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PoorUser    United States. Apr 01 2008 05:14. Posts 7471

see you soon

Gambler Emeritus 

SolarMusic   Germany. Apr 01 2008 05:15. Posts 1218

thats about -2000BB/100........definately a joke

S1kLyF   Congo. Apr 01 2008 05:40. Posts 27

  On April 01 2008 04:15 SolarMusic wrote:
thats about -2000BB/100........definately a joke

Look Buddy I get coolered left and right for every 1 time I get my A/A vs K/K pf 7 times I have K/K vs A/A, half the time I flop a set I get set vs set and let me tell you I always have the bottom end, Just running bad I feel its gonna change because I did email stars support to take doomswitch off and they send me a handy dandy notepad on how they are legit (Which obv they wrote because they know I know that I been doomed switched and obv since Im on another level they will take it off because they dont want me to know that I know that they Know I know, You feel me dog?)

S1k3sTLyF3 Ba11A 

EscapingR   Netherlands. Apr 01 2008 06:53. Posts 2353

rofl :D


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