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Robbi cheating allegations - Page 2

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NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 07 2022 23:00. Posts 4946

  On October 07 2022 09:00 Big_Rob_isback wrote:She is a winning player in the game........she knows how to play poker.

Does she though? Her first excuse as soon as the cards are turned over is "i thought you had ace high".

bye nowLast edit: 07/10/2022 23:01

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 08 2022 02:15. Posts 4946

- Calls it off with J4 for $100k, can't coherently explain why
- Quickly returns the money when confronted
- An inside member of HCL production team with a lengthy criminal record is confirmed to take 10% of her winnings from her stack (not one of the other 8 players)
- Robbi does not report the $15k missing at Hustler, despite extreme scrutiny on her stack and play that evening -- and a live staking arrangement
- HCL thief with criminal record has a desk directly behind real time hole card graphics computer in the office, with a filing cabinet blocking surveillance line of sight
- Robbi and HCL thief follow each other on social media
- HCL thief is the one to mic Robbi up the night of
- Robbi declines to press charges against HCL thief despite having an extremely litigious husband
- Robbi is inconsistent about reasoning for "the call", switching between stories
- Robbi confirmed staked in the game despite claiming that these sums of money are absolutely nothing to her

bye now 

drone666   Brasil. Oct 08 2022 03:58. Posts 1825

Garrett thread with his evidences

Dont listen to anything I say 

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 08 2022 06:00. Posts 13159

Rekrul is a newb 

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 08 2022 08:37. Posts 34267

LOLOL She is a narcisitic psychopath.

95% guilty to me now fwiw.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

FrinkX   United States. Oct 08 2022 09:50. Posts 7562

Everyone keeps saying stuff like "why would she choose this situation when she can cheat safely and get her money in good"

... because she isnt doing it for the money, hence giving the money back np. She wants fame. She wants to be the chick who pwned someone with the best call ever, in the highest stakes on tv. Unfortunately for her she's too dumb to know if what she's doing and went with a spot that gave it away.

She's an instagram slut with botox whos initial response to Garrett was to say "owned". Lol

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

PoorUser    United States. Oct 08 2022 17:43. Posts 7472

  On October 08 2022 07:37 Baalim wrote:

LOLOL She is a narcisitic psychopath.

95% guilty to me now fwiw.

Pretty conservative estimate imo.

Gambler Emeritus 

vasoline73   United States. Oct 09 2022 02:00. Posts 810

Mike Postle was cheating and it was obvious looking at his behavior and mannerisms in hindsight. This hand not so much. I am willing to believe that since she's a woman I am subconsciously inclined to believe/sympathize with her though.

The idea that she's smart enough to never call with J high there but also dumb enough to be unaware "calling would make it obvious she was cheating" is ridiculous. Which is what Garett claims.

Giving back the money is fucking weird. But scammers don't usually say "lol just a prank sorry bro" and give money back. They double down and start asking "what's your proof?" Giving back the money is the ultimate sign of guilt.... she just gives herself and her scam up at the first sign of suspicion? What did Postle do when he was accused? Dude went on the offensive and denied like a mofo. As scammers/cheaters do. As far as the kid who took the 15k... if she is the type to give away +100k she earned rightfully then she is unlikely to press charges over 15k. Big and unusual "if" though.

Burden of proof is on accuser. Don't think it's been demonstrated that she's a cheater. A weird fucking chick sure (who would give that money back?) IMO only

Edit: Pretty obvious I don’t know S about the situation so... just ignore post/treat as speculation.

 Last edit: 09/10/2022 03:19

FrinkX   United States. Oct 09 2022 02:13. Posts 7562


bitch on a pension suck my dong 

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 10 2022 03:02. Posts 13159

I'm back home now.

Can't wait for more info to get leaked.

Rekrul is a newb 

asdf2000   United States. Oct 10 2022 05:35. Posts 7708

It was obvious to me she was guilty when she couldn't explain it. Not only that but she easily gave back the money, which is hilariously absurd. She is dumb, and a cheater. She has the toughness to call down this much money but collapses when garret wants his money back? That makes literally no sense. None of it made sense. People are so fucking naive. At least Garrett isn't.

This reminds me of when zest was obviously cheating and then like half of TL somehow couldn't see the most obvious thing in the world.

Like sure, anything is possible. Maybe it's just a series of meaningless random events right? I'd go with 99% likely it was cheating.

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right.Last edit: 10/10/2022 05:36

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 11 2022 03:50. Posts 4946

After analyzing her tweeted screenshots people noticed the HCL thief shares the same grammar tics in her previous posts. Frequent use of " ... " and "wouldn't not". She clearly faked the screenshots. 100% guilt now.

  On October 09 2022 01:00 vasoline73 wrote:The idea that she's smart enough to never call with J high there but also dumb enough to be unaware "calling would make it obvious she was cheating" is ridiculous.......

Postle was an actual poker player too and yet he just full blown superuse'd every session. I think sometimes people just cant help themselves and are overcome with greed. She has a spot to double up her backer, maybe she gets to keep 90% of the profits and she's hard up for cash so she cant pass on 100k. Or she just wants to impress her backer so he continues putting her in these games or even bigger ones. Maybe she thinks she'll get invited to PAD or whatever else is out there after demonstrating her elite soul reads. In the heat of the moment, being a dumbass bitch, I think there's plenty of reasons why someone would cheat in plain sight and be cocky enough to think they can get away with it.

  What did Postle do when he was accused? Dude went on the offensive and denied like a mofo.

Thats exactly what she's doing now. Postle was not caught red handed. Who knows how he would have handled things if someone pulled his ass to the rail and confronted him. He had the time to sleep on it and mount his rebuttal, robbi did not.

bye now 

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 12 2022 05:42. Posts 13159

Haralabob and Robbi are on the show. Still early in the show, so no idea who else will join.

Edit: Things got spicy when Robbi and Julie Yorn were on this episode together...

Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 12/10/2022 07:28

lostaccount   Canada. Oct 13 2022 13:37. Posts 6291

lol ez game

vancouver la belle vie mid life 

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 14 2022 04:26. Posts 13159

Rekrul is a newb 

vasoline73   United States. Oct 15 2022 09:49. Posts 810

Watching her and Dwan talk now. I was on team "she's innocent" but damn she unlikeable in this interview. She seems all over the place/crazy. Not saying she's guilty because of it but man...........

vasoline73   United States. Oct 15 2022 10:51. Posts 810

There is psychology behind never submitting to interrogations without lawyer present, even when innocent. Even without significant duress innocent people have confessed to crimes they haven't committed. Innocent people are often caught in inconsistencies. Psychological response is often irrational. Especially under stress, lack of sleep, facing novelty, etc. An innocent person's initial desire to be open is not at all perceived by those looking for guilt. An innocent person's flawed character will be utilized as evidence even if it's not applicable. There is a reason we assume innocence until proven guilty. Psychologically it's easy to assume guilt.

Robbi is intensely unlikeable in that interview lol. If she's innocent and giving interviews to "prove that she's innocent" she's naïve. Again, she could be guilty. Dunno.

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 15 2022 18:26. Posts 13159

  On October 15 2022 09:51 vasoline73 wrote:
There is psychology behind never submitting to interrogations without lawyer present, even when innocent. Even without significant duress innocent people have confessed to crimes they haven't committed. Innocent people are often caught in inconsistencies. Psychological response is often irrational. Especially under stress, lack of sleep, facing novelty, etc. An innocent person's initial desire to be open is not at all perceived by those looking for guilt. An innocent person's flawed character will be utilized as evidence even if it's not applicable. There is a reason we assume innocence until proven guilty. Psychologically it's easy to assume guilt.

Robbi is intensely unlikeable in that interview lol. If she's innocent and giving interviews to "prove that she's innocent" she's naïve. Again, she could be guilty. Dunno.


She never directly answers a question. Every time she responds to a question, she first says a bunch of shit like she's a politician, then rarely ever responds to the original question.

Rekrul is a newb 

FrinkX   United States. Oct 19 2022 01:26. Posts 7562

i've enjoyed following this but will draw the line at having to hear her speak on a podcast. I kill enough of my braincells as it is.

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

SpasticInk   Sweden. Oct 23 2022 23:39. Posts 6298

Seems very guilty to me. A bad poker player playing in a huge cash game, being affiliated with a lot of sketchy people around, and then playing that hand and winning not understanding how fucking crazy and obvious it will look. I don't think it's either dumb or cheating, it's both.

I think he controlled himself well considering everything.


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