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RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:26. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:28. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:28. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:30. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:31. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 18:32. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:01. Posts 9151

The presence (the dynamics) of this blind field is, I believe, what distinguishes the erotic photograph from the pornographic photograph... for me, there is no punctum in the pornographic image; at most it amuses me (and even then, boredom follows quickly).

Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida, pp.57/59

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:04. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:07. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:08. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:11. Posts 9151

 Last edit: 10/07/2018 19:23

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:13. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Jul 10 2018 19:15. Posts 9151

nlloser60   . Jul 11 2018 00:13. Posts 304

  On July 10 2018 01:29 RiKD wrote:

That's why I read so much damn philosophy because I can't see past my worldview. I am not in a box man. What's in the boooxxxxx? It's not me man. It's + Show Spoiler +

. I am a flower open to light. If the 1% takes self-exploitation and "optimization" no thanks man. You can try. You Can try and You Should try. Gogogogogo!

If you aren't in the .1% neoliberalism has you by the balls.

The second part of that sentence may have been the most profound thing you have ever said but it is not true for me when I am a sovereign man of leisure.

I am probably wrong but I think you are getting close to realizing that there are other boxes you don't know exist. You know, the ones you think are BS. They make life worth living at every level of your life despite the tragedy of life.

Back in the day, I thought similarly and was in a similar state. Then I was lucky I think. I decided that before blaming the world and "dying" I will read about every counter idea to what I currently believe in, there is a chance I am wrong. In fact, I am sure I am wrong at some level of analysis and it is given you are wrong too.
It is not easy to make the first step, though. You know, people prefer to make wars and die for their is really sad. I don't expect you can do it, really.

I decided to study what I don't like/believe in more than what I like/believe in and I can tell you know, a whole world of other boxes opens up once you start doing this. This is the only way to ensure you can get a glimpse at the bigger picture. Once you do this you can define your own box, jump between other boxes as you please, test them against each other etc.

If you haven't, read The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky was awesome at this.

 Last edit: 11/07/2018 00:25

nlloser60   . Jul 11 2018 00:20. Posts 304

  On July 10 2018 17:18 RiKD wrote:
I was having a conversation with my mom and somehow anti-natalism came up and I told her it was David Benetar's position that having children is bad b/c basically there is no suffering in nothingness and surely suffering in existence. Her response was "But they are such an unbelievable joy at times." I kind of wanted to just kill the conversation so I did but that response is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Notice how she only looked at it from her perspective. It shows the self-centeredness and narcissism of parents. It also is an example of how humans tend to reduce negativity and exaggerate positivity.

What makes you think you understand what she meant or that she could express herself how she wanted.
Your box put her in the box. This is not how you grow intellectually, and you seem to care about it.

What about making life worthwhile despite suffering as the reason to live. You know, you don't appreciate things you don't earn.

 Last edit: 11/07/2018 00:22

RiKD    United States. Jul 11 2018 09:09. Posts 9151

  On July 10 2018 23:13 nlloser60 wrote:
Show nested quote +

I am probably wrong but I think you are getting close to realizing that there are other boxes you don't know exist. You know, the ones you think are BS. They make life worth living at every level of your life despite the tragedy of life.

Back in the day, I thought similarly and was in a similar state. Then I was lucky I think. I decided that before blaming the world and "dying" I will read about every counter idea to what I currently believe in, there is a chance I am wrong. In fact, I am sure I am wrong at some level of analysis and it is given you are wrong too.
It is not easy to make the first step, though. You know, people prefer to make wars and die for their is really sad. I don't expect you can do it, really.

I decided to study what I don't like/believe in more than what I like/believe in and I can tell you know, a whole world of other boxes opens up once you start doing this. This is the only way to ensure you can get a glimpse at the bigger picture. Once you do this you can define your own box, jump between other boxes as you please, test them against each other etc.

If you haven't, read The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky was awesome at this.

Your Otherness is of digital nature and I must be weary but I am weary with insomnia so why not?

I am a box dodger. I can NOT be defined by any one box.

The Brothers Karamazov is the one Dostoevsky I have not read. I love Fyodor and I will get to it at some point but I dislike the fact that he chooses the path of the meek and pious.

RiKD    United States. Jul 11 2018 10:17. Posts 9151

  On July 10 2018 23:20 nlloser60 wrote:
Show nested quote +

What makes you think you understand what she meant or that she could express herself how she wanted.
Your box put her in the box. This is not how you grow intellectually, and you seem to care about it.

What about making life worthwhile despite suffering as the reason to live. You know, you don't appreciate things you don't earn.

Because this has been her position my entire life. She always talks about how much the joy of having children can overwhelm the suffering and never actually takes into account my position. Number one that her position doesn't take into account my position. She doesn't even say that my joy could overcome my suffering but that her joy can. I don't believe that joy does in fact overcome suffering but even if it did nothingness lacks suffering. They had me without my consent. I am born into existence and I am bound to the USA but I did not sign any contracts. I had no say. Despite consensus I am unlucky in this regard. Lucky compared to a child born in the Congo with out legs but unlucky compared to the xfinite children that dwell unborn in nothingness. The "greatness" of having children is an immortality project and a repression of death. It's extremely selfish and delusional. Suicide is bad so I carry on. My life is not so bad in that I would not currently consider the badness of suicide. I have been doing a good job of avoiding the narcissistic hole of depression. There is the opportunity of love, the opportunity of atopos, the opportunity of the Other. These things capable of jolting one to a new ardor. However, never existing is different from ceasing to exist. The former is neutral while the ladder is bad. Immortality is bad. Getting old is bad. What would be good? 500 years of good health? 1,000? 10,000? What is with this obsession of good health? Getting sick and dying is bad. But, so is being undead. Not in the sense of being ALIVE. Not in the sense of seeing "The Heaviest Matter of the Universe" by Gojira LIVE in Atlanta, GA but undead. Not alive enough to be alive. Not dead enough to be dead. Undeadness. Working 60 hours a week and then dwelling in the world of the smooth and pornographic. I crave the rough and erotic. Der Himmel über Berlin. The woman I loved named M_________. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Berlin, Germany. A man must live where he is most suited. My German is better than my Spanish is better than my French. My English trumps all. Should that hold me back? What's realistic? Does it even matter what's realistic?

nlloser60   . Jul 11 2018 16:17. Posts 304

You are not a box dodger, you say exactly what box you are in. There is a lot of people in your box. You are not there yet, but some even go a couple of boxes deeper and commit mass murders. Read their notes.

Nothingness lacks everything, I understand it is the laziest way and a way for cowards, it is easy and leaves you with nothing. It would bring people with higher values to lower values. There would be no point in bettering the world, in any creative action, there would be no point in life. It is a very practical solution and I understand it. Let's drop a few nuclear bombs on humanity.

Your mother made a bet for life, that is courage and having children is the exact opposite of being selfish. The study is quite clear on this. People without children are happier.
The unfortunate thing is that she lost her bet. You did not understand her.

I am done here until you open up a few more boxes. I suspected you have not read The Brothers Karamazov. You also box Dostoevsky and claim something really silly. I would say nothingness path is of the meek and pious by definition as I explained earlier.

Think about it,
Is it not a little bit narrow-minded to box him with one sentence, despite the fact you have not read his most important book and despite the fact that even Nietzche said that Dostoevsky was the only thinker he had something to learn from.
I mean, I am not really surprised by your comment. Hardly anyone can escape their box and not box others into another box.

I will not reply anymore. There is no point because you lack essential knowledge. That is a huge hole and it cannot be fixed here. You have to fix it before moving onto another level.

 Last edit: 11/07/2018 17:33

RiKD    United States. Jul 11 2018 17:24. Posts 9151

  On July 11 2018 15:17 nlloser60 wrote:
You are not a box dodger, you say exactly what box you are in. There is a lot of people in your box. You are not there yet, but some even go a couple of boxes deeper and commit mass murders. Read their notes.

I never much liked this box metaphor anyway. I don't think I'll mind that you are done posting. Do you like Jordan B. Peterson? You aren't as bad as him but you are getting close.

  Nothingness lacks everything, I understand it is the laziest way and a way for cowards, it is easy and leaves you with nothing. It would bring people with higher values to lower values. There would be no point in bettering the world, in any creative action, there would be no point in life. It is a very practical solution and I understand it. Let's drop a few nuclear bombs on humanity.

I think a lot of people feel uncomfortable about nothingness. And I said I was not for suicide unless the person was in a lot of pain and illness. Debilitating cancer would be an example. There is no point to life. We are here. We make our narratives. We make our meanings many times shrouded in illusion. Murdering people with nuclear bombs is obviously bad. Virtually no one is actually a nihilist. The nationalist or the terrorist is more likely to drop bombs. Many times they are one in the same.

  Your mother made a bet for life, that is courage and having children is the exact opposite of being selfish. The study is quite clear on this. People without children are happier.
The unfortunate thing is that she lost her bet. You did not understand her.


You actually think people can self-report accurately on having a child or that any study regarding having children is worthwhile? AGAIN, you are missing the point. What about the child?

I guess you didn't read anything about myself not granting any consent. I was a neutrally neutral nothing in nothingness before they were drunk in love down in the Bahamas one summer vacation. There was no consultation. No thought. Only thoughts of themselves and their pleasures. It's more compulsion than courage. Taking care of a child is the opposite of selfishness but having a child is the epitome of selfishness.

  I am done here until you open up a few more boxes. I suspected you have not read The Brothers Karamazov. You also box him and claim something really silly. I would say nothingness path is of the meek and pious by definition as I explained earlier.

You have to stop with these box metaphors. I thought my Se7en joke might curtail it but no it has gotten worse. Dostoevsky became a devout Russian Orthodox. That is meek and pious. I don't consider suicide a meek act and I don't consider it pious whatsoever. I can't choose to have never been born. If I could perhaps that act would be meek but I don't think it is the best word for it and it certainly wouldn't be pious.

  Think about it,
Is it not a little bit narrow-minded to box him with one sentence, despite the fact you have not read his most important book and despite the fact that even Nietzche said that Dostoevsky was the only thinker he had something to learn from?
I mean, I am not really surprised by your comment. Hardly anyone can escape their box and not box others into another box.

Dostoevsky was a master psychologist, playwright, thriller, hilarious and has written some of the most important novels in existence. I simply said I dislike that he turned to Christianity. That's what ended up being his solution and I don't agree with it and it saddens me in a way because I love Dostoevsky. It's like seeing one of my favorite people end up in a cult.

  I will not reply anymore. There is no point because you lack essential knowledge. That is a huge hole and it cannot be fixed here. You have to fix it before moving onto another level.

Hahaha, you may actually be right that Brothers Karamezov is a missing puzzle piece for a level up. I'm on other puzzle pieces right now though. Suit yourself.

nlloser60   . Jul 11 2018 18:02. Posts 304

  On July 11 2018 16:24 RiKD wrote:


You actually think people can self-report accurately on having a child or that any study regarding having children is worthwhile? AGAIN, you are missing the point. What about the child?

I guess you didn't read anything about myself not granting any consent. I was a neutrally neutral nothing in nothingness before they were drunk in love down in the Bahamas one summer vacation. There was no consultation. No thought. Only thoughts of themselves and their pleasures. It's more compulsion than courage. Taking care of a child is the opposite of selfishness but having a child is the epitome of selfishness.

I am just replying to this comment because you made a good point, if you were an unwanted child, it is true, you are right. Thanks for expanding my knowledge!

Majority of women want to have children, though, and that is what I assumed with your mother. The question is just when. So most women bet on life, bet that life is better than nothingness and that their children will appreciate it someday, despite all the suffering, and forgive them the lack of consent. It is not the epitome of selfishness, quite the opposite. The only epitome of selfishness is just taking pleasure out of sex.

If your mum did not want to have you, she should not have conceived you. It is a good solution and everyone is happy afterwards. Nothingness people die and do not leave offspring and that is fine. If life does not matter according to them, it is a tragedy if they create it and I agree with you on that. It is better for them to extinct. That leaves the other spectrum alive and everyone should be happy.

It is also logical to take the easier road, turn into nothingness, die and leave nothingness. It much harder to bet on life because it is not easy for the rest of your life and you are not guaranteed to win and likely to fail. People who appreciate life continue to produce life and hope their children will appreciate it. It is hard to make it happen, but good things are hard and should be hard so that people who suck do not get the same results and devalue worthwhile things, especially those bordering on a miracle (all other things being equal).

 Last edit: 11/07/2018 22:51


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