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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 227

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Loco   Canada. May 25 2009 10:53. Posts 20967

haven't contributed to this thread in a long... long time now...

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

The72o   Zimbabwe. May 25 2009 10:55. Posts 6112

omg loco i loled so hard hahahah

A Hard Way to Make an Easy Living 

Webjoker   Netherlands. May 25 2009 11:00. Posts 435

Baalim   Mexico. May 25 2009 12:37. Posts 34261

hahahahaha the statue

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

fakeshaver   United States. May 25 2009 13:21. Posts 1313

the reaction from the crowd is so funny. they start booing before the name

TheTank   United States. May 25 2009 13:28. Posts 830

"I am pretty sure they'll take dan marino..."

sigh...its like they are throwing money out of a helicopter and i dont have any i just break even. 

SfydjkLm   Belarus. May 25 2009 13:45. Posts 3810

  On May 25 2009 12:21 fakeshaver wrote:

the reaction from the crowd is so funny. they start booing before the name

UMM,,, okay?

*wink wink* 

Gawuss   Poland. May 25 2009 14:25. Posts 2336

we don't get it, we're not American

When people ask: What nationality is this guy raking in all the pots? The answer invariably comes back Poland, Poland. Again and again - Karma 

JonnyCosMo   United States. May 25 2009 14:54. Posts 7292

For all the dota players here:

Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Night[Mare]   Mexico. May 25 2009 14:56. Posts 599

  On May 25 2009 13:25 Gawuss wrote:
we don't get it, we're not American


dcsscd hijo de pinos 

Steal City   United States. May 25 2009 15:24. Posts 2537

  On May 25 2009 13:56 Night[Mare] wrote:
Show nested quote +



Syntax   United States. May 25 2009 15:25. Posts 4415

i find the ugly asian woman ones like 0 funny

and LAWL at the statue

wut wut wut 

bananarama   New Zealand. May 25 2009 16:43. Posts 282

street fighter fans

Day[9]   United States. May 25 2009 16:48. Posts 3447

N3CR0S   Czech Republic. May 25 2009 16:57. Posts 279

^^^ lol how she's confused about that :D

Silver_nz   New Zealand. May 26 2009 02:32. Posts 5647

roffffl day[9] where do you get these epic gifs!!! hahahah p.s. love your SC podcasts ^_^_^

collegesucks   United States. May 26 2009 02:39. Posts 5780

collegesucks   United States. May 26 2009 02:50. Posts 5780

nixxxbg   Bulgaria. May 26 2009 07:38. Posts 436

loooooooooooooll, that is good day[9]

LazyFisH   Australia. May 26 2009 07:42. Posts 686

Phil Hellmuth, Mike Mattusow and Scotty Nguyen find themselves stranded in the countryside one day after getting busted from an underground poker game out in the mid-west. This is many years after their hey-day. Scotty Nguyen failed to cash for $4m at the 2009 WSOP and so kept his word and retired from the tournament circuit. Phil Hellmuth also showed some class and in 2009 and left UB thinking he'd be snapped up by another poker site....but name came calling. And finally Mike Mattusow's book that he invested heavily in failed to sell, so he was broke once again and found himself playing in underground games with his two old mates.

Anyhow, down on their luck they were broke and hungry. After hours of walking they finally came across and orchard in a big country farm. As they were starving they jumped up to pull apples from the branches. They were filling their pockets when they heard a loud shout "Hey that's stealing!" - it was Russ Hamilton, a landowner. He was furious that someone was stealing from him.

The three donks ran for their life, but he chased them as fast as he could screaming after them. As younger men than Russ, they opened up a distance and then came across a barn. They decided to hide in the barn until the coast was clear. The barn was full of animals and farm produce. There were so many farm animal noises - the barn was chaos. There were sacks of animals lined up against the barn wall. The fast thinking men saw three empty sacks and decided that the sacks would be great hiding places.

Mattusow hid in the first sack, he pulled it tight over his head. Scotty was close behind him jumping in the second sack. Hellmuth the last of the three.

Unfortunately Russ Hamilton had seen the men scurry into the barn. He burst through the doors and raced around the barn. He thought that he heard a grunt in the far corner amonst all the animal squarks. In the corner he saw the three large sacks. He approached the first one and gave it a kick. "Meoooow" - Mattusow sounded, The same again with the second one containing Scotty "woof, woof" he let out. Finally he saw the third sack containning Hellmuth. He gave it an almighty kick..... "Potato" Helmuth exclaimed.


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