Russia - 818, of which: destroyed: 319, damaged: 10, abandoned: 147, captured: 342 (!)
Tanks (120, of which destroyed: 32, damaged: 2, abandoned: 26, captured: 59)
Armoured Fighting Vehicles (79, of which destroyed: 26, abandoned: 16, captured: 36)
Infantry Fighting Vehicles (121, of which destroyed: 43, abandoned: 25, captured: 50)
Armoured Personnel Carriers (49, of which destroyed: 14, abandoned: 10, captured: 25)
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (4, of which destroyed: 2, captured: 2)
Infantry Mobility Vehicles (34, of which destroyed: 18, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2, captured: 11)
Communications Stations (8, of which destroyed: 2, abandoned: 4, captured: 2)
Engineering Vehicles (35, of which destroyed: 10, abandoned: 10, captured: 15)
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (47, of which captured: 47)
Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (16, of which captured: 16)
Heavy Mortars (3, of which captured: 3)
Towed Artillery (24, of which destroyed: 4, abandoned: 3, captured: 17)
Self-Propelled Artillery (18, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 9, captured: 6)
Multiple Rocket Launchers (17, of which destroyed: 6, abandoned: 2, captured: 9)
Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns (7, of which destroyed: 5, abandoned: 2)
Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (21, of which destroyed: 9, damaged: 1, abandoned: 3, captured: 8)
Radars (1, of which destroyed: 1)
Jammers And Deception Systems (1, of which damaged: 1)
Aircraft (10, of which destroyed: 10)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2, of which destroyed: 1, captured: 1)
Helicopters (10, of which destroyed: 7, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2)
Logistics Trains (2, of which destroyed: 2)
Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (255, of which destroyed: 126, damaged: 6, abandoned: 35, captured: 88)
Ukraine stole more equipment from Russia than they lost so far (!)
So much abandoned equipment from russian side, moral is low. They dont want to fight this war.