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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 507

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Steal City   United States. Mar 17 2010 21:01. Posts 2537

  On March 17 2010 17:21 EvilSky wrote:
Strong contender for gayest song of all times title imo

why is this song gay? If you grew up in most parts of the US u'd know that fireflies are particularly associated with summer breaks at night during childhood. Fireflies only come out in the summer at night and more than just most children in the US will have a memory or two of catching them and putting them in a jar and being in wonder a little big by them. The song is about being an insomniac and not being able to sleep and having your mind crowded by adult thoughts/problems and wanting to escape to a fantasy dream land which is much like the carefree innocence of childhood. I didn't think it was that great the first time I listened to it but now i quite like it  

Svenman87   United States. Mar 17 2010 21:13. Posts 4636

I remember hearing Owl City a few years ago (They're from my state)
That kind of music for me is really catchy... also really popular here.

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 17 2010 21:51. Posts 4946

Um, it's pretty standard for talented musicians to improv with their instrument of choice. I know the songs *sound* familiar to you, but I assure you he's just pulling melodies from his head, and any similarity they have to actual songs is purely coincidental.

bye now 

Steal City   United States. Mar 17 2010 22:09. Posts 2537

dude i play music too and improv too. These commonalities are beyond coincidental. Just can't think of the songs  

BIGlou83   United States. Mar 17 2010 22:32. Posts 305

  On March 17 2010 03:16 Bigbobm wrote:
i just found out about chat roulette like 2 days ago
these past 2 days have been ridiculously entertaining

Yeah I love it when 1 out of 10 videos are of a guy jerking off. Sick Bastards.

Just Living The Dream 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 17 2010 23:53. Posts 6374

not rofl enough

ban baal 

Steal City   United States. Mar 18 2010 00:21. Posts 2537

is this rofl enough?  

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 18 2010 00:51. Posts 6374

dont make me write racist comments pls

ban baal 

Question   Czech Republic. Mar 18 2010 01:29. Posts 1074

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 18 2010 02:07. Posts 6374

que ty ses prase

ban baal 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Mar 18 2010 06:50. Posts 9685

  On March 17 2010 19:16 Steal City wrote:
Show nested quote +

lol at saying that? Do you know every song ever written or something? Seriosuly just lost respect for you now

just looked at the comments. Can't find anyone saying which songs he's playing but many people saying they recognize them (especially the first one and the 333333 one)

Not going to go through all 8k comments though

Off course you are going to recognize certain chord patterns and parts of melody but that doesnt mean he is playing a specific song. I am 99% sure that this is all improv, he just lays down a chord pattern and works around that.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Steal City   United States. Mar 18 2010 10:35. Posts 2537

  On March 18 2010 05:50 SakiSaki wrote:
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Off course you are going to recognize certain chord patterns and parts of melody but that doesnt mean he is playing a specific song. I am 99% sure that this is all improv, he just lays down a chord pattern and works around that.

well i'm 99% sure it isn't. Lays down a chord pattern and works around that.... lolz, yes i know song structure

actually, check this out

lol at trying to educate me on such basic things, 2x in a row as if I'd change my mind or am a retard.  

Steal City   United States. Mar 18 2010 10:40. Posts 2537

for a song to have the same chord progression and rhythm is not so uncommon, esp if it's a simple rhythm but then for it also to have the same vocal melody is a huge huge step

imagine something like 3^3 = 27. the 2 variables can be arranged for 27 different songs
but then 3^3^3 = 7.5 trillion

it's basically something like that  

ParadoxPLZ   Canada. Mar 18 2010 11:14. Posts 323

nthm0nkey @ stars 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Mar 18 2010 11:46. Posts 10896

rofl question, good ones
i cant find the last one on google tho

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 18 2010 11:51. Posts 6374

ban baal 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Mar 18 2010 12:42. Posts 9685

  On March 18 2010 09:35 Steal City wrote:
Show nested quote +

well i'm 99% sure it isn't. Lays down a chord pattern and works around that.... lolz, yes i know song structure

actually, check this out

lol at trying to educate me on such basic things, 2x in a row as if I'd change my mind or am a retard.

Ok by now we all know you think you know music, poker, girls politics, european culture and education better than anyone else in the world so great, we have established that. Why dont you go on and name some of the songs hes playing then? Seems to be the easiest way to resolve this.

what wackass site is this nigga?  

Kilay   Netherlands. Mar 18 2010 13:02. Posts 1960

I vote for less discussion and more lols !! Solid post Paradox !! Some reposts but nothing too bad...

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Mar 18 2010 13:12. Posts 10896

yeah guys stfu with your discussion in this thread

PaleMan   Russian Federation. Mar 18 2010 13:54. Posts 472

yeah, less words more pics

Whatever floats your boat 


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