 23:20

nlloser60   . Jul 05 2018 23:28. Posts 304

  On July 05 2018 21:27 RiKD wrote:
The acceleration of life in general robs the human being of the capacity for contemplation. Thus, those things which only reveal themselves in contemplative lingering remain hidden.

Byung-Chul Han, The Scent of Time

In general, people do not contemplate, even if they have all the time in the world. How you design your life is a personal choice, if you are smart. You can design it to have your cake and eat it. Nobody is forcing you to accelerate to the point where you have no time for contemplation.
Being able to contemplate while carrying on with the real life like normal people have is quite an accomplishment. In comparison, detaching yourself from the society and just contemplating is definitely way easier and pretty egoistic approach to the problem.

nlloser60   . Jul 06 2018 00:03. Posts 304

  On July 05 2018 22:11 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

I don't really want to get into the semantics of meaning right now. I will say I think I have been on the defensive. How do I reduce the chances of depression, anxiety, going psychotic, suicide, taking a substance rather than going more on the offensive of doing the things that most people know work now a days: spending time with friends and family, helping others, flow states. The latter also is defense for the former. There are different types of flow states as well. Some of the more frantic, overly lively avenues may just contribute to the world of haste and accelerated living which only leads to a state of undeadness. Imagine going on a cruise where every hour of every day is scheduled out. Zapping from one thing to the next as if you were trying to compile the longest list achieved in the fastest time. It is a state of not being quite dead and not being quite alive. I realize a contemplative philosopher is going to prefer vita contempliva and contemplative lingering but for me he has strong points regarding everything I've read thus far.

I don't think I qualify as a nihilist. I believe in the Golden Rule, Immanuel Kant, and Frederich Nietzsche.

The first "authentic" person that came to mind is Conor McGregor but he was still putting on a show even though I think that is part of his persona. What about someone like Bill Clinton? He was fake authentic. He fooled the public.

Don't get started on that hero narrative bullshit. I am no hero and my life is not a narrative. Maybe start with making one other person's life meaningful? 1 million is a bit grandiose.

Oh boy, here we go with the semantics.... I more so believe in escaping death for periods of time than getting seduced by some meaning. There is no meaning of life. There can be things that people do to bring some meaning, terrestrial meaning. The universe does not give a shit about us. I was really into this about a year ago or so. I don't really care too much today. The only reason I am working and laboring is because the bills keep coming in and they don't stop. I am coerced by society to get a job. Sometimes I think about being a bum but I am too attached to food at my leisure and my bed. I am too attached to home and of course I am attached to my Health. So important it gets capitalized!

yes, it would be a perfect start with making one person's life meaningful but that has to be you, before you can help anyone else.
The universe does not give a shit about us but it definitely does not mean, that we have to care about the universe and not have meaning in our life on earth here and now.

Living is not about being offensive/defensive. These states you describe are an inherent part of life. Embrace them, not repress them, go through them and keep on living.#

I may be wrong, but it seems you have read too much stuff for your average Joe, then jumped straight into really serious dark stuff, like Nietzche. Nevertheless, even Nietzche said, as dark as he was:
"My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing
to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear
what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendacious in the face of
what is necessary—but love it."
On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo

 Last edit: 06/07/2018 00:35

RiKD    United States. Jul 06 2018 00:55. Posts 9151

  On July 05 2018 22:28 nlloser60 wrote:
Show nested quote +

In general, people do not contemplate, even if they have all the time in the world. How you design your life is a personal choice, if you are smart. You can design it to have your cake and eat it. Nobody is forcing you to accelerate to the point where you have no time for contemplation.
Being able to contemplate while carrying on with the real life like normal people have is quite an accomplishment. In comparison, detaching yourself from the society and just contemplating is definitely way easier and pretty egoistic approach to the problem.

At the very least I can confirm my convictions and do my best to find time for contemplative lingering. It will also be nice to not go broke and maybe meet some cool people. It will be more difficult. There is a difference between rest from work and vita contempletiva. Work engulfs us. Vita activa has the potential to take over our lives. There is a difference between a break and leisure. It's just a lot easier to recovery from work and for work the next day with some Netflix and Hulu rather than reading philosophy and contemplating what is true in life.

I should have double majored in Philosophy and English in University. Hindsight is 20/20. Then I could have actually helped people with this stuff.

RiKD    United States. Jul 06 2018 01:14. Posts 9151

  On July 05 2018 23:03 nlloser60 wrote:
Show nested quote +

yes, it would be a perfect start with making one person's life meaningful but that has to be you, before you can help anyone else.
The universe does not give a shit about us but it definitely does not mean, that we have to care about the universe and not have meaning in our life on earth here and now.

Living is not about being offensive/defensive. These states you describe are an inherent part of life. Embrace them, not repress them, go through them and keep on living.#

I may be wrong, but it seems you have read too much stuff for your average Joe, then jumped straight into really serious dark stuff, like Nietzche. Nevertheless, even Nietzche said, as dark as he was:
"My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing
to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear
what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendacious in the face of
what is necessary—but love it."
On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo

I don't consider Fred dark. He's pretty awesome.

I don't know if I would want to live my life over and over for eternity. That sounds pretty awful. According to Fred that would mean I am living my life wrong and he could be right. Maybe I should re-re-read his work but again he is just a guy doing his best to contemplate the truth. I immediately go to one visit to the pysch ward that was hellish. Time did not exist in there and I was basically living and dreaming nightmare after nightmare and there was no recollection of what if anything was real except for the fact that it all seemed real. As real as me typing on this keyboard right now. There was a lot of good stuff too. I actually do have a certain love of my fate. Basically, broke. I think a lot of the vita activa, achievement-subject, status crowd would consider me a loser. Maybe a lot of people on here do as well. It actually wouldn't bother me. Just sitting here on a Thursday night typing away on LP after a dinner of cereal, walnuts, blueberries, banana, and almond butter. I will have read another Byung-Chul Han before I retire for the night. Life is good. I mean it isn't really but at least I am laughing and smiling about it.

RiKD    United States. Jul 06 2018 16:43. Posts 9151

I don't think I particularly love my fate. I would prefer to just have never been born. An eternal reoccurrence of nothingness. Now, that I am here I am just trying to make the best of it. Suicide is bad and there are other ways to go about living this life. I do have a certain love of my fate once I am born but I think Nietzsche's eternal reoccurrence fails for something like very painful and debilitating child cancer and other examples. I have lived quite a strange life. That might make me "authentic" or it might make me "incomparable" but I don't believe that that is true. I have met too many people in AA that have lived pretty similar lives. I used to think I was authentic for consuming Bread and Boxers Relaxed Crew Neck T-shirts and Boxer Briefs until I found an entire display of their T-shirts and Boxer Briefs in La Guardia Airport right by the gums, mints, and candies. They are comfortable and they do fit me well but authenticity through consumption is what everyone is striving for. It is what EVERYONE is striving for which does not sound very authentic to me. Authenticity is based in truth, honesty, and beauty.

RiKD    United States. Jul 06 2018 16:50. Posts 9151

The ego orients itself by the others and spins out of control when it no longer believes it can keep up. [...] The thought of what the others think of oneself and what they think that others think of them, thus becomes a source of social anxiety. It is not the objective situation that burdens and breaks the individual so much as the felling of drawing the short straw compared to significant others.

Heniz Bude, Gesellschaft der Angst, p. 26.

RiKD    United States. Jul 06 2018 18:54. Posts 9151

I wish to engage in a dialogue with the Other but there is no voice to be heard or gaze to be felt. It is just me in my RiKD/Byung-Chul Han echo chamber.


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