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Wynn Classic: Trip to the Final Table!

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Mar 07 2008 04:27. Posts 7292

The Wynn, Las Vegas

So today Corwin, Evan, and I woke up at 10ish to go play the $1500 at the Wynn Classic. Here is my day:

Starting Table

Structure is really awesome, with 5,000 starting stack and 25/50 blinds that increase every level. FrinkX ran terrible in the table draw getting Dutch Boyd, Plattsburgh, and a bunch of other online pros at his table. Myth and I ran infinitly good as usual with the table draw. At my table I was the only player who preflop raised in the first two levels. I'm pretty sure they all didn't know anything beyond the hand rankings. With that said, I chipped up to 7k without a showdown then the following proceeds to happen...

25/50 blinds it gets folded to the cut-off who is a donk, he limps, the button limps, I raise to 300 with AA. They both call. Flop comes 2-5-8 rainbow and I lead for 600. Cut-off folds and button raises to 1200. Fuck? This is obv ultra ultra scary from this player and I debate folding for a while. Finally I call, which was probably a mistake now that I look back on it. Turn was a King, I check he bets 1800. I fold and the look on his face kind made me believe he wasnt full of shit. Blinds move up to 50/100, I pick up TT and make a large squeeze type raise to 700 over 4 limpers. 3 of them call. Flop comes J-8-7, they all check to me so I check. Turn comes a 9, gin. Checked to me, so I bet 1300. Two callers...and River is a Ten ball... standard right? Guy leads for 2k, the guy right behind him calls. I fold. The guy who bet 2k had QJ, and the guy who called, played the board with J6? Sweet. I run my stack up to 4kish and then get totally decked at 50/100 when I had my 7 high flush run into a ten high flush. That brings me down to 1200. 20 minutes later, I'm back up to 6k by going to one showdown? I guess thats what happens when your the only player at your table that raises preflop and c-bets the flop, while all your opponents insta check-fold their missed flops. The big pot that happened during that time came vs an old guy, who limped 66, I raises 88 he called. Flop came 2-3-K, he checked and I checked. Turn came a Q. He checked I bet 250 into a 300 pot, he called. River comes a Q, he checked and I value bet 600 into the 800 pot and he snap called 66. When I showed the 88, he thought I was bluffing? Anyways, my table broke a little while later and I get moved to a new table.

At my new table, I have 6k at 100/200 blinds. 1st hand: Pick up AJ, raise and pick up the blinds. 2nd hand: pick up 77, raise and pick up the blinds. 3rd hand: Pick up AA, raise get reshoved, and insta reshoved over the top of that so I snap call. It was 88 vs QQ vs my AA. I hit a set on the flop and hold to triple up to almost 20k. After that it was mostly a really chill table, with the players being bad for the most part with the exception of the big stack at the table (probably the chip leader of the tournament at this time with 40k+) who made a really nasty A9 high call on the river vs another player at my table for a big pot. It was really heroic. Blinds move up to 100/200 w 25 ante, and I start picking up the aggression a little bit from the button and cut-off. At this time I am informed that my good friend [vital]Myth had been knocked out (went down like a champ thou). FrinkX was still kicking with 20k in chips though. The one interesting hand I had was vs the guy who held 88 vs my AA earlier when I tripled up. He got crippled down to 1000, but then cardrack/lucksacked his way back up to 16k in like 3 orbits? So he straddles utg to 400 before looking at his cards (dead straddle since he wont have the option if someone just calls), and I'm like wow ur a moron but whatever. I look down at TT and reraise to 1200. It gets folded to him and he snap calls. Flop comes K-J-6 which is like meh... yuck. He checks and I check behind. Turn comes a J, he fires 1/2 which looked so preplanned. So I figured his range calling my reraise preflop was probably as retarded as his straddle to begin with, and he was aggro enough to be firing that turn with such a wide range esp after I kind of induced it by checking behind the flop. So I flat call. River bricks out with a 3 and he fires 3k into a 6k pot. I hate my life... I think about it for a little bit then finally make the call and he has KQ. Sick. So I get shipped to a new table...

...Hi Ted Lawson. Hi 2 people I've seen on some old ESPN WSOP episodes that look somewhat familiar but I can't put a name on them. Blinds are 200/400 w 25 ante. This table looked a lot harder than my last two tables for sure. Nope, I was wrong! Ted Lawson opens for 1700 in middle position, and I say to myself wtf since everyone is making it between 1000-1200. So fold TT behind him... he gets it in vs a short stack with his QQ vs 88. Good fold me? Then he opens for 1100 folded to him in the cut-off? What? LOL no sir... I look at 74o on the button and decide to shit on his head, popped it to 3200 and he insta folds when it got folded back around to him. 2 orbits later, it gets folded to him in the cut-off and he makes it 1700, I have 99 and I'm like wtf... Is this really happening? Tank for a long time then fold. Blinds insta fold and he asks me what I was thinking about so I told him I folded 99, and he shows TT. So apparently this dumbass has a sick obvious bet tell that I continue to absuse the entire time we are sitting together. Sadly our table breaks and I get moved to non-other than...

...FrinkX's table... and FrinkX is sitting on 65,000 while I have 24,000. We had dinner break and came back with the blinds at 300/600, 31 players remaining at this point. I try and chip up as best as I can, but this new tabled seemed fairly solid for the most part with people repopping me preflop. I hovered around 24k-28k for a while before the following hand happened: I had ATo in the cut-off and raise, and super tight player calls out of the small blind (he was my free blind every orbit up til now). Flop comes A-9-8 w/ 2 hearts, I have the Ah. He checks and I check behind. Turn comes Qh, he bets 1/2 pot. I call. River comes 3. He checks, I pot it. He snap calls and has AK w/ Kh. Ding! I run so good. That brings me up to 48k. Our table breaks, and I get moved to the most heavenly table EVER--->

My new table is filled with all the people remaining from my first two tables that somehow luck sacked their way to this point in the tournament + one ultra tight player that I noticed was a friend of Thay3r's. Sweet ship it! So I chip up to 70k before losing a 60k flip with AQ vs 88, and I get back down to 40k. With 22 players left, I'm raising almost every other hand, really trying to apply pressure on the bubble. Then the key hand of the tournament hannds:

Blinds are at 600/1200 at this point. I raise to 3,000 from utg+1 w/ AKhh. PBDrunk's roommate (who I thought was one of the worst players left in the tournament, as he was one of the idiots from my first table who never raises preflop and was a so passive), has a 30k stack and decides to defend his small blind. The big blind is the guy who made the dead straddle earlier with KQ, who was spewing all over the fucking place, so he auto-calls too. 3-way to the flop it comes 2d-Td-Kd. PBDrunk's roommate checks, Aggro spew monkey donk leads 7,000 into the 10k pot. I make it 22,000 total. and PBDrunk's roommate c/r shoves for 30,000 total... UGGGG!!! So the spewtard insta folds, and I'm pot stuck calling off 8,000 with my TPTK. PBDrunk's roommate shows the worst possible hand for me... 86dd. Sick! Dead to runners. Oh don't worry... Turn 2c... River 2s!!! ZINGGGG~!!!!! I'm like OMFG HOLY SHIT and jump from my chair caz that was one fucking epic suck out and without it I would have been crippled with 10k. PB's roommate takes it really well, and was a nice guy about it. So that pot puts me up around 80k. And from there... well let's just say I wasn't going to be stopped. If people had PokerAce Display on me, I'd prolly be playing something close to 75/60. Our table was 5 handed with 19 players left on the bubble... and the bubble lasted a very solid 25 minutes. And I probably won 80%+ of the pots at my table from 22 players down to 18. It was the sickest feeling. Thay3r's friend was my free big and small blind to my left EVERY orbit for over an hour. It was such a sick bad beat when the bubble burst, as they moved all the players to 2 tables of 9. My table busted three players 10 minutes after the bubble burst and to balance the tables they moved Dutch Boyd to my left. Fuck I heard he's good. So he notices that I'm fairly active, and so on his 5th hand at the table, I open the hijack with K8dd to 4k at 800/1600 blinds. Dutch makes it 12k. I ask him how much he has, and he counts out 44k behind the 12k he put in. O RLY? This is one of those spots I've discussed countless times with Myth, adam001, Day[9], and a bunch of other regs (along with what aejones preaches in his Leggo vids which I've watched like 6-7 times over in the past few days) about how to deal with someone who will try to take control of the table from you. Shit on his head the first time!!! Reraise All-in. He gives off this big grunt, and lays back in his chair, and I'm thinking "yeah caught you mother fucker! this is what you get for 3 betting me! feel the pain!" But when he didn't insta fold, I started to worry a bit. He continues to tank for what seems to be close to 10 minutes while staring at me thinking he's going to get some sort of read, until finally he pitched the hand. So pwned. He proceeds to bust out the very next hand with TT. With 13 players left my table was again the short handed one and I went into over-aggro raise every hand in a row mode. My game plan was simple: Keep raising until one of them snaps and trys to play back. Well none of them tried to play back LOL!!! So I just kept raising! With 12 players left, the player to my right who was giving me walks everytime I was in the big blind, opens for a minraise at 1k/2k. I look at A9o and decide to play it for value. Flop comes J-9-4. He checks, I bet 6k into the 8k pot. He thinks for 3 minutes, giving several signs that he was going to fold... then he called? Odd? From what I've observed of this player, this kind of thinking like he was going to fold, actually ment exactly how it looked, and was never a hollywood act with a big hand. So I really felt A9 was good in this pot, especially when the turn dropped a J. He checked and I bet 20k. He again, gave this weird look and called. River was a blank 3, he checked. I value bet... and he insta folded what appeared to be AK as he lifted his hand. What the fuck? Check-call, check-call two streets with AK high? LOL? I went from 80k to 175k with no risk of busting from 18 players to 10. Then another sick beat happened. With 10 players left, they decided to combine the two tables instead of play 5 and 5.

Final table bubble, and I thought the only good player (from what I've heard) is Bushman who was unbelievably short stacked and to my right. The chip leader was somewhat competent, but seemed a little spewy from what I saw. He likes to bluff a lot though which makes him somewhat dangerous to play. 2 other players I thought were okay, including the nasty player who made the A9 high call. Everyone else was a total loose/passive/station ultra donk that somehow luck sacked their way to the final table. So 3 hands into the 10 handed bubble, I pick up 99 and raise. The spewtard guy who made that dead straddle decides to shove his short stack in with no fold equity with 55. I snap call. It comes A-T-8... turn 5. Ug! And river comes 3 and he doubles up to everyone's dismay as it was past midnight at this point. That hand dropped me down to 130k, which was still above average. I played a very tight 10 handed game, opening only 4-5 hands the entire time, and they were all premiums. The big hand that got me back most of my chips came against some loud mouth kid who thinks he knows a lot about poker? Or something? He makes it 7400 at 1500/3000 blind level. And I call out of the big blind with 76cc. Effective stacks are 130k caz he has me covered. Flop comes 3x-Tc-Ac, so I check planning to check/raise but he makes a retardedly small bet of 5,000 into this 15k pot? So I'm like okay... change of game plan, and call. Turn comes Qc. I check and he insta checks behind. River is Ks, and I check to him and he makes another retarded 5,000 bet. I check-raise to 25,000 and he snap calls. I show him my flush and he starts to get all pissed. Then proceeds to berate me on how bad I played the hand? Like what?

Anyways, finally the bubble bursts when two donks got it in AA vs 99. The spewtard who dead straddled had the Aces and they held to end the night. So tomorrow I'm going into the final table with 188,500. Blinds are going to be 1500/3000. Bushman is crippled at 20,000 to my direct right. The chip leader has 253,000 and is two to my right, which will make it easier to avoid difficult spots vs him tomorrow. The 3 guys to my left are my bitches. I hope they somehow stumble upon this blog post after I rape them tomorrow so they might be able to realize how I somehow chipped up 100k w/o showdown just because they gave me their blinds every fuckin orbit for 2 hours. I'm willing to bet I easily had the most uncontested pots won out of any player at the FT because of my ridiculous table draws. God I run so good with table draws it's unreal lol~! I somehow avoided powerhouses like Mr.Smokey1, TheWacoKid, Gank, and a billion other online pros, and got to play with total donks all day. Easy life.

1st place is $98,000+ . n0rthf4ce has 50% of me though since he staked me... that fucker runs so good! If I win the event I'm keeping the trophy. He can go fuck himself if he thinks I'm splitting that. Ok wish me luck <3

EDIT: Forgot to mention that in the 50/100 level, PBDrunks gets moved to my right and is super low on chips. It gets folded to him in the cut-off and he shoves, I snap call A2ss, he has JJ. But obv I get there when an ace flops and that was it for him.

EDIT #2: I must be really out of shape. Woke up this morning and my right arm is a little sore. I must have been raising a lot? Poker is obv a tough physical sport. Stay fit!

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 08/03/2008 23:10

SakiSaki    Sweden. Mar 07 2008 04:49. Posts 9685

omg I actually read it all.

Good luck man you will doze this shit!

what wackass site is this nigga?  

iop   Sweden. Mar 07 2008 05:00. Posts 4951

good read,

take it down good sir,

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

ggplz   Sweden. Mar 07 2008 05:01. Posts 16784

good effort A+

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Mar 07 2008 05:02. Posts 5647

gl, go make luckbox_keen rich(er)! ^^

collegesucks   United States. Mar 07 2008 05:06. Posts 5780

great read. cant wait for the FT follow up. GL.


TheHuHu   United States. Mar 07 2008 05:08. Posts 4271

A+ read.

By the way, do any of the players give you the stinkeye for every hand that you raised to steal blinds and chip up?

I have always wanted to quote myself. - Me 

lachlan   Australia. Mar 07 2008 05:10. Posts 6991

read it all good shit

full ring 

skorc   Slovenia. Mar 07 2008 05:12. Posts 200

  On March 07 2008 04:10 lachlan_fearn wrote:
read it all good shit

Loco   Canada. Mar 07 2008 05:12. Posts 20967

run good 4 lyfe yo

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

BadGoNe   France. Mar 07 2008 06:30. Posts 1089

  On March 07 2008 04:10 lachlan_fearn wrote:
read it all good shit

all the way!

Three7MTL   Canada. Mar 07 2008 06:37. Posts 597

whew long and happy read! GL at the FT, what did Evan end up doing anyways?

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Mar 07 2008 06:39. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

2Vi3T_B0Y4   Canada. Mar 07 2008 06:53. Posts 927

GL Cosmo.. and nice read A++++++... Thanks

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Mar 07 2008 07:05. Posts 3943

  On March 07 2008 03:49 SakiSaki wrote:
omg I actually read it all.

Good luck man you will doze this shit!

And seriously peachys money is worth more like for every 1k peachy stakes/gives someone its actually 10k.

Metagame Purposes.Last edit: 07/03/2008 07:12

frenchylucky   Finland. Mar 07 2008 07:17. Posts 1788

nice read, thanks..some picture would be nice..good luck

I was playing poker with tarot cards the other night. I got a full house and four people died. WTF...welcome to finland... 

JerseyMuscle   United States. Mar 07 2008 08:28. Posts 197

What do you need pictures for? You know he was just smiling the whole time.

ChipsOrGTFO ||| NeillyJQ: i need atleast 2 buy-ins, duh. 

acob   United States. Mar 07 2008 08:51. Posts 123

nice report, goood luck

CirCa   Canada. Mar 07 2008 10:02. Posts 1249

San Diego Magic

sick team

BenGb   Canada. Mar 07 2008 10:34. Posts 421

Nice read, GL at FT



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