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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 187

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KingKory   United States. Mar 31 2009 19:37. Posts 2083

  On March 31 2009 17:35 TalentedTom wrote:

The camera flash that goes off just after the statue hits the ground is perfect.

Catul   France. Apr 01 2009 03:45. Posts 1460

  On March 31 2009 18:20 Baal wrote:
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didnt you know, this is my fail thread


Bonus picture :

Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand. 

Highcard   Canada. Apr 01 2009 04:11. Posts 5428

the most annoying thing I ever saw

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

Highcard   Canada. Apr 01 2009 04:12. Posts 5428

Has become a carnivore

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the timeLast edit: 01/04/2009 04:14

CrownRoyal   United States. Apr 01 2009 05:31. Posts 11385

reposting for the loco lulz


TheGuru   Sweden. Apr 01 2009 07:34. Posts 532

  On March 31 2009 14:28 Mig wrote:
There have been huge huge debates on different forums about if you put an airplane on a conveyor belt and had the airplane moving at the same speed in the opposite direction would the airplane take off. So basically whether a plane whose wheels are traveling like 100 mph or whatever but isant moving anywhere will be able to reach flight. I think this is the jist of it I didnt really get into it but there were tons of physics people arguing over it.

I think this question is not asked in the right way. The question originally was a plane (not the wheels) was going 100 mph on a conveyor belt going the other way at the same speed, will it lift?

In this case I think it clear that the plane will move relative to the air, the belt will just add some extra resistance and make the wheels move twice as fast. The plane will take off when reaching the right speed.

There is no such thing as luck. There is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe. - Robert A. Heinlein (Time Enough for Love) 

TheGuru   Sweden. Apr 01 2009 07:40. Posts 532

I guess it's possible to keep the plane from moving if the accelerating force is constant, but that would pretty soon make the speed of the conveyor go towards infinity. If we are ok with this the plane could be kept standing still and will not take off.

There is no such thing as luck. There is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe. - Robert A. Heinlein (Time Enough for Love) 

Sean.G   Norway. Apr 01 2009 10:28. Posts 238

  On March 31 2009 14:39 maxousek wrote:
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you are wrong Baal.... the plane does not have powered wheels like a car for example.... so it does not matter if the belt is moving or not, the plane will go forward with the same speed, it will lose only a little speed by friction.It will get air under its wings and it will flight

but not this one on this picture, cuz the wings cant fit into the hole of the frame

To end all this silly nonsense, maxousek is correct.

The wheels of the airplane do not drive it forward - the propeller is what creates the forward force and has nothing to do with the ground. Therefore, no matter how fast the wheels spin, the airplane will still get "pulled" through the air by the propeller and take off.

Back on thread :D

Poker is quiet war; it is tidy bloodlust; it is ripping the guts out of the guy next to you and tossing them back in his face with a pair of aces. 

Ket    United Kingdom. Apr 01 2009 14:24. Posts 8665

slightly long but amazing

The72o   Zimbabwe. Apr 01 2009 15:12. Posts 6112

this is old, but funny as hell ;]

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

lebowski   Greece. Apr 01 2009 16:07. Posts 9205

"you fucking cunt!" haha

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 01 2009 19:09. Posts 9685

  On April 01 2009 14:12 The72o wrote:

this is old, but funny as hell ;]

OMG this cracks me up everytime ahhaha So fucking good

what wackass site is this nigga?  

luddite   United States. Apr 01 2009 21:32. Posts 398

  On April 01 2009 02:45 Catul wrote:

Bonus picture :

I don't know this guy at all, but I have a strong desire to punch him in the face lol.

Cray0ns   United States. Apr 01 2009 23:15. Posts 993

He's a legend over at douchebagsandhotchicks.

bane   United States. Apr 01 2009 23:24. Posts 2379

deep v necks all day

SemPeR   Canada. Apr 02 2009 03:13. Posts 2288


 Last edit: 02/04/2009 03:21

MysticJoey   Poland. Apr 02 2009 03:15. Posts 1430

SemPeR   Canada. Apr 02 2009 03:23. Posts 2288

AHAHAH, ghetto black names was fucking awesome.

ToTehEastSide   United States. Apr 02 2009 03:43. Posts 1337

thought this one was pretty cool

fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity 

Sliggy   Australia. Apr 02 2009 03:48. Posts 742

  On April 02 2009 02:15 MysticJoey wrote:

omg that's fucking amazing



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