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OMG what do I do :(

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Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:30. Posts 1545
I'm currently making $15/hr working inside with my dad. I do autoCAD. I sit in front of a desk for 7 hours a day. It's easy work and it's just the two of us so it's generally a pretty laid back atmosphere and it is enjoyable enough. However, this being my first year living on my own, I'm not exactly in the best shape of my life. The past three summers I've been working labor. Everyone there likes me and I'm almost positive if I were to go back I would be hired without any hesitation. The only problem is the last two years there I was making $10/hr. I would be working 6 days a week with probably around 45-50 hours a week and would be having to leave here at 6:30 instead of the 35 and leaving at 9:30 working with my dad.

Yeah, it sounds like an obvious choice, omfg stay at your job now. The only problem is I feel like shit. Since leaving to be a waiter in September of last year (I made like 300 a day easy there) I have lost over 20lbs and am basically a skinny white kid. The last three summers I have been in fantastic shape. Not to mention I have a problem with acne on my shoulders, but sunlight has cured that for the last three summers.

So now I'm really really considering going back to harder work and less pay to get myself back into the condition I have been for the last three summers. I think it would do wonders for my ego.

Also, I'm going to college in the fall so I would be leaving both jobs around the end of August.

UGH. IDK what to do. $5/hr doesn't seem like much, but when you go from $15 to $10 it seems like the world.

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Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

collegesucks   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:33. Posts 5780


work out or something

Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:35. Posts 1545

I'm not motivated enough to work out. Not to mention it's like $300 for the summer membership =/.

Also going to add that if I were to go back I'd ask for a raise up front.

Also everyone there is pretty much the shit and I get to drive large vehicles.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL)Last edit: 23/04/2008 19:36

Shenny   Canada. Apr 23 2008 19:39. Posts 1514

eeewwww autocad, but seriously, its your last summer before college? Enjoy it man.

 Last edit: 23/04/2008 19:41

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:41. Posts 3292

do both and work alot?

alphablend   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:41. Posts 2424

venrae you dont need a gym to work out you can just use free weights and do pullups and pushups. I used to go to the local elementary school do pullups there during the summer because kids aren't around. And I would use a boxing bag.

Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 19:46. Posts 1545

I'm not going to work out. I know it is pretty much the perfect option, but I am not going to do it. I can try it. I can be all into it. Then about two weeks later I'll just stop.

Working out is not an option

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

Trey   United States. Apr 23 2008 20:03. Posts 5616

Then you really don't wanna be in shape too badly do you?

Xenocidegs   United States. Apr 23 2008 20:03. Posts 365

Take the labor job if you enjoyed it. Doing something you enjoy is better than doing something you hate all summer long. The enjoyment of having a better summer is worth the pay cut especially if you are just going to college. Unless you are dead broke and absolutely need the money take the job you will enjoy more.

Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 20:08. Posts 1545

  On April 23 2008 19:03 Trey wrote:
Then you really don't wanna be in shape too badly do you?

I really do. The only problem is that I am not able to force myself to do something over long periods of time. I don't know why, but unless there is some outside force making me do something I can't do it. Unless I am really enjoying what I'm doing (not what I am gaining, but what I am doing) I will just stop doing it.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL)Last edit: 23/04/2008 20:17

Pokemyface   Australia. Apr 23 2008 21:03. Posts 762

Baller up in poker, make more monies, then use profits to buy gym membership?

Live, and let live. 

Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 21:07. Posts 1545

It'd be a waste of money. If I baller'd up in poker I'd take labor easy. We get off at like 4:30 every day.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

Sheitan   Canada. Apr 23 2008 21:33. Posts 4217

OR you can go find a job in a salt mine, i heard it make wonders for acne ... On a serious note, keep your actual job which pays better, is more interesting and go work out for the shape.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

JizzleSmitts   United States. Apr 23 2008 23:02. Posts 1217

if you can't force yourself to do something for long periods of time, I hope you have an easy major at college :D

Venrae   United States. Apr 23 2008 23:10. Posts 1545

  On April 23 2008 22:02 JizzleSmitts wrote:
if you can't force yourself to do something for long periods of time, I hope you have an easy major at college :D

You and me both =S

I've decided that I'm going to talk to my old boss and see if they will pay me more to come back. They were paying me $10 before I knew how to operate the Bobcat/Backhoe/Lull. Now that I have 3 years experience with them and can operate the machines I'm hoping they'll be willing to pay me more. That combined with the facts that they need help and I'm being paid more now might be enough to get me a raise :D

If I am offered $13 or more and hour its a snap call. Anything less and I'm going to think about it for a while.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

devon06atX   Canada. Apr 23 2008 23:44. Posts 5459

--- Nuked ---

Venrae   United States. Apr 24 2008 00:31. Posts 1545

I'm not licensed to operate them. They taught me last year. I haven't taken any formal classes or anything

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

k2o4   United States. Apr 24 2008 00:46. Posts 4803

EXERCISE ON YOUR OWN TIME - it doesn't have to be your job. 

k2o4   United States. Apr 24 2008 00:49. Posts 4803

  On April 23 2008 19:03 Xenocidegs wrote:
Take the labor job if you enjoyed it. Doing something you enjoy is better than doing something you hate all summer long. The enjoyment of having a better summer is worth the pay cut especially if you are just going to college. Unless you are dead broke and absolutely need the money take the job you will enjoy more.

I overall agree here though - do what you would enjoy most, whatever will be most fun and give you a summer that you will be happy to look back on. 

Venrae   United States. Apr 24 2008 01:31. Posts 1545

I'm definitely leaning toward the labor job. The problem is I'm completely on my own. I know the "Do what you enjoy doing" philosphy is great and all, but just getting by on bills is not a good thing :S

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 


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