On September 19 2024 01:16 RiKD wrote:
Just had a breakthrough in my novel. I wonder what I could do if I just cut out LP completely?
You would have nowhere else to share your thoughts.
You might be right.
RiKD   United States. Sep 19 2024 19:30. Posts 9127
On September 19 2024 06:14 CurbStomp2 wrote:
What happened to coding? Do you have some free community college system where you could do an IT-degree online?
I enrolled to an university of applied sciences to get a bachelors degree in business information systems and it's quite fun.
I did pick up coding again. Working through the book Python 3 The Hard Way by Zed Shaw. Wrote my first little ditty all on my own the other day which ran and was fun. It's mostly just copying code out of the book and getting it to run and hopefully learning something in the process. Not sure if that is the most efficient way to learn. I am not expecting a whole lot either. Just a hobby for now. Not sure if I can ever catch up AI in coding.
RiKD   United States. Sep 19 2024 19:36. Posts 9127
On September 19 2024 08:51 lostaccount wrote:
rikd if u ever publish a book I’ll buy one maybe that’s how u make it big with a novel
I don't expect to make it big in any aspect of the mainstream. I don't know if I'll ever publish a novel but writing them can be fun. I first need to write something that I really like myself before I would want to share it with anyone.
Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 20 2024 01:36. Posts 5345
I think the first 2 courses from MIT ocw are the best python courses i took. The ones for first years. The only issue is they dont even cover data structures that much, which is the most important thing in coding. If you do those two courses + a data structures and alg, you still wont get a coding job, but will be on your way to being a good coder.
The job market for coding jobs is pretty tough atm. You need 4 year degree and maybe a masters to get a decent coding job typically. That said knowing how to do basic code is certainly a lot better than not knowing.
On September 19 2024 06:14 CurbStomp2 wrote:
What happened to coding? Do you have some free community college system where you could do an IT-degree online?
I enrolled to an university of applied sciences to get a bachelors degree in business information systems and it's quite fun.
Not sure if I can ever catch up AI in coding.
Its worth staying away from the temptations of using LLMs until you get a good understanding of the basics of computer science.
I think at this point AI has or will replace most code with writing pseudocode. Most SWE use AI to code ALOT now. That said, writing pseudocode is a skill and you have to have technical understanding to write good pseudocode. Perhaps in the future software engineers wont need to understand much about computer science but for now, AI has replacing much of coding with writing pseudocode. It's not going to replace coders anytime soon though.
One of the ironic things about LLMs is that they tend to get worse when trained on too much of their own AI generated code. Its known as "model collapse". https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07566-y
Most of the code that they train LLMs on now has use AI to detect whether its AI generated code so that they can filter out the AI generated code to get better quality training data. Because they train a lot of it off code they find on the internet by coders that used LLMs to generate it...
There are lots of dumb Anti Hype takes, and lots of really really dumb AI Hype takes. The truth is they are a very useful tool that provide a lot of productivity growth, but they are yet to be much more than that.
One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings
Last edit: 20/09/2024 01:56
RiKD   United States. Sep 21 2024 02:13. Posts 9127
I'm through week 1. That's doing everything. I got the textbook too. Not a bad flow I just have to see how I want to get it done. It's also a dream on my desktop computer setup. I am going to be out of town next week we'll see how my 'ole Lenovo Thinkpad handles it all on the tiny screen. I think the pace and setup of the MIT course will be better than the book I'm working on. I still might work on the book too. It's actually kind of relaxing just copying code and trying to figure it out and doing some of the study drills but I could probably be doing better activities for recovery and winding down.
RiKD   United States. Sep 21 2024 02:38. Posts 9127
I really like the Atom text editor. It's all I've known but this Spyder IDE while not as pretty is a fucking beast.
RiKD   United States. Sep 21 2024 03:21. Posts 9127
I'm spending entirely too much time on what font I want lol. I could have read the required reading or watched another lecture by now. It's past my bedtime too.
RiKD   United States. Sep 22 2024 01:24. Posts 9127
Currently listening to Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85 - 92. It's gotta be one of the all time best albums to code to.
RiKD   United States. Sep 22 2024 02:21. Posts 9127
Burial or Aphex Twin?
No reason to choose a winner. Just enjoy the bliss.
RiKD   United States. Sep 22 2024 03:10. Posts 9127
I am trying to think if I would want LP in dark mode. I think yes but nostalgia says no. Also, the font is decent.
RiKD   United States. Sep 22 2024 03:14. Posts 9127
I prefer a slash or a dot in the zero
RiKD   United States. Sep 22 2024 03:41. Posts 9127
My reflections, my thoughts:
I like the song Paris, Texas by Lana Del Rey. I LOVE the film Paris, Texas by Wim Wenders.
I hope I don't just binge on Python and quit in a week. It's a long road and that's how I should look at it.
I played poker and really got into it for 3 months there. GTOWiz is the shit. I think back on that season kind of highly even though it didn't really amount to much on paper. I think learning to code decently is more value than learning to beat like 100 NL even if the coding efforts don't immediately land me a job. I practiced coding most of the day today and I didn't think about killing myself.