On November 29 2018 18:49 Loco wrote:
It wasn't useless at those times because I was an uneducated poker player who was focused on trying to achieve financial freedom. It introduced me to ideas that would help me to detach from my emotions and be a better poker player. I returned to that book at times where my romantic life went sour. It was a palliative. It worked wonderfully. I actually had my best poker year ($100k, $1/hand) after reading the book the second time and overcoming that one heartache in 2008-2009. I hadn't read about Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism straight from the source yet. Once you've drunk the clearest spring water there is, you no longer wish to go back to bottled water. I also hadn't learned the things I've integrated in my thinking from biology, sociology, economics, ecology, complexity theory, etc. and which these non-duality teachings say next to nothing about, yet are fundamental to understanding the world we live in today.
I can feel the sense of superiority in your words when talking to me
That's called projection. You probably won't learn about it reading Tolle.
Alright, no problem my friend.
I'm very sorry if in any way I made it look like I was superior to you in any way. I'm not. I will examine my words better in the future so I don't make people feel that way anymore.
I hope you find what you are looking for my friend.
PoorUser   United States. Nov 29 2018 20:13. Posts 7472
On November 28 2018 21:47 Baalim wrote:
I've always found it curious that depress people gravitate towards alcohol and other depressants and manic paranoid people gravitate towards cocain and uppers... it seems counterintuitive, instead of looking for balance we are looking to potentialize our neurosis and self destruct
just a few quick notes - alcohol is a stimulant in smaller doses hence its abuse by people with a wide range of conditions (though ease of availability relative to other drugs, social acceptableness and a million other reasons add to that as well), when it comes specifically to the subset of people who have bouts of mania, are aware of them and are working towards some improvement [and still use drugs], marijuana is the most used drug by a pretty wide margin. (again, thats not exactly what you were talking about so its more meant as an appendix)
On November 29 2018 00:51 Stroggoz wrote:
depression is not understood very well...You could probably get better advice from close family members than psychologists or psychiatrists most of the time.
i dont want to jump too much into the whole post but there's a bit of a disconnect here. i suspect you meant 'depression is not understood very well' in terms of scientific understanding and theres a good amount of truth to that. that said, i think that sentence would fit equally well when talking about society in general. there isn't a ton of awareness/recognition between general run-of-the-mill depression and clinical depression and that ignorance can make talking to a loved one, or advice proferred there from, to be a pretty bad time. that said, talking to a loved one who is (if not super knowledgeable on the subject to begin with) open-minded, empathetic and knows the person intimately is a solid way to improve one's life a non-zero amount in almost any situation.
"All that I know is that I know nothing" said Socrates. Well, you could add to that that, short of having certainties, you know that living 'as if' something is true can have more value than not to.
Believing in something that isn't true only because it is useful is profoundly intellectually dishonest - Bertrand Shaw
Its obvious that nobody knows what happens when we die, however the most logical assumption and most likely scenario would be that we return to the non-consciousness that has had us for the last few billion years, anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool, anyone who claims otherwise is a charlatan.
As I said, reincarnation isn't any more mature than clouds, golden harps and cherubs, it isn't any more sophisticated than the 72 virgins, it is simply the ego fighting its worst enemy, oblivion.
This quote is misplaced. We're not talking about belief in false things. The 'as if' is applicable to things that are constructs, which are necessarily open-ended and not directly verifiable/provable. Like this subject of non-duality that is popping up often in posts by longple, tutz, napalm... the idea that things come from one ultimate source and all things go back to it and are it. It's something that some physicists like Schrodinger believed and you can find support for it outside of the loony bin. Living as if something like this is true would not be the same thing as believing in a lie. I'm not saying this is how one should approach life, btw, I'm making no value judgment with relation to this argument. In fact, it is a bit comical for me to be arguing this point in a devil's advocate kind of way here when I was the one who was annoyed with Jordan Peterson playing with this while you thought "his pragmatisim [and lack of skepticism] is what makes him interesting".
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
RiKD   United States. Dec 02 2018 18:29. Posts 9151
So, it's been a few days now and I'm still in it. I'm ok with that though for the most part. I sleep a lot, I go to work, I visit the internet, and read. One thing I've been thinking about is just how brainwashed I am from AA and how is that effecting me? I know for one thing not going seems to effect my well being. I am missing a fellowship but at the same time going effects my well being because that fellowship is brainwashed and attempting to brainwash me. It would be nice to have somewhere to go. I don't know where to go. Besides sleep and making pizzas for people.
This whole tutz situation kind of outlines what I don't like about "spirituality." It just makes me want to stay away even more.
On December 02 2018 17:29 RiKD wrote:
So, it's been a few days now and I'm still in it. I'm ok with that though for the most part. I sleep a lot, I go to work, I visit the internet, and read. One thing I've been thinking about is just how brainwashed I am from AA and how is that effecting me? I know for one thing not going seems to effect my well being. I am missing a fellowship but at the same time going effects my well being because that fellowship is brainwashed and attempting to brainwash me. It would be nice to have somewhere to go. I don't know where to go. Besides sleep and making pizzas for people.
This whole tutz situation kind of outlines what I don't like about "spirituality." It just makes me want to stay away even more.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I hope things turn around soon.
Last edit: 02/12/2018 19:00
hiems   United States. Dec 02 2018 19:12. Posts 2979
On December 02 2018 17:29 RiKD wrote:
So, it's been a few days now and I'm still in it. I'm ok with that though for the most part. I sleep a lot, I go to work, I visit the internet, and read. One thing I've been thinking about is just how brainwashed I am from AA and how is that effecting me? I know for one thing not going seems to effect my well being. I am missing a fellowship but at the same time going effects my well being because that fellowship is brainwashed and attempting to brainwash me. It would be nice to have somewhere to go. I don't know where to go. Besides sleep and making pizzas for people.
This whole tutz situation kind of outlines what I don't like about "spirituality." It just makes me want to stay away even more.
make 3 pizzas. ejaculate in one of the pizza doughs. if tutz can correctly identify which pizza is the one with your jizz then we will know that he is truly the one that has opened his third eye.
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
RiKD   United States. Dec 03 2018 04:40. Posts 9151
If someone thinks that their third eye is open is their third eye open?
hiems   United States. Dec 03 2018 19:58. Posts 2979
^I just wanted to make fun of tutz.
I beat Loco!!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkwWj2d.png[/img]
On November 27 2018 08:32 SleepyHead wrote:
Life is super short dude. Stop worrying about stupid shit and enjoy your life
I don't know if you understand depression. I was having difficulty getting out of bed. When I wrote OP I literally felt like I could not do anything besides sleep. I think I slept 15 hours yesterday? I got to the bank before it closed, went to the beach and decided it was too cold to go for a walk, and then came home and actually got the bills done. That felt like a major win and picked up some momentum to do some dishes and make a dish my Thai Aunt was telling me about.
How do I enjoy my life?
I can't say that I understand exactly what you're going through but I can answer the question. You enjoy your life by doing things that you enjoy doing
Dude you some social darwinist ideas that they are giving hitlers ghost a boner - Baal