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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 280

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genjix   China. Aug 07 2009 13:57. Posts 2677

we got it the joke. it was just unoriginal and gay

yes im 20 yo hipster

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 07 2009 14:21. Posts 4946

Calling this gay is so level 1 thinking

bye now 

Svenman87   United States. Aug 07 2009 15:13. Posts 4636

  On August 07 2009 13:21 NewbSaibot wrote:
Calling this gay is so level 1 thinking


JonnyCosMo   United States. Aug 07 2009 20:27. Posts 7292

  On August 07 2009 14:13 Svenman87 wrote:
Show nested quote +



Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Baalim   Mexico. Aug 07 2009 21:33. Posts 34260

  On August 07 2009 12:48 NewbSaibot wrote:
+1 in defense of wedding video. It was very charming. Only a certain class of people are going to enjoy that, typically your older more mature class, who are in relationships or have considered marriage can understand the significance of this video. Whats so special about it is the fact that this couple has such an array of eclectic friends willing to pull this off for them. Most people in this world are a bunch of shy introverted self-conscious pussies who would never be willing to get on stage and put themselves out there like that. Not only was this couple fearless, so were their friends. You have to have a pretty deep friendship with people to get them to do this. Weddings are all about celebration, it's supposed to be a fun day. Most weddings are boring as shit and people attend out of expectation. This one was done from the heart.

Oh, and for those too dimwitted to catch the self-mockery, these people clearly handpicked their goofy "black" dance moves to go with the music. The humor lies directly within the fact that you have a bunch of overweight boring white collar people doing ghetto shit.

I imagine those who think the video is "gay" and full of "fags" are probably no more than 21 years old.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

palak   United States. Aug 07 2009 21:36. Posts 4601

  On August 07 2009 20:33 Baal wrote:
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o god win

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 07 2009 23:54. Posts 4946

bye nowLast edit: 08/08/2009 00:14

Steal City   United States. Aug 08 2009 07:24. Posts 2537

It's been pretty long buvt i love these comics so i've gone through a shit ton of them. I saved my favorites and I'll post more if you guys like these. (I know 2 of these are reposts buvt lol I want to keep them all organized)


ggplz   Sweden. Aug 08 2009 08:28. Posts 16784

haha those are awesome :D

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

fenner   Australia. Aug 08 2009 09:01. Posts 2188


dogmeat   Czech Republic. Aug 08 2009 10:06. Posts 6374

ban baal 

Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Aug 08 2009 10:42. Posts 495

  On August 07 2009 12:48 NewbSaibot wrote:
+1 in defense of wedding video. It was very charming. Only a certain class of people are going to enjoy that, typically your older more mature class, who are in relationships or have considered marriage can understand the significance of this video. Whats so special about it is the fact that this couple has such an array of eclectic friends willing to pull this off for them. Most people in this world are a bunch of shy introverted self-conscious pussies who would never be willing to get on stage and put themselves out there like that. Not only was this couple fearless, so were their friends. You have to have a pretty deep friendship with people to get them to do this. Weddings are all about celebration, it's supposed to be a fun day. Most weddings are boring as shit and people attend out of expectation. This one was done from the heart.

Oh, and for those too dimwitted to catch the self-mockery, these people clearly handpicked their goofy "black" dance moves to go with the music. The humor lies directly within the fact that you have a bunch of overweight boring white collar people doing ghetto shit.

I imagine those who think the video is "gay" and full of "fags" are probably no more than 21 years old.

Since we think this is gay we dont have "class" or "sense of humor" ? well then i most apologise for you beeing so superior yo us young retards then,

WTF DUDE? people are diffrent wheter someone enjouys something or not depends on what they like., people are diffrent.

I get your point, but this video fails. IF however they did it properly, Trained more harder to make it co ordinated etc, it would be cool.

but with theese faggots its just a fail. Nice post btw Baal

Jedeye   United Kingdom. Aug 08 2009 11:12. Posts 188

  On August 07 2009 12:48 NewbSaibot wrote:
+1 in defense of wedding video. It was very charming. Only a certain class of people are going to enjoy that, typically your older more mature class, who are in relationships or have considered marriage can understand the significance of this video. Whats so special about it is the fact that this couple has such an array of eclectic friends willing to pull this off for them. Most people in this world are a bunch of shy introverted self-conscious pussies who would never be willing to get on stage and put themselves out there like that. Not only was this couple fearless, so were their friends. You have to have a pretty deep friendship with people to get them to do this. Weddings are all about celebration, it's supposed to be a fun day. Most weddings are boring as shit and people attend out of expectation. This one was done from the heart.

Oh, and for those too dimwitted to catch the self-mockery, these people clearly handpicked their goofy "black" dance moves to go with the music. The humor lies directly within the fact that you have a bunch of overweight boring white collar people doing ghetto shit.

I imagine those who think the video is "gay" and full of "fags" are probably no more than 21 years old.

wtf is this shit?

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Aug 08 2009 11:23. Posts 6374

  On August 08 2009 10:12 Jedeye wrote:
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wtf is this shit?
solid rofl material obv

ban baal 

Robinson47   United Kingdom. Aug 08 2009 11:28. Posts 992

 Last edit: 08/08/2009 11:29

genjix   China. Aug 08 2009 21:43. Posts 2677

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.Last edit: 08/08/2009 22:14

Matt98568   United States. Aug 08 2009 21:50. Posts 2391

genjix   China. Aug 08 2009 22:47. Posts 2677

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. 

Achoo   Canada. Aug 08 2009 23:13. Posts 1454

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Steal City   United States. Aug 09 2009 09:03. Posts 2537



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