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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 551

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lebowski   Greece. Apr 30 2010 20:37. Posts 9205

  On April 30 2010 19:01 Tien wrote:
But I do believe in always having a positive mental attitude despite negative circumstances.

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

NotSorry   United States. Apr 30 2010 20:41. Posts 2603

been watching that guy get ran over for about 15mins now

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. 

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 30 2010 20:52. Posts 34260

  On April 30 2010 19:41 NotSorry wrote:
been watching that guy get ran over for about 15mins now

the asshole had it coming, he trashed the driver in a road rage fight, so while the loser was driving away he body slammed the windshield

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Apr 30 2010 21:09. Posts 20967

lol at that gif, and lebowski's picture is hilarious too

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

vasoline73   United States. Apr 30 2010 21:21. Posts 808

  On April 30 2010 19:52 Baal wrote:
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the asshole had it coming, he trashed the driver in a road rage fight, so while the loser was driving away he body slammed the windshield

lmao that makes it all the better. What a douchebag.

And wtf about that eel prank I read about in the last page? Sounds like a horrible fucking way to die -______- idiot friends

LikeASet   United States. Apr 30 2010 21:34. Posts 2113

  On April 30 2010 19:52 Baal wrote:
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the asshole had it coming, he trashed the driver in a road rage fight, so while the loser was driving away he body slammed the windshield

body slamming the windshield, tis not punishible by death lol. -_-

nixxxbg   Bulgaria. Apr 30 2010 22:24. Posts 436

Hes alive, that car is tiny. And the gif is hilarious!

KeanuReaver   United States. Apr 30 2010 22:52. Posts 2022

if you're gonna road rage and then body slam a windshield with the driver you've just pissed off still inside, you should probably have a solid escape plan for when he inevitably hits the gas.

and the endurance required for MMA, which has actions like punching and kicking bone and muscle with 1000-2500 PSI. - Taco 

Pacifist   Israel. Apr 30 2010 23:01. Posts 1824

wayyyyyyyyy too much text last 2 pgs

Those who do not BELIEVE in krablar must CONCEDE to krablar. 

gawdawaful   Canada. May 01 2010 01:06. Posts 9012

looks like the guys seriously hurt though, might've got his head caught on the curb

Im only good at poker when I run good 

Raidern   Brasil. May 01 2010 01:15. Posts 4243

i wonder what was he thinking though (if he was at all).

"and now im gonna damage his windshield with.... my back (???)!!!"

im a regular at nl5 

player999   Brasil. May 01 2010 02:12. Posts 7978

  On May 01 2010 00:06 gawdawaful wrote:
looks like the guys seriously hurt though, might've got his head caught on the curb

looks REALLY serious, I dont see whats so rofl about that

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

NewbSaibot   United States. May 01 2010 02:23. Posts 4946

I dunno how much a piece of shit car like that weighs, but I think it's a given that his rip cage is probably shattered, lungs punctured, with possibly a broken spine, legs, and or pelvis. He's probably pretty fucked up.

bye now 

zulu_nation8   United States. May 01 2010 02:29. Posts 1929

well hopefully lived

player999   Brasil. May 01 2010 02:36. Posts 7978

  On May 01 2010 01:23 NewbSaibot wrote:
I dunno how much a piece of shit car like that weighs, but I think it's a given that his rip cage is probably shattered, lungs punctured, with possibly a broken spine, legs, and or pelvis. He's probably pretty fucked up.

ROFL !!!

Browsing through your hand histories makes me wonder that you might not be aware these games are possibly play money. Have you ever tried to cash out? - Kapol 

spets1   Australia. May 01 2010 03:22. Posts 2179


tutz   Brasil. May 01 2010 03:30. Posts 2140

  On April 30 2010 11:50 Raidern wrote:

thats is not ronaldo, that's RIVALDO

Manius   . May 01 2010 04:40. Posts 36

yes we can see that, it's written pretty clearly in the title ;p

He loves his pairs. He loves his draws. He likes high cards. He pretty much loves everything but the fold button. 

Jas0n   United States. May 01 2010 04:42. Posts 1866

daysare   Poland. May 01 2010 08:00. Posts 670

she's probably starting to learn the craft already


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