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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 477

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qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 14:18. Posts 14026

you guys are fuckin dumb if you really think killing "that many bees" could have any kind of global impact.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 14:19. Posts 14026

  On February 10 2010 13:03 waga wrote:
no bees => no pollination => no humans

Imagine if some Bees filed a lawsuit against humans selling their honey
then because they have such a massive surplus they all stop pollinating plants!

lebowski   Greece. Feb 10 2010 14:24. Posts 9205

I don't know why this scene makes me rofl every time

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 10 2010 14:29. Posts 10896

  On February 10 2010 13:03 waga wrote:
I'm french but don't give a shit about the france thing.
But one thing is sure , what you said is pretty retard , and you are at best uneducated ...
no bees => no pollination => no humans

no bees no humans

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Feb 10 2010 14:30. Posts 10896

  On February 10 2010 13:18 byrnesam wrote:
you guys are fuckin dumb if you really think killing "that many bees" could have any kind of global impact.

JSquids   United States. Feb 10 2010 14:30. Posts 1142

  On February 10 2010 13:24 lebowski wrote:

I don't know why this scene makes me rofl every time

ROFL i have 5 cats and im thinking about trying this...tho they are much larger in size.

AKA StarsNStripes@azeroth 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Feb 10 2010 15:17. Posts 8918

Steve Martin used to be funny... sigh.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Feb 10 2010 15:37. Posts 9634

RaiZ you cannot win this argue in this forum ... actually in this world
and you gotta admit that this shit was funny

Muhweli   Finland. Feb 10 2010 15:48. Posts 10663

  On February 10 2010 12:43 EvilSky wrote:
I wouldnt kill insects if I was like in a forest or something, but If I see any of them around my house ill kill them and keep searching for more until im sure I got every single one of them. lol at calling the cops to move a beehive.

You must be a legend amongst mosquitos then.

Floofy says: my dick is easily bigger than 90% of guys i checked it on the net | Floofy says: i im also doing movements  

SfydjkLm   Belarus. Feb 10 2010 16:18. Posts 3810

im suprised the guy who said to call the cops is from tajikistan. Cos from the limited knowledge i ahve of the region cops there give u a solid ass kicking if u call em up to remove beehives.

*wink wink* 

hubmaster   United States. Feb 10 2010 16:36. Posts 586

Less bees, more ROFL plz k thx

You ship me your monies, I ship you my gratitude. 

Zorglub   Denmark. Feb 10 2010 16:44. Posts 2870

I used to kill ants and bees and other insects when I was younger, now I sometimes carry a spider out the door. I dont see any reason to kill them any more, but I dont see anything wrong with removing the beehive with the options you have available when it poses a danger

I started out with nothing and I still got most of it left 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 18:14. Posts 5647

AznFisherman   United States. Feb 10 2010 22:13. Posts 956

edit: aww i didn't see it posted before :/

 Last edit: 11/02/2010 04:46

Jas0n   United States. Feb 10 2010 22:42. Posts 1866

lol, that blank book is awesome

Sliggy   Australia. Feb 11 2010 01:13. Posts 742

I don't get it...


Sliggy   Australia. Feb 11 2010 01:14. Posts 742

I get the original photo but I don't get the "i shared this picture from you on my wall" and the LOLs that follow. LOL ASHLEY LAPID :O


longple    Sweden. Feb 11 2010 04:01. Posts 4472

Jas0n   United States. Feb 11 2010 10:46. Posts 1866

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Feb 11 2010 12:45. Posts 14026

How the mighty have fallen


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