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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 152

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SfydjkLm   Belarus. Feb 14 2009 10:52. Posts 3810

  On February 14 2009 08:42 CrownRoyal wrote:
Show nested quote +

it says woman at the very top so apparently your reading comprehension is off the hook

Yea i'd like u to point exactly where it says that.
Man, youre more tilting then capaneo, at least he has the wit to make it entertaining.

*wink wink* 

aseq   Netherlands. Feb 14 2009 11:40. Posts 894

  On February 14 2009 09:52 SfydjkLm wrote:
Show nested quote +

Yea i'd like u to point exactly where it says that.
Man, youre more tilting then capaneo, at least he has the wit to make it entertaining.

Suppose he thought the wm in the title meant woman...

Pokemyface   Australia. Feb 14 2009 13:16. Posts 762

  On February 14 2009 07:33 Catul wrote:
For those who don't read the rail heaven :

HAHAHAHAHA so true...

Live, and let live. 

hiddink88   United States. Feb 14 2009 13:19. Posts 517

wm = white male

it was only 25 to win a pot of 50 

CrownRoyal   United States. Feb 14 2009 14:40. Posts 11385


fuck all of you


Stim_Abuser   United States. Feb 15 2009 00:38. Posts 7499

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

Ket    United Kingdom. Feb 15 2009 00:40. Posts 8665


HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 15 2009 01:18. Posts 10896


Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 15 2009 04:05. Posts 5647

rofl! dog fears alligator

CrownRoyal   United States. Feb 15 2009 04:30. Posts 11385

it gets progressively funnier every time i watch it



dogmeat   Czech Republic. Feb 15 2009 04:42. Posts 6374

ban baal 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Feb 15 2009 05:15. Posts 6374

  when i quit uni for poker (i was 100% failing anyway, poker or no) i got up to ~$7k, moved country, became even more of a degenerate, quit playing because drinking beer was more fun, and now owe someone like $2k which i have no chance in hell of paying back until at least the next 2 years.

  To me, poker is like another MMORPG, you get cheap thrills after getting some nice weapon and armour, or leveling up, but in the end you are losing so much more. It's just the same thing over and over again, you wake up waste your day leveling up to get new items which are only new for a while.

ban baal 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Feb 15 2009 05:21. Posts 6374

  Yeah, poker is terrible. The promise of riches makes you a sad social degenerate. People look at successful poker players and don't realise how pathetic they actually are.

Kinda reminds of this guy I heard about named Bill. That loser dropped out of Harvard to pursue some stupid dream of starting his own computer company. I mean, this was when computers were so sexy, every geek wanted to own one. In fact, they wanted to build their own. He was obviously seduced by the glamour. He then spent years without a social life, personally reviewing all the codes his start up company wrote. People would be like, "where's Bill?" and those who knew would say, "oh, he's in his garage writing code again. He's really good at it."

He's the world's third richest man now, married with kids, gives generously to good causes and is highly respected, but damn, that kind of life is just not for me.

Besides, I'm sure computers are losing their popularity.

really good

ban baal 

SpoR   United States. Feb 15 2009 06:59. Posts 1254

  On February 11 2009 21:46 lazymej wrote:
"Ideally no more than 115 lbs
I like my women with some meat on them"

Does not compute

well if he wants a petite asian chick who is like 5 foot nothin then that is actually a bit heavy as most of the girls that height are like 80-105 but yea, it is kinda pushing the verbage.


NotSorry   United States. Feb 15 2009 12:17. Posts 2603

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

FeARFaCT   United States. Feb 16 2009 05:26. Posts 496 

Ket    United Kingdom. Feb 16 2009 05:47. Posts 8665

hahaha he was only 4tabling too, understandable if he was trying to 24 table whore it like the rest of us and didnt notice

palak   United States. Feb 16 2009 06:00. Posts 4601

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

The72o   Zimbabwe. Feb 16 2009 07:38. Posts 6112


A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

Cray0ns   United States. Feb 16 2009 11:18. Posts 993

Edit: Cray0ns may be a bigger idiot than Confederate

 Last edit: 16/02/2009 11:29


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