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put:fu:in Fuck Russians! - Page 3

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Liquid`Drone   Norway. Mar 06 2022 12:50. Posts 3096

Eh in Norway media was pretty unequivocally very negative towards the invasion of Iraq, and tbh I'm fairly certain that applied for mostly all of Europe outside the UK, where it was more of a mixed bag. It's also much less monolithic even within specific countries like the US.

lol POKER 

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 06 2022 14:42. Posts 6291

Peace is the way

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 07/03/2022 13:58

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 06 2022 16:40. Posts 6291

Peace is the way

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 07/03/2022 13:59

hiems   United States. Mar 06 2022 19:21. Posts 2979

  On March 06 2022 11:50 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Eh in Norway media was pretty unequivocally very negative towards the invasion of Iraq, and tbh I'm fairly certain that applied for mostly all of Europe outside the UK, where it was more of a mixed bag. It's also much less monolithic even within specific countries like the US.


In NOrwaY thos....ion Norwayh That...

No1 cares about norway

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 06 2022 20:41. Posts 5345

  On March 06 2022 11:50 Liquid`Drone wrote:
Eh in Norway media was pretty unequivocally very negative towards the invasion of Iraq, and tbh I'm fairly certain that applied for mostly all of Europe outside the UK, where it was more of a mixed bag. It's also much less monolithic even within specific countries like the US.

The US corporate media was completely monolithic on this, and it was probably the most propagandized war in history. Chris Hedges got fired from the NYT the day after critiquing it. I doubt critics like Fisk or Pilger ever appeared in the US media on all sides of the spectrum in the corporate media. They only ever mentioned a civilian death toll count in the NYT once and it was at page 10 in a small snippet. And as I just said, war crimes (like blowing up hospitals) were praised. Bush was not pointed out to be a war criminal. I'd expect it was the same in Britain for Tony Blair and John Howard in Australia. A critical media, would at the very least be pointing out that a good part of Europe and the US supported Saddam Hussein in the past, and even gave him chemical weapons of mass destruction. Most still seem to think it would somehow be justified if Saddam did have actually have chemical weapons. That's essentially where the critique ends in America. They think it was bad because Bush lied about WMD's, that's all. That's not very far from Putins 5 year old level of morality and logic.

I suggest you ask some people "how many do you think died in the iraq war?". I'm guessing the responses you'll get are far lower than the actual number.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 06/03/2022 20:43

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 06 2022 22:48. Posts 5118


Russia - 818, of which: destroyed: 319, damaged: 10, abandoned: 147, captured: 342 (!)

Tanks (120, of which destroyed: 32, damaged: 2, abandoned: 26, captured: 59)

Armoured Fighting Vehicles (79, of which destroyed: 26, abandoned: 16, captured: 36)

Infantry Fighting Vehicles (121, of which destroyed: 43, abandoned: 25, captured: 50)

Armoured Personnel Carriers (49, of which destroyed: 14, abandoned: 10, captured: 25)

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (4, of which destroyed: 2, captured: 2)

Infantry Mobility Vehicles (34, of which destroyed: 18, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2, captured: 11)

Communications Stations (8, of which destroyed: 2, abandoned: 4, captured: 2)

Engineering Vehicles (35, of which destroyed: 10, abandoned: 10, captured: 15)

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (47, of which captured: 47)

Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (16, of which captured: 16)

Heavy Mortars (3, of which captured: 3)

Towed Artillery (24, of which destroyed: 4, abandoned: 3, captured: 17)

Self-Propelled Artillery (18, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 9, captured: 6)

Multiple Rocket Launchers (17, of which destroyed: 6, abandoned: 2, captured: 9)

Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns (7, of which destroyed: 5, abandoned: 2)

Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (21, of which destroyed: 9, damaged: 1, abandoned: 3, captured: 8)

Radars (1, of which destroyed: 1)

Jammers And Deception Systems (1, of which damaged: 1)

Aircraft (10, of which destroyed: 10)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2, of which destroyed: 1, captured: 1)

Helicopters (10, of which destroyed: 7, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2)

Logistics Trains (2, of which destroyed: 2)

Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (255, of which destroyed: 126, damaged: 6, abandoned: 35, captured: 88)

Ukraine stole more equipment from Russia than they lost so far (!)

So much abandoned equipment from russian side, moral is low. They dont want to fight this war.

:DLast edit: 06/03/2022 23:08

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 07 2022 16:03. Posts 6291

Peace is the way

vancouver la belle vie mid life 

CurbStomp2   Finland. Mar 07 2022 20:28. Posts 285

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 07 2022 22:17. Posts 6291

peace is the way
feel bad for europe esp the people in russia n ukraine. innocent causalties

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 31/03/2023 21:06

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Mar 07 2022 23:53. Posts 5118

Another one... this war is a disaster for Russia...

:DLast edit: 07/03/2022 23:53

Baalim   Mexico. Mar 08 2022 10:00. Posts 34267

A week ago I thought Putin was going out with the pressure from the sanctions but I recently read an article about how Putin's support raised 10% and most Russians think this was caused by NATO, and nothing cements a dictatorship like misery and the perception of an enemy caused this which in this case is partially true, so yeah the population will suffer but Putin will remain in power for a very long time.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Mar 08 2022 10:26. Posts 3096

went up 10% at what point? Because I've also seen that his support has increased because of the Ukraine situation - but that was only before the actual invasion of the whole country (which seems to have come as a surprise to most russians) and also before the sanctions were put in place.

I'm not saying that this conflict and the response to it is gonna spell doom for Putin's domestic support, but I'd like to see your source and what the date of said source is. My impression (which I also have no source for, basically just sharing sentiments from a handful of russians that I've come across) is that Russians were overall rather supportive of taking Crimea, that they were probably also supportive of the recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk, but that a full blown invasion of Ukraine has significantly less popular support. Of course, it's hard to tell to what degree russians get any real information on what is happening - younger russians who speak English and use the internet seem very negative, but russians who get their information from state owned and controlled russian media will have a very different understanding.

lol POKER 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 08 2022 19:41. Posts 5345

I only have my personal anecdotes and polls are not really trustworthy samples, but I would have thought this would make Putin unpopular. I would have guessed this would have a similar effect to George Bush-he went from being the most popular president to the least popular because of Iraq, as well as making America the most hated country in the world.

Yeah, all the young Russians I know are very cynical of Putin. Russia's economic prospects seem fairly bleak to me, their main money maker is a resource that won't be competitive in 10-20 years. So what are they going to do once it runs out? Putins model of kleptocracy over industrialization is not going to be good for him in the long run.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

whammbot   Belarus. Mar 10 2022 10:27. Posts 523

First of all. Russia wasn't attacked like the US was (911). It's only Putin's paranoia that's been fueling this hatred for NATO and the West. Young ordinary Russians are either playing CSGO or showing their ass off on instagram.
Whether Putin is "right" in his invasion or not, he can't win public opinion this way. This was very well played(?) by the EU and the West.

Sure there might have not been any nukes but it was sold well (because of 911). Ukraine is very much Russia, Iraq is hardly America, it's easier to fear/hate a boogeyman that you have very little in common with.

 Last edit: 10/03/2022 10:35

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 10 2022 15:56. Posts 6291

Peace is the way

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 11/03/2022 06:24

CurbStomp2   Finland. Mar 10 2022 18:17. Posts 285

  On March 10 2022 14:56 lostaccount wrote:
Lol do u really believe 911 wasn’t a inside job to take away more of ur rights. U can’t trust the establishment. They are our enemies

I've never heard of a single reputable person who thinks 911 was an inside job. That's Alex Jones tier shit.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 10 2022 18:59. Posts 5345

Putin does not strike me as paranoid and I doubt he wanted to invade ukraine. I think it's more of a lose/lose situation, where he decided to invade because he'd lose credibility if he didn't-he already warned for years that if NATO expands to ukraine that he will attack. Nevertheless, his decision is a serious war crime.

Iraq has about as much to do with 911 and scotland does. So why didn't the US invade scotland because of 911?

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 10 2022 21:02. Posts 6291

Peace is the way

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 11/03/2022 06:25

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 10 2022 21:06. Posts 6291

Peace is the way for the AI bots

vancouver la belle vie mid lifeLast edit: 11/03/2022 06:26

whammbot   Belarus. Mar 11 2022 01:12. Posts 523

  On March 10 2022 17:59 Stroggoz wrote:
Putin does not strike me as paranoid and I doubt he wanted to invade ukraine. I think it's more of a lose/lose situation, where he decided to invade because he'd lose credibility if he didn't-he already warned for years that if NATO expands to ukraine that he will attack. Nevertheless, his decision is a serious war crime.

Iraq has about as much to do with 911 and scotland does. So why didn't the US invade scotland because of 911?

He has billionaires from the opposition locked in jail or poisoned, just like Xi does. He's definitely on the paranoid side.


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