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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 468

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Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 02 2010 16:25. Posts 5647

  On February 02 2010 13:30 SfydjkLm wrote:

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yea wtf dont get any more obvious then that.

Its more like your automatic reaction, destroys an opportunity. to put out the first thought that comes to mind, once he has engaged her logical brain with that one sentence there is no going back to the situation. He probably realized this as soon as the words left his mouth; that he had fucked himself. then, y'know, every month or so random old memories of things you've done that make you cringe surface...

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 02 2010 16:52. Posts 5647

 Last edit: 02/02/2010 16:54

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Feb 02 2010 18:02. Posts 1585

  On February 02 2010 13:15 Zorglub wrote:

Was good

[GiTM]- GoSu in the MakingLast edit: 02/02/2010 18:02

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 02 2010 18:11. Posts 9634

  On February 02 2010 09:57 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
you guys would fuck a girl that fucked 13.4k guys?

i dont get it
r people rating girls they've only slept with ?

well your logic d be the only one explaining the pic anyway

african american cracka :D

 Last edit: 02/02/2010 18:12

RaiZ   France. Feb 02 2010 18:15. Posts 1503

  On February 02 2010 12:02 Fayth wrote:
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"nerds" ?

no sorry, I'm worth more than sluts, they'll have to be worth my time for me to actually take time for them, imo a girl who has fucked 13 400 guy ain't worth my time, ever

  On February 02 2010 12:02 Fayth wrote:
and can anyone explain the 2002 -> 2007 pic, I don't get it at all

  On February 02 2010 12:27 Fayth wrote:
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oh rofl wtf haha never happened to me, always thought it was pretty obvious ~_~

  On February 02 2010 12:29 Fayth wrote:
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I think only someone with really really low standards would fuck a chick who had sex with 13 400 guys before, it's more likely an insecure virgin is going to want to have sex with a girl like that than a normal guy with average standards

I sense Loneliness...

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 

Fayth    Canada. Feb 02 2010 18:58. Posts 10085

  On February 02 2010 12:49 WastedGate wrote:
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well 13.4k is def an exaggeration for comedic value.
what if it was 134? would that change your mind? ive met some sexy cougars who have prolly had more then 50+ partners and i would still bang them. and id say i have pretty high standards. but im also not a male chauvinist/misogynist so for me label a woman a 'slut' requires way more then just how many people shes fucked. in fact, most 'sluts' i know arent even that promiscuous.

seems like your standards are only limited to how physically attractive so-said girl is, I'm just not like that

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

Fayth    Canada. Feb 02 2010 19:02. Posts 10085

  On February 02 2010 17:15 RaiZ wrote:
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  On February 02 2010 12:02 Fayth wrote:
and can anyone explain the 2002 -> 2007 pic, I don't get it at all

  On February 02 2010 12:27 Fayth wrote:
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oh rofl wtf haha never happened to me, always thought it was pretty obvious ~_~

  On February 02 2010 12:29 Fayth wrote:
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I think only someone with really really low standards would fuck a chick who had sex with 13 400 guys before, it's more likely an insecure virgin is going to want to have sex with a girl like that than a normal guy with average standards

I sense Loneliness...

haha not even close, but thx for trying

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

WastedGate   United States. Feb 02 2010 19:21. Posts 667

  On February 02 2010 17:58 Fayth wrote:
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seems like your standards are only limited to how physically attractive so-said girl is, I'm just not like that

i have no fucking idea how you managed to come to that conclusion from my post but....ok. in fact, im pretty sure i insinuated the exact opposite of that. but then again you had no idea what was going on in the FFFUUU comic so i shouldnt be all that surprised.

wait wha? 

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 02 2010 19:52. Posts 34260

  On February 02 2010 12:29 Fayth wrote:
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I think only someone with really really low standards would fuck a chick who had sex with 13 400 guys before, it's more likely an insecure virgin is going to want to have sex with a girl like that than a normal guy with average standards

Actually the insecure guy is the one who wouldnt, that somehow thinks that the value of women is determined by how many sex partner she has had, which is only a reflection of his own sexual insecurity... pwnd.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RebelHeart   New Zealand. Feb 03 2010 00:52. Posts 37

Further to that last Karate manga:

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Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 03 2010 06:12. Posts 9634

Baal you are right but up to some point and you know it
Im with Fayth on this one

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 03 2010 06:30. Posts 14026

 Last edit: 03/02/2010 06:36

tiagoxdd   Brasil. Feb 03 2010 06:46. Posts 96

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 03 2010 07:03. Posts 14026


RebelHeart   New Zealand. Feb 03 2010 07:10. Posts 37

This karate manga is fucking classic:

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dogmeat   Czech Republic. Feb 03 2010 09:49. Posts 6374

ban baal 

Jas0n   United States. Feb 03 2010 10:34. Posts 1866

Hahaha, awesome chess v joystick pic

 Last edit: 03/02/2010 10:35

Question   Czech Republic. Feb 03 2010 12:01. Posts 1074

HaiVan   Bulgaria. Feb 03 2010 13:11. Posts 2083


Poker chobo. 

Steal City   United States. Feb 03 2010 13:13. Posts 2537

  On February 03 2010 05:46 tiagoxdd wrote:

this is just like the one me and ggplz made only it's not self-reflexive... and hence not funny but hacky and bad



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