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RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 06:38. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 07:28. Posts 9151

MeXiE oN FiRe:

Where's Guy at?

Cirque Du Soleil O is genius and to be honest we should make One Drop BiGGeR.

Hi, my name is Richard and I am an alcoholic. My Full Tilt name was NoTDRuNKENouGH... Go figure. You know that Guy was actually the guy that busted my account? Not Galfond, or Dwan, or Harrington10 but the legend himself. Why don't we do something about the casino industry? I mean I love gambling but you get mafias and corporations and governments involved and it's ToXiC - (Britney Spears)(Tyson Beckford)(That Asian woman from the Jay-Z - Show Me What You Got music video that I cannot remember her name). I would be afraid to perform at a Victoria Secret Fashion Show but then Kanye told me to picture them with their clothes off and then I just got an awkward boner. The FeaR of high school boys not quite a man sitting in high school. Who knows where that boner is coming from? You gotta try and hide it under a Calculus book because I'm a N.E.R.D. but that is an exaggeration because I think I was only doing Pre-Calc in High School and I am not literally a N.E.R.D. but a NeRD. We are allies. REVENGE OF THE NERDS! Haralabob said the nerds already won. He is pretty good at making wagers. Let's RuN a HeiST on that casino and "justice" that robbed Phil Ivey of his BaCCaRaT WiNNiNGs. Let's make casinos less predatory. Let's make the "justice" system less predatory. Let's make the prisons less predatory. Let's make a lot of things less predatory. vegas is a cesspool spawning zerglings of toxicity. ¡LeT'S MaKe LaS VeGaS a HaTCHeRY of L33TN3$$!

I just want to design HoETaiLS and NaiL iT. By that, I mean I literally want to design cosplay/furry costumes and fuck the models from behind.

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 08:15. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 08:34. Posts 9151

Two of my favorite Earthlings:

All in all a Few of My Favorite Things:

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:10. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:14. Posts 9151

 Last edit: 15/02/2019 09:14

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:26. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:39. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:45. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 15 2019 09:49. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 17 2019 04:10. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 17 2019 04:29. Posts 9151

All Under One Roof Raving...... There is Blood on the Leaves.

So, let's get on with it... It is time to bust free of our chains and blast through the ceiling!

 Last edit: 17/02/2019 04:40

RiKD    United States. Feb 17 2019 04:33. Posts 9151

R 4 V
R <3 M

RiKD    United States. Feb 18 2019 19:32. Posts 9151

I was just in the bathroom having a session of self massage seeking orgasmic epiphany. The young lady I chose was a classic. She's hiked up the mountain with me on numerous occasions and it has always been enjoyable. Tonight was no different BUT duh duh duh. My penis was not there for the ride. He was not cooperating (What if my penis identified as a helicopter???) It still felt like I could get there but then the porn ended and I was just like awwww man.... I guess it wasn't in the cards. Since reaching new escalating heights of MaNiC my Psychiatrist has upped dosages and added meds. Of course two of the side effects I "love" are weight gain and sexual disfunction or however they want to call it. My sex drive has been EXCESSIVE but for me after I watch like one really, really good Sasha Grey porn it all becomes pretty obvious and banal at that point. What is worse is that I no longer have any reason to be willingly celibate so I am openly INCEL now....................... I want nothing to do with those guys although some of their memes are pretty funny. I am so happy about listening to music again and watching certain avenues of entertainment. I enjoy sleeping on my bad instead of the floor. I really enjoy flirting. Like, I don't want to just pull off my pants and get deepthroated....well, I don't think I would complain but I miss the tit for tat and the intimate tête-á-tête, pushing her up against a door or a bed, and spending some time enjoying lips, and tongues, and teeth. I think I bring up teeth because teeth can really bring it to another level. There was a woman at the market with a phallic water bottle biting the tip as she waited for a pizza. She was beautiful. Not in a classic runway model sense whatsoever but her eyes were like this shearing celeste color. She had kind of curly kind of dirty blonde hair. She was wearing this really cool off magenta sweater that looked like it was from goodwill or she made it herself.

Jay Z said I have 2 months to put my project together. I am saying that both literally and figuratively. I have evidence for both and don't really care to take the time to piece out the percentages.

I don't even know how much I should share.

Vexin, FR February 14, 2020. That was the original idea. Ideally, it should branch out across the world similarly to how a tree grows. A system of trees. Fractals. So, someone in Nashville, TN may not want to listen to Stromae but I mean there are so many quality artists out there that could create a great show and atmosphere. This is WWWAAAYYY bigger than just me.

I am in a sea of beautiful women at work. I am in a fish tank making exquisite pizzas but THEY are in a fish tank emanating their robust femininity. I want... Fuck you Buddha... No NO NO... I love you Buddha but come on. The only thing I offer the Buddha these days is dope music, flowers, and fresh herbs. I am a DJ, a curator, in many respects. I collect and curate dope shit.

There is a love interest in my story these days but I don't know how realistic it is. I just love her. Her eyes, her lips, her fighting Spirit.

There is another love interest who is quite lovely that may make more sense for now.

I feel like we just have to flip a switch and overcome inertia on some of this stuff and it will be waterfalls and butterflies and surplus raspberries.

RiKD    United States. Feb 19 2019 03:18. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 19 2019 03:37. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 19 2019 03:41. Posts 9151

Loco   Canada. Feb 20 2019 17:12. Posts 20975

That Joe Rogan video was utter garbage. Why would you share that? The guy who is part of the 0.1% and whose only concern is to hold on to his obscene wealth and status tells us to be peaceful and listen to each other, while defending fascists. The worst example of violence from antifa he can come up with is someone who attacked another person with a bike lock, the victim of this crime didn't even go to the hospital, meanwhile the far-right is the most violent group, actively shooting people/murdering them every couple weeks. The antifa guy who was shot in Berkeley was someone who was going around preventing violence, not causing it, but morons with an agenda like Joe Rogan never mention this. And that Navy Seal is the epitome of a hypocrite. Tells the left that they go to far when they bring guns to defend themselves and use them as a threat to prevent violence, but then he threatens the left that he and his nationalist buddies will not hesitate to basically kill them when push comes to shove and they have to defend capitalism. This is a guy who claims he is against violence and who went to war to advance the interests of the most brutal country on the planet.

Joe Rogan has one of the most popular platform on the internet and this is what he does with it. He claims to be a peace loving guy, but he uses his platform to give a voice to his cronies and remind us that capitalism is god. Does he even have a friend who isn't a millionaire? If he wanted to do something good with his life he would actually give a voice to the disenfranchised and to those who can school him on political issues.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 20/02/2019 17:17

RiKD    United States. Feb 20 2019 19:14. Posts 9151

I thought the clip was provocative, heinous and fit into my Exploring Violence folder that seems to have been confined to a small corner of my blog. There is the dichotomy of "nerds" sitting in their mother's basement discussing violence on message boards vs. well versed in hand to hand violence Joe Rogan and a legitimate black belt in violence and warfare in the form of the Navy Seal discussing it in a "tastemaker" forum. For better or for worse, Joe Rogan is a tastemaker.

Loco   Canada. Feb 20 2019 20:56. Posts 20975

Right, so the people who are paid by their country to commit violence and those who are paid to commentate on violent sport for a living are the experts on violence, not those who study it, and not those who face its worst forms every day. I didn't know that having a BJJ black belt suddenly makes one insightful and provocative about politics/political economy. I thought it just made you good at defending yourself in a rather specific circumstance.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 20/02/2019 21:10


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