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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 120

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dogmeat   Czech Republic. Dec 11 2008 07:07. Posts 6374

  On December 10 2008 13:22 TheTank wrote:
This one isn't a picture, or a video, but rather a scenario that happened about 20 minutes ago. As i am walking into the gym of my school, another guy is walking out. As we walk past each other, i notice he is giving me this "wow wtf is that guy doing look". With scantron and pencil in hand, i thought it looked fairly obvious i was fixing to take an exam, and was starring back at him with my own "go to hell look" to counter his look of "wtf". Feeling a victory in the starring contest, i continue toward my destination when about 10 seconds later i feel a cold chill on my pecker. I look down, and my zipper is undone and my cock is hanging out of my

floofy see? that's THE GAME

ban baal 

sirracksalot   United States. Dec 11 2008 07:19. Posts 2299

  On December 11 2008 04:27 matdon460 wrote:

The Lizzy in question


haters gonna hate 

capaneo   Canada. Dec 11 2008 08:27. Posts 8465

  On December 11 2008 04:27 matdon460 wrote:

The Lizzy in question

explain this. I have no idea what da fuck is this. WTF is the msg talking about anyway.

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

Perisie   . Dec 11 2008 08:28. Posts 801

i dont get it, she had first time of what? :D


Brobebrato   Bulgaria. Dec 11 2008 08:36. Posts 276

ahahahahah that's such a big leveling rofl :D

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat  

Perisie   . Dec 11 2008 08:37. Posts 801

 Last edit: 11/12/2008 08:38

Loco   Canada. Dec 11 2008 12:22. Posts 20967

  On December 11 2008 07:27 capaneo wrote:
Show nested quote +

explain this. I have no idea what da fuck is this. WTF is the msg talking about anyway.

she lost her virginity on the beach... thats what girls make a big deal about the first time. pretty obv. so she must've wanted to send the txt to her best friend... but instead sent it to her dad.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Sheitan   Canada. Dec 11 2008 12:45. Posts 4217

  On December 11 2008 00:24 DooMeR wrote:
IMO he didnt get KOd looks liek he threw himself back to call it a no contest i mean the punch dosnet seem that strong

- jorge

It doesn't need to be strong, just accurate you can knock the toughest guys with a solid punch to the jaws/temporal or liver.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 11/12/2008 12:45

NotSorry   United States. Dec 11 2008 13:43. Posts 2603

  On December 11 2008 11:45 Sheitan wrote:
Show nested quote +

It doesn't need to be strong, just accurate you can knock the toughest guys with a solid punch to the jaws/temporal or liver.
Unless they are Big Nog then even a truck can't take him out. (literally)

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

Loco   Canada. Dec 11 2008 15:38. Posts 20967

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

Steal City   United States. Dec 11 2008 18:08. Posts 2537

i don't think she lost her virginity, i think it was just her first time having had sex on the beach
that would suck if u lost ur virginity on a beach

fucking sand  

Loco   Canada. Dec 11 2008 18:43. Posts 20967

oh right that makes a lot of sense too.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

capaneo   Canada. Dec 11 2008 19:08. Posts 8465

Then why is she saying to someone "wish you were here?"
Also why the dad says her name daughter name at the end?
And what da fuck is up with the picture is what I really dont get. How did the poster got his hand on the picture of the girl + the snapshot of the of her phone?
And what da fuck kind of name is lizzy anyway?

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

masterfrywad   United States. Dec 11 2008 19:14. Posts 329

some guy who knew her gave her pic to a radio station or something
lizzy is a nickname for elizabeth

Brobebrato   Bulgaria. Dec 11 2008 20:52. Posts 276


Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat  

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 11 2008 22:13. Posts 34261

lolzcapaneo indeed

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

collegesucks   United States. Dec 12 2008 03:58. Posts 5780

ugh how do you embed videos from a site other than youtube?

 Last edit: 12/12/2008 04:00

capaneo   Canada. Dec 12 2008 04:23. Posts 8465

Whats your guys problem? I'm just saying the story doesn't add up thats all.

In US everyone is happy as long as all the prices are rising. Unless its crude oil - Marc Faber 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 12 2008 04:30. Posts 8918

I cant tell if capaneo seriously doesnt understand or is just trolling, lolzcapaneo either way.

SakiSaki    Sweden. Dec 12 2008 09:55. Posts 9685

Haha this is hilarious, not everyday you see a nobel prize winner post lolcats on his blog

what wackass site is this nigga?  


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