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Night[Mare]   Mexico. Feb 10 2010 01:32. Posts 599

  On February 09 2010 21:37 NotSorry wrote:
I don't get half of them...

i cant believe you never ever played pokemon

dcsscd hijo de pinos 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 01:35. Posts 5647

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 10 2010 01:38. Posts 34260

  On February 09 2010 23:25 Red9 wrote:

hahahaha both of these are great...

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Jas0n   United States. Feb 10 2010 01:40. Posts 1866

holy crap that is one awesome dog

 Last edit: 10/02/2010 01:41

disCord   United States. Feb 10 2010 02:14. Posts 1005

the coffee -when it says it's name it sounds like coffee when it's koffing
the map - dunno either >.>
the girl - he's interested in the girl but in the game they have set scripts so they'll only say the one sentece
the brown thing with a "tooth" - it's a nose, but looks weird if you think of it as a tooth
the surf - he's using squirtle to surf but it shows you riding a lapras
the shorts - bunch of random ppl say that in the game

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 02:28. Posts 5647

hiddink88   United States. Feb 10 2010 02:42. Posts 517

ROFL this man is genius

it was only 25 to win a pot of 50 

Jas0n   United States. Feb 10 2010 03:33. Posts 1866

lol bees, awesome

maryn   Poland. Feb 10 2010 04:45. Posts 1208

 Last edit: 10/02/2010 04:45

RaiZ   France. Feb 10 2010 08:29. Posts 1503

God, the bees was a very uncenesseray one... You guys know bees are important right ? Whatever, the rest was solid though. And i didn't play pokemon either or maybe 1 or 2 fights but that's about it.

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 10 2010 08:45. Posts 5108

wtf why is it so small...

:DLast edit: 10/02/2010 08:47

Steal City   United States. Feb 10 2010 10:02. Posts 2537

  On February 10 2010 07:45 VanDerMeyde wrote:
wtf why is it so small...

... that's what she said!  

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 10 2010 11:48. Posts 10896

  On February 10 2010 07:29 RaiZ wrote:
God, the bees was a very uncenesseray one... You guys know bees are important right ? Whatever, the rest was solid though. And i didn't play pokemon either or maybe 1 or 2 fights but that's about it.

Seriously france amaze me...
..spider are important...we must let them live into our house....
..bees are important...lets not get ride of them.... so your children go close to them and get owned
etc etc
who care about insects
they wont disapear because of that

ConquistadoR   Germany. Feb 10 2010 12:06. Posts 1952


he is right, bees are important, unlike other insects.

and it was uncessecary to kill them, he could have called the police or firemen w-ever and they could have moved them to another place.

but w-ever


voodoouser   Iceland. Feb 10 2010 12:19. Posts 741

Seriously france amaze me...
..spider are important...we must let them live into our house....
..bees are important...lets not get ride of them.... so your children go close to them and get owned
etc etc
who care about insects
they wont disapear because of that

what does it have to do w/ france?
you have to admit that 99.999% of humans care more about insects than care about you.

btw what raiz said is 100% true,

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 10 2010 12:42. Posts 10896

because everytime i hear someone saying we must save insect hes from frnace
i went to france 2 years ago i think
lived into a house
people living there see a spider and just let it go
im like wtf
at the second i see an insect in my appartment i kill it
why does people live with insect???
usefull or not,.. wtf

Muhweli   Finland. Feb 10 2010 12:56. Posts 10663

I'd totally let a beehive be at a children's playing ground.
Good fun and would make great vids for Youtube!

Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements  

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Feb 10 2010 13:43. Posts 8918

I wouldnt kill insects if I was like in a forest or something, but If I see any of them around my house ill kill them and keep searching for more until im sure I got every single one of them. lol at calling the cops to move a beehive.

waga   United Kingdom. Feb 10 2010 14:03. Posts 2375

I'm french but don't give a shit about the france thing.
But one thing is sure , what you said is pretty retard , and you are at best uneducated ...
no bees => no pollination => no humans

RaiZ   France. Feb 10 2010 14:04. Posts 1503

You're probably caricaturing too much. It's just a pure coincidence about what you experienced in france because i'm pretty sure at least 50% kills them aswell.
But you have to figure that insect in france are way less harmless than the one in the US.
+ bees, well you know it's important right ? Killing that much bees in a single shot is just asking for troubles especially if everyone do the same shit.

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 


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