fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 18 2019 00:34. Posts 9634
I legit don't know how Americans bear with their healthcare system and why aren't there shittons of healthcare tourism providers. Obviously in your case things are different and I would probably just move to Europe if I were you
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 05:29. Posts 9151
On March 17 2019 23:34 Spitfiree wrote:
I legit don't know how Americans bear with their healthcare system and why aren't there shittons of healthcare tourism providers. Obviously in your case things are different and I would probably just move to Europe if I were you
I have been thinking about this post.
[There is afterglow with MDMA and with sex and with MDMA + sex]
I am a British citizen. I am told I wouldn't want to go there for healthcare. I wouldn't want to live in Great Britain anyways. Cool to visit. Not cool to live there. I am unsure if I can still get a British passport. I probably should have done this ages ago especially when I was traveling through Europe when I played poker but I just couldn't be bothered even though I remember everyone telling me I was an idiot.
[I almost decided to make a run for it and go to Magic City, ATL. I am listening to Rihanna - Jump which makes me think about strip clubs]
Anyways, I was never one to capitalize on every edge. I was just too lazy. I wanted to play poker much of the time like I wanted to beat my best time on Mario Kart 64 time trials and make stacks of Purple Euros so I could buy good weed and do what I want.
Anwyways, my therapist asked me what my dream world looked like including where I live. I thought I would be happiest in Vexin, FR or perhaps Sardegnia, ITA.
[This Rihanna song is Really trash. I was such a different person when I made this playlist. I am such a different person now. But, walking through an empty grocery store at midnight and buying up all the ice cream, et al, not too much has changed]
How would I actually go about moving to Vexin, FR or Sardegnia, ITA?
What about Costa Rica?
I mean I think I could be relatively ok in a lot of places. I could be relatively ok in the USA especially in certain cities but I do feel like it would be easier to thrive in a Plato sense somewhere in Europe but I could be wrong and fantasizing.
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 05:30. Posts 9151
Lorde - Pure Heroine has staying power
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 05:36. Posts 9151
He's on that Michael Jordan,
He's on that Bulls shit, Bullsshit.
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 05:48. Posts 9151
I can't find the interview where the singer of Florence + the Machine describes how she recorded "Shake it out" it's fucking epic.
Great song. Great fucking song for a hangover.
I used to sip on some Vitamin water + Sprite + ice water and nibble on dry toast and take a walk in Nature and listen to Florence + TM 's first album and it fucking did wonders.
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:29. Posts 9151
So, I really don't like a lot of the imagery in this video but I really love this song (this video is probably more problematic to any Revolutionary cause but the song itself gets me fired up):
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:32. Posts 9151
Here we go:
We need some daft punk in our lives. They are a cornerstone to Vexin 2020. Or, Vexin 20?? It might be hard to get something together in 1 year in my position.
Thomas Banghaltar also did the soundtrack for Irreversible which is one of my favorite films by Gaspar Noe.
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:39. Posts 9151
This is something a little different. I kind of like it though. Women's gospel chorus always gets me though. I wish they would have made that more of the focus. We need everyone. Not just diplo and daft punk fans:
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:49. Posts 9151
This is pretty good erotica. Like pop erotica with some good use of punctum but I feel like I could create better erotica. It may not be palatable for the masses though but fuck that. I don't even really like Madonna. In fact, I would say I sort of dislike Madonna but here we go. (I like her and dislike her):
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:51. Posts 9151
James Blake has some staying power. I don't know about his new shit or his DJ'ing though.
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 15:58. Posts 9151
RiKD   United States. Mar 19 2019 16:05. Posts 9151
Obviously, I want Gojira playing at a Gilet jaunes + World Movement festival. Meshugga too. Tool too.
RiKD   United States. Mar 20 2019 04:45. Posts 9151
I have this belief that Kate Moss will save the world but she's definitely (probably) not going to.
RiKD   United States. Mar 20 2019 09:42. Posts 9151
Oh Kate....
Please help me save the World?
RiKD   United States. Mar 20 2019 09:54. Posts 9151
What do we make of this?
No stun grenades to the face I see. I see. I see until I don't.
RiKD   United States. Mar 20 2019 10:09. Posts 9151
An LP Classic. Mez had his birthday party in the same suite as the music video below (@ the Palms in Las Vegas). Dan Bilzerian was there. I was more excited that d_zoo was there (I had never met him). A lot of people were there. That might have been one of the peaks of LP ballerness. Tjbentham might have gone on to win like $10mil over 5 years or something after that I don't really know I don't keep up with the poker scene but I honestly I would have liked to keep up with Ket and Tom a bit better. My first time to vegas I slept on the floor of the hotel room that Ket won a PS package to the Main Event that year. Then I got a bed in Rainkhan's room that he won in a PS satellite. Oh man, we were fucking noobs at everything but it was fun.
This particular song I probably think of Corwin and Evan the most.
And, I miss my Malta crew and my Buenos Aires crew.
My therapist says I need more intimacy in my life. Male intimacy and female intimacy. It would be good to have friends and dates but I may be too independent and hardened and poor at this point. I don't know. We will see. Watching The Dream videos I am certain will not help with this problem but who doesn't love a little nostalgia now and then?
RiKD   United States. Mar 20 2019 10:35. Posts 9151
Do I resent my class status?
Do I resent the bourgeois? (yes)
Do I resent the wealthy elite? (yes)
Do I resent this experience machine taking place RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW? (sure, or at least the determinist structures it has erected)
RiKD   United States. Mar 22 2019 04:55. Posts 9151
Fuck Virgil Abloh. Biggest projects are with Nike and Louie Vuitton????? Fuck that. He may or may not be a good DJ. That's cool man.
I'm drawn into it all. Late stage Capitalism. Fuck it. I am listening to Midnight Marauders by A Tribe Called Quest. It's a classic and it's almost like necessary to listen to it at Midnight. You know how I learned how to listen to ATCQ late at night? An interview with skateboard p and ye. They are Late Stage Capitalist All-Stars but I don't care it's dope music. Mexie even uses Kanye's instrumental Real Friends for one of her videos. Hypocrite. At least I am honest about my flaws or how can listening to music that makes me feel good be a bad thing unless you are some stuffy Buddhist? I need more evidence than Pharrell doing 1 concert for the Israeli Army.
Fuck this. I am going back to painting my YPG inspired project. YPJ too but I am on the sidelines man. It sucks being on the sidelines. Fuck Drake too. Dirk Nowitzki fadeaway J to the face bitch. Fuck Jordans. Get Vejas. Probably fucking owned by Nike. Bullet to the brain. One and done. But, I cherish my frontal lobe. I'll fucking take an AK into the jungles and fuck a chimp in her swollen vagina......... ....... ....