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Exploring Violence Ahora

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RiKD    United States. Feb 05 2019 20:03. Posts 9151

Where do I begin?

I like violence. I like burning stuff. I like shooting stuff. I like deftly taking someone's back and synching in a rear naked strangle with the knowledge that I could kill this man if I wanted to despite all of his best efforts.

I like fucking a girl from behind and pulling her hair and smacking her ass. I prefer the vagina to the rectum because I prefer natural lubrication to synthetic lubrication and there is little preparation required for non-anal sex. Some women really like anal sex though. Some women like being strangled. Someone women like being burned. I like being burned.

But, I digress.

Probably my first encounter with violence was in the first grade. There was a miserable S.O.B. who for whatever reason started to bully me. He would kick me in the shins and push me over at the playground during recess. Luckily for me one of my best friends was a bad ass motherfucker and beat the bully up and humiliated him in front of everyone. The bully moved on to weaker targets unfortunately in almost a pathological manner.

There were scraps. There were always scraps. I was usually a mediator and not a direct combatant though. I was very good at recess/backyard football and smear the queer. One of the "stars." It brought me popularity. I was never the most aggressive but hitting someone, really hitting someone felt good. Like hitting a homerun or the perfect ace in tennis but more real in some way. Once the UFC came out my friends and I had to watch it. My mom would banish it from the house but she was always at work so lol. We started backyard MMA. I was hanging out with a lot of wrestlers. They would whoop my ass but I was watching the UFC closely and developed a very good sprawl and guillotine choke. I remember strangling a couple of them to unconsciousness because they wouldn't tap. It was fun.

So, in highschool I was never bullied. I was a lacrosse "star" as a freshman and all the beastmode, "cool," upperclassmen liked me for whatever reason. I still remember my freshman year it was the thing to do to go to the county fair. Probably, the "coolest" kid in school sees me yells my name and we do a flying chest bump. All my friends were jealous and the women in the group seemed to pay more attention to me the rest of the night.

Anyways, we still played backyard football. There was a guy that was a douche and molested a girl but we always needed people to play. I liked playing Strong Safety. The QB kind of lobbed this ball up and it was the perfect storm and I completely leveled the poor kid. Knocked him out. He was out for a bit and then would try to get up and get all wobbly and fall back down. Everyone was like "oh shit" and some were laughing at him. I was like a neighborhood legend for that hit and the story got out in school and only did positive things for my "Cred." Incidentally, in college the douche molester was in the Young Republicans and I ended up running security for one of their parties. Of course, Young Republicans would hire security for a college party.

Anyways, I feel like I kind of got lost in stories there so I'll cut that short. I will say I have been knocked out myself and it wasn't fun. Having a friend get locked in a room and beaten into a pulp and driving him to the ER is a good way to ruin a Friday night. I have countless concussions. Getting front kicked in the nuts by an adept Muay Thai practitioner isn't fun. Getting dropped on your head in an intense BJJ scramble isn't fun. Et al.

You know what else probably isn't fun?

Getting hit in the face with a "flashbang." Getting captured by ISIS and tortured and executed. Going to prison. Going to solitary confinement. Going to Guantanamo Bay.

Should we be punching Nazis in the face?

I know if I am rolling with antifa, EZLN, Rojava, et al. I am going to have a trusted (3D printed) AK at my disposal. It's a strategic thing. Specifically for the antifa example because I might want more escalated weaponry in some other cases. Like, I am not going to bring grenades to a large, compact mostly non-violent protest. But, in a battlefield situation with barriers and bunkers a grenade starts to make more sense. As much as I respect Savage Black Belts what are they going to do at a protest that has gotten violent? Yeah, they understand distance. They are not going to take hand to hand damage. They could pull guard if they had to but that would be retarded in a congested violent situation. That idiot white supremacist I don't remember his name was talking about how he lifts weights and carries a pistol. He's a fucking idiot. There is a scale of escalation. You always need to be at the top of mutually assured destruction in any given situation. But, honestly, it would be a scary thought if antifa had access to an atomic bomb that could destroy the Earth 100x over or strategic missiles but it's not really necessary. AKs and sniper rifles in well positioned areas would likely be enough for any protest. Other strategies need to be looked into. Guerilla tactics. I think guerilla marketing needs to be looked into. I don't know. I don't have all the answers. I do know that at least I in particular am not coming for Santafairy and his decadent man bags. I don't particularly like him but a lot of his posts make me laugh. I love my mom. She is a hopeless libhurl. I love my dad. He is a hopeless "enlightened centrist."

So, I figured I'd vomit some stuff and open up discourse on violence. It's a complicated topic. I didn't even get to other forms of violence. But, like, how do we rid the world of hierarchies without implementing new hierarchies?

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Baalim   Mexico. Feb 06 2019 01:04. Posts 34272

extreme political ideologue talking about punching nazis, AK74s, snipers and guerilla tactics.

great -_-

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 06/02/2019 01:04

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Feb 06 2019 03:39. Posts 5345


One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 06/02/2019 03:40

RiKD    United States. Feb 06 2019 05:19. Posts 9151

Let's break this down.

ideologue. 1 : an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology. 2 : an impractical idealist : theorist.

There was a time where I thought it either had to be ancap or communism and I wasn't sure. I studied Robert Nozick, Jan Narveson, and David Gauthier and wasn't convinced. If you want to strengthen your flimsy Stefan Molyneux core I would suggest those thinkers. Of course, you would have to at least read Kant's "Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" and John Rawls "Theory of Justice" first and who wants to do all that right? Anyway, what I've learned is that it's NOT binary. Actually, it can't be ancap because we'd be seriously doomed in 30 years if we aren't already. The problem is also deeper and more nuanced than Marxist Communism can offer. That's why I have been posting all these videos and posts. I am trying to get this thing open source. I don't think I am blindly partisan but maybe I am blind to that. I could of just gone on some closed radical leftist meet up and strategized this stuff but I did not.

I asked should we be punching Nazis? It's a question. I don't have the demeanor to just be going around doing shit like that but part of me applauds that kid that clocked Richard Spencer. My only beef was that he didn't get him in the chin. You seriously think it's a good idea to let Nazi's organize?

If I were to join antifa in their counter protesting efforts I would train heavily with an AK or AR and make sure to have one with me. If one of the Nazis was armed and dangerous well then I would be forced to make a wager. That's life. It's no different than if I go to Rojava. If ISIS is trying to capture me and torture me and execute me and my comrades that is why I would train my ass off and make sure when I take a shot it goes where I want it to go. You make it sound like I am going to shoot up a public high school, movie theatre, or festival crowd in Las Vegas. That's ridiculous. I don't want to take up arms but I am not averse to violence or military strategy or maybe even more important political and marketing strategy. Past me might think it's go to Rojava or kill myself but just like the ancap versus communism thing it's not like that. I got really fired up about Rojava. I looked into how to get there. I read Murray Bookchin's "The Ecology of Freedom" all night and got 2 hours of sleep before I had to go into work but I didn't give a fuck. Most likely I will continue making food for a paycheck and start prepping food and cooking for the local Food Not Bombs effort while continuing to research and engage in discourse. I have to get new brakes for my car and the medical bills are piling up I don't have the money and I haven't put in the research to get to Rojava yet.

I remember the DC sniper. He was just killing innocent people. I think I remember a clip of someone filling up their gas tank getting headshot. This is the type of ridiculous rhetoric "centrists" are throwing around and other "centrists" are terrified of irt leftists scaling up violence. I would not wield a sniper rifle at a Nazi protest. But, if my brother who is well versed in sniper rifles was at the rally with me who I trust implicitly I would not be against that. I would headshot the shit out of ISIS on a battleground. That's for sure.

The U.S.A. Empire has the market share of violence and terror. What is to be done about a thing like that? What can be done? What should be done?

Yeah, maybe I am an impractical idealist or theorist at times but in these times I think we need some of that. No one knows. No one knows. I like in the video I posted in my recent blog Mexie talks about the American Revolution being different from Catalonia which is different from Rojava which is different from Toronto 2018. History can inform us but we really don't know what is going to happen.

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 06 2019 09:36. Posts 34272

  On February 06 2019 04:19 RiKD wrote:
Let's break this down.

ideologue. 1 : an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology. 2 : an impractical idealist : theorist.

There was a time where I thought it either had to be ancap or communism and I wasn't sure. I studied Robert Nozick, Jan Narveson, and David Gauthier and wasn't convinced. If you want to strengthen your flimsy Stefan Molyneux core I would suggest those thinkers. Of course, you would have to at least read Kant's "Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" and John Rawls "Theory of Justice" first and who wants to do all that right? Anyway, what I've learned is that it's NOT binary. Actually, it can't be ancap because we'd be seriously doomed in 30 years if we aren't already. The problem is also deeper and more nuanced than Marxist Communism can offer. That's why I have been posting all these videos and posts. I am trying to get this thing open source. I don't think I am blindly partisan but maybe I am blind to that. I could of just gone on some closed radical leftist meet up and strategized this stuff but I did not.

On a second tought you aren't really an ideologe in fact you seem quite open to change your mind so I take that specific part back.

I think its silly to assume ancap would doom us all in 30 years (unless you believe the current system would doom us close to 30 years algo which you might do lol), I mean the elimination of a state would bring some challenges but no change would be as drastic as the abolition of private property, that model is way more different and the feeble attempts for it have ended in total disaster.

I dont think its a honest way of thinking to be convinced that a wild idea that hasnt worked will work this time but a much minor change will mean certain doom.

  I asked should we be punching Nazis? It's a question. I don't have the demeanor to just be going around doing shit like that but part of me applauds that kid that clocked Richard Spencer. My only beef was that he didn't get him in the chin. You seriously think it's a good idea to let Nazi's organize?

Loco has called me "at the very least a fascist enabler" anybody slightly more radical than him would consider me a Nazi so should I get assaulted on the streets?

Because that is what we are dealing with, we are not talking about "would you punch Himmler in 1945" scenario, we are talking about allowing physical violence again people with different political ideologies, because "punch a Nazi" doesn't stop there, because then "punch a commie" is naturally implied valid too for the other side and then we get two sides radicalized and extremely violent against each other.

I dont want realwhite supremacist to organize or spread their ideasm but its the price we must pay so we have freedom of speech and freedom of political violence, those two ideals are a thousand times more important than stopping any group.

  The U.S.A. Empire has the market share of violence and terror. What is to be done about a thing like that? What can be done? What should be done?

Support non-interventionist, defunding of the army, dismantling of intelligence agencies etc.


Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 06 2019 10:38. Posts 2235

if someone's ideology is so vacuous that they can't even beat nazis without feeling the need to resort to violence, they should admit they're losing in the marketplace of ideas and that naziism is more enlightened than they are

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Obannon112   Finland. Feb 06 2019 12:15. Posts 43

nice thread mate.

Loco   Canada. Feb 06 2019 19:34. Posts 20975

  Loco has called me "at the very least a fascist enabler" anybody slightly more radical than him would consider me a Nazi so should I get assaulted on the streets?

I am already on the extreme far left, there is no such thing as a 'more radical' person, politically speaking. Someone who would consider you a Nazi has nothing to do with anything. If you go to a rally of white supremacists and march with them and you're not clearly an observer/journalist, you open yourself up for violence, period. It's not about what you think, it's about what you act on. Antifa is clear on this so this is just a slippery slope fallacy.

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”
- John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

As I see it, people are fascist enablers simply by being supporters of the status quo due to their belief that the state needs to hold the monopoly on violence. If you're worried about them, you shouldn't, since from a purely practical perspective, it is impossible for anti-fascists to start punching everyone who isn't; they'd be outnumbered and commit social suicide by trying. Funny how you downplay the single greatest threat to humanity in your usual "I think it's silly" fashion in the same post that you make up a threat that is completely non-existent.

  I think its silly to assume ancap would doom us all in 30 years

That's true, the idea that it would take more than a year is farcical.

"Anarcho-capitalism, in my opinion, is a doctrinal system which, if ever implemented, would lead to forms of tyranny and oppression that have few counterparts in human history. There isn't the slightest possibility that its (in my view, horrendous) ideas would be implemented, because they would quickly destroy any society that made this colossal error. The idea of "free contract" between the potentate and his starving subject is a sick joke, perhaps worth some moments in an academic seminar exploring the consequences of (in my view, absurd) ideas, but nowhere else."
- Noam Chomsky

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 06/02/2019 20:33

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 07 2019 08:24. Posts 34272

  On February 06 2019 18:34 Loco wrote:

I am already on the extreme far left, there is no such thing as a 'more radical' person, politically speaking. [/spoiler]

you are the radicalest of radicals, shine on you crazy diamond.

[quote]If you go to a rally of white supremacists and march with them and you're not clearly an observer/journalist, you open yourself up for violence

And who decides what is a white surpremacist rally? people like yourself who see anyone not pushing anarcho socialist agenda as fascist enablers?

  As I see it, people are fascist enablers simply by being supporters of the status quo due to their belief that the state needs to hold the monopoly on violence.

I remember long ago when I realized Stefan Molyneux was a madman and he said something along the lines of "people who aren't anarchists implictly support the use of violence of the state against you, so get away from them".

Now I am having the same realization about you.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Feb 07 2019 08:27. Posts 9151

  On a second thought you aren't really an ideologue in fact you seem quite open to change your mind so I take that specific part back.

I think its silly to assume ancap would doom us all in 30 years (unless you believe the current system would doom us close to 30 years algo which you might do lol), I mean the elimination of a state would bring some challenges but no change would be as drastic as the abolition of private property, that model is way more different and the feeble attempts for it have ended in total disaster.

I don't think its a honest way of thinking to be convinced that a wild idea that hasn't worked will work this time but a much minor change will mean certain doom.

What do you think a Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney trifecta would do in ancap? I mean it's been a long time since reading the stuff I linked above but they are talking about like slave and master relationships without coercion and shit. I have worked for a large multinational. It's fucking bloodthirsty. They care about profit. They care about growth. That's it. Some of the stories I've heard and some of the things I've seen are horrifying. It's like a sickness. Like all those Nazis that were complicit in the atrocities of WWII. Yeah, I just compared corporate undead to Nazis. I don't really like that I did that but I did. Except, the corporate undead or even just like this gross entity of the corporation itself is much more subtle and devious and engulfing. I have found myself in a lot of situations where I have played games with corporate stars earning $100k+. They all tried to cheat in any way they could. I found myself bowling against the President of the Business Unit. In the corporate world you have to capitalize all of those things because they are very important. I hustled him out of $500. He was earning about $1 million/yr and had a $5 million house, sports cars, the whole piña colada. He never paid me. OSHA and the environment are like the bane of every steel industry executive. Not only do corporate stars cheat they are almost all climate change deniers. They joke about it. Or, they don't deny it but are just trying to make a profit out of it. Or, they do deny it publicly but then invest in post-disaster safe real estate. You really think the Koch brothers are going to throttle it back if there are no regulations and free reign to do whatever they want? The Amazon rainforest would be gone. Everyone would be eating poisonous triple cheeseburgers or actually who knows?

It is difficult to comprehend a world with out private property. This is something I was thinking about on the drive home from work. The dissolution of hierarchy is even more difficult to believe. I used to use expensive shower products with a face care regiment similar to Patrick Bateman and wear designer clothes and expensive leather shoes and attract basically rich sluts who liked to party. That's an oversimplification. As I advanced and made modifications I started to meet more intriguing women but they were still attracted to that $400 Armani shirt tucked into $400 Hugo Boss pants with a $100 leather belt and $400 John Varvatos leather shoes with a $40 haircut. We could go to a lounge and drink champagne and I could be their Prince Charming but the thing is I wasn't that rich. I couldn't keep up the facade. I've said it before but I probably did my best when I was a Steel Mill Account Manager and didn't really give any fucks. It probably didn't hurt that I was the right amount of jacked at the time and 6'4'' in a pair of Red Wing Boots. I have mostly weaned myself off of that bullshit but is it really bullshit? The more I investigate the more I realize that I am attached to competition and hierarchy beyond recognition. I think it's possible to change though. There are so many sharing co-ops and ideas popping up that it's really encouraging. Maybe it's because I gave most of my private property away and constantly give people free rides but my perspective has changed and it continues to change.

One of my favorite Professors had a History of Mexico course and one of her main areas of interest was the EZLN Revolution. It was a great class too. Pretty small and she ran it in a round table discussion style. Basically, she would lecture and then ask complicated questions. Well, that week she was on FIRE. But, how come when Loco posted those videos on the EZLN the first thing I remembered was when some of the women in the class and the Professor herself engaged in a discussion about how sexy Subcomandante Marcos is even divulging fantasies? Now, don't get me wrong, Subcomandante Marcos is definitely one sexy beast but we are talking about Revolution here!!! I have a fantasy that I am going to go to Rojava and meet a bad ass anarchist chick and we will share coffee in a tent and discuss Alain Badiou's "Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil" look deep into each others' eyes, get lost in one another in passionate, transcendental lovemaking, reach pleasurable la petit mort, share a cigarette and talk about our childhoods or fucking whatever and fall asleep in each others' arms. What? ¡Merde! I thought we were talking about Revolution!?!?!? I thought we were talking about Truth and Justice and a Better Tomorrow?!?!?! Just because 99% of the history of humanity was more or less anarchist, egalitarian tribes doesn't mean we can just revert back to that. Is it too late? Have we gone too far?

¿Que honda wey? Pinche wey. Capitalism is certain doom. As Citizens of Earth we are going to need all the wild ideas we can get to try and salvage the sinking ship.

Loco   Canada. Feb 07 2019 17:24. Posts 20975

  On February 07 2019 07:24 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

And who decides what is a white surpremacist rally? people like yourself who see anyone not pushing anarcho socialist agenda as fascist enablers?

"Who decides" lol, it's a decentralized movement; people decide by showing up because they are convinced. I can guarantee you they'd much rather stay home or do pretty much anything else than risk their safety fighting Nazis and fascists, so if it isn't convincing, they won't go.

I recently went to a metal show seeing BOLZER. The guy from BOLZER has a bunch of "Nazi" tattoos; except they aren't. Once you investigate the guy, you realize he's just heavily into symbolism, and the sun wheels and Swastikas don't only mean 'I support white supremacy'. That is why Antifa did not show up, despite the fact that many people online have called him a Nazi.

I made an actual argument for why you are a fascist enabler: you advocate for strategies that are known to be ineffective for repressing fascism all the while being hostile towards those who effectively thwart the growth of fascism. Unlike some people, you are not just enabling them passively through inaction, but actively helping them under the false banner of free speech rights. You didn't provide a counter-argument. Instead you're calling me a madman by associating me with someone with whom you agree on 95%+ of your politics. What a strange, strange world you live in. Why don't you start calling me Hitler while you're at it. Oh wait you kind of did, since the Nazis were socialists and Hitler was a socialist dictator and I according to you just love socialist dictators because our ideologies overlap very well. It's interesting because Molyneux is a pseudo-cult leader and the example of his madness is in that last sentence, "get away from them," whereas I would clearly say: "educate them" and shun any kind of cult of personality around me, as any genuine anarchist would.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 07/02/2019 19:25

RiKD    United States. Feb 07 2019 17:32. Posts 9151

  RiKD: The U.S.A. Empire has the market share of violence and terror. What is to be done about a thing like that? What can be done? What should be done?

  Baalim: Support non-interventionist, defunding of the army, dismantling of intelligence agencies etc.

Why would the Neoliberal U.S.A. Empire ever even consider relinquishing their competitive advantages?

RiKD    United States. Feb 07 2019 19:06. Posts 9151

I am looking for a brown Princess Leia that I can just lay on the beach next to and be ok. The tanning of the world is inevitable. But, it doesn't matter. I am taking my "Aryan" genes to the grave.

Man, of course I want these people rehabilitated. I remember a time when I was newly sober and experienced a "Spiritual Awakening" and I got obsessed with how do we rehabilitate radical jihadists. It isn't easy. Receiving fire on the battlefields of Northern Syria is not the time to linger contemplatively on the subject. 9/11 was a rational move from the perspective of Al-Qaeda. But, Islamic Fundamentalism is fucking terrible. But, so is Neoliberal U.S.A. Imperialism. Am I willing to risk my life for Truth, Justice, and Ecology? Yup. There is an intelligent way to go about things however. That is like what we are talking about with The Fucking Movement. Or, more accurately decentralized movements that inform one another. That is the Future. Does anyone really wanna get packed into some fucking Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos rocket ship so we can deal with some fucking horrendous flight to Mars and deal with that shitty ecology just so they can sell us Teslas and fucking double and triple their profits as we overpopulate Mars? Yeah, the land isn't tenable but we all have Wifi connections and access to, facebook, twitter, instagram, and snapchat. We start kidnapping children from the Congo and train them how to mine Cobalt from meteors. Man, fuck that. Let's figure something else out.

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 08 2019 03:04. Posts 34272

  On February 07 2019 16:24 Loco wrote:

"Who decides" lol, it's a decentralized movement; people decide by showing up because they are convinced. I can guarantee you they'd much rather stay home or do pretty much anything else than risk their safety fighting Nazis and fascists, so if it isn't convincing, they won't go.

So a mob decides who is guilty and the punishment.

Hopefully you get curb-stomped when you decide to roll with the reatards in black when the "decentralized" consevatives with "punch-a-commie" ideology that you just sanctioned, it would be poetic justice.

I made an actual argument for why you are a fascist enabler: you advocate for strategies that are known to be ineffective for repressing fascism all the while being hostile towards those who effectively thwart the growth of fascism. Unlike some people, you are not just enabling them passively through inaction, but actively helping them under the false banner of free speech rights. You didn't provide a counter-argument.

I didn't offer any argument of how I'm not a nazi... because the "you support free speech so your a nazi" is such an smart and irrefutable argument, moron.

  Why don't you start calling me Hitler while you're at it. Oh wait you kind of did, since the Nazis were socialists and Hitler was a socialist dictator

So because I say the National Socialist Workers' Party was in fact socialist I am calling you personally Hitler.

The quality of your arguments is quickly spiraling down the drain along with your sanity, wtf is wrong with you?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Feb 08 2019 06:33. Posts 9151

In the animal world we have seen that the vast majority of species live in societies, and that they find in association the best arms for the struggle for life: understood, of course, in its wide Darwinian sense – not as a struggle for the sheer means of existence, but as a struggle against all natural conditions unfavourable to the species. The animal species[...] in which individual struggle has been reduced to its narrowest limits[...] and the practice of mutual aid has attained the greatest development[...] are invariably the most numerous, the most prosperous, and the most open to further progress. The mutual protection which is obtained in this case, the possibility of attaining old age and of accumulating experience, the higher intellectual development, and the further growth of sociable habits, secure the maintenance of the species, its extension, and its further progressive evolution. The unsociable species, on the contrary, are doomed to decay.

—?Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902), Conclusion.

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 08 2019 06:37. Posts 34272

from now on lets keep the politics discussion out of this, we can discuss violence in itself but we are already discussingin other 2 topics and the forum has been already poisoned by too much politics already so I'll try to at least contain it into a single thread from now on.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 08/02/2019 06:38

Loco   Canada. Feb 08 2019 19:29. Posts 20975

  On February 08 2019 02:04 Baalim wrote:
Show nested quote +

I didn't offer any argument of how I'm not a nazi... because the "you support free speech so your a nazi" is such an smart and irrefutable argument, moron.

  Why don't you start calling me Hitler while you're at it. Oh wait you kind of did, since the Nazis were socialists and Hitler was a socialist dictator

So because I say the National Socialist Workers' Party was in fact socialist I am calling you personally Hitler.

The quality of your arguments is quickly spiraling down the drain along with your sanity, wtf is wrong with you?

The quality of my argumentation is spiraling down? Let's look at yours. You quoted me literally saying that you are a "fascist enabler" as in, someone who does nothing to stop fascism from growing. In this very post, you claim that my claim was not that you are a fascist enabler, despite having quoted it, but that you are in fact a Nazi and that I am expecting you to argue otherwise.


Here we're back to the same stupid argument I've already debunked so I won't bother addressing it. Instead I'll link to a centrist website (the most unbiased I could find) that focuses on fighting against this kind of misinformation. People can read the article and realize how much of a fool you are for persisting in believing in this. I can call you a fool because you have shown that you will absolutely not budge, that you refuse to re-evaluate your beliefs, over and over, and that you have no respect at all for the work that historians and political theorists do.

Yes, my fuse is shorter than it used to be, and it's easy to understand why when you read the most inane strawmen like the above. It's like if you had been arguing for 30 hours with someone who doesn't think EV is relevant to being a winning poker player, or someone who thinks that they can outrace you with their vegetable oil trailer, and they came up with all kinds of maths to show that they can outrace you, but they don't accept an actual real life race. Imagine that person keeps taunting you and telling you that you are an idiot, and even when you ask to disengage, they keep going on. That's a fairly good representation of how it feels to discuss things with you so that you can understand what it's like from my perspective. But I guess I only have myself to blame for sticking around masochistically. That last sentence of yours is literally gaslighting. Time to move on; I will not be coming back to this thread.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 08/02/2019 19:54

RiKD    United States. Feb 09 2019 15:18. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 09 2019 15:25. Posts 9151

RiKD    United States. Feb 09 2019 15:31. Posts 9151


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