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Going back to work

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RiKD    United States. May 21 2020 05:08. Posts 9043
I got a text today that more or less said, "So, do you still want to work for us?"

I have been dreading this text for a while. I could have just said no and officially started looking for other jobs but I was afraid. My car has no air conditioning and is scheduled for a checkup soon now that I am going to be driving it again. The job market has got to be a tough one at the moment. So, I was a coward and said "Yes." I start back on Friday. I felt kind of depressed all day today. Not that quarantine has been that great for me lately but going back to being a servant for scraps. Now I am back in anxiety mode. I don't really want to read a powerpoint to kids that don't care but maybe it wouldn't be as bad as this? But I just recall my Econ 200 professor reading powerpoints with 0 gusto and the class being a joke and some weird twilight zone of suck. I never would want to go near a project like that. I told my therapist yesterday that I don't know if I see myself doing anything. Yet I'm dying to get back into Food Not Bombs and explore other non-profits in the area.

My therapist said to just keep doing what I'm doing. That I'm gifted in listening, patience, to never turn my back on social justice, or giving, and to not be timid with my thoughts. If I add all that up I'm not sure what it means in regards to what I should be doing to earn some form of income. Fuck... I guess I'll survive. I'll survive. For now. Unless I die in a car crash tomorrow, or get Covid-19 and die, or any other number of ways to expire. And I'm sitting here depressed most of the day and worried how work is going to be and escaping with sleep.

I had to throw this one into the hat. I think I am feeling a bit better about all of it just writing this out. Yeah, I can see how it all equates to spam. In my biased opinion it's not like these blogs are completely irrelevant but whatever. As I said in the last blog it's a weird malady. These blogs make me feel better.

I realized something else tonight. I am fat because part of my self-esteem is tied into being this "foodie" or "good-eater." My dad is a fat ass and has this same problem and I think I originally picked it up from him. That's why when I am dieting I can diet because the self-esteem reverses to being good at dieting but just my base state is one that derives self-esteem through eating good food. It is accentuated when out with other "good-eaters" where we have to prove our "good-eaterness" and collectively get a good feeling by sharing in the good eats.

In the same vein I get self-esteem from this blog in some way. I'm sure of it. In some way it makes me feel relevant or important. There is also the cathartic aspect of it. I feel renewed. I don't fear work as much in this moment. I will go and do what is required of me to earn my paycheck and hopefully not fall too far in the undead cycle of undead work and undead rest. If it sucks too much I can find a new job or quit.

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Sleepy311   Vietnam. May 21 2020 12:27. Posts 154

Go get em Rik. Have you thought about getting a position as an Online Adjunct at a university? It has a pretty easy barrier of entry these days.

Also for dealing with excess chubbs, I highly recommend steroids. It's nice to skip all of the hard work and still get be able to get the results you want.I lost like 15 pounds in 3 months living off a diet of Sour skittles and mountain dew. Just an idea.

hiems   United States. May 21 2020 17:27. Posts 2979

  On May 21 2020 04:08 RiKD wrote:

I had to throw this one into the hat. I think I am feeling a bit better about all of it just writing this out. Yeah, I can see how it all equates to spam. In my biased opinion it's not like these blogs are completely irrelevant but whatever. As I said in the last blog it's a weird malady. These blogs make me feel better.

ok so this is 60% serious 40% not serious, but I feel like the mods should take your greenstar away at some point.

i was 100% serious when I said before that the mods should at least give you a warning about your blog content/spamming. only 60% serious about the greenstar removal. maybe higher.

greenstar removal logic : you post an insane amount. new users will see your green star and either be confused, misled, or think something is wrong with this forum. they wont have the context to "get" that its a place for insiders. its not like your account is yugless or something that is never on here. the only logic to keep your greenstar is "no one cares" lol, which is a pretty reasonable argument. but by doing so the mods are giving up and saying "this site is more or less useless."

wondering what are your thoughts about this.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

dnagardi   Hungary. May 21 2020 19:16. Posts 1778

lol at the greenstar argument. Who gives a fuck?

This site has been pretty much a closed society for years now. Poker rarely is a subject. And no one has a problem with it. Newcomers are welcome obv. but trust me they wont give a fuck about greenstars

hiems   United States. May 21 2020 21:16. Posts 2979

  On May 21 2020 18:16 dnagardi wrote:
lol at the greenstar argument. Who gives a fuck?

This site has been pretty much a closed society for years now. Poker rarely is a subject. And no one has a problem with it. Newcomers are welcome obv. but trust me they wont give a fuck about greenstars

idk why i am responding to you, since you are like a hungarian version of shitfire.

obv i addressed this, which is why i said it was around 60/40 the way i saw it. maybe you should learn how to read.

anyway, you can basically think of it as a "city improvement project"

I remember reading something about nyc/rudy guiliani and an anti-graffiti campaign in the's really a perfect analogy. in real life when the economy tanks liberals/socialists infect society with their ruinous garbage ideas and society turns into a gutter. on liquidpoker, the poker economy tanks and nefarious ppl like rikd/loco begin riddling the "streets" of liquidpoker with their nonsense graffiti, vandalism, and garbage ideas and combined with a bad poker economy liquidpoker has turned into a dilapidated city over the years LOL!! such a great analogy.

" And no one has a problem with it."
--same analogy, its really easy for people to ignore a piece of trash laying around in the subway or an area covered by graffiti. very easy/common to do. only takes one great man (myself//giuliani) to point it out and fix it. LOL

"but trust me they wont give a fuck about greenstars"
--well maybe that is the problem. back when greenstars meant something that was a part of what made liquidpoker cool. guys like talentedtom, etc made the greenstar actually mean something. basically, "Make Greenstars Great Again!" "Make Liquidpoker Great Again" lolllll

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 21/05/2020 21:18

gawdawaful   Canada. May 21 2020 22:27. Posts 9012

lol greenstar who gives a fuck

re: covid, odds are you wont die and it'll just contribute to your misery

Im only good at poker when I run good 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. May 21 2020 22:39. Posts 5330

rikd has previously said he'd be willing to give me his greenstar heh. But ah yeah wtf, revoke someone's star cause you don't like their blog posts?? There are only like 2-3 people who post poker hands anymore, the rest of LP is either rikd blogs or the 1,000 year long battle between baal and loco political factions

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

hiems   United States. May 21 2020 23:11. Posts 2979

  On May 21 2020 21:27 gawdawaful wrote:
lol greenstar who gives a fuck

re: covid, odds are you wont die and it'll just contribute to your misery

  On May 21 2020 21:39 Stroggoz wrote:
rikd has previously said he'd be willing to give me his greenstar heh. But ah yeah wtf, revoke someone's star cause you don't like their blog posts?? There are only like 2-3 people who post poker hands anymore, the rest of LP is either rikd blogs or the 1,000 year long battle between baal and loco political factions

hmm...contemplating whether or not I should start an official petition.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Loco   Canada. May 22 2020 00:40. Posts 20968

  On May 21 2020 21:39 Stroggoz wrote:
rikd has previously said he'd be willing to give me his greenstar heh. But ah yeah wtf, revoke someone's star cause you don't like their blog posts?? There are only like 2-3 people who post poker hands anymore, the rest of LP is either rikd blogs or the 1,000 year long battle between baal and loco political factions

might have been a battle at some point but I think it's more accurate to say it's become a massacre if you want to use that framing/terminology. his inconsistency, lack of integrity and intellectual laziness have been blatantly exposed numerous times and I just feel bad at how pronounced it has become. it reminds me of those days in my past when I was noob bashing on smurf accounts in starcraft. I should be above that kind of thing sadly. I mean, the guy still thinks (in 2020!) that Nazis are leftists. if only you guys didn't bite at his shit when I'm no longer posting for weeks or months on end it would have probably been over a long time ago. ah well, I must admit my weaknesses. for some people it's drugs, for some it's prostitutes, for me it's the chuds.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 22/05/2020 00:49

blackjacki2   United States. May 22 2020 01:19. Posts 2582

honestly didn't notice rikd had a green star next to his name until today but I still have no idea what it means, nor do I care.

devon06atX   Canada. May 22 2020 02:01. Posts 5459

lol lp

I still come here.. day after day... /wrists

RiKD    United States. May 22 2020 02:26. Posts 9043


It seems like every now and then you come online and attempt to abuse everyone to try and make yourself feel better. The answer has been the same for a long time. If you don't like my blogs stay away. I realize there is probably nothing I can do for you to respect me. Which as humans we want to be liked. But that is ok. I fully expect you to come back even more abusive and probably some attempts to humiliate me. That is ok. I realize you can't help it in a similar vein to me writing these blogs. I'll bring it back to the BFKU Rule. If you were breast fucking Kate Upton would you be giving any shits about my blog content or making all these posts? I think not. I personally would love for you to breast fuck Kate Upton or any collection of large breasted white women. I'm rooting for it. But if I am being honest here you are quite a ways from accomplishing that with out paying for it. Maybe I have gone too far with that last statement. But it is the crux of the problem. Well, the real crux of the problem is that we will die and we know it. A lot of other underlying problems most likely. I have always said a really good therapist would do you a lot of good but I don't see you ever going. Especially, not from my suggestion.

Be Well

FrinkX   United States. May 23 2020 15:28. Posts 7562

hiems confirmed nut low. the nutttttttest low

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

hiems   United States. May 23 2020 19:10. Posts 2979

  On May 22 2020 01:26 RiKD wrote:

It seems like every now and then you come online and attempt to abuse everyone to try and make yourself feel better. The answer has been the same for a long time. If you don't like my blogs stay away. I realize there is probably nothing I can do for you to respect me. Which as humans we want to be liked. But that is ok. I fully expect you to come back even more abusive and probably some attempts to humiliate me. That is ok. I realize you can't help it in a similar vein to me writing these blogs. I'll bring it back to the BFKU Rule. If you were breast fucking Kate Upton would you be giving any shits about my blog content or making all these posts? I think not. I personally would love for you to breast fuck Kate Upton or any collection of large breasted white women. I'm rooting for it. But if I am being honest here you are quite a ways from accomplishing that with out paying for it. Maybe I have gone too far with that last statement. But it is the crux of the problem. Well, the real crux of the problem is that we will die and we know it. A lot of other underlying problems most likely. I have always said a really good therapist would do you a lot of good but I don't see you ever going. Especially, not from my suggestion.

Be Well

im sorry i was away from my laptop for the last few days and didnt really want to respond to you on my phone.

im not sure in what world do you think i am "abusing everyone." i guess this is your way of telling me you feel abused by me, or that i am rude to you. i guess im sorry(not really) if your feelings are hurt, but generally i am only rude to ppl that deserve it some way or another, the other person crossed the line first, etc. im not in the wrong here for pointing out that the mods should have given you a warning a long long time ago. basically all the mods either like you from back in the poker day/or feel bad for you/or they just dont follow enough to notice or care. but ultimately there is nothing wrong with calling you out on your ridiculous blog. in fact, its the right thing to have done.

same bullshit popularity contest basically that happened with wobbly_au, where he basically pointed out elky did something he viewed unethical on pokerstars (forget what) and everyone shat on him for being a dick. technically he didnt actually do anything that wrong(don't exactly remember the details). most ppl just don't like wobbly. most of the mods/ppl here love elky.

re :kateupton:
i mentioned the thing about white women on discord because i feel like it was relevant to the discussion we were having. it was a hypothetical situation and doesn't reflect exactly on my personal example. you can check the logs on discord if you'd like, but im sure you already know this and you are trying to insult me. this is basically the second or third time you've made a quasi-racist statement/micro-aggression towards me and I certainly do not appreciate it. you can attack my personal character as i do yours obviously, but please stop with the racist remarks.

the same thing goes for the other stuff you mentioned about having sex with an escort at some point. basically you are taking stuff that was said in private conversation (which you weren't even really a part of). if you think that is at all similar to taking that photo of you and loco and posting on brokeback mountain poster (lol) is the same then idk what to say really. at the end of the day i don't really care that much which is why i mentioned it on discord in the first place. at least get creative with your argument though... basically you copy/pasted that "narcissist" stuff that loco was talking about on discord exactly then brought up some irrelevant shit that has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about (dumbfuck k4ir0s did the same thing actually).

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 23/05/2020 21:51

Baalim   Mexico. May 24 2020 08:45. Posts 34262

  On May 21 2020 23:40 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

might have been a battle at some point but I think it's more accurate to say it's become a massacre if you want to use that framing/terminology. his inconsistency, lack of integrity and intellectual laziness have been blatantly exposed numerous times and I just feel bad at how pronounced it has become. it reminds me of those days in my past when I was noob bashing on smurf accounts in starcraft. I should be above that kind of thing sadly. I mean, the guy still thinks (in 2020!) that Nazis are leftists. if only you guys didn't bite at his shit when I'm no longer posting for weeks or months on end it would have probably been over a long time ago. ah well, I must admit my weaknesses. for some people it's drugs, for some it's prostitutes, for me it's the chuds.

I think you should call your crystal holistic healer, you are having a severe delusions again.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. May 24 2020 21:24. Posts 20968

found Baal's twitter account:

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

RiKD    United States. May 24 2020 21:44. Posts 9043

  On May 23 2020 18:10 hiems wrote:
[QUOTE]On May 22 2020 01:26 RiKD wrote:

It seems like every now and then you come online and attempt to abuse everyone to try and make yourself feel better. The answer has been the same for a long time. If you don't like my blogs stay away. I realize there is probably nothing I can do for you to respect me. Which as humans we want to be liked. But that is ok. I fully expect you to come back even more abusive and probably some attempts to humiliate me. That is ok. I realize you can't help it in a similar vein to me writing these blogs. I'll bring it back to the BFKU Rule. If you were breast fucking Kate Upton would you be giving any shits about my blog content or making all these posts? I think not. I personally would love for you to breast fuck Kate Upton or any collection of large breasted white women. I'm rooting for it. But if I am being honest here you are quite a ways from accomplishing that with out paying for it. Maybe I have gone too far with that last statement. But it is the crux of the problem. Well, the real crux of the problem is that we will die and we know it. A lot of other underlying problems most likely. I have always said a really good therapist would do you a lot of good but I don't see you ever going. Especially, not from my suggestion.

Be Well

  im sorry i was away from my laptop for the last few days and didnt really want to respond to you on my phone.

No reason for apology. Real life is more important than LP. Something I have realized more vividly the last couple of days. Just as Beethoven can make pop music seem trivial, real life can make LP seem trivial. I have some time now so I will post but I'm not in the best frame of mind so we'll see how it goes. I guess I shouldn't have mentioned Beethoven as you will see that as virtue signaling and upset you. That's kind of like a running theme. I write a blog or mention Heidegger and it upsets you. I don't know what to say. I am free to write blogs and post on a website that hosts blogs. You are free to not like them. You are free to not like me. And the world turns. One day we will have our last shit and die.

  im not sure in what world do you think i am "abusing everyone." i guess this is your way of telling me you feel abused by me, or that i am rude to you. i guess im sorry(not really) if your feelings are hurt, but generally i am only rude to ppl that deserve it some way or another, the other person crossed the line first, etc. im not in the wrong here for pointing out that the mods should have given you a warning a long long time ago. basically all the mods either like you from back in the poker day/or feel bad for you/or they just dont follow enough to notice or care. but ultimately there is nothing wrong with calling you out on your ridiculous blog. in fact, its the right thing to have done.

I've already said my feelings aren't hurt. You are rude to people though. Keep thinking that your rudeness is always deserved and see how that works out for you.

There is nothing wrong with calling me out on my blog but it's weird to think of it as some valiant display of ethics. It's a blog bro. I am posting journals online. Sorry if they are not enlightening or entertaining for you.

  same bullshit popularity contest basically that happened with wobbly_au, where he basically pointed out elky did something he viewed unethical on pokerstars (forget what) and everyone shat on him for being a dick. technically he didnt actually do anything that wrong(don't exactly remember the details). most ppl just don't like wobbly. most of the mods/ppl here love elky.

I don't remember the details of that situation. Surprisingly, there were times where I didn't post or even lurk this website. Probably, in circa 2008-2009 when I was crushing poker and traveling the world. But, I was posting quality since you were in diapers kid(don't take this seriously I just thought it would be funny to say.) Also, you probably shouldn't comment either if you don't remember the exact details of that situation. In my dealings with Elky he is an absolute hero of a human being. I don't really have fond memories of wobbly. That doesn't mean Elky was "right" or wobbly was "wrong." I think it just proves that if you are going to be a dick about everything a lot of people will not like you.

  re :kateupton:
i mentioned the thing about white women on discord because i feel like it was relevant to the discussion we were having. it was a hypothetical situation and doesn't reflect exactly on my personal example. you can check the logs on discord if you'd like, but im sure you already know this and you are trying to insult me. this is basically the second or third time you've made a quasi-racist statement/micro-aggression towards me and I certainly do not appreciate it. you can attack my personal character as i do yours obviously, but please stop with the racist remarks.

How would it be an insult? I like Kate Upton, Gabby Carter, Kendra Sutherland, et al. as well. Who doesn't? But I actually don't even like titty fucking. It's contrived. Give me a mouth or a vagina or an asshole any day of the week.

In all seriousness though, I don't understand how that comment is racist or aggressive? If you like white women great. If you like Asian women great. If you like black women great. A lot of us on this site need to get laid more myself included. I think it would solve a lot.

  the same thing goes for the other stuff you mentioned about having sex with an escort at some point. basically you are taking stuff that was said in private conversation (which you weren't even really a part of). if you think that is at all similar to taking that photo of you and loco and posting on brokeback mountain poster (lol) is the same then idk what to say really. at the end of the day i don't really care that much which is why i mentioned it on discord in the first place. at least get creative with your argument though... basically you copy/pasted that "narcissist" stuff that loco was talking about on discord exactly then brought up some irrelevant shit that has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about (dumbfuck k4ir0s did the same thing actually).

Well, if you are posting about it in public discord I took it as public knowledge. Become one with it man. I have used escorts in the past. I'm not proud of it because who would be but it's part of my past that I can't change. I thought Loco's posting on the "narcissist" matter was pretty spot on. It's probably something you should consider. But I am no expert in that area. And you won't listen to me anyway.

And when I say "be well" I mean it. Life can be tough. But LP doesn't need some chud white knight running around trying to "Make Liquid Poker Great Again." You are mostly a parasite here anyway. Have been for years.

hiems   United States. May 24 2020 23:24. Posts 2979

  There is nothing wrong with calling me out on my blog but it's weird to think of it as some valiant display of ethics. It's a blog bro. I am posting journals online. Sorry if they are not enlightening or entertaining for you.

You are trying to simplify things for the sake of your own convenience. Since you are mentally disabled I will explain it to you.

Set of all blogs exist. Within said set of all blogs exists subset of blogs with different formats.

Example 1. Wordpress site blog --> a viewer can read the contents of the blog by going to the website. He is in no way forced into seeing the residue of the blog in any form if he chooses not to. Only way he w
would inadvertently be forced to view the stupid contents of his blog is if the creator somehow flooded to google SERP pages with him being ranked on the first page like 8/10 times which you are effectively doing. if this were the case google would find a way to fix this problem or penalize the site in some way.

Example 2. Twoplustwo style blog --> a viewer mostly reads the contents of the blog by going to the blog thread. he can easily choose not to view the contents of the blog, because the entire blog is in the form of a "thread".
if a viewer finds the blogger annoying, fine he will just ignore the thread. it really doesnt spam any pages on the site. now if some weirdo blogger decided to create a million threads in "vegas lifestyle" or something for some reason,
that would obvious detract from that entire section of the website and he would get a warning for doing so. no one does that though, because there is some understood code that you are supposed to create a blog through the creation of a single thread.

Example 3. Liquidpoker style blog --> a viewer is unable to not see the flood of your dumb fuck blog posts if he clicks on the "Poker Blogs" tab. There really is no way around seeing your garbage content everywhere in the fucking page.
I have created a visual aid for you to understand what your dumbfuck blog is doing so you can understand. You keep telling me "if you don't like my blog, then doNT SEE IT!!" like a little dumbfuck baby but you are basically a dumbfuck
fatman that is farting all over the fucking room and telling them JUST DONT SMELL IT STUPID. Your contents within the blog are ridiculous too. You've talked about suicidal thoughts multiple times, killing ppl, strangling jews etc. Ppl have been banned for just ONE of such blog posts but since you are friends with the mods somehow you are given the pass for it for several years. ridiculous.

hypothetical options would obvious be:
1. change your blog format to a single thread. For your next blog post, make it something like "RikD's Ongoing Blog" ... and have it operate the same way it does on twoplustwo (as an ongoing SINGLE thread). from a web-development
perspective this is technically correct. your THREADS are merely titled BLOGS in the site description, but they are essentially THREADS. if your borg like retarded machine has devolved into an entity that takes up 80%
of blogs on this site, maybe it just makes sense to follow this advice.
2. ban rikd. god this would be such a great day.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

RiKD    United States. May 24 2020 23:57. Posts 9043

You know what? You don't have to use the word dumbfuck so much. And your tone could use a lot of work. But if it makes you happy I think your first option is a good suggestion and I will make my blog one thread in the future.

PoorUser    United States. May 25 2020 02:43. Posts 7472

blog - noun - a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

if anything, it is everyone else who is failing the blog section. to all, i say blog on.

Gambler EmeritusLast edit: 25/05/2020 02:55


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