edit: Apparently the parents of the young starstruck singer made the review go down. lol here's an excerpt!
Who killed the music business as a respectable form of art? Was it big recording companies? Ticketmaster? Apple? American Idol? MTV?
It may well be a company you've never heard of: Ark Music Factory.
The California based music production outfit has struck upon what appears to be a profitable business model: Taking absurd amounts of money from parents who can't say no to their precocious teenage daughters who reeeeeally want to be rock stars.
Enter Rebecca Black, the latest person to hit popular culture for all the wrong reasons. Like a younger, prettier version of William Hung, Black has become an online sensation based on her new music video, Friday, which is generally (and increasingly widely) considered to be the worst music video for some time.
And that's saying something, if you've seen Kim Kardashian's foray into popular music, 'Jam.'
Part of the problem for Black is that, even with auto-tuning of her voice, she can't sing. At all. In fact, as far as poor singing goes, she may have taken it to the level of a martial art. Walruses cower.
Last edit: 14/03/2011 21:12
qwerty67890   New Zealand. Mar 14 2011 21:05. Posts 14026
On March 14 2011 14:23 Night2o1 wrote:
I doubt that little shrimp in the bully from the what I see in the gif maybe he was just finally fighting back vs the bigger guy and it didn't work out?
no one would find a bully-victim getting slammed funny.
Its funny coz hes showing off infront of some girls and knows hes got his 2 mates with him, doing some fancy footwork, then as soon as the big kid lunges he flails around before getting Zangeif'd into the floor.
Fat kid walks off like a fuckin BOSS. He has a support group on facebook with 2500+ people lol
On March 14 2011 14:31 SugoGosu wrote:
totally looks like he hurt the skinny kids ankle on the body slam. i wouldn't be surprised if he broke it.
broke his ankle apparently. Watching him try to walk it off is hilarious
gif version if the youtube gets taken down. Although you should watch the video because the set-up and the skinny kid walking afterwards are hilarious
reminds me of some similar school experiences. owning someone who has it coming is one of the best feelings ever. And its healthy as well as it frees up boxed in rage and no one fucks with you again.
That video was trending topic on Twitter on lot's of countries today as "Zangief", "Zangief kid" etc. LOL
Welcome to the desert... of the Real.
HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Mar 14 2011 22:47. Posts 10896
byrne, what is the name of the support group
want to see that xd
qwerty67890   New Zealand. Mar 14 2011 22:54. Posts 14026
whamm!   Albania. Mar 15 2011 02:28. Posts 11625
that girl could beat up this shrimp
redrain0125   Canada. Mar 15 2011 03:14. Posts 5455
i wanted to pop my ear drums/gouge my eyes out watching that MV
P1mpdaddy   Austria. Mar 15 2011 03:54. Posts 1370
I am surprised that nobody is mentioning the girl at the end who calmly avoid more fighting...like daily business
r0cking your s0x
TheHuHu3   United States. Mar 15 2011 05:46. Posts 5544
TheHuHu4 coming soon :)
Baalim   Mexico. Mar 15 2011 06:17. Posts 34272
lol her expression is priceless
Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online
Chewits   United Kingdom. Mar 15 2011 08:17. Posts 2539