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Bellagio: Event #5 - Final Table Zoom Zoom!!!

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 13 2008 04:35. Posts 7292
About freakin time, I've played a total of 5 events this week, and went zero for 4 in the first 4 events I played which was really discouraging along with the epic fail of a bubble expierence in my $2,000 event. Anyways, today things finally went my way. Woke up this morning to play the $2,500 event and found that there were over 230 players entered which made for a sweet prize pool. To make things better, instead of paying out 27 like they usually do for these size fields, they decided to pay out 18, making the bottom pay-out x2 your buyin for once, and making it a pretty top-heavy pay-out. Got a godly table draw with no one I knew and a bunch of old guys that played like absolute fish for my starting table. Scott "BigRiskky" Clements was then moved to my table but looked pretty card dead for the most part. The first 4 hours I showed down exactly one hand, and that was a forced showdown where Psyduck was short stack and shoved on my blinds and I woke up with 77 and snap called and held vs his A2.

I was then moved to the most nightmare table ever. Two seats to my left was my boy Blair Hinkle ('s roommate) who just lucksacked a stack of like 75,000+ at 200/400 blinds. To his left is Gigabet, and to the left of that is JC Tran. Gigabet played pretty tight/solid for the most part, and as expected JC Tran was playing an insane amount of pots. It was actually interesting watching him, caz there were clear spots were whatever he was doing was just totally retarded spewing. But then there were spots where it was just fucking sick pwnage. He is a really weird player. Anyways, I played pretty tight for the most part while being at that table, then as luck would have it, I was moved over to another table which happened to be the easiest table ever. I was hovering around 20,000, and built it up to 50,000 right before dinner break at this new table just by raising every single hand for 20 mins. I come back from dinner break and it was just sick bubble ownage after that. We went from 28 players left to 21 really fast, and during that time my stack went from 50,000 to 120,000 without showdown. My table had 6 complete super tard tight nits, and one REALLY fucking good young kid named Dan who apparently plays the highest live cash games around. When I didn't raise, Dan raised, and Dan didn't raise I raised. It was a pretty cute trade off, but something had to be done about his raising so I tried to get the upper hand with some 3 bets on his opening raises. He proceeds to get into a 3 & 4 betting war with me and it was at this point I realized this kid was definitly not going to have my shit.

Blair Hinkle! Bubbled out in 21st place. /wrists

Then it happened... With 20 players left, some nit opens utg, and Dan flat calls in middle position. The flop comes Q-7-4, the money goes in, Dan shows 77 and I'm like thinking: 'wtf sickest life ever caz now he's going to have a fucking massive stack and and be able to do some fearless annilation of the bubble'. But NOPE! UTG tables QQ for top set, and the most mega cooler I've ever seen. ROFL!!! Dan loses half his stack and is stuck around 40,000. This gives me a little upper hand as he was more careful of his opening raises now that he couldnt 4 bet bluff me and that my 3 bets clearly committed me to calling a shove. With 20 players left, Dan had chipped back up to about 70,000 and then I proceeded to run like fucking god as someone from the other table busted leaving us with 19, and they decided to move Dan from my table to the other table leaving me with 6 complete retard nits. I zoom zoom my stack up to 140,000 before the bubble burst. Once again, I redraw the easy table, with Roy Winston being the only other person I recognized. Dan was also at my new table but was pretty crippled after his AA got cracked by Roy's flopped flush. This table was a breeze compared to the other table which had Danny Wong, Gigabet, JC Tran, and Bakes. Roy Winston made it clear that he wasnt going to have my shit either so I played a pretty tight/solid game and cruised to the final table.

Tomorrow's final table starts at 3:00pm, the blinds are 2k/4k with a 500 ante for 15 minutes, then the blinds increase to 3k/6k with a 1k ante. I'm 4th in chips with 156,000. Roy Winston is the chip leader with 250k+, JC Tran has 200k, Gigabet has 190k, everyone else left has under 100k. Tomorrow is going to be very interesting indeed... lets see what these live pros are made of. Key to tournament poker success: Fuck getting cards, Run good with table draws and pwn the donkeys.

And on a small side note, I came up $7,500 at 10/20 NL yesterday. Up close to $15k in cash games on the trip after playing a little over 15 hours total. Live poker is so easy

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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 13/04/2008 04:40

Pikaberdort   Canada. Apr 13 2008 04:44. Posts 14


Kapol   Poland. Apr 13 2008 04:44. Posts 4696

What can I say... Great blog entry (as usual) and...


BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) 

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 13 2008 04:44. Posts 16784

nice work :D sick

u look like a psycho in the pics :D

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Pikaberdort   Canada. Apr 13 2008 04:53. Posts 14

wuts the pay structure

TwistedEcho    United Kingdom. Apr 13 2008 05:05. Posts 3539

gj cosmo, you run so good live!



nicksson   Sweden. Apr 13 2008 05:10. Posts 4662


Baalim   Mexico. Apr 13 2008 06:11. Posts 34261

god damn shiny first pic... thank go you didnt smile or we would be blind now.

btw you play 10/20 now? wtf

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

SneakrFreakr   United Kingdom. Apr 13 2008 06:23. Posts 2534


how much for 1st?

rivered for my fucking bankroll - NeillyJQ 

pinbaLL    Sweden. Apr 13 2008 06:26. Posts 7243

Cosmo you're an awesome blogger

keep pooning and gl

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 13 2008 07:44. Posts 34261

agreed, ur blog rocks

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 13 2008 08:51. Posts 7292

fucku cosmo ur a fuckin donk u dont ship rhino gggggg fk u

yea ur prolly smart =[

Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

BIGlou83   United States. Apr 13 2008 08:55. Posts 305

nice read gl in tourney

Just Living The Dream 

hkbubbletea   Canada. Apr 13 2008 09:34. Posts 1575

good read Cosmo and lots of luck! You don't make a final table in four events and complain???? Sick.

Raise me and die. 

Bigbobm   United States. Apr 13 2008 09:46. Posts 5511

i approve

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

Bigbobm   United States. Apr 13 2008 09:46. Posts 5511

nevermind you arent even full smiling in the first picture

thats probably not even you in the picute

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket   Canada. Apr 13 2008 10:26. Posts 3069

Keep up the good work cosmo.

===== ===== 

Cray0ns   United States. Apr 13 2008 11:26. Posts 993

congrats JonnyCosmo

Red9   Canada. Apr 13 2008 11:29. Posts 7447

sick, take it down
how much is the prize pool?

I will grind you into dust. 

MayZerG   United Kingdom. Apr 13 2008 12:44. Posts 2123


I like to hold all the nuts - CrownRoyal 


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