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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 524

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TalentedTom    Canada. Apr 04 2010 14:53. Posts 20070

  On April 04 2010 13:35 Baal wrote:
btw, this is a the official webpage of the secretary of healthcare in a state in mexico, ... when you see it you will shit bricks:

no way lol

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Raguna   United States. Apr 04 2010 14:57. Posts 118

I suck at pokers :( 

milkman   United States. Apr 04 2010 14:58. Posts 5719

lol that is some true rofl ness A+ baal

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Apr 04 2010 15:03. Posts 14026

  On April 04 2010 13:10 Svenman87 wrote:
+ Show Spoiler +

on an unrelated note, I totally read it as 'anymore arguing and this thread will be deleted'

now my picture isn't as funny :[

is ok, i lol'd

Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Apr 04 2010 15:09. Posts 495

Its no the jesus or christianity thing, i just fucking hate nazi's and nazi symbols, and its an important christian day of the year so you can mock it all you want for not beliveing it ur self, but show some respect twoards other people, im all inn for good laughts and makeing fun of shit, but i just think this particular picture was out of line,.

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 04 2010 16:30. Posts 9634

  On April 04 2010 12:54 NewbSaibot wrote:
Jesus is an american religion, so let us americans decide whats funny. I say it's funny!

thats a level fail .. kinda funny

Jas0n   United States. Apr 04 2010 16:51. Posts 1866

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 04 2010 18:14. Posts 9634

Wreckognize   . Apr 04 2010 20:51. Posts 1263

wow that chick is smokin'

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 04 2010 21:28. Posts 4946

Just think, somebody out there gets to hit that

bye nowLast edit: 04/04/2010 21:29

Wreckognize   . Apr 04 2010 21:58. Posts 1263

  On April 04 2010 13:35 Baal wrote:
btw, this is a the official webpage of the secretary of healthcare in a state in mexico, ... when you see it you will shit bricks:

It has already been changed.

RYMJ9017MD   . Apr 04 2010 22:04. Posts 113

yeah sad


Jas0n   United States. Apr 04 2010 23:09. Posts 1866

Stim_Abuser   United States. Apr 05 2010 00:39. Posts 7499

  On April 04 2010 13:35 Baal wrote:
btw, this is a the official webpage of the secretary of healthcare in a state in mexico, ... when you see it you will shit bricks:

dont see it =[

Hey Im slinging mad volume and fat stackin benjies I dont got time for spellin n shit - skinny pete 

auffenpuffer   Finland. Apr 05 2010 00:59. Posts 1429

It has already been changed, but the eyesight testing pad that now says "E F P etc." said something like "L O L O M F G P W N E D".

brambolius   Netherlands. Apr 05 2010 06:35. Posts 1708

  On April 04 2010 12:26 maxousek wrote:
Show nested quote +

In Hinduism & Buddhism its counter-clockwise

If i see one more person say this im gonna, im gonna, im gonna, oh nm.....


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Apr 05 2010 07:46. Posts 9634

The original symbol is waaay before those religions and its a cult to the sun and yes its counter clockwise after that it appears in pretty much every religion known to man

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 05 2010 08:42. Posts 34260

  On April 04 2010 13:39 Wreckognize wrote:
baal do you know if that was a coincidence? You'd think it would be if it was on a government website but it seems like it would be way too much of a coincidence.

its obviously not a coincidence but those are obviously generic google images, i mean a black doctor with an afro? yeah sure very mexican lol, so probably the webmaster is a moron who used that google image or a genius hero ;3, i dont know.

... damn its updated now, that was fast.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 05/04/2010 08:47

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Apr 05 2010 09:10. Posts 6374

ban baal 

Jas0n   United States. Apr 05 2010 15:26. Posts 1866

 Last edit: 05/04/2010 15:26


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