Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If you think he's been right more than that it's because you are the type of vulnerable person who would follow a cult leader to the end of the Earth because he provides meaning in your sad life.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
On December 06 2021 19:05 lostaccount wrote:
Lol Alex has been right so much, u guys still don’t see it. Keep having fun with the shots. Just keep listening to ur corrupt government who gives 0 shit about u
blackjacki2 United States. Dec 06 2021 22:10. Posts 2582
On December 06 2021 18:00 Loco wrote:
Great, linking to an Alex Jones website. Yes yes it's Nazi Germany all over again... yawn
It's a video, mate. The site that it gets posted on is completely irrelevant, the images speak for themselves.
If someone linked you to a video of interest posted on the (now defunct) website Stormfront, would you also have linked us there, or to the actual video?
If you had actually just clicked on the video in the article you could have had more details through the person who posted the tweet and within a minute you'd have answered your own question...
As a general rule, don't waste any time on conspiracy theorists' websites and you'll be golden.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 07/12/2021 01:29
blackjacki2 United States. Dec 07 2021 11:56. Posts 2582
I'm pretty sure the "green pass" is the equivalent of the vaccine passport. So if you believe that tweet then that fence is quite literally being used to segregate the unvaxxed from the vaxxed as I had intially posted. Whether it's in Austria or Germany or Romania seems like a minor detail.
It's a shame that only the "conspiracy theorist websites" post stuff like this because maybe people wouldn't be driven to their site if other sites would report on this
Alex Jones is a gatekeeper thats why he blames the nazis and the chicoms. He's pretty funny when he freaks out unfortunately this makes normies smug about dumb conspiratards.
On December 07 2021 10:56 blackjacki2 wrote:
I'm pretty sure the "green pass" is the equivalent of the vaccine passport. So if you believe that tweet then that fence is quite literally being used to segregate the unvaxxed from the vaxxed as I had intially posted. Whether it's in Austria or Germany or Romania seems like a minor detail.
It's a shame that only the "conspiracy theorist websites" post stuff like this because maybe people wouldn't be driven to their site if other sites would report on this
Which part of "you can't be in the store without it" didn't you understand? Both sides of the fence had to show it, ergo, they are not being separated based on vaccine status.
If such websites are really the only ones showing something important it's almost certain to be fake. Occam's razor.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 07/12/2021 19:09
blackjacki2 United States. Dec 07 2021 23:19. Posts 2582
On December 07 2021 10:56 blackjacki2 wrote:
I'm pretty sure the "green pass" is the equivalent of the vaccine passport. So if you believe that tweet then that fence is quite literally being used to segregate the unvaxxed from the vaxxed as I had intially posted. Whether it's in Austria or Germany or Romania seems like a minor detail.
It's a shame that only the "conspiracy theorist websites" post stuff like this because maybe people wouldn't be driven to their site if other sites would report on this
Which part of "you can't be in the store without it" didn't you understand? Both sides of the fence had to show it, ergo, they are not being separated based on vaccine status.
If such websites are really the only ones showing something important it's almost certain to be fake. Occam's razor.
Here you go, mate. I found a fact-checking website that explains how wrong you are.
In Romania, new, stricter measures were adopted at the end of October to bring the corona figures down. For example, most non-essential activities require a COVID certificate . This is not the case for essential stores, such as supermarkets. Essential shops therefore remain accessible to everyone, for non-essential shops the certificate is required that shows vaccination or recovery from COVID-19.
This is a rare situation for many supermarkets in Romania that are embedded in shopping centers, where essential and non-essential shops are located next to each other. The Kaufland chain then installed fences in various fortresses in Romania. For example, the zone for which a certificate is required is separated from the zone where everyone is allowed to enter ( photo ).
So yes the fence is the dividing line between the shops where everyone has access to and the shops where only the vaccinated have access to.
Imagine how daft you have to be to think that they wouldn't just put the fence at the entrance instead of running all the way down the shopping center if it weren't being used to segregate people. You even have the nerve to reference Occam's Razor while making such a retarded conclusion LOL. Your evidence for this conclusion was based on the tweet of some random person on twitter just because it fit the narrative you wanted to believe, all while telling people to question the sources they get their information from. Fucking yikes.
Liquid`Drone Norway. Dec 07 2021 23:35. Posts 3096
Eh, showing pictures from Romania to describe something they claim is happening in Austria or Germany (chosen because those countries are more immediately possible for people with a lacking understanding of history to associate with authoritarianism) - or 'across Europe' is pretty fake newsy to me.
On December 07 2021 18:07 Loco wrote:
If such websites are really the only ones showing something important it's almost certain to be fake. Occam's razor.
Occam's razor is a probability based argument, it will be right the majority of the times but wrong a minority of the time, so It's an useful tool to "bet", not to disprove anything.
Also the argument is not that they are the ones showing things important but showings things that go against the narrative of maintream networks, just as CNN won't cover Hunter Bidens laptop and Fox News won't cover Trump's corruption scandals, another example of this was how these conspiracy theorist sites were the only ones discussing Wuhan lab leak theory and it was even a bannable offense in social media all 2020, but now it's considered if not the main, at least a very likely genesis theory when no new evidence surfaced, it was just narrative based.
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
blackjacki2 United States. Dec 08 2021 01:03. Posts 2582
On December 07 2021 22:35 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Eh, showing pictures from Romania to describe something they claim is happening in Austria or Germany (chosen because those countries are more immediately possible for people with a lacking understanding of history to associate with authoritarianism) - or 'across Europe' is pretty fake newsy to me.
The country may be wrong but the meat of the story is true. Both Germany and Austria have implemented some kind of lockdown for the unvaccinated so it's probably not much of a stretch that similar things are happening there as well just not in such a visually unappealing way.
I'm just annoyed that Loco would condescendingly question my ability to apply common sense while also believing that people would bother to erect a giant fucking fence down the entirety of a shopping center and assume that people on both side of the fence have to be vaccinated.
On December 07 2021 22:35 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Eh, showing pictures from Romania to describe something they claim is happening in Austria or Germany (chosen because those countries are more immediately possible for people with a lacking understanding of history to associate with authoritarianism) - or 'across Europe' is pretty fake newsy to me.
Perhaps it would be easier to identify anti-vaxxers if they wore visible patches on their clothing
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
NewbSaibot United States. Dec 08 2021 04:25. Posts 4946
On December 06 2021 19:39 lostaccount wrote:
You just can’t see the big picture with the vaccine. Have fun with ur good life
Ah yes, the big picture, and therein lies the root of all conspiracy minded people; the belief that they are smarter than everyone else & that they have the inside scoop, when in reality it's all just blatant projection of their own insecurities as they know deep down inside there is nothing special about them and that they might in fact be as stupid as they fear they are.
bye now
Liquid`Drone Norway. Dec 08 2021 11:26. Posts 3096
On December 07 2021 22:35 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Eh, showing pictures from Romania to describe something they claim is happening in Austria or Germany (chosen because those countries are more immediately possible for people with a lacking understanding of history to associate with authoritarianism) - or 'across Europe' is pretty fake newsy to me.
Perhaps it would be easier to identify anti-vaxxers if they wore visible patches on their clothing
Funny how he keeps holding her arm lol. I'm sure she's about to make a break for it if he lets her go.
For the record I'm not a fan of the new austrian rules, nor am I fond of vaccine-based segregation of society. In Norway we're pretty much only using 'recommendations' and hoping people adhere to them rather than making stricter laws that are subject to punishment if not followed. My issue with the link is that it's so fundamentally unreliable in parts of its reporting (because of the 'return to fascism' argument they insist on presenting) that everything ends up being unreliable.
I also think 'spend more money on health care so they can handle an uptake in patients' rather than trying to set the amount of nurses to the bare minimum to manage a regular flu season as long as people work plenty overtime makes sense. Does require slightly higher taxes across the board or the reduction of some other program (for countries with socialized health care), but I think people are generally more positive towards this than towards flatten the curve-style periodical lockdowns. I understood/supported harsher measures in early 2020 before we had vaccines and when there were a whole lot of uncertainties regarding how dangerous covid was/is, but where I live - even with the (by far) highest infection counts we've ever had, deaths and hospitalizations aren't anything noteworthy compared to a regular flu season.
On December 06 2021 19:39 lostaccount wrote:
You just can’t see the big picture with the vaccine. Have fun with ur good life
Ah yes, the big picture, and therein lies the root of all conspiracy minded people; the belief that they are smarter than everyone else & that they have the inside scoop, when in reality it's all just blatant projection of their own insecurities as they know deep down inside there is nothing special about them and that they might in fact be as stupid as they fear they are.
Lol keep listening to ur government then, time will tell who is on the right side. Have a good life buddy
On December 07 2021 10:56 blackjacki2 wrote:
I'm pretty sure the "green pass" is the equivalent of the vaccine passport. So if you believe that tweet then that fence is quite literally being used to segregate the unvaxxed from the vaxxed as I had intially posted. Whether it's in Austria or Germany or Romania seems like a minor detail.
It's a shame that only the "conspiracy theorist websites" post stuff like this because maybe people wouldn't be driven to their site if other sites would report on this
Which part of "you can't be in the store without it" didn't you understand? Both sides of the fence had to show it, ergo, they are not being separated based on vaccine status.
If such websites are really the only ones showing something important it's almost certain to be fake. Occam's razor.
three things for our erudite friend:
1. if galileo is the only one saying the earth goes around the sun it's almost certain to be fake. occam's razor.
2. you have an understanding of occam's razor unbefitting a university graduate
occam's razor is that among competing explanations, the simplest one is true. simplest is not synonymous with most likely. you can't use occam's razor to magnify an appeal to the majority. if you think something is false because not many people said it, you can't use the rate of people saying it as a meta-evidence. "if this were true more people would believe it so it's obviously not true" in other words, you can't justify an appeal to the majority by packaging it with occam's razor.
in fact, your point conflates "important" and "true," assumes the pictures would be considered important to the other websites, and assumes that they post things based on how important they are, or would always post important things. you can open NYT now yourself and check the drivel percentage. something can be true without being important. there are a lot of crows outside my house. i can take a picture and share it, it doesn't make it false just because it's not the front page of NYT or Fox.
occam's razor can be explained thuslywise (not to you, as i often find myself saying, but to actual people with open minds who might be reading)
you have a room with one door, cctv on the door, two people go in the room and close the door, one man comes out, later you go in the room to find the other man dead with a bloody knife on the ground, take fingerprints off the knife and match them to the man who left
you have two theories
1) the man stabbed him and left
2) he showed a knife to the man, who held it and left fingerprints on it, then when the man left, he put on paper gloves, stabbed himself, pulled the knife out, burned the gloves, and bled to death, after which his family was paid off, because it was all part of an attempt to frame the second man for murder and oust him as CEO of a rival company
occam's razor states that of the two theories, the first is more likely because it's simpler.
in fact, unlikely things happen all the time.
if you were to attempt to apply occam's razor correctly here (which again is inadvisable because it doesn't apply. occam's razor is not a maxim you apply to somehow reinforce the assumption that popular things are more likely to be true), you would have to first generate a charitable list of competing theories like this:
1) it's only on this website because it's false/fake news
2) it's only on this website because it's not important to others
3) it's only on this website because it's inconvenient to others
4) it's only on this website because it's irrelevant to others (R O M A N I A)
5) it could be on other websites too, but i'm a gaslighting asshat named Loco, who didn't check, and now somehow questions what a fence does when it's not built by drumpf to racistly keep the mexicans out
as you can see most of these theories are comparable in complexity; that is, occam's razor would not be useful to sort among the different options.
3. "my store says, no niggers allowed. ergo the niggers are not being segregated. they simply can't be in the store. q.e.d. it would only be segregation if i had one section for niggers and one section for normal people" - Loco
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen
Firstly, you're confusing an appeal to popularity with Occam's razor. Secondly, Galileo was a scientist. He was an accomplished polymath and inventor. Occam's razor does not apply to people with genius who are capable of being inventive. Alex Jones is not an accomplishing anything and the only thing he's invented are a bunch of snake oil supplements. When you start your novel with such a blatant false equivalence fallacy I can't continue reading your post.
fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount
Last edit: 08/12/2021 20:00
Santafairy Korea (South). Dec 08 2021 19:58. Posts 2235
On December 08 2021 18:49 Loco wrote:
Galileo was a scientist. He was an accomplished polymath and inventor. Occam's razor does not apply to people with genius who are capable of being inventive. Alex Jones is not an accomplishing anything and the only thing he's invented are a bunch of snake oil supplements. When you start your novel with such a blatant false equivalence fallacy I can't continue reading your post.
occam's razor doesn't apply to people at all
my post has half as many words as your beloved das kapital has pages but by all means give up reading it, go and read a book first, and come back when you think you're ready to tackle the everest of understanding basic logic that you would learn in any university except the diploma mill you used
It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen