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ROFL thread with a "ROFL" in title - Page 66

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Sheitan   Canada. Sep 18 2008 18:06. Posts 4217

  On September 18 2008 00:18 p4ge wrote:
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OMG HAHAHAHHA i laughed so hard on this one, the dog is like:" CAN I HAS SOME MISTRESS PLZ ?"

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

[vital]Myth    United States. Sep 18 2008 18:13. Posts 12159

lolllllllll wow

bulletball sucks

how little common sense do you need to have before you actually start to think bulletball > air hockey?

btw air hockey for olympics plz

Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser 

CrownRoyal   United States. Sep 18 2008 18:31. Posts 11385

[19:21] gwinggoku01mmg: seriously
[19:21] gwinggoku01mmg: it's getting to the point where i literally can't sit down for 20 minutes before they knock on the door again
[19:21] gwinggoku01mmg: sick of this fucking shit
[19:28] TerranUpMyHeartt: ur a towel
[19:29] gwinggoku01mmg: i'd almost rather be a towel
[19:29] gwinggoku01mmg: at least i'd be left the fuck alone
[19:29] gwinggoku01mmg: my mom and brother ruin my cool
[19:29] gwinggoku01mmg: not that i have much to begin with
[19:29] TerranUpMyHeartt: dude if you was a towel
[19:29] gwinggoku01mmg: but they make it impossible for me to function is a normal human being around other people
[19:29] TerranUpMyHeartt: i could shoot my load all over you
[19:29] TerranUpMyHeartt: every night
[19:30] gwinggoku01mmg: that's distrubing as shit


Yaffie   United Kingdom. Sep 18 2008 19:23. Posts 672

i cant lol at that. it's too sad

Fayth    Canada. Sep 18 2008 20:19. Posts 10085

i couldn't bring myself to find it funny either

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

RiKD    United States. Sep 18 2008 21:06. Posts 8881

i can't find it that funny either. it's almost as if he had to go through some whacko trauma that just made him lose his mind. i mean his presentation skills are stellar and w/ his old job seems like a smart enough guy it's just wtf? 20 years? nerf ball and a table? THE FUCKING OLYMPICS? REALLY?

bane   United States. Sep 18 2008 21:15. Posts 2379

  On September 18 2008 20:06 RiKD wrote:
i can't find it that funny either. it's almost as if he had to go through some whacko trauma that just made him lose his mind. i mean his presentation skills are stellar and w/ his old job seems like a smart enough guy it's just wtf? 20 years? nerf ball and a table? THE FUCKING OLYMPICS? REALLY?


fakeshaver   United States. Sep 18 2008 22:07. Posts 1313

listen to the link i posted. it is hilarious. they trick a scammer into going to chad in africa. hilarious emails from the guy to them. it is amazing

Sheitan   Canada. Sep 18 2008 22:18. Posts 4217

Wow this guy inspires me more pity than laughters but hell, he has to wake up and get his life back ....

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

Baalim   Mexico. Sep 18 2008 22:24. Posts 34261

im a sadistic bitch yet i didnt find it funny i mean, its not some jackass failing to a stunt in a bike and broking his jaw, its a really stupid guy having his life destroyed in a TV show, damn... at least that guy has some serious balls and more people should take those risks, preferably somebody with more common sense.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

gawdawaful   Canada. Sep 18 2008 23:41. Posts 9012

  On September 18 2008 21:24 Baal wrote:
im a sadistic bitch yet i didnt find it funny i mean, its not some jackass failing to a stunt in a bike and broking his jaw, its a really stupid guy having his life destroyed in a TV show, damn... at least that guy has some serious balls and more people should take those risks, preferably somebody with more common sense.

someone with more common sense wouldn't take a risk like that with a product like bulletball

Im only good at poker when I run good 

p4ge   Canada. Sep 19 2008 00:21. Posts 104

aka smi.daemon 

sirracksalot   United States. Sep 19 2008 00:34. Posts 2299

  On September 18 2008 16:12 CrownRoyal wrote:
am i the only person who didnt think bulletball was funny and actually really sad?

that shit was pretty fucking sad

haters gonna hate 

Zealeo   Canada. Sep 19 2008 00:54. Posts 441

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collegesucks   United States. Sep 19 2008 00:54. Posts 5780

wow the producers at abc are sick bastards for airing this

gawdawaful   Canada. Sep 19 2008 01:11. Posts 9012

Warning: video
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Im only good at poker when I run good 

collegesucks   United States. Sep 19 2008 01:14. Posts 5780

lol this show is fucking retarded fuck american tv

collegesucks   United States. Sep 19 2008 01:15. Posts 5780

it gets dumber every fucking day i swear to god

collegesucks   United States. Sep 19 2008 01:16. Posts 5780

seriously, i can't finish any of these fucking videos and i have to press pause at around the halfway mark cause i can literally feel my brain cells atrophy as i watch these shitty american shows. god damn.

/end rant

RiKD    United States. Sep 19 2008 01:21. Posts 8881

the last 2 posted however, ROFL.

i think the bike guy's motivation was definitely for a safe way to track down rogue helicopters in his airspace. "..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" ROFL future BILLIONAIRE

no idea why that lady snapped in the 2nd one. i think it's actually a pretty clever idea lol.


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