Daut   United States. Sep 09 2020 00:49. Posts 8955
lololololol reporting TL to the FBI, that's a good one.
seriously LOL, this is the most absurd series of posts i've ever seen
edit: saw some mentions of possible schizophrenia by other users. very possible. please seek help.
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut
Last edit: 09/09/2020 00:50
Daut   United States. Sep 09 2020 01:06. Posts 8955
Look, you're obviously pissed off because you worked hard and feel disrespected. But take a step back and look at the bigger picture here.
1. you've been banned from TL before
2. you posted off topic things in a specific thread and goaded mods into banning you, and given how petulant you're acting in this thread, I'm guessing this wasn't your only post first ban infraction
3. you're trying to get the FBI to investigate a company over decisions unpaid moderators make on their forums and (i didn't fully read every post) hiring/firing decisions
I don't play SC2, so I can't comment on your work, but they had more than enough cause to ban you, they can ban anyone they want from their forums for any reason, and who gives a shit if you were banned? Just post your work somewhere people would appreciate it (reddit, discord groups, etc). As for the FBI, come on.
Now I likely wouldn't permaban someone for the above, I generally ban people here for abuse of others, spam, or scams/sketchy website links. But I absolutely side with mods for warning and following up with at least a temporary ban on someone who doubles down and dares them to do so.
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut
Last edit: 09/09/2020 01:09
failsafe   United States. Sep 09 2020 01:20. Posts 1041
On September 08 2020 23:49 Daut wrote:
lololololol reporting TL to the FBI, that's a good one.
seriously LOL, this is the most absurd series of posts i've ever seen
edit: saw some mentions of possible schizophrenia by other users. very possible. please seek help.
As someone whose mother spent her career working at the Auburn University Program for Students with Diabilities, I don't think you should be distasteful toward people like myself who has psychological disabilities. I respect your position as a moderator and don't intend to antagonize you, but it is important to be respectful of psychological health. People in poker aren't for instance people in education, nor are they even people in business (necessarily), but not everything is a gamble. These are basic asymptotic conditions for Economics of signal-theory. You can't for instance suppose a person who is making threats at the poker table deserves to stay at the table. But on the other hand, you can't ban people for things you suspect them. I wasn't at all intending to goad the mods into banning me in the other thread but was specifically responding to a threat to my person. This certainly isn't the first time that the moderator Seeker has been called out (and in agreement with the Administrators) for abusing his powers as a moderator and warning or temp banning people as a means of isolating bad decisions. So my point is that I appreciate our relationship here on LiquidPoker where I have never been so much as warned, and the position I inhabit on Team Liquid where I was banned for psychological problems. Anyway, Schizophrenia is an improving condition and can be exempted after 10 years, or so. But, I do disagree with the flagrant use of moderator power because it engenders a lack of sympathy on the part of those who are sociologically abused.
Anyway, I'm glad this isn't the case here and appreciate your response. I only mean to point out that I did have Paranoid Schizophrenia and Schizo-affective disorder at one point in my life. Although that is now some years ago, and my condition has improved to a case of diagnosed Depression (as of 2018), these conditions are not a laughing matter, and you should take them seriously. This is something that should be considered as necessary etiquette by people in power on the internet. As you can see in the case of certain students who have commented on political conditions and Black Lives Matter, insults on Twitter or any public forum can result in expulsion from school, university or otherwise. So for instance, abusing a psychologically inept person is inappropriate and not a realistic option for a company like Team Liquid--which is the point I make.
failsafe   United States. Sep 09 2020 01:22. Posts 1041
Here is one other case where Seeker is called out by patrons of Team Liquid. In fact, as you say, goading can go both ways. The moderator goads the patron into getting offended or incensed. The intent of course is to ban the patron if he responds negatively to the warning. I think that's the subtle point made in this thread.
The administrator KadaverBB responds adequately. In fact I think that moderators of Team Liquid should be required to be non-threatening toward patrons of the website. Otherwise they should forfeit their position (paid or unpaid).
Most of the people I know including myself have been banned from TL. Just cut your losses short. You have no legal recourse here, you are just giving them more of your life. It's a sunk cost mentality. They will never recognize you or respect you. The state is also not on your side as a person with disabilities, especially not online. Plus, if you have asked them to ban you, then it shows that at least on an unconscious level you realized that it is not a website that is worth investing into.
Every place that concentrates power in a few people's hands and where those people are not held accountable will create these problems. TL can afford to ban lots of people if they want to, so of course they will. The csgo website ESEA is the same. They do not care about you. They care about their own little elite class and making money. Corporations that don't ban people only do so because they see them as dollar signs. They know how important it is to be inclusive if they want to survive. But at the end of the day it's always about money. If you haven't been supporting TL financially either directly or indirectly they could not care any less about you and your StarCraft history.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
FrinkX   United States. Sep 09 2020 12:03. Posts 7562
i've been sitting here for like 10m trying to figure out what's the best part of all of this. For me it's a tie between the hilarious name-dropping as if that makes you someone/means you're owed something and the fact that you mentioned you have a 160+ IQ (yet cant understand a ban that a 5 year old could understand)
after seeing Hiems comments on RIKDs thread I thought he was the nut low of LP but nope you took the crown, congrats dude
Clan X17 is not a game.... You've got to DEMAND respect.
failsafe   United States. Sep 09 2020 18:02. Posts 1041
On September 09 2020 04:24 Loco wrote:
Most of the people I know including myself have been banned from TL. Just cut your losses short. You have no legal recourse here, you are just giving them more of your life. It's a sunk cost mentality. They will never recognize you or respect you. The state is also not on your side as a person with disabilities, especially not online. Plus, if you have asked them to ban you, then it shows that at least on an unconscious level you realized that it is not a website that is worth investing into.
Every place that concentrates power in a few people's hands and where those people are not held accountable will create these problems. TL can afford to ban lots of people if they want to, so of course they will. The csgo website ESEA is the same. They do not care about you. They care about their own little elite class and making money. Corporations that don't ban people only do so because they see them as dollar signs. They know how important it is to be inclusive if they want to survive. But at the end of the day it's always about money. If you haven't been supporting TL financially either directly or indirectly they could not care any less about you and your StarCraft history.
Well, I'm a TL-investor. I'm a Blizzard-investor. I'm a stock-owner and an a financial manager. The fact that Blizzard doesn't mean anything to TL and money doesn't mean anything to TL, and their own apparel and merchandise doesn't mean anything to TL, goes to show you that it's just not a well-run business. A Shark Tank entrepreneur would have to say that you can't expect much more growth from TL. You've got to conform to business-standards that already exist. Doing a 1-base Carrier rush-type build is artsy and cute, but in the modern business cycle no one cares about your flair. I'd be surprised if TL continues to grow as a business or ever becomes a billion dollar company.
Realistically, when you're conniving and treat people like shit then they come to realize you don't respect them. If you don't respect your investors and contributors then they'll take their money elsewhere. At the end of the day, that spells the end of your business. People don't have to take flak from controllers who don't have any resources of their own and pretend to a stature they don't deserve. It's one of the reasons that TL's growth is a limited phenomenon. You just can't expect real investors to continue their interest in you when you don't treat your own customers with respect. I don't feel like Nazgul et al. have preserved my dignity as a patron, and I don't know why that's the case. It doesn't make sense for them and it doesn't make sense to me. If it were a viable business strategy to treat your investors like shit then people would do it. But you don't see Mark Cuban getting trampled by an angry mob of people who don't know better. The reason some people are billionaires and others aren't has to do with the way they treat people. If I feel like you're threatening and not invested in my self-worth and identity, then I'm not going to do business with you.
This is the basic difference between a trillion dollar company like Apple and a backwash experience like Team Liquid forums. Your flagship product can't scream we're a bunch of jerks who aren't interested in your welfare. If it does then you won't get anywhere. There's a difference between quality control and a lack of quality.
I own Pokémon cards worth more than the average TL mod.
On September 09 2020 11:03 FrinkX wrote:
i've been sitting here for like 10m trying to figure out what's the best part of all of this. For me it's a tie between the hilarious name-dropping as if that makes you someone/means you're owed something and the fact that you mentioned you have a 160+ IQ (yet cant understand a ban that a 5 year old could understand)
after seeing Hiems comments on RIKDs thread I thought he was the nut low of LP but nope you took the crown, congrats dude
Ever since this thread came up I've been wondering for days now that it seems like that most of the ppl who are still active on this site have serious mental issues. Also I was wondering if I'm one of them.
failsafe   United States. Sep 11 2020 00:36. Posts 1041
Yes. It is not very difficult to understand how banning people is damaging to their self-esteem. I am rather surprised this is so hard for Nazgul. Maybe he will run a more successful business in the future.
I would never call someone out for Map Hacking , but you know. The sort of person who bans people for sadistic reasons is the sort of person who would Map Hack, or even worse, Mineral Hack.
Times must be tough for TL....Hope they can pull through!
blackjacki2   United States. Sep 11 2020 04:43. Posts 2582
You seriously need to get some help. These delusional ramblings of getting the FBI to bust up TL because they banned you and you're upset about it are insane. Nobody gives a fuck about you getting banned from TL, especially the FBI. I've been banned from TL 10+ times myself and most of them I deserved because I was a 15-16 year old with a rude mouth. As TianYuan said, if you ask to get banned from TL they are going to ban you. That has always been the case. Get over it. After I matured a bit I messaged Nazgul and asked him to unban me and he did it no questions asked. I advise you to do the same. If you feel like you have been slighted because they are treating you like an unruly 14 year-old my advice is to stop acting like one and maybe they will stop treating you like one.
Also the mentions of your pokemon card collection, your college degrees, or how you knew NonY and incontrol is just really sad and pathetic and reeks of desperation for some kind of affirmation. Maybe this is a news flash for you but half the people left on this nearly dead liquid site are super old school starcraft players that used to game with incontrol and nony. Literally nobody gives a fuck.
failsafe   United States. Sep 11 2020 16:18. Posts 1041
On September 11 2020 01:28 Sleepy311 wrote:
"I am rather surprised this is so hard for Nazgul. Maybe he will run a more successful business in the future."
Actually my Great Grand-Uncle was the first mayor of Chicago and its richest citizen. Just imagine such an estimable town gave rise to the nefarious Al Capone.
On September 08 2020 12:03 failsafe wrote:
A) I'm 33 years old with an MA, 2 Bachelor's degrees, and in the process of obtaining a Ph.D. and I'm being treated like an unruly 14 year old.
Dude... its the internet, you could be a Nobel Prize winner that found the cure for cancer and you'll still be treated like a 14yo
FrinkX   United States. Sep 14 2020 17:05. Posts 7562
On September 09 2020 04:24 Loco wrote:
Most of the people I know including myself have been banned from TL. Just cut your losses short. You have no legal recourse here, you are just giving them more of your life. It's a sunk cost mentality. They will never recognize you or respect you. The state is also not on your side as a person with disabilities, especially not online. Plus, if you have asked them to ban you, then it shows that at least on an unconscious level you realized that it is not a website that is worth investing into.
Every place that concentrates power in a few people's hands and where those people are not held accountable will create these problems. TL can afford to ban lots of people if they want to, so of course they will. The csgo website ESEA is the same. They do not care about you. They care about their own little elite class and making money. Corporations that don't ban people only do so because they see them as dollar signs. They know how important it is to be inclusive if they want to survive. But at the end of the day it's always about money. If you haven't been supporting TL financially either directly or indirectly they could not care any less about you and your StarCraft history.
Well, I'm a TL-investor. I'm a Blizzard-investor. I'm a stock-owner and an a financial manager. The fact that Blizzard doesn't mean anything to TL and money doesn't mean anything to TL, and their own apparel and merchandise doesn't mean anything to TL, goes to show you that it's just not a well-run business. A Shark Tank entrepreneur would have to say that you can't expect much more growth from TL. You've got to conform to business-standards that already exist. Doing a 1-base Carrier rush-type build is artsy and cute, but in the modern business cycle no one cares about your flair. I'd be surprised if TL continues to grow as a business or ever becomes a billion dollar company.
Realistically, when you're conniving and treat people like shit then they come to realize you don't respect them. If you don't respect your investors and contributors then they'll take their money elsewhere. At the end of the day, that spells the end of your business. People don't have to take flak from controllers who don't have any resources of their own and pretend to a stature they don't deserve. It's one of the reasons that TL's growth is a limited phenomenon. You just can't expect real investors to continue their interest in you when you don't treat your own customers with respect. I don't feel like Nazgul et al. have preserved my dignity as a patron, and I don't know why that's the case. It doesn't make sense for them and it doesn't make sense to me. If it were a viable business strategy to treat your investors like shit then people would do it. But you don't see Mark Cuban getting trampled by an angry mob of people who don't know better. The reason some people are billionaires and others aren't has to do with the way they treat people. If I feel like you're threatening and not invested in my self-worth and identity, then I'm not going to do business with you.
This is the basic difference between a trillion dollar company like Apple and a backwash experience like Team Liquid forums. Your flagship product can't scream we're a bunch of jerks who aren't interested in your welfare. If it does then you won't get anywhere. There's a difference between quality control and a lack of quality.
I own Pokémon cards worth more than the average TL mod.
On September 09 2020 04:24 Loco wrote:
Most of the people I know including myself have been banned from TL. Just cut your losses short. You have no legal recourse here, you are just giving them more of your life. It's a sunk cost mentality. They will never recognize you or respect you. The state is also not on your side as a person with disabilities, especially not online. Plus, if you have asked them to ban you, then it shows that at least on an unconscious level you realized that it is not a website that is worth investing into.
Every place that concentrates power in a few people's hands and where those people are not held accountable will create these problems. TL can afford to ban lots of people if they want to, so of course they will. The csgo website ESEA is the same. They do not care about you. They care about their own little elite class and making money. Corporations that don't ban people only do so because they see them as dollar signs. They know how important it is to be inclusive if they want to survive. But at the end of the day it's always about money. If you haven't been supporting TL financially either directly or indirectly they could not care any less about you and your StarCraft history.
Well, I'm a TL-investor. I'm a Blizzard-investor. I'm a stock-owner and an a financial manager. The fact that Blizzard doesn't mean anything to TL and money doesn't mean anything to TL, and their own apparel and merchandise doesn't mean anything to TL, goes to show you that it's just not a well-run business. A Shark Tank entrepreneur would have to say that you can't expect much more growth from TL. You've got to conform to business-standards that already exist. Doing a 1-base Carrier rush-type build is artsy and cute, but in the modern business cycle no one cares about your flair. I'd be surprised if TL continues to grow as a business or ever becomes a billion dollar company.
Realistically, when you're conniving and treat people like shit then they come to realize you don't respect them. If you don't respect your investors and contributors then they'll take their money elsewhere. At the end of the day, that spells the end of your business. People don't have to take flak from controllers who don't have any resources of their own and pretend to a stature they don't deserve. It's one of the reasons that TL's growth is a limited phenomenon. You just can't expect real investors to continue their interest in you when you don't treat your own customers with respect. I don't feel like Nazgul et al. have preserved my dignity as a patron, and I don't know why that's the case. It doesn't make sense for them and it doesn't make sense to me. If it were a viable business strategy to treat your investors like shit then people would do it. But you don't see Mark Cuban getting trampled by an angry mob of people who don't know better. The reason some people are billionaires and others aren't has to do with the way they treat people. If I feel like you're threatening and not invested in my self-worth and identity, then I'm not going to do business with you.
This is the basic difference between a trillion dollar company like Apple and a backwash experience like Team Liquid forums. Your flagship product can't scream we're a bunch of jerks who aren't interested in your welfare. If it does then you won't get anywhere. There's a difference between quality control and a lack of quality.
I own Pokémon cards worth more than the average TL mod.
You seriously have to have mental problems. I hope there's medication for you otherwise you're fucked.
I don't see why I can't just take Phenibut?
Jelle   Belgium. Oct 11 2020 00:55. Posts 3476
You guys laugh but I see essentially this same argument everywhere after people get banned from twitter/youtube/etc. The belief that you're entitled to something because you've been getting it for free for a long time is extremely common
"You can't just take away my freedom of speech! I've been contributing for decades!"
Nop it's just a website and they can stop providing their services to you whenever they want for whatever reason they want. How prestigious and accomplished you are is simply irrelevant. If you wanted compensation and/or special benefits for your work you should have negotiated that in advance.
I'm sorry if that sounds cold but that's pretty much how the world works. Maybe this can be your inspiration to take up coding, build failsafebroodwar.com, and show Nazgul how it's done?