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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 522

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Svenman87   United States. Apr 03 2010 22:37. Posts 4636

  On April 02 2010 22:03 Loco wrote:


lol awesome

Saturnize   United States. Apr 04 2010 00:02. Posts 263

  On April 03 2010 06:38 morph1 wrote:


You are smart, hard worker, like a KOREA! Kim 

spets1   Australia. Apr 04 2010 00:06. Posts 2179

smartest girl in the room:

she knows we're doomed


Red9   Canada. Apr 04 2010 02:02. Posts 7447

i think she knows that its her generation thats doomed

I will grind you into dust. 

Jas0n   United States. Apr 04 2010 02:06. Posts 1866

Jas0n   United States. Apr 04 2010 03:56. Posts 1866

  On April 02 2010 22:03 Loco wrote:


GiYoM   Korea (South). Apr 04 2010 04:09. Posts 455


qwerty67890   New Zealand. Apr 04 2010 05:07. Posts 14026


spets1   Australia. Apr 04 2010 06:14. Posts 2179

lol at blackmail


Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Apr 04 2010 07:02. Posts 495

Lol this makes the titt girl a hero! and fuck that guy for pulling such low ass shit

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 04 2010 08:49. Posts 34260

  On April 04 2010 06:02 Liquid_GoLD wrote:
Lol this makes the titt girl a hero! and fuck that guy for pulling such low ass shit

lol actually brilliant, the snake has to be fed anyway :3 so the guy is freerolling lol

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

XeliN   United Kingdom. Apr 04 2010 09:30. Posts 2365

Kinda sickening you would post that on this day.

Steal City: if u want to get good at sex u need to read books. Its just like poker, u need to read 

milkman   United States. Apr 04 2010 10:09. Posts 5719

who cares about religion, hows that funny? and fuck posting nazi symbols..

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

LightinG   Poland. Apr 04 2010 11:45. Posts 234

its totally disrespectful imo.

If you build 1000 bridges and suck one cock, you are not a bridge builder. You are a cock sucker.  

anarki   Belgium. Apr 04 2010 12:02. Posts 288

  On April 04 2010 07:49 Baal wrote:
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lol actually brilliant, the snake has to be fed anyway :3 so the guy is freerolling lol

mister high morals thinks blackmailing is ok

The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental. - John Steinbeck 

lukeperry   Sweden. Apr 04 2010 12:04. Posts 145

awesome, let's derail the rofl thread and have ourselves a good ol' theological discussion.

Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Apr 04 2010 12:20. Posts 495

  On April 04 2010 08:04 Sennpu wrote:

I can't stop laughing at his left arm

ban plz. wrong and not funny on sooo many levels. and no im not chirstian fanatic but geez...

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Apr 04 2010 12:29. Posts 5647

  On April 04 2010 11:20 Liquid_GoLD wrote:
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ban plz. wrong and not funny on sooo many levels. and no im not chirstian fanatic but geez...

rofl, Christianity

iop   Sweden. Apr 04 2010 12:31. Posts 4951

  On April 04 2010 09:09 milkman wrote:
who cares about religion, hows that funny? and fuck posting nazi symbols..

It's probably most known because of the nazis, but it's very common in Hinduism & Buddhism.

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 04 2010 12:48. Posts 34260

  On April 04 2010 11:02 anarki wrote:
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mister high morals thinks blackmailing is ok

i guessed people learned to read before they learned how to write, guess not....

the snake has to be fed so it makes no difference, do you seriously believe that a woman who wasnt in general showing her tits easily in chat roulette is going to do it? lol, its obviously all in a fun and harmless way, if you believe that makes me some kind of an hypocrite than you are an imbecile.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 


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