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Index Funds

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TenBagger   United States. Feb 24 2009 12:07. Posts 2018

“It is very hard, if not impossible,” he wrote in his study, “to justify active management for most individual, taxable investors, if their goal is to grow wealth.” And he said that those who still insist on an actively managed fund are almost certainly “deluding themselves.”

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 Last edit: 24/02/2009 12:09

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 12:28. Posts 2669

most of the funds only care about fees and making the most for themselves

i hate this industry there are so many scam and scam-like things.

not only are the firms kinda of scandalous, the customers are pretty fking dumb too. greed, retardedness, etc etc

i read a ton of the market wizards (my fav series of books), and 1 example i remember about customers being retarded is that they try to force the fund manager to trade, because they don't want the fund manager to sit there in cash waiting for a trading opportunity. the customers demanded that they pay the guy to trade, not to sit.... WTF. anyone with experience knows that its pure stupidity.

anyway im beating the market so far. waiting to end of the month to post my trades and returns. got triple digit+ returns this month already.

right now im looking for a good entry for FAZ.. haha. stock market is way less stressful than poker ^_^

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 12:35. Posts 2669

also i think another problem with actively managed funds is that good traders that are willing to manage ur money is very rare.

good traders can make so much $ if they are very good and doesn't need to manage other people's funds. unless the incentive is very high that is. the sky is the limit in this game.

if i had to pick a hedge fund i'd still go with the Steve A Cohen fund which is the biggest loser last year... hes one the best with equities and prolly got into the subprime mess which he has no clue wtf those are. lol

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 12:57. Posts 2669

gonna post my trade here since im bored

Long FAZ 73$

TenBagger   United States. Feb 24 2009 13:02. Posts 2018

  On February 24 2009 11:35 JYang wrote:
also i think another problem with actively managed funds is that good traders that are willing to manage ur money is very rare.

good traders can make so much $ if they are very good and doesn't need to manage other people's funds. unless the incentive is very high that is. the sky is the limit in this game.

if i had to pick a hedge fund i'd still go with the Steve A Cohen fund which is the biggest loser last year... hes one the best with equities and prolly got into the subprime mess which he has no clue wtf those are. lol

James Simons > Cohen

TenBagger   United States. Feb 24 2009 13:05. Posts 2018

Jyang, obv you are up huge since you shorted the market at around 8500. I gotta admit, I thought the worst was behind us at around 8K and I was so wrong. I bought UYG a while back @ 4. It went up to almost 7. At least I sold @ 5 and thank god I did. Looks like the worst is yet to come, good call on that JYang.

auffenpuffer   Finland. Feb 24 2009 13:35. Posts 1429

is this like supposed to be news or something? ^^

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Feb 24 2009 13:53. Posts 5647

Interesting stuff

  On February 24 2009 12:05 TenBagger wrote:
Jyang, obv you are up huge since you shorted the market at around 8500. I gotta admit, I thought the worst was behind us at around 8K and I was so wrong. I bought UYG a while back @ 4. It went up to almost 7. At least I sold @ 5 and thank god I did. Looks like the worst is yet to come, good call on that JYang.

when you say 8500, 8k, are you talking about the DOW index?

Baalim   Mexico. Feb 24 2009 14:03. Posts 34260

Jyang are u handilng lp.netter's money :o ?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:14. Posts 2669

im deep underwater with the FAZ trade. still holding. its a triple leveraged ETF so i took a 15% loss like right away.. fml.

ya the 8.5k refers to the dow

and no, im currently only handling some of my parent's money and i have a 6 digit trading account myself. ^_^ prolly noone will let me handle their $ as i have no track record.

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:17. Posts 2669

i think the worst is far from over. usa economic structure is a gigantic ponzi scheme

i still think USA is way better than the rest of the world though... (comment by a chinese native). im taking a huge beating right now in the market.

TenBagger   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:24. Posts 2018

JYang, set a stop loss with FAZ IMO, you're playing with fire right there. If there is even the slightest sign of the economy stabilizing, FAZ is gonna freefall.

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:35. Posts 2669

havent got a signal to stop my losses yet.

its pretty tough now cuz its a positions 20% of my account. i use 5% positioning rule as bankroll management so im free to let my positions run till i get my stop signal.

and i suck with stop loss placing too

gonna see what happens later in the day, not adding more faz positions prolly

TenBagger   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:40. Posts 2018

GL sir

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:47. Posts 2669

  On February 24 2009 13:40 TenBagger wrote:
GL sir


imo market should've been at 600ish level long time ago

no clue whats taking so long.

Zalfor   United States. Feb 24 2009 14:58. Posts 2236

fund managers on a whole do different things for their investors

i'm not saying that most of them don't suck, but there are some good fund investors that allow investors ability to manage their risk

jyang obv. takes very high risk positions. (20% in FAZ is extraordinary)

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 15:14. Posts 2669

allowing investors to manage risk is more often than not one of those advertised features for funds to draw in more customers.

it limits ur ability to trade profitably

yes i averaged down on FAZ, fml it keeps sinking

JYang   United States. Feb 24 2009 15:21. Posts 2669

i stopped averaging down when i made that 20% post

vegable   United States. Feb 24 2009 16:24. Posts 2453

I entered VTI yesterday when I found out that the DOW hit 7114. I haven't got time to research right now but this cannot go wrong lol

Stir fry Normandy 

vegable   United States. Feb 24 2009 16:26. Posts 2453

fuck the funniest thing is that I bought VNQ at the PEaK of the market and its worht is cut down to 1/3 now cus I didn't know about stop losses rofl

so gay. Oh well, I'll always have VISa @ $84


Stir fry Normandy 


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