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FMLuser   Canada. Mar 17 2017 11:23. Posts 45

  On March 17 2017 09:00 Loco wrote:
An introduction to effective altruism by Peter Singer

Still using the same analogies since the 70's. Not much for utilitarianism myself, and donating money will always be supererogatory imo. If your interested in moral philosophy give this a look

Loco   Canada. Mar 18 2017 10:52. Posts 20975

1) saying someone has been using an analogy for a long time doesn't constitute an argument against it
2) donating excess money for a good cause is literally the opposite of supererogatory
3) i'm a negative threshold utilitarian (/w antifrustationist leaning), so watching some introductory video to the trolley problem is basically the biggest waste of my time (but I do appreciate you contributing something, there is an awfully low amount of content related to ethics around here)

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 21/03/2017 15:00

FMLuser   Canada. Mar 18 2017 13:35. Posts 45

  On March 18 2017 09:52 Loco wrote:
1) saying someone has been using an analogy for a long time doesn't constitute an argument against it
2) donating excess money for a good cause is literally the opposite of supererogatory
3) I'm a negative preference utilitarian, so watching some introductory video to the trolley problem is basically the biggest waste of my time

1) It doesn't but its been 30 years and Peter Singer hasn't come up with anything new. He's pretty much saying the same thing but the message sounds nicer this time around.
2)When did charity become a duty?

3) How do you know that me eating cheeseburgers and wasting money on booze doesn't out way the unity from donating? That shit makes me really happy.....

Loco   Canada. Mar 20 2017 19:01. Posts 20975

Meh, looks like this is not going to be a productive discussion. Again you've done nothing to refute Singer and you haven't even engaged with his thought experiment. So you'd let the child drown if it meant giving up your cheeseburger or what? You're going out of your way choosing one definition of the word 'supererogatory' rather than trying to understand how I'm using it which is more in line with the second dictionary definition: "greater than that required or needed; superfluous". I was clearly saying that living a modest life and donating all the extra money you earn to the most effective causes like Singer and MacAskill do is the opposite of superfluous and it's obviously not "greater than required or needed" ; there are always people in need, whereas their own needs are already met.

I'm not saying you have a duty, but if you're a very comfortable/successful adult who understands that they have been very lucky to be born where they are and with what they have, you often feel like you have a duty. But I understand that many people don't feel that way because they lead an infantilized existence chasing the next big thrill through consumerism and whatever other nonsense they believe will make them happy (and which we know from quite a lot of solid research that it won't). Well, either that or they numb themselves with booze and chew on an early grave to distract themselves from how meaningless their lives are. I guess that partly answers your last question too.

The other part is simply this: I don't care what gets your dick hard. Your moment-to-moment happiness is not the topic at hand. It's hilarious that you're trying to build a case for the validity of your happiness while only naming (self-)destructive things though. Surely you can build a better case for selfishness than that. But if you want to be the most selfish person you can be, just be that person. I don't see why you bother trying to rationalize why you're doing it if that's what you've set out to do with your life. Just leave ethics and altruism to those who care about it instead of making pointless remarks like how an incredibly influential philosopher is just "doing the same stuff" (aka being consistent and successful).

Anyway, for those few who do like to think about their impact in the world and who have decided not to sleepwalk through life being the average consumer, here's a couple more links on EA you might want to check out. One is a very recent Joe Rogan podcast episode.

Edit: I'm 1h30 into the Joe Rogan episode and I'm remembered why I almost never watch his podcast... talked of aliens and consciousness far more than anything else. Barely touched on EA. So I went and found a talk with Sam Harris I haven't listened to yet but which is probably a lot better.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 20/03/2017 21:45

seven0   . Apr 10 2017 20:01. Posts 2

--- Nuked ---

Mortensen8   Chad. Apr 17 2017 00:02. Posts 1845

good series

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 17/04/2017 00:11

VanDerMeyde   Norway. May 26 2017 21:12. Posts 5118


VanDerMeyde   Norway. Jun 30 2017 18:43. Posts 5118


Loco   Canada. Jul 01 2017 05:31. Posts 20975

I cried like a bitch. Good stuff.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Jul 14 2017 20:35. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Loco   Canada. Jul 15 2017 04:46. Posts 20975

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Mortensen8   Chad. Jul 19 2017 23:48. Posts 1845

Rear naked woke 

PuertoRican   United States. Aug 14 2017 07:27. Posts 13159

Rekrul is a newb 

Dustin   . Oct 13 2017 13:25. Posts 5

Keanu1011   Vietnam. May 11 2018 04:36. Posts 2

--- Nuked ---

Mortensen8   Chad. Jul 25 2018 02:14. Posts 1845

Rear naked wokeLast edit: 25/07/2018 02:20

vantassall420   United States. Aug 04 2018 07:34. Posts 1


User was banned for this post.

 Last edit: 04/08/2018 09:32

Mortensen8   Chad. Aug 18 2018 22:32. Posts 1845

Scary, not before bed.

Rear naked woke 

Slim999Dragons   United States. Aug 31 2018 07:58. Posts 1

--- Nuked ---

milkman   United States. Sep 01 2018 17:33. Posts 5719

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 


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