RiKD   United States. Feb 21 2019 08:30. Posts 9151
I will drop Joe Rogan from the conversation. Many times comedians possess superb observational skills and show an ability in prescience that is very rare and valuable. Joe may even possess these skills on certain topics such as MMA or certain bits in his stand up performance but doesn't seem to have any ability for warfare, politics, or political economy. I don't know much about Andy S. besides the fact that he went to war as a Navy Seal, came back injured and developed a nasty opioid addiction. I have a bias towards people that have gone towards the darkness and made it back alive. As a historian, Andy S. is an interesting source on the topic of violence and warfare. His account should not be thrown out just because he was on the U.S.A. Empire payroll. Now, do I really want to listen to a spiel on political theory from Andy S? Probably not. But, he does offer a valid piece on modern violence and warfare on the Planet Earth.
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 21 2019 17:26. Posts 2235
this just came in 24 minutes ago
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
These are dangerous times to recruit for an openly racist, propaganda-spreading outlet that champions their fascist government. It's a shame it wasn't Charlie Kirk. Not sure why the other guy just stood there after the first punch, why wouldn't he show the soyboy what's up? He's got a right to defend himself.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On February 21 2019 07:30 RiKD wrote:
I will drop Joe Rogan from the conversation. Many times comedians possess superb observational skills and show an ability in prescience that is very rare and valuable. Joe may even possess these skills on certain topics such as MMA or certain bits in his stand up performance but doesn't seem to have any ability for warfare, politics, or political economy. I don't know much about Andy S. besides the fact that he went to war as a Navy Seal, came back injured and developed a nasty opioid addiction. I have a bias towards people that have gone towards the darkness and made it back alive. As a historian, Andy S. is an interesting source on the topic of violence and warfare. His account should not be thrown out just because he was on the U.S.A. Empire payroll. Now, do I really want to listen to a spiel on political theory from Andy S? Probably not. But, he does offer a valid piece on modern violence and warfare on the Planet Earth.
He wasn't just on their payroll and now came out wiser for it. He still supports his government and what they do abroad as far as I can tell. He didn't share any interesting insights in the clip you shared. The segment wasn't about informing us about warfare, it was about the left. It was about the "fact" that the US doesn't need a revolution. It was about listening to these very wise fellas as they tell us how we should be "pumping the breaks" and remain dope-smoking peaceful hippies as fascism becomes normalized and as the world burns. Andy S. said some leftists were inexperienced with guns (fair enough) and they shouldn't be carrying them because they don't want to face he and his buddies' wrath and their military superiority. He's pathetic. The only time I saw people bring guns was to protect people at a cancelled KKK rally, in other words it served as a threat to defer any possible interference from their victory march by fascists; no one was harmed. When people from the right bring guns on the other hand, you have people who get shot. Antifa hasn't shot anyone. Not once. But Joe Rogan loves to make use of the outlier bias to spread the narrative that anti-fascists are more violent than fascists and their sympathizers.
Maybe you're just easily impressed by people of conventionally high status, especially the macho types, and it doesn't really matter the shit they spew.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 21/02/2019 18:44
RiKD   United States. Feb 21 2019 19:34. Posts 9151
In the very next clip that YouTube played Andy S. talks about questioning any worth his tours of duty had and compared U.S.A. military intervention as plugging a leak in a dam with a finger. He talked about how the U.S. military is very good at going into an area and killing people but that is about it. I had seen a previous podcast with him. I knew he wasn't just some random knucklehead frogman. Most of them aren't. It sounds like you are referencing Jocko in your last sentence as well. Some of these guys have insights into war that no one else has. Jocko has spent his whole life studying war and violence and was as immersed into these wars in the Middle East as anyone. He was an English major in University so he could better understand and communicate with his fellows. So, they may be a bit indoctrinated. That does not take away their value as a source it just needs to be understood that they are a bit indoctrinated. I am not overlooking other sources. Say for example the women who is raped daily and used as a body shield by ISIS in urban combat in Ramadi.
I mean I don't expect you to watch their first vid or even their second vid or even to hunt down the most relevant clips. It's not worth it.
Andy S. is just a bit ignorant on the subject and it doesn't help that he is talking to Joe Rogan. I don't particularly like this whole branding of a New Civil War and then saying the Right and the fascists are the ones being abused. Of course, we have Mr. Donald Trump as POTUS. In the first Civil War the South were absolutely belligerent. Abraham Lincoln did an incredible job. There was really nothing else to do. If these current state of things escalate to the point where retired Navy Seals are organizing against antifa that would be a sad, sad day.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 22 2019 06:10. Posts 2235
On February 21 2019 17:08 Loco wrote:
These are dangerous times to recruit for an openly racist, propaganda-spreading outlet that champions their fascist government. It's a shame it wasn't Charlie Kirk. Not sure why the other guy just stood there after the first punch, why wouldn't he show the soyboy what's up? He's got a right to defend himself.
good job blending in as a harmless pseudointellectual and not revealing to everyone what a goon you are
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
BlizzY   Slovakia. Feb 22 2019 12:33. Posts 805
On February 21 2019 17:08 Loco wrote:
These are dangerous times to recruit for an openly racist, propaganda-spreading outlet that champions their fascist government. It's a shame it wasn't Charlie Kirk. Not sure why the other guy just stood there after the first punch, why wouldn't he show the soyboy what's up? He's got a right to defend himself.
good job blending in as a harmless pseudointellectual and not revealing to everyone what a goon you are
Time to share some Jacob Wohl to increase your credibility. How deep down the rabbit hole must one be to even spend 5 seconds of a day on that utter shite ?
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 22 2019 14:07. Posts 2235
is that a put down against me? just checking as I don't know who Jacob Wohl is so it's over my head
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
On February 21 2019 17:08 Loco wrote:
These are dangerous times to recruit for an openly racist, propaganda-spreading outlet that champions their fascist government. It's a shame it wasn't Charlie Kirk. Not sure why the other guy just stood there after the first punch, why wouldn't he show the soyboy what's up? He's got a right to defend himself.
good job blending in as a harmless pseudointellectual and not revealing to everyone what a goon you are
Good job consistently having double standards and cherry-picking.
Okay so Trump was too easy. What about "moderate conservatives" who complain about leftist violence, what do they think? Well, let's pick arguably the most influential one.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 23 2019 05:54. Posts 2235
remember kids it's OK to go up to strangers at berkeley and punch them if they have the wrong politics because canadian psychologist jordan peterson used a figure of speech once
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
You mean the same politics. The politics of violence that Trump advocates for. Here's another fine chap who encouraged mass murder in my city.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 23/02/2019 19:30
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 24 2019 11:32. Posts 2235
Trump isn't encouraging violence, you just have to accept it's dangerous for a communist enabler (or worse) to oppose a democratic government in these times.
by the way if you really want to BTFO me, instead of linking a 6 minute video of sad piano music just post the single quote where ben shapiro "encouraged mass murder"
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 24 2019 11:33. Posts 2235
each of these straw-grasps is a pitiful exercise in whataboutism
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
"by the way if you want to convince me that Newtonian physics are limited in scope, don't link me to a lecture on the theory of relativity, just sum it up in a single quote."
So again you proved my point that you have double standards, by trying to be ironic about something that is indisputably true, and which you at minimum tacitly support, just like Baal, who doesn't denounce violence against antifa, in fact he said that it should be escalated, that "they should all be shot" -- his words. He also doesn't condemn violence against other nations that are not a threat to the US, and neither do you, but you love to pretend like you have the moral high-ground. By contrast, I do denounce this violence, and I simply made an observation that there are risks to spouting racist crap in public and supporting a fascist administration, and I said I would have preferred if it was Charlie Kirk who had been punched instead of some kid whom he indoctrinated. An observation is not a prescription, and pretending that my wish is a crime is hilarious coming from a conservative who elevates freedom of speech to the status of a religious doctrine.
You people cannot fool anyone other than those who benefit from being fooled, including yourselves. You deliberately avoid the facts or cherry-pick the convenient ones, and when pressed you equivocate on important issues and play language games-- everything to be as imprecise as possible so that you can maintain plausible deniability and minimize your cognitive dissonance.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 24/02/2019 18:50
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 24 2019 18:56. Posts 2235
special relativity: the speed of light in a vacuum is constant to all observers
general relativity: gravity is the effect of mass warping spacetime
what are you talking about... is encouraging mass murder that much more complicated than physics theories or are you just lying and making shit up? or being charitable, you didn't make anything up, you're just gullible and got suckered in by a youtube video telling you exactly what you want to hear
hey ayaan hirsi ali wrote books critical of islam. that means she's ENCOURAGING MASS MURDER OF MUSLIMS! no i can't find a quote of her encouraging mass murder dude newton einstein lmao
guy by himself walks up to someone totally unprovoked on a college campus in the middle of a nice california day and decks someone. but the guy's problem was being racist and supporting fascists. someone you know nothing about, an organization that hasn't done anything wrong (except be conservative which makes them fascists) or they wouldn't be allowed on twitter and college campuses, your fundamental misapprehension is the whole other side is evil so you can get away with whatever you want. try and be less overt about that. maybe have a fantasy that you missed the 60s and want to be a black panther and all the rest and be a part of something big.
name two republicans who aren't fascists without using google
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
And these sentences mean absolutely nothing if you don't know what "speed of light" means, what a vacuum is, what warping is, etc. You don't understand anything through a single sentence of anything.
If your standard for what counts as evidence is Shapiro openly saying "Hey, it would be a good thing if someone would go shoot up Muslims in Quebec city", then you're playing a language game and you've created your own rule so that you can never lose. Direct incitement to commit a specific crime is not the only way to encourage violence. And of course, if that's your standard for Shapiro, then your standard of what is wrong for an org like TPUSA to do is also ridiculous, so I'm not even going to bother listing the things they have done that the majority of people would say are wrong, because you don't care. I can leave it to the fact that this is a staunchly pro-Trump organization, that Trump is pro-violence (a fact you have not refuted), and that therefore this organization is pro-violence.
If you can find someone who has killed 6 innocent people and who was obviously influenced to do so by someone that I admire, I will watch a goddamn 6 minutes video that combines all of the relevant evidence that it was the case instead of playing stupid. I will watch a 60 minutes video. I will watch anything that makes it easier for me to find possible causal links instead of spending days researching it. So do let me know when you find one such case and I will be thankful to you and disassociate from the person who contributed to it. Because I have something called integrity.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Here's another guy who thinks very highly of himself. Totally not an authoritarian Republican, right? It's always just the left and their goddamn smears against perfectly good people. So let me ask you this, do you support this threat of violence against Maduro? Did you support the invasion of Libya?
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 24/02/2019 23:05
Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 25 2019 07:07. Posts 2235
On February 24 2019 18:08 Loco wrote:
You don't understand anything through a single sentence of anything.
then why did you ask if you're just going to hit me with this postmodern deconstructionist bullshit? I didn't say sentence. I said quote. Find the quote of Ben Shapiro encouraging any murder before you slander him. That fair?
so this is the gateway theory of ben shapiro. jewish republican lawyers inciting extermination of muslims...
standing on real solid intellectual ground you are. it's disappointing someone apparently so well-read of prolific philosophers is such a transparent partisan shill
if I ever kill someone let it be known that Loco "encouraged" me to do it
you specifically said "encourage" and now when you realize you don't have that changing to "influenced" and "possible causal links" i.e. daft tenuous connections that seem plausible to a layperson, which you'll always be able to find or conjure because you're living on the planet where the whole other side is the devil and responsibility for your own actions doesn't exist.
Loco and Iran and Saudi Arabia have all come to the same conclusion. criticizing Islam should be illegal. we have a quorum. Hey Republican Jew. Do NOT blaspheme.
and you just went from fascist to authoritarian, you can't name a republican who isn't fascist (which is embarrassing), and the republicans are being authoritarian to poor old maduro but let's not mention his issues
I don't even think authoritarianism is applicable to foreign policy, your example is about evil US imperialist colonialist interventionism which doesn't really fit this context at all so you just stamped on the authoritarian label, no? I'm truly sorry Trump has given you the impression he's pro-violence. in reality he's a fascist-beating pacifist just like you which is why he's against maduro
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen